Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыQuiz . The Commonwealth of Australia

Quiz . The Commonwealth of Australia

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Quiz . The Commonwealth of Australia

1.  Which of the Europeans discovered Australia first?

(A)  The Portuguese

(B)  The Dutch

(C)  The British

(D)  The Spanish


2.  Before the British explored the eastern coast of Australia, the continent had been called   

(A)  New Holland.

(B)  New France.

(C)  New England.

(D)  New Spain.


3.                      suggested Australia as a suitable place to transport  Britain’s criminals to?

(A)  Captain Arthur Philip

(B)  Captain James Cook

(C)  Sir Joseph Banks

(D)  Henry Hudson


4.  The Europeans began to settle in Australia in                      (A) 1488.

(B) 1492.

(C) 1770.

(D) 1788.


5.  Australia became a nation in                      (A) 1779.

(B) 1787.

(C) 1901.

(D) 1931.


6.  Which document formally ended the links between Australia and the UK?

(A)  The Statute of Westminster

(B)  The ANZUS Treaty of Mutual Security

(C)  The Australian Constitution

(D)  All of the above

7.  Which statement is true?

(A) The 1890s witnessed the decline of the Australian nationalism.

(B)  In 1942 the British forces were able to defend Australia against the Japanese invasion.

(C)  Since World War II, the Australian ruling circles have looked towards the US instead of the UK as the main protector of their interests.

(D) The relationship between Australia and the USA have never been proclaimed in any treaty of mutual security.


8.  Australia’s best known state was given its name by  

(A)  Henry Hudson.

(B)  Joseph Banks.

(C)  Arthur Philip.

(D)  ) James Cook.


9.  Australia is not                    

(A)  ) a country.

(B)  an island continent.

(C)  a city.

(D)  ) a state.


10.   Approximately                    nationalities live in Australia.

(A) 200

(B) 100

(C)  20

(D)  ) 10


11.   Australia consists of                    

(A)  ) six states and two mainland territories.

(B)  fifty states and a district.

(C)  ten provinces and three territories.

(D)  ) six counties and six regions.


12.   Australia is not                   

(A)  ) a constitutional monarchy.

(B)  a federative state.

(C)  a presidential republic.

(D)  ) a parliamentary democracy.


13.   The large seven-pointed star on the Australian flag represents                    

(A)  ) the Southern Cross.

(B)  the Commonwealth of Australia.

(C)  the historical link with Britain.

(D)  Australia’s geographical position.

14.   On the Australian coat of arms, we can see a kangaroo and                    

(A)  ) a dingo.

(B)  a koala.

(C)  an emu.

(D)  ) a parrot.


15.   The British Monarch is represented by                    at the federal level and by        at the state level.

(A)  ) the Governor-General administrators

(B)  the Prime Minister ministers of states

(C)  the Governor-General governors

(D)  ) the Chief Minister state ministers


16.   The Australian Parliament consists of                    

(A)  ) the Senate and the House of Representatives.

(B)  the Senate and the House of Commons.

(C)  the House of Commons and the House of Representatives.

(D)  ) the House of Commons and the House of Lords.


17.                      is the executive governing body in Australia.

(A)  The Cabinet of Ministers

(B)  The Privy Council

(C)  The Federal Executive Council

(D)  The Commonwealth Parliament


18.   Which oceans wash the Australian shores?

(A)  The Pacific and the Atlantic

(B)  The Indian and the Atlantic

(C)  The Indian and the Pacific

(D)  The Arctic and the Atlantic


19.   Which of these countries is Australia’s nearest neighbour?

(A)  ) India

(B)  The USA

(C)  New Zealand

(D)  China


20.   The largest part of Australia is                    

(A)  ) sandy beaches.

(B)  fertile soils.

(C)  forests.

(D)  ) a desert.

21.   What is known about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef?

(A)  ) It is the world’s largest coral reef.

(B)  It is in Queensland.

(C)  It extends for over 2,000 kilometres.

(D)  All of the above.


22.   The Australian Parliament is located in                    

(A)  ) the White House.

(B)  the Parliament House.

(C)  Westminster.

(D)  Whitehall.


23.   The Australians wanted “to repulse the Russian invasion” by  

(A)  ) cannons.

(B)  tanks.

(C)  submarines.

(D)  ) ships.


24.   “Dreamtime” is  

(A)  ) a book about Australian Aborigines.

(B)  a film about Australians.

(C)  a myth about the creation of people, land, culture.

(D)  ) a popular music group.


25.   The Australian Aborigines are strangers in their own land                    

(A)  because they were never treated as human beings by the new settlers.

(B)  as they want to live in harmony with their environment.

(C)  since they are a dying race and remain “economically disadvantaged”.

(D)  due to all of the above.


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