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Урок английского языка "Do You Like Shopping?"

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DO YOU LIKE SHOPPING.doc ESL - Shopping for clothes.mp4 Let's Go Shopping! (English Lesson).mp4

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Objectives: 1. Summarize grammar-lexical material on the theme SHOPS AND SHOPPING.2. Practice students in reading the texts of different levels, translating and answering the detailed questions. 3. Develop students’ skills in using new lexical and grammar material in speech.

Main ideas: Lexical minimum. Grammar definitions.

Aids: Textbooks, exercise-books, sets of cards, dictionaries, additional literature, grammar reference, sets of pictures, interactive board, tape-recorder, tape-recording, etc.

Lesson type: Practice lesson of Grammar-lexical Revision.

The Methods and acceptance: Activisation of lexics on the theme SHOPS AND SHOPPINGwith using of different methods (group discussions; surveys; creative writing; research reading; role-plays; task oriented games; explication; illustration; reproduction; investigation;etc.) and mastering the knowledge of grammar constructions.


The Procedure of the Lesson.


I. Greetings. Orgmoment. Preliminaries. Сhecking attendance.




T: Good afternoon, dear students! Today our lesson as you know is called “DO YOU LIKE SHOPPING?”. We are going to speak about one of the everyday things – about shopping. At the lesson you’ll do a lot of work: you’ll read texts, answer the questions, choose the right variants in multiple-choice exercise, do fill-in the blank exercise and true-false exercise using the video, act out the dialogues, describe the pictures and others. 


Objective: To reduce students’ anxiety and increase their willingness to speak.


T: So, we cannot imagine our life without shopping. We go shopping practically every day. When you need to buy something, you go to the shop. It’s well known many people like shopping, especially women. There are many different kinds of shops in every town or city: shop, department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectioners’ dairy’s and so on. Which words are associated with such phenomenon as SHOPS AND SHOPPING?

SS say the words such as shop assistant, to buy, sale, products and so on.

T: So, let’s systemize all your words into the following groups.


SS systemize the words into the groups.

T: You have just said the word market. And now your task will be to give the words beginning with the letters of this word. The words should be on the theme.

e.g. market

m - mall

a - attractive

r - rice

k - knife

e - expensive

t - try on


·                                 Who does shopping in you family?

·                                 Do you go shopping every day?

·                                 What kinds of shops do you know?

·                                 Where would you go to buy bread?

·                                 Why do many people prefer to do shopping at the supermarket?

·                                 What are the advantages of a supermarket?

·                                 Does a shop-assistant help you to choose the things?

·                                 Where can you buy vegetables and fruit?

·                                 What can you find at the clothes department?

·                                 What can you buy at the market?





T:  Where do we go when we want to buy smth definite? Let’s remember the names of the shops. Try to find the appropriate shop for each situation.


·        A shop where you buy meat and sausages

·        Where do you buy bread?

·        Where can you buy newspapers and magazines?

·        A shop where you buy things which are suitable for giving as a present

·        If you want buy animals you go to …

·        Where can you buy CDs and musical instruments?

·        A shop where you buy fish

·        If you likes fruit and vegetables you go to …

·         A large shop where you buy food, drinks and other things



T: Well, there are a lot of kinds of shops in the world. Now I want you to watch one video and be ready to say are my statements true or false.

Video “Let's Go Shopping!”

SS watch the video about shopping.


SS do true-false exercise.


II. Checking up students’ knowledge.

T: And now we’ll see what you’ll do buying  or selling smth because it was your home task – to prepare your dialogues  IN THE DEPARTMENT STORE. Let’s check up your home dialogues.


Role-playing: Ss act out their dialogues.


III. Work on consolidation of main subject ideas



Objective: To allow students to practice the new material in a controlled environment, either orally or in a written form.


Listening task.

Now listen to the dialogue about Emma’s interview and then fill in the missing words.

Activities: fill-in the blank exercises using the tape-recording of the dialogue.

Ss listen to the dialogue about it and then fill in the missing words. Group work.




          T: We go shopping practically every day. There are many different kinds of shops in every town or city: shop, department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectioners’ dairy’s and so on.

If your frig is empty, take your shopping bag and in a food supermarket you can buy different things at sausage, tinned fish or meat, fish, sugar, tea, sweets, salt, cheese, cereal crops and other things.

At the butcher’s you can choose meat and poultry, ham, bacon, sausages and hot dogs. At the baker’s can find rye and white bread, buns, biscuits, rolls and so on. Vegetables such as cabbage, cucumbers, toma onions, beet; different fruit like apples, cherries, pears, oranges; tinned fruit, fruit-juice are sold at the greengro If you come to a dairy’s you are sure to buy milk, sour cream, butter, cheese and what-not. We go to confectioner’s for cakes, sweets and pastry.

Many customers prefer to do their shopping at a self-service shop where from counter to counter you choose everything you like. All products are sold ready-packed.

Shop-assistants, cashiers work in the shop. A shop-assistant at the foodstore weighs on scales the things want to buy, wraps them and you pay money at the cash desk, then a cashier gives you the change and the

Some people prefer to do their shopping at the market, where there is a wide choice of different thing!

If you want to buy clothes, shoes, furniture or a birthday present you would go to the department st which has many departments: clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, electric appliances, radio and television sets many other things. You can also buy a blouse or jeans, a toy or a tape-recorder. It is not difficult to mak suitable purchase.



Objective: To allow students to use new language independently and communicatively in a natural context.


T: One more of your tasks at home was to prepare your own projects-collages on this topic. Let’s look and listen to you.  

Ss perform their own projects-collages. Creative group work with the discussions


T: As you are the future teachers I want you to be teachers just now and try your hand at teaching. Each group should prepare the stages of the lesson: warm-up; presentation and practice. The classroom English expressions will help you. You may use your textbooks.

Ss perform their own stages of the lesson: warm-up; presentation and practice. Creative group work. Work with cards.


Work with ActiveStudio


Multiple-choice exercise.


T: The last task is rather interesting and cognitive for you. It’s the test.




IV. Giving the home task. Ending the lesson.


T: For the next lesson your task will be the following: work with cards where you should choose the right variants.

And now we sum up the results of the lesson. What new things have you known at the lesson? What have we done at the lesson today?

Ss answer.



















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