Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТренировочные упражнения Spotlight 8 Module 3 Grammar Tenses + формат ОГЭ, ВПР

Тренировочные упражнения Spotlight 8 Module 3 Grammar Tenses + формат ОГЭ, ВПР

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Who Invented It? The Famous Inventors Quiz

1. Choose the correct item.

1)      Who patented the first successful telephone? Alexander Graham Bell/Michael Faraday

2)      Who created the first gasoline-powered car? Karl Benz/ Henry Ford

3)      Who came up with Coca-Cola? Dr. John S. Pemberton/ Caleb Bradham

4)      Who invented the first commercially successful lightbulb? Benjamin Franklin/ Thomas Edison

5)      Which of these inventors transformed literature and learning with his movable-type printing press? Johannes Gutenberg/ James Watt


2. Look at these sets of words. Which one is the odd one out in each set?

1.         coin, note, save, cheque

2.         spend, find, buy, sell

3.         loan, income, salary, wage

4.         price, cost, value, barter

5.         save, steal, borrow, lend

Формат ОГЭ

3. Read the text and complete with the phrases from the box. Be careful! There are two extra phrases.

as a means of exchange

blank pieces of paper

cut into small pieces

has something you need

introduced by shopkeepers

is called bartering

to help facilitate trade

to use one particular object

used to buy goods

using metal coins

The history of money

More than 2,000 years ago the Romans were (1) _____similar to those we use today. Many of these early coins were made in the temple of the goddess Juno, or Moneta. It is from the name “Moneta” that we get the word “money”. In most societies objects were used (2) _____. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skin than he could use and his neighbour, a fisherman, too many fish. Both soon realised that the best thing to do was to exchange what they did not need. This method of paying (3) _____. However this system has some problems.

Firstly, you need to find someone who (4) _____and wants what you have, and secondly, how do you decide on the ‘value’ of the items. For example, how many fish are equal to one loaf of bread? To overcome these problems some societies tried (5) _____. For example, in Russia and Scandinavia animal skins were widely used, in Mexico cocoa beans, salt in Nigeria, coloured beads in Africa and North America, and cattle in many countries. These early forms of money were (6) _____, pay for marriages, fines and debts. But it was still difficult to measure their value accurately and keep some of them for a long time. So, finally a number of societies began to use another kind of money. These were precious metals which were (7) _____and weighed. Later on these ‘coins’ were stamped with a figure or symbol so that people could determine how many coins it took to pay for a particular object or service. It was only around 400 years ago that paper money came into general use in most countries. However, historians believe that the Chinese were printing paper money over a thousand years ago. The first official European bank notes were issued by the Swedish Stockholm Bank in 1661. Of course today not only do we use banknotes but we use ‘plastic’ money in credit cards and cheques which are written out on (8) _____, a little like an IOU note.

4. Read the text again and answer these questions.

1. Where does the word money come from? __________________________________________

2. What were the two problems that a hunter could face when trying to barter his animal skins for something else? ________________________________________________________________

3. Where did they use the following items as a form of money? a) beads b) beans c) animal skins d) salt

4. Why were coins stamped with a symbol? __________________________________________

5. Who were the first people to use paper money? _____________________________________

6. When was the first paper money issued in Europe? __________________________________

7. What do we use to pay for things nowadays?________________________________________

Формат ВПР

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

My Life As A Model

When I started school, the other children ______ (laugh) at me because I was shorter than they were and I wasn't very pretty. By the time I left school, however, I _____ (grow) a lot and was the second tallest girl in my whole class.

Some years later, I_____(study) law at the university when a friend suggested that I should take up modelling. I was surprised, because, before then, I_____(think) of myself as being attractive, but she disagreed. Like many of my university companions, she got a part-time job and_____ (work) in the evenings as a part-time model for one of the big agencies. When I left university, I_____ (decide) to join her.

Since then, I_____(work) as a fashion model and I love it a lot. I_____(travel) all over the world for the big fashion magazines and I_____(have) many great experiences.

6. Read the text below and think of a word which best fits into each gap. Use only ONE word in each space.

There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, _____what keeps modern economic life functioning. Yet, in the course _____history, money, in whatever form, has provided people _____the ability to buy and _____goods. Thousands of years _____, civilisations _____ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This meant that the two parties involved had to _____ an agreement as to what they thought their products were _____. Items such _____ wheat, tobacco and salt have all _____ used as money at one time or another. It was not until much later that humans came up _____ the idea of money in the form of metal coins.

So why _____ the barter system come to an end ? The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. _____ then, the use of coins has become widespread. It has made business simpler and has given countries an opportunity _____ development by doing business with other countries further afield, which they _____ never done business with before.

Later on, paper money became more common all over the world ,as it was easier to use. It _____ not be long, however, before plastic cards take _____ completely, replacing coins and bank notes.

Формат ОГЭ

7. Open the brackets and put the word in the correct part of speech.


Today the metal coins and pieces of paper that people use for money _____(have) little real value. In other words, people _____(not use) the paper for writing or the metal for making tools. The value of paper money and coins _____(come) from an _____(agree) between all people. They agree that they _____(accept) certain forms of money in exchange for their goods and services. This agreement between people is the reason money works.

People _____(use) money for more than 4,000 years. In the 600s BC the kingdom of Lydia in what is now Turkey began to make coins. It _____(be) probably the first government to do so. These coins _____(be) a combination of silver and gold, called electrum. Many ancient peoples, _____(include) the Greeks and the Romans, also _____(use) coins.


The first types of paper money _____(use) in China more than 1,000 years ago. Early paper money _____(be) simply a _____(write) promise to pay a certain amount of gold or silver money. The paper money _____(be) _____(value) because it could be traded for gold or silver. Later, governments _____(begin) _____(print) paper money. In the 1900s most governments _____(make) paper money _____(value) on its own. It no longer stood for gold or silver.



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