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Упражнение на чтение по английскому языку.SPORTS AND HOBBIES

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1. The people who do extreme sports are called "daredevils» What does it mean? Do

you think what they do is sheer lunacy? How do you think these people feel?

2. Read the article and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, then explain the words in bold.

Shaun Baker has two equally crazy ways of descending through the torrents of a waterfall in a small kayak. He either paddles through a series of boulders that could smash him and his boat to pieces, or pushes his boat out into the air so that he free-falls through the air into the water below. He calls this extreme kayaking. Others may be tempted to translate as sheer lun acy. However, everyone agrees that it is a high-risk sport. When Baker, a 32-year-old professional white water rodeo champion from just outside Maidenhead, explains what he does, it sounds impossible. When he actually shows you, it is truly amazing how, each time he emerges from the waters below, a little bruised, but in one smiling, triumphant piece. One of his favourite areas to perform the daredevil feats is in a valley of waterfalls on the edge of the Black Mountains in central Wales. A breath-takingly beautiful but dangerous spot, it provides Baker with as nerve-wracking a challenge as any he has faced in the twenty years he has been in some kind of canoe. "It's in my blood", he explains, preparing himself both physically and mentally for the challenge ahead. "I don't do this for any macho reasons, I do it for myself. If I'1m honest, it scares the life out of me especially when I start to tip over the edge and I know there is no turning back." "The trick is to turn the fear into positive energy. You are frightened at the top of the fall, but it changes into a survival instinct. You need every ounce of mental energy and reaction to survive. The real kick is when you hit the bottom and reappear from under the water. That's when you know you've made it, and that is the moment when you have a sense of elation." Apart from various national white water rodeo championship wins, Baker also

holds the record for the highest free-fall waterfall drop in a kayak, as well as the world speed altitude drop of 50 metres. He is just about the only regular extreme kayaker in the world. "The reason why I still do this," he says, "is that I have the ability to work out

whether I can survive or not. If I think something is too risky, I won't do it» "Too risky" in Bakers language is, of course, totally different to my or your interpretation. As he steadies himself for his first descent, a slide down a fall of around 60 feet, with dangerous rocks at the bottom, you are left wondering just how he is going to succeed. In his tiny, 2.2-metre-long "Eskimo" kayak, the smallest in the world, Baker begins. It is all over in a few seconds. He drops, like a stone, down the fall, and is then forced to his left and onto a totally different route than he had planned. He then moves downstream to his second challenge in order to perform an actual free fall. "The trick here is to punch the water with the nose of the kayak," Baker explains. "If you have a flat landing, it could kill you." Baker holds his arm in the air, shoots his thumb up, and then leaps out into the sky before falling down and under the river. There is the second's silence before he emerges again - wet, a little bruised, but safe. "It's a whole way of life for me," he explains, as we climb our way out of the valley and back to the cars. "It's not that I go out to impress anyone, or try to say I'm better. It's just the wonderful experience of testing myself against nature and the elements. And each night I look back on a day like today and realize there's nothing I

would rather be doing with myself."

(Upstream Intermediate)

1. What does the passage suggest about the two methods Shaun uses to kayak down waterfalls?

A. One is much safer than the other.

B. Both involve free-falling from the top of the waterfall.

C. One is called "extreme kayaking»

D. Both are very dangerous.

2. Why does Shaun enjoy kayaking in the waterfalls on the edge of the Black Mountain?

A. It is very beautiful there.

B. It offers him a great challenge.

C. He has lived there for 20 years.

D. Kayaking is very easy there.

3. What does "it" in line 17 refer to?

A. Shaun's kayak

B. A waterfall

C. Extreme kayaking

D. Feeling frightened

4. When does Shaun feel best about a descent?

A. Before he starts kayaking

B. At the top of the waterfall

C. During the descent

D. When he emerges at the bottom of the fall

5. Shaun still does extreme kayaking because...

A. He doesn't take any risks.

B. He is always able to work out if a descent is too dangerous.

C. He will do anything no matter how dangerous it is.

D. He doesn't care if he survives or not.

6. Shaun enjoys his sport because.

A. He is very good at it.

B. It impresses other people.

C. It doesn't scare him at all.

D. He enjoys testing himself.

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1. The people who do extreme sports are called "daredevils» What does it mean? Do

you think what they do is sheer lunacy? How do you think these people feel?

2. Read the article and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, then explain the words in bold.

Shaun Baker has two equally crazy ways of descending through the torrents of a waterfall in a small kayak. He either paddles through a series of boulders that could smash him and his boat to pieces, or pushes his boat out into the air so that he free-falls through the air into the water below. He calls this extreme kayaking. Others may be tempted to translate as sheer lun acy. However, everyone agrees that it is a high-risk sport. When Baker, a 32-year-old professional white water rodeo champion from just outside Maidenhead, explains what he does, it sounds impossible. When he actually shows you, it is truly amazing how, each time he emerges from the waters below, a little bruised, but in one smiling, triumphant piece. One of his favourite areas to perform the daredevil feats is in a valley of waterfalls on the edge of the Black Mountains in central Wales. A breath-takingly beautiful but dangerous spot, it provides Baker with as nerve-wracking a challenge as any he has faced in the twenty years he has been in some kind of canoe. "It's in my blood", he explains, preparing himself both physically and mentally for the challenge ahead. "I don't do this for any macho reasons, I do it for myself. If I'1m honest, it scares the life out of me especially when I start to tip over the edge and I know there is no turning back." "The trick is to turn the fear into positive energy. You are frightened at the top of the fall, but it changes into a survival instinct. You need every ounce of mental energy and reaction to survive. The real kick is when you hit the bottom and reappear from under the water. That's when you know you've made it, and that is the moment when you have a sense of elation." Apart from various national white water rodeo championship wins, Baker also

holds the record for the highest free-fall waterfall drop in a kayak, as well as the world speed altitude drop of 50 metres. He is just about the only regular extreme kayaker in the world. "The reason why I still do this," he says, "is that I have the ability to work out

whether I can survive or not. If I think something is too risky, I won't do it» "Too risky" in Bakers language is, of course, totally different to my or your interpretation. As he steadies himself for his first descent, a slide down a fall of around 60 feet, with dangerous rocks at the bottom, you are left wondering just how he is going to succeed. In his tiny, 2.2-metre-long "Eskimo" kayak, the smallest in the world, Baker begins. It is all over in a few seconds. He drops, like a stone, down the fall, and is then forced to his left and onto a totally different route than he had planned. He then moves downstream to his second challenge in order to perform an actual free fall. "The trick here is to punch the water with the nose of the kayak," Baker explains. "If you have a flat landing, it could kill you." Baker holds his arm in the air, shoots his thumb up, and then leaps out into the sky before falling down and under the river. There is the second's silence before he emerges again - wet, a little bruised, but safe. "It's a whole way of life for me," he explains, as we climb our way out of the valley and back to the cars. "It's not that I go out to impress anyone, or try to say I'm better. It's just the wonderful experience of testing myself against nature and the elements. And each night I look back on a day like today and realize there's nothing I

would rather be doing with myself."

(Upstream Intermediate)

1. What does the passage suggest about the two methods Shaun uses to kayak down waterfalls?

A. One is much safer than the other.

B. Both involve free-falling from the top of the waterfall.

C. One is called "extreme kayaking»

D. Both are very dangerous.

2. Why does Shaun enjoy kayaking in the waterfalls on the edge of the Black Mountain?

A. It is very beautiful there.

B. It offers him a great challenge.

C. He has lived there for 20 years.

D. Kayaking is very easy there.

3. What does "it" in line 17 refer to?

A. Shaun's kayak

B. A waterfall

C. Extreme kayaking

D. Feeling frightened

4. When does Shaun feel best about a descent?

A. Before he starts kayaking

B. At the top of the waterfall

C. During the descent

D. When he emerges at the bottom of the fall

5. Shaun still does extreme kayaking because...

A. He doesn't take any risks.

B. He is always able to work out if a descent is too dangerous.

C. He will do anything no matter how dangerous it is.

D. He doesn't care if he survives or not.

6. Shaun enjoys his sport because.

A. He is very good at it.

B. It impresses other people.

C. It doesn't scare him at all.

D. He enjoys testing himself.

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