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The project "Famous people« Isaac Newton

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  • The project "Famous people« Isaac Newton

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    The project "Famous people« Isaac Newton

  • Sir Isaac Newton was born
4 Jan 1643 — 31 Mar 1727
English physicist, mathema...

    2 слайд

    Sir Isaac Newton was born
    4 Jan 1643 — 31 Mar 1727
    English physicist, mathematician, engineer and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work "Mathematical principles of natural philosophy", in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. He developed differential and integral calculus, color theory, laid the Foundation for modern physical optics, has created many other mathematical and physical theories.
    Isaac Newton was born in the village of Valstorp (eng. Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire) on the eve of the civil war. Father Newton, the small but prosperous farmer Isaac Newton (1606-1642), did not live to see the birth of his son. The boy was born prematurely, was painful, and therefore he hesitated to baptize[7]. And yet he survived, was baptized (January 1, [K 2]), and named Isaac in memory of his father. The birth at Christmas, the Newton was considered a special mark of fate[8]. Despite his poor health in infancy, he lived 84 years.

  • In January 1646, Newton's mother, Anna, ASKO (eng . Hannah Ayscough ). (1623-...

    3 слайд

    In January 1646, Newton's mother, Anna, ASKO (eng . Hannah Ayscough ). (1623-1679) remarried. New husband, 63-year-old widower, she had three children, and she began to pay little attention to Isaac. The patron Saint of the boy was his maternal uncle, William Askow . In childhood Newton, according to contemporaries, was quiet, reserved and detached, he loved to read and make technical toys: sun and water clock, a mill, etc. All his life he felt alone.
    In June 1661 18-year-old Newton arrived in Cambridge. According to the Charter, he gave the exam on the knowledge of the Latin language, and then announced that he was accepted into Trinity College (Trinity Christian College), University of Cambridge. This school affiliated for more than 30 years of the life of Newton.
    In April 1664, Newton, passing exams, moved into a higher category student "scholars" (scholars) that gave him the right to scholarship and continued learning in College.

  • 4 слайд

  • In philosophy cannot be sovereign, but the truth... We should erect a monumen...

    5 слайд

    In philosophy cannot be sovereign, but the truth... We should erect a monument of gold to Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and on each write: "Plato is a friend, Aristotle is a friend, but the main one is the truth.«

    From student notebooks

  • Later, in 1686, Newton wrote to Halley.
I expressed the inverse square propor...

    6 слайд

    Later, in 1686, Newton wrote to Halley.
    I expressed the inverse square proportionality of the gravity of the planets to the Sun depending on the distance and calculated the correct relation to earth gravity and conatus recedendi [desire] of the moon to the center of the Earth, though not exactly.

  • In 1669 in Europe began to appear mathematical work that uses expansions in i...

    7 слайд

    In 1669 in Europe began to appear mathematical work that uses expansions in infinite series. Although the depth of these discoveries did not go to any comparison with the Newtonian, barrow has insisted that his disciple has recorded your priority in this matter. Newton wrote a brief but fairly complete outline of this part of his discoveries, which he called "Analysis by equations with an infinite number of members.«
    In August 1684 Halley came to Cambridge and said to Newton, that they Wren and Hooke were discussing how from the formula of the law of gravitation to deduce the ellipticity of the orbits of the planets, but didn't know how to approach the solution. Newton said that he already has such evidence, and in November he sent Halley a finished manuscript. He immediately appreciated the value of the result and the method that immediately came again to Newton and this time managed to persuade him to publish his discoveries. 10 Dec 1684 in the records of the Royal society a historical record:Mr. Halley... recently seen at Cambridge Mr. Newton, who showed him an interesting treatise "De motu" [On the motion]. According to Mr. Halley, Newton promised to send the said treatise in the Society.

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