Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТесты и контрольные работы по английскому языку, 8 класс

Тесты и контрольные работы по английскому языку, 8 класс

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                                                                        8 класс                                      

                                                                        Variant 1

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  Sometimes Britain is called a strange island because some customs and manners differ from those accepted in other countries. There are some tips to help you get on well with the English on your visit to their wonderful country. First of all don’t forget to repeat the phrase  “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” It helps you to break ice with strangers. When you are invited to someone’s house, you should either arrive on time or no later than fifteen minutes after the time arranged. In Britain they don’t take off their shoes entering home. Gifts are not supposed to be expensive. In Britain foreigners are usually expected to give typical objects from their country as gift. British people, as a rule, give chocolate or small presents to their relatives or friends, receiving gifts they usually open the box in your presence to express their admiration.

As for queue, wait patiently when a group of people have queues for service. Never jump queue waiting for a bus. Keep your distance talking to a person. Stay at least an arm’s length away. The British are well- mannered people. They like everything to be done properly. So don’t lift a soup bowl to your mouth and eat noisily. It is a joke, of course. Try to avoid saying ‘’ no’’ directly. You may sound rude.    

I. Выберите заголовок.

A. British Customs and Manners.

B. British Gifts.

C. British Homes.

D. Jumping the Queue.

II. Какая из пословиц отражает основную идею текста.

A. As the tree, so the fruit.

B. All’s well that ends well.

C. When in Rome do as the Romans do.

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

III. Выберите неверное утверждение.

A. British customs and manners are different from those in other countries.

B. Visiting Britain never repeat the phrase “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?”

C. Always arrive in time if you are invited to someone’s house in Britain.

D. Gifts are not supposed to be expensive in Britain.

IV. Уточните.

British people, as a rule, give …

a) very expensive gifts.

b) typical objects of their country.

c) chocolate and small presents.

d) strange gifts.

V. Расположите фразы по порядку в соответствии с текстом.

1. Never jump queue waiting for a bus.

2. The English like to speak about the weather.

3. In Britain foreigners are usually expected to give gifts from their country.

4. When you are invited to someone’s house, you should arrive on time.

A. 1432           B. 4132         C. 1423        D. 2431 


Выберите правильный ответ.

1. _______have you lived  there ? – For two years.

A. How much              B. How many            C. How often        D. How long

2. _______you see that I’m not well today?

A. Haven’t          B. Aren’t       C. Can’t       D. Didn’t

3. ______it _____raining yet?

A. Has ______stopped       B. Does_____stop       C. Did _____ stop        D. Is ______stopping

4. Jane didn’t like the film, ______?

A. did she     B. didn’t she      C. didn’t Jane   D. did Jane

5. Ann had to go to school, _____?

A. did she       B. had she     C. hadn’t she    D. didn’t she

6. I’d like your friend _____ us.

A. join    B. to join    C. joining      D. join to

7.There _____ a lot of snow on the ground, let us go skiing.

A. is    B. are    C. has     D. have


8. ____books belong to me. _______ book belongs to Kate.

A. This, That          B. That, This          C. These, That           D. That, These

9. There is _____  milk in the refrigerator.

A. any   B. some    C. nothing   D. something

10. John works twice as ______ as you.

A. hard   B. harder     C. hardly   D. the hardest

11. Did you enjoy ______ tennis yesterday ?

a. to play    B. play    C. played    D. playing

12. I have ______ idea. Let’s go on _____ picnic on Saturday.

A.  an, a           B. the, a          C. an, the           D. the, the

13. What time did he arrive______ the hotel ?

A. in      B. at        C. to         D. for 

14. It ______ me two hours to drive there yesterday.

A. takes         B. gave         C. give         D. took 

15. Terry _____ my car when he had the accident.

A. was driving         B. drives        C. is driving          D. drove

16. I _____ to go now.

A. can        B. must         C. have       D. may  

17. French ______  in Belgium.

A. is speaking        B. is spoken         C. speaks       D. spoke

18. Подберите синоним к выделенному слову.

 The VIEWS of London are very exciting.

A. sights         B. squares           C. people            D. streets

19. Найдите антоним к слову “foreign’’

A. long       B. favourite      C. strange        D. native


Подберите подходящую реплику.

1. - …, is there a church in the neighbourhood?

    - Yes, there is.

A. Excuse      B. Sorry to ask         C. Attention            D. Excuse me

2. -  I’m afraid, I’ve broken your  umbrella.

    - … … … …

A. Don’t mention it.        B. Not at all.        C. It’ the same.         D. Don’t worry about it.

3. – Have a nice weekend.

    - … … …

A. Same to you.        B. See you tomorrow.          C. Yes, lovely thanks.        D. I expect  so.


Соотнесите выражения из колонки А  с выражениями из колонки Б.

                          А                                                                                           Б

1. Buckingham Palace is open to the public                                  a). a crown and crown jewels.

2. At the state opening of Parliament the Queen wears              b) what the government plans to do.

3. The Queen makes the speech from  the Throne saying          c) for two months a year.

4. When I think of Britain I imagine                                              d). Whitehall, Downing Street , Fleet Street.                                                                                                                 

5. The best streets in London are                                                    e) hedges, the oldest Underground, The Beatles and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

6. It’s seems strange but the Queen has                                        the Princess Diana                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                               f) two birthdays.

1. -          2. -           3. -           4. -          5. -          6. -





8 класс

  Variant 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

  Thousands of years ago the people of Britain were pagans. In their religions, the sun, the moon, the winds, rain, animals and trees were all important, and they had festivals for them.

  When Christianity came to Britain, the people wanted to keep some of their old festivals. Halloween, Christmas, Saint Valentine’s Day and Easter are all examples of this.

  Today many people celebrate these festivals. Food family and flowers are the important part of most celebrations. Most people have a big family dinner at Christmas. People today often live far away from their families, so they send greeting cards at special times like Christmas. The cards say things like: ’’Thinking of you across the miles’’. Other people try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.

  As Christmas comes nearer, everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relatives. At Christmas parents try to give their children everything they want. Children count the weeks, then the days, to Christmas.

  On Christmas Eve families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney or hang it by the fireplace so that Santa Claus will fill it with presents. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.

I. Выберите заголовок.

A. British Children.

B. Christmas Parties.

C. British Christmas.

D. British Homes.

II. Какая из пословиц отражает основную идею текста.

A. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

B. As the tree, so the fruit.

C. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

D. Custom is a second nature.

III. Выберите неверное утверждение.

A. Christmas is a family holiday.

B. On Christmas Eve children usually don’t go to sleep.

C. Presents are usually given at Christmas.

D. Children can find Christmas presents near their beds.

IV. Уточните.

Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house by

a) climbing down the Christmas Tree.

b) entering the house.

c) climbing through the window.

d) climbing down the chimney.

V. Расположите фразы по порядку в соответствии с текстом.

1. Everyone buys presents for friends and relatives.

2. Santa Claus will fill a long sock with presents.

3. On Christmas Eve children are usually sent to bed.

4. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.

A. 1432           B. 4123         C. 4132         D. 1423


Выберите правильный ответ.

1. ______ do you play tennis? – About once a week.

A. How often             B. How long          C. How many            D. How much

2. ______ you see that I’m busy?

A Haven’t            B. Aren’t            C. Can’t           D. Didn’t

3. ______ it ______ snowing yet?

A. Has _____ stopped          B. Does _____ stop          C. Did ____ stop          D. Is ____ stopping

4. Bob has never seen her before, ______ ?

A. hasn’t Bob          B. didn’t, Bob           C. did he           D. has he

5. John had to go to college, ______ ?

A. did he          B. had he          C. hadn’t he         D. didn’t he



6. They expected him _____ at 7 o’clock.

A. coming            B. come            C. came            D. to come

7. His money _____ in his pocket.

A. is          B. are           C. have been            D. Were

8. We all have _____ own ideas about how to live _____ lives.

A. ours, ours          B. our, our          C. our, ours         D. ours, our

9. ______ has broken my favourite vase.

A. Nothing          B. Somebody           C. Anybody          D. Everybody

10. The skater was congratulated because he was ______ one.

A. better           B. bad            C. the best            D. the worst

11. I’m not ______ in politics.

A. interesting            B. an interest             C. to interest               D. interested

12We went to _____ South of _____ Russia last year.

A. the, the            B. a, the            C. the, -             D. - , -

13. I’m going on holiday _______ next week. I’m flying on Monday morning.

A. on           B. in           C. at           D. –

14. It usually _______ me fifteen minutes to get there.

A. takes            B. gave             C. give           D. took

15. She ______ the film on TV before she read the book.

A. saw            B. sees            C. has seen            D. had seen

16. I’m sorry I _______ see you yesterday.

A. can’t             B. couldn’t              C. mustn’t              D. am not able to

17. Children _______ by special instructors how to swim.

A. have taught             B. had taught             C. are taught             D. teach

18. Подберите синоним к слову “boring”.

A. interesting            B. serious            C. dull             D. ugly

19. Найдите антоним к слову “cheap’’.

A. expensive              B. difficult              C. ordinary            D. terrible

Подберите подходящую реплику.

1. – I can’t remember the address.

    - … … …

A. You are very stupid.       B. Never mind.       C. Where was it?        D. It looked great.

2. – Here, let me help you.

    - … … …

A. Not at all.        B. You are welcome.        C. What a pleasure.          D. That’s nice of you.

3. – Guess what? I passed the test!

    - … … …

A. Good luck.         B. Cheers.          C. All the best.         D. Congratulations. 

Соотнесите выражения из колонки А  с выражениями из колонки Б.

                              А                                                                                             Б

1. The most popular holiday in England is …                           a) among the world’s most famous buildings

2. The Palace of Westminster is …                                              b) some are ancient, others are modern.

3. There are numerals royal traditions in Britain                   c) celebrated on the December 25.

4. The BBC broadcasts the Queen’s Christmas speech          d) give each other chocolate eggs.

5. Most people go to church services on Easter and               e) to every Commonwealth country.

6. The most popular games in Britain are                                f) soccer, cricket, football, golf.


1. -         2. -           3. -          4. -           5. -           6. –





                                                                    Ключи, 8 класс



                         1 вариант


I. A     II. C    III. B     IV. c)     V. D



Выберите правильный вариант.

1. D      2. C      3. A      4. A       5. D       6. B 

7. A      8. C      9. B      10. A     11. D     12. A

13. B    14. D    15. A    16. C     17. B     18. A     19. D



Подберите подходящую реплику.

1. D       2. D       3. A


Соотнесите выражения.

1.c     2. a      3. b      4. e       5. d        6. f  





                      2 вариант


I. C     II. D     III. B     IV. d)     V. C



 Выберите правильный вариант.

1. A      2. C      3. A       4. D      5. D       6. D

7. A      8. B      9. B       10. C    11. D     12. C

13. D    14. A    15. D     16. B    17. C     18. C      19. A



Подберите подходящую реплику.

1. B         2. D         3. D


Соотнесите выражения.

1.c     2. a      3. b      4. e       5. d        6. f  





                                Максимально возможное количество баллов – 36


Критерии формальной отметки: 100 – 95%  - «5»

                                                              94 – 75%  - «4»

                                                              74 – 55%  - «3»




























                                                                                                  Test, the 8th form


      Read the text.


       to miss – пропускать         instead of – вместо        to put off – ссадить

      compartment – купе


                                                A MISTAKE


  Mark Twain was very fond of traveling. He did a lot of traveling and never got tired of it. Once he was traveling in France by train. He was going to visit a small town near Paris.

  The previous day was very hard, Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy. He was afraid he would miss the town and asked the guard to wake him up before they got to the town.

  Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, the train was in Paris. Mark Twain looked at his watch. It was half past nine. He got very angry. He couldn’t understand why the guard had not woken him up in time.

  He went out of the compartment, came up to the guard and asked him why he had not woken him up. The latter looked at Mark Twain for a moment and then told him: “You may be very angry with me, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”


 I. True or False.


1. Mark Twain was very fond of music.

2. He was going to visit a small town near London.

3. The guard woke Mark Twain up at his station.

4. Mark Twain was angry.

5. The American was put off the train instead of Mark Twain.


  II. Answer the questions.


1. Was Mark Twain very fond of traveling?_____________________________________


2. What town was he going to visit?_________________________________________


3. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy, wasn’t he?______________________________



  III. Complete the sentences.


1. Mark Twain was traveling in France by _______________________________________.

2. Mark Twain couldn’t understand why the guard ______________________________________ .

3. When he woke up, ________________________________________________________ .


  IV. Match the verbs with their Russians equivalents.


1) to travel                           a) понимать

2) to wake up                       b) путешествовать

3) to understand                  c) будить

4) to visit                              d) навещать






  I. Transform into Indirect Speech.


1. Pete says, “I read English books in original every day.”


2. John says, “I’m glad to be back to school.”


3. Olga says to my mother, “I shall visit you on Sunday.”



 II. Choose the right variant, using Passive Voice.


1. This dictionary ... a week ago.

     a) published                c) were published

     b) was published         d) is published

2. Next year this book ... into English.

     a) will be translated       c) are translated

     b) was translated           d) is translated

3. Bread ... every day.

     a) am eaten             c) is eaten

     b) were eaten          d) are eaten

4. The window ... last week.

     a) is broken            c) will be broken

     b) was broken        d) were broken

5. We ... to a concert last Saturday.

     a) were invited          c) is invited

     b) are invited             d) was invited


  III. Choose the right variant.


1. The symbol of the typical Englishman is ... .

     a) John Bull                    c) Lord Nelson

     b) Peter the Great           d) St. Paul

2. The symbol of Scotland is a ... .

     a) rose                     c) thistle

     b) daffodil                 d) shamrock

3. The longest river in the UK is the ... .

     a) Severn            c) Hudson River

     b) Nile                 d) Thames

4. The Tower of London was founded by ... .

     a) William the Conqueror         c) Yuri Dolgoruky

     b) King Edward IV                    d) the Romans

5. The national flag of Great Britain is called ... .

     a) “Stars and Stripes”                c) “Guns and Roses”

     b) “Union Jack”                          d) “Three colours”

6. ... is best known for its historic university.

     a) New York               c) Oxford

     b) Hollywood              d) Liverpool

7. If you go to London, you’ll see ... .

     a) the Kremlin            c) Golden Gate Bridge

     b) Tower Bridge         d) the Colosseum









Ключи, 8 класс





1. F

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T



1. Yes, he was. Mark Twain was very fond of traveling.

2. He was going to visit a small town near Paris.

3. Yes, he was. Mark Twain was very tired and sleepy.       



1. ... train.

2. ... had not woken him up in time.

3. ... the train was in Paris.



1 b

2 c

3 a

4 d





1. Pete says that he reads English books in original every day.

2. John says that he is  glad to be back to school.

3. Olga says that she will visit my mother on Sunday.



1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. a



1. a

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. b










                                                                                                     Test, the 8th form


  Read the text.


 to rush – нестись             to manage – удаваться             steps – ступеньки


                        THEY MIXED UP EVERYTHING

  Three young men came to a little station in the country and asked when the train to London was leaving. They were told that it was leaving at 10 o’clock.

  So they had a lot of time and they went to the bar, took a drink and had a very good time. They forgot about the time, and when they came to the platform, their train was just leaving. They rushed along platform trying to catch the train. Two of them ran very fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage. But the third man remained on the platform.

  The station master approached him to wonder what the matter was. He was very surprised to see that the man was laughing.

  “What’s the matter with you?” asked the station master. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Oh,” said the young man, “Did you see those two idiots who jumped on the train? They mixed up everything! It was me who was going to London. They had only come to the railway station to see me off.”


  I. True or false.


1. Three young women came to a little station in the country.

2. The train was leaving at 5 o’clock.

3. Two men run fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage.

4. The third man remained on the station.

5. The station master was very surprised to see that the man was crying.


  II. Answer the questions.


1. Where did three young men come to?______________________________________


2. Who managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage?__________________________


3. Who remained on the platform?__________________________________________



  III. Complete the sentences.


1. The train was leaving at _______________________ .

2. They rushed along platform _______________________________________________ .

3. They had only come to the railway station __________________________________ .


  IV. Match the verbs with their Russian equivalents.


1) station                             a) поезд

2) train                                 b) вагон

3) carriage                           c) станция

4) platform                           d) платформа




  I. Transform into Indirect speech.


1. Kate says, “I am fond of traveling.”


2. My friend says, “I am looking forward to school.”


3. Mike says to me, “I shall buy the book for you.”



  II. Choose the right variant.


1. The Tower of London ... by William the Conqueror in 1078.

     a) is built                c) are built

     b) will be built         d) was built

2. Mushrooms ... in autumn.

     a) is gathered             c) am gathered

     b) are gathered          d) shall be gathered

3. A lot of trees ... near our school last year.

     a) were planted            c) will be planted

     b) is planted                 d) am planted

4. This text ... at the next lesson.

     a) will be translated             c) is translated

     b) were translated               d) are translated

5. Many houses ... in our town every year.

     a) is built                 c) are built

     b) am built               d) shall be built


  III. Choose the right variant.


1. The symbol of England is a ... .

    a) rose                c) daffodil

    b) thistle              d) shamrock

2. Now the Tower of London is a ... .

   a) shop               c) museum

   b) school            d) fortress

3. The capital of Scotland is ... .

    a) Washington            c) Edinburgh

    b) Moscow                  d) London

4. The official language of the UK is ... .

    a) German               c) French

    b) English                d) Celtic

5. The United Kingdom consists of ... .

    a) 4 parts             c) 2 parts

    b) 3 parts             d) 50 states

6. London stands on the ... .

    a) Nile                               c) Thames

    b) Potomac River              d) Hudson River

7. There is a monument to ... in Trafalgar Square.

    a) Admiral Nelson              c) Pushkin

    b) Napoleon                       d) William the Conqueror














Ключи, 8 класс




1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F



1. They came to a little station in the country.

2. Two young men managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage.

3. The third man remained on the platform.



1. ... 10 o’clock.

2. ... trying to catch the train.

3. ... to see their friend off.



1 c

2 a

3 b

4 d





1. Kate says that she is fond of traveling.

2. My friend says that he is looking forward to school.

3. Mike says that he will buy the book for me.



1. d

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. c



1. a

2. c

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. c

7. a


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Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 351 человек из 75 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 233 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 207 человек из 47 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 248 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 176 человек из 48 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 821 человек


Оптимизация бизнес-процессов: от логистики до управления персоналом

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Технологии и автоматизация в машиностроении

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Психология семейных отношений: понимание, следствия и решения

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 45 человек из 30 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 20 человек