Инфоурок Информатика ТестыTests made the subject of computer science in English

Tests made the subject of computer science in English

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1. Information about the objects and phenomena of the real world

a) information

b) publishing

c) word processing

d) accounting software

e) management


2. Information consists of four characteristics

a) to create, to save, to process, to send

b) database,  management, systems

c) word processing, publishing

d) system design, accounting software

e) accounting software, publishing


3. Database management systems translate into Kazakh

a) мәліметтер қорын басқару жүйесі

b) кестелер құру

c) мәтінмен жұмыс

d) сурет салу

e) жүйелік бағдарламаларды басқару 


4. Instrumentation information technology are

a) word processing, spreadsheets, database management systems, publishing

b) system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

c) printer,  scanner,  modem, speakers

d) to create, to save, to process, to send

e) processor, memory, bus, Power Supply, motherboard,  sound card, hard disk


5. The person who interacts directly with the computer hardware

a) user

b) plotter

c) system unit

d) information

e) computer


6. Output device to print complex and large-format graphics

a) plotter

b) motherboard

c) system unit

d) information

e) hard disk


7. The computer peripheral devices include

a) printer,  scanner,  modem, speakers

b) system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

c) database management systems

d) to create, to save, to process, to send

e) processor, memory, bus, sound card, hard disk


8. The basic computer devices include

a) system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

b) motherboard,  sound card, hard disk

c) printer,  scanner,  modem, speakers

d) to create, to save, to process, to send

e) processor, memory, bus, Power Supply


10. The main device of the computer, his brain, which performs all calculations, processes information and controls other devices

a) Processor

b) motherboard

c) system unit

d) plotter

e) hard disk


11. Is a temporary recording, storing and reading information (programs and data). When PC is turned off RAM is erased

a) RAM

b) processor


d) plotter

e) ROM


12.  Random Access Memory

a) RAM

b) processor


d) plotter

e) ROM


13. Used for permanent storage of program and reference data, can quickly read only information stored in it, it is written at the factory and no further changes

a) ROM

b) processor


d) plotter

e) RAM


14. Read Only Memory

a) ROM

b) processor


d) plotter

e) RAM


15. Would perform a separate step, transformation of information

a) certainty

b) processor

c) effectiveness

d) universality

e) discretion


16.  That Executive algorithm must know how to implement it

a) clarity to the artist

b) certainty

c) effectiveness

d) universality

e) discretion


17. This feature is that the algorithm should lead to the solution of the

a) effectiveness

b) processor

c) certainty

d) universality

e) discretion


18. Problem in a finite number of steps

a) effectiveness

a) certainty

b) processor

c) effectiveness

d) universality

e) discretion


19. Is the suitability of the algorithm for solving a certain class of problems

a) universality

b) processor

c) effectiveness

d) certainty

e) discretion


20. Is the possibility of splitting the processing of information into simpler steps

a) discretion

b) processor

c) effectiveness

d) universality

e) certainty


21. The computer peripheral devices include translate into Kazakh

a) компьтердің қосымша құрылғыларына жататындар

b) компьтердің негізгі құрылғыларына жататындар

c) мәтінмен жұмысқа арналған компьютер

d) сурет салу,  мәліметтер қорын басқару жүйесі

e) жүйелік бағдарламаларды басқару құрылғылары


22. The computer basic devices include translate into Kazakh

a) компьтердің негізгі құрылғыларына жататындар

b) компьтердің қосымша құрылғыларына жататындар

c) мәтінмен жұмысқа арналған компьютер

d) сурет салу,  мәліметтер қорын басқару жүйесі

e) жүйелік бағдарламаларды басқару құрылғылары


23. Clicking the right mouse button

a) indirect menu

b) create a Folder

c) the way of menu

d) main menu

e) create a File


24. Indirect menu

a) clicking the right mouse button

b) clicking the left mouse button

c) the way of menu

d) create a Folder

e) create a File


25. Allows you to keep reducing the amount of information stored

a) program- archivers

b) special methods

c) file archiver

d) disk archiver

e) the way of menu


26. The most famous archiver

a) WinZip, WinRar




e) Jpg, Mpg, Mp3


27. Can pack one or more files into a single archive file

a) file archiver

b) special methods

c) program- archivers

d) disk archiver

e) the way of menu


28. Allows you to programmatically increase the available space on your hard disk

a) disk archiver

b) file archiver

c) special methods

d) block diagram

e) natural language


29. To print a information on the paper

a) Printer

b) Keyboard

c) Hard disk

d) Scanner

e) Speakers


30.To output a sound

a) Speakers

b) Keyboard

c) Hard disk

d) Scanner

e) Printer


31.To input a information

a) Scanner

b) Plotter

c) Hard disk

d) Printer

e) Speakers


32. To input-output ports for connection to the main and auxiliary devices

a) Ports

b) Scanner

c) Hard disk

d) Printer

e) Speakers


33.The basic compute devices include

a) system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

b) printer, scanner, monitor, keyboard

c) keyboard, system unit, monitor, internet

d) internet, scanner, monitor, keyboard

e) scanner, keyboard


34. Square screen the surrounding area, there are a variety of programs

a) window

b) file

c) folder

d) catalog

d) indicators


35. Information on the special name

a) file

b) window

c) folder

d) catalog

d) indicators


36. Is a certain common properties of the magnetic disk placed next to each other, a group name to the list of files

a) folder

b) window

c) file

d) pictograms

d) indicators


37. Direct access to a certain object implemented to create a batch file

a) label

b) window

c) folder

d) file

d) indicators


38. The display of object is  called

a) pictograms

b) label

c) folder

d) file

d) indicators


39. To put out some information on the screen

a) indicators

b) label

c) folder

d) file

d) Pictograms


40. WinZip, WinRar

a) Program -archiver

b) Program - algorithm

c) Pictograms

d) file and folder

d) Random Access Memory


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