Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыTopic: “Washington. The USA”, active words and word combinations.

Topic: “Washington. The USA”, active words and word combinations.

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№ 19 Сабак / Урок № 19

Сабақ жоспары/ План урока

Пән/ Дисциплина__ProfessionalEnglish____________________

Топ / Группа: ___________________                 Күн / Дата: ____________


Сабақтыңтақырыбы: Topic: “Washington. The USA”, active words and word combinations. 


Сабақтыңмақсаты/ Цельурока: to be able to give information about The USA, its capital city;

Білімділік/ образовательная

Дамытушылық /Развивающая to develop their writing, reading, speaking skills and literacy;

Тәрбиелік /Воспитательная: to motivate to know more about English-speaking countries.

Сабақтың түрлері/ Тип урока ______combined____________________________________________

Әдіс-тәсілдер/ Методы ___practical, explanational_________________________________________

Материалдар, оқу-әдістемелікәдебиет, аңықтамалықәдебиет / Материалы, учебно-методическая литература, справочная литература

English for grade 10 by Ayapova T.

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнектіқұралдар / Оборудование, наглядные пособия

ҮМ-19, П-6

Пәнаралықбайланыс / Межпредметные связи

Kazakh, Russian

Сабақбарысы / Ход урока



Сабақкезеңдері /

 Этапы урока



Оқытушыіс-әрекеті /

 деятельность преподавателя



Оқушыларіс-әрекеті /

 деятельность обучающихся

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнектіқұралдар / оборудоние, наглядные пособия

I.                   Үйымдастыру-мақсаттықкезені / Организационно-целевой этап

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі/Организационный момент.

Сабақ мақсатын қою/Постановка цели занятия.

Оқу жұмысының мотивациясы/Мотивация учебной деятельности.

Сабақта оқу жұмыстарын ұйымдастыру/Организация учебной работы на занятии

Greet the students. Ask them about their mood, feelings.

Ask about  the day, date.

Mark the absent students.






In order to create working atmosphere do activity ‘Take a compliment’. Students take a compliment from the board and keep it for themselves or give it to another student.

Students answer the questions of the teacher.

Say about their mood, feeling.

Say the day and date.

Say who is absent.




Students take a compliment and keep it for themselves or give someone else.











‘Take a compliment’ handout

2. Операция-танымдықкезеңі / Операционно-познавательный этап

2.1  Үй тапсырмасын тексеру/

Этап проверки домашнего задания:

To check their homework:


Unit three, Step five p. 108-111, ex. 1-10 Н-9

p. 120, ex. 152  p. 123, ex. 155

Students show their homework.


2.2   Жаңа материалды белсенді меңгеруге оқушыларды даярлау кезеңі / Этап подготовки обучающихся к активному усвоению нового материала (актуализация):

Look at the pictures and guess the topic of the lesson.

The topic of the lesson is Topic: “Washington. The USA”, active words and word combinations. 


Students listen to the teacher, look at the pictures and say the topic.










2.3   Жаңа білімді меңгеру /

Этап усвоения новых знаний:


-So, you know a lot about America. Answer my questions then:

      -How many states are there in the USA?

-On what continent is the USA situated?

    -In what American cities can you see a lot of  tall buildings?

    -Is Washington and Washington D.C. the same place?

   -What are Americans proud of?

Exercise 1. Translate the words and word combinations.

Land of Liberty - Странa Cвободы

aspirations – устремления

The White House – Белый дом

Exercise 2. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the given words.

Students say what do they know about the USA:


P:  -There are 50 states.

P: -It is situated on the North America.

P: -In New-York, Chicago…

P: -No, Washington is the state, and Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA.

P: -They are proud of their country.

The United States Capitol - Капитолий (здание заседаний Конгресса США)the National Mall -  Эспланада (так же the Moll, отрезок музейно-парковой зоны в центре г. Вашингтона между Капитолием и мемориалом Линкольна)

the Washington Monument – памятник Вашингтону





















2.4  Жаңа білімді бекіту /

Этап закрепления новых знаний:

 Exercise 3. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What is the another name of the USA?

2. What is the official residence of the US president?

3. Who was the first president lived in the White House?

4. What  is the symbol of the American nation and the meeting place of the United States Congress?

5. What monument is in the centre of the National Mall?

6. Who established the 13th amendment declaring Emancipation of slaves?

7. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

8. Who was the leader of the civil rights movement?

9. What did  Japan give to America as a gift of friendship in 1912?






3. Рефлексивтібағалаукезеңі / Рефлексивно-оценочныйэтап

3.1   Үй тапсырмасы бойынша мәлімет беру кезені /




Make up a presentation

Students write down their homework


3.2    Сабақты қорытындылау / Подведение итогов:

I’m very pleased with you. Keep it up! See you  next time.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!



ҮM-19  Topic: “Washington. The USA”

·           What oceans is the USA washed by? The USA is washed by the, Atlantic Ocean and by the Pacific Ocean)

·           What is the longest river in the USA? (The longest river in the USA is the Mississippi river).

·           What is the highest mountain peak in the USA?  (The highest mountain peak in the USA is Mount McKinley).

·           How many time zones is the continental part of the USA divided into?  (The continental part of the USA divided into 4 time zones).

·           Name the fine Great Lakes, please. (They are Lakes Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior).

·           What is America’s largest state? (The largest state is Alaska).

The Origin of the Word “America”

For a while after the first voyage of Columbus in 1492, America was called the “New World”. Later, however it was decided by mapmakers in Europe to name the new World after a man named Amerigo Vespucci. He was an Italian merchant and adventurer who made three trips to the New World. Columbus became the first explorer to reach the mainland of South America in 1498, but Amerigo Vespucci soon wrote a book in which he claimed to have gone there in 1497. This was not true but people did not know for many years that Amerigo Vespucci was lying.

Teacher: Answer the question “Why America is named like this?”

Exercise 1. Translate the words and word combinations.

Land of Liberty - Странa Cвободы

aspirations – устремления

The White House – Белый дом

The United States Capitol - Капитолий (здание заседаний Конгресса США)

the National Mall -  Эспланада (так же the Moll, отрезок музейно-парковой зоны в центре г. Вашингтона между Капитолием и мемориалом Линкольна)

the Washington Monumentпамятник Вашингтону

The Lincoln Memorial - мемориал Линкольна; памятник Линкольну

tribute – дань

memorialize – увековечивать память

amendment – поправка, корректировка

enshrinedсохранить, закрепить

tidal basin – приливный бассейн

Emancipation of slaves - освобождение рабов

Declaration of Independence – Декларация независимости

tapestry- гобелен; затканная от руки материя;

civil rights movement – движение гражданских прав

strive – стремиться, стараться

eloquently- красноречиво

racial inequality – расовое неравенство

Exercise 2. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the given words.

Washington, DC – capital of the United States of America, heart and center of the Land of Liberty. The city is a reflection of the entire country, its  history, achievements and aspirations.

The White House is the official residence of the US president since John and Abigail Adams first occupied  the house in 1800 over 40 presidential families had lived here. The Dome of the United States Capitol is the symbol of the American nation and the meeting place of the United States Congress. The Capitol building sits at the eastern end of a long dream known as the National Mall. In the centre of the mall stands the Washington Monument. This tribute to our first president memorializes his leadership through the Revolutionary War and our first years as a nation.

The Lincoln Memorial caps the western end of the National Mall. It  preserves the memory of the man who unified our country in its most desperate hour and established the 13th amendment declaring Emancipation of slaves. Above his head is written: in this temple as in the hearts of people for whom he saved the union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. 50 000 people attended the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in 1922.

Sitting on the edge of the tidal basin is the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and his stirring words Express fundamental truth of American democracy. The memorial is a circular colonnade surrounding a 19 foot tall statue of the man.

The Martin Luther King  memorial is a fitting tribute to dr. King’s leadership in the civil rights movement in solid granite.  His legacy is cemented in the tapestry of America. Dr. King strived to move America toward the ideals of freedom and equality so eloquently written by the likes of Thomas Jefferson culminated in the 1963 march on Washington from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  dr. King imagined an end to racial inequality in his “I have a dream” speech. A speech held on of the greatest pieces of American oratory ever to be spoken.

The cherry trees around the Tidal Basin were a gift of friendship from Japan to America in 1912. A stroll under their blossom has been an annual Rite of spring for a century.

The World War 2, Korean War and Vietnam War Memorials pay tribute to the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for America's freedom.

Washington D. C. is a city of memories . Each monument is a reminder of the ideals that our country stands for and the men and women who fought for them. 

Exercise 3. Answer the questions according to the text.


. What is the another name of the USA?

2. What is the official residence of the US president?

3. Who was the first president lived in the White House?

4. What  is the symbol of the American nation and the meeting place of the United States Congress?

5. What monument is in the centre of the National Mall?

6. Who established the 13th amendment declaring Emancipation of slaves?

7. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

8. Who was the leader of the civil rights movement?

9. What did  Japan give to America as a gift of friendship in 1912?

ҮM-19  Topic: “Washington. The USA”

Exercise 1. Translate the words and word combinations.

Land of Liberty -

aspirations –

The White House –

The United States Capitol –

the National Mall -  

the Washington Monument –

The Lincoln Memorial -

tribute –

memorialize –

amendment –


tidal basin

Emancipation of slaves -

Declaration of Independence –


civil rights movement



racial inequality

Exercise 2. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the given words.

The Martin Luther King  memorial      aspirations   Japan           the United States Capitol        the National Mall     Land of Liberty   Emancipation of slaves        The White House    Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Declaration of Independence    The Lincoln Memorial           the Washington Monument

Washington, DC – capital of the United States of America, heart and center of the__________ . The city is a reflection of the entire country, its  history, achievements and___________ .

_________ is the official residence of the US president since John and Abigail Adams first occupied  the house in 1800 over 40 presidential families had lived here. The Dome of ______________ is the symbol of the American nation and the meeting place of the United States Congress. The Capitol building sits at the eastern end of a long dream known as____________ . In the centre of the mall stands____________ . This tribute to our first president memorializes his leadership through the Revolutionary War and our first years as a nation.

_____________ caps the western end of the National Mall. It  preserves the memory of the man who unified our country in its most desperate hour and established the 13th amendment declaring_____________ . Above his head is written: in this temple as in the hearts of people for whom he saved the union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. 50 000 people attended the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in 1922.

Sitting on the edge of the tidal basin is the_______________ . Thomas Jefferson was the author of the __________  and his stirring words Express fundamental truth of American democracy. The memorial is a circular colonnade surrounding a 19 foot tall statue of the man.

______________  is a fitting tribute to dr. King’s leadership in the civil rights movement in solid granite.  His legacy is cemented in the tapestry of America. Dr. King strived to move America toward the ideals of freedom and equality so eloquently written by the likes of Thomas Jefferson culminated in the 1963 march on Washington from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  dr. King imagined an end to racial inequality in his “I have a dream” speech. A speech held on of the greatest pieces of American oratory ever to be spoken.

The cherry trees around the Tidal Basin were a gift of friendship from ___________ to America in 1912. A stroll under their blossom has been an annual Rite of spring for a century.

The World War 2, Korean War and Vietnam War Memorials pay tribute to the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for America's freedom.

Washington D. C. is a city of memories . Each monument is a reminder of the ideals that our country stands for and the men and women who fought for them. 

Exercise 3. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What is the another name of the USA?

2. What is the official residence of the US president?

3. Who was the first president lived in the White House?

4. What  is the symbol of the American nation and the meeting place of the United States Congress?

5. What monument is in the centre of the National Mall?

6. Who established the 13th amendment declaring Emancipation of slaves?

7. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

8. Who was the leader of the civil rights movement?

9. What did  Japan give to America as a gift of friendship in 1912?



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Краткое описание документа:

The Origin of the Word “America”

For a while after the first voyage of Columbus in 1492, America was called the “New World”. Later, however it was decided by mapmakers in Europe to name the new World after a man named Amerigo Vespucci. He was an Italian merchant and adventurer who made three trips to the New World. Columbus became the first explorer to reach the mainland of South America in 1498, but Amerigo Vespucci soon wrote a book in which he claimed to have gone there in 1497. This was not true but people did not know for many years that Amerigo Vespucci was lying.

Teacher: Answer the question “Why America is named like this?”

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