Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок-игра "Битва умов" (10 класс)

Урок-игра "Битва умов" (10 класс)

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ГУО «Средняя школа № 44 г. Витебска»





«Битва умов» по теме «Искусство» в 10 классе



Подготовили  учителя английского языка

Бобкова О.Л.






Витебск 2022


Цель: систематизировать лексико-грамматический  материал  по теме «Искусство»


1.     Развитие навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух

2.     Развитие внимания, памяти, логического мышления

3.     Развитие командного духа, умения сотрудничать и работать в команде

4.     Расширение общего кругозора учащихся о ценностях и представителях всех видов искусства

5.     Повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка благодаря использованию игровых форм и ИКТ


Оборудование: оформление доски, ноутбук, проектор, флэшка, раздаточный материал, магниты, эмблемы команд, песни, презентация




1.     Орг. Момент

-         Good morning? Dear friends! Welcome to our game “Battle of the minds”! Today we’ll speak about the world of beauty – about art and its different types, guess riddle, do easy and difficult tasks, and even sing songs. And in the end we’ll learn more that we know now!

-         Are you ready? Let’s go!

2.     Основная часть

-         So, we have 2 teams today, the 1st team is ____________ and your captain is __________. Your motto is ______________

-         The 2nd team is ___ and your captain is __________ . Your motto is ____________.


1 tour

-         Well, look at the board1 you see the word ART. The first task for you is to put only the types of art on the board. You’ve got 10 words, so choose the right variants and put them on the board – the 1st team – left and the 2nd team – right.

1team – graffiti, paint, music, sculptor, architecture, design, landscape, reading, opera, artist.

2 team – make-up, landscape design, communication, background, theatre, museum, paintings, cinema, manuscript, photography


2 tour

Let’s go on! Let’s warm up a little.

So, look at the screen. Now you’ll see some facts connected with art. You should answer: Do you believe or not?



1.     Do you believe that..


… an artist is a person who performs on the stage in the theatre?

It’s false!! An artist is a person who draws or paints pictures!


… art is a form and content of feelings, thoughts and emotions of an artist?

It’s true!!!


… landscape design is the art of arranging such elements as vertical and horizontal structures, plants, water to make good outdoor space?

It’s true!


…Pablo Picasso was a great impressionist?

It’s false, because he wrote his pictures using the technique of cubism!


… the great opera theatre La Scala is situated in France? 

It’s false. This great and very beautiful opera theatre is located in Italy!!!


… the buildings in the picture is the Louvre?

It’s true!


… Marc Chagall was the youngest child in his family?

It’s false! He was the oldest of ten children and should look after other children.


… the most famous picture of Kazimir Malevich is “The black square”?

It’s true!


…the picture “Mona Lisa” is situated in the British Museum in the UK?

It’s false! It is situated in the Louvre, France!


… we can see the Hermitage in Moscow, it has a lot of exhibition halls?

No, it’s false! The Hermitage is situated in Saint Petersburg in the so called Winter Palace!


3 tour

I think that you know a lot about of famous people of art. So, your next task is to match right the beginnings and endings of famous statements that these people have once said, and also find the Russian equivalent!


1.     Art like morality

a.      the only honest hypocrites

William Hazlitt

       I.            Там нет искусства, где дух не владеет рукой художника.

2.     Where the spirit doesn’t work with hand,

b.     a simple style.


    II.            В живописи, как и в морали, главное состоит в том, чтобы в нужном мете провести линию.

3.     Actors are

c.      consists of drawing the line somewhere.


 III.            Только великие умы могут позволить себе простоту стиля.

4.     Only great minds can afford

d.     there is no art.

Leo da Vinci

IV.            Актеры – единственные честные лицемеры.


Keys: 1 –c- II

           2 – d – I

          3 – a – IV

          4 – b – III


4 tour

Now, let’s see how well you know the great people of art, look at the screen, read and guess,  who is it (the name of this famous person). But be attentive! Remember that art is not only the paintings, but also cinema, theatre, literature….


2.     Guess: who is it?


1)    He is a Renaissance painter, scientist, inventor, and more. This person is one of the most famous painters for his iconic “Mona Lisa” and “Last Supper”. (Leo da Vinci)

2)    Spanish, modern ‘cubist’ painter. He is one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He was learnt painting by his father. His famous works are Guernica, Bird of Peace and Parade. (Pablo Picasso)

3)    This is an American cartoonist, animator, voice actor and film producer. He is an innovator in animation. He and his staff created numerous famous fictional characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. (Walt Disney)

4)    He is most recognized as an icon of the silent film era, often associated with his popular "Little Tramp" character; the man with the toothbrush mustache, bowler hat, bamboo cane, and a funny walk. (Charlie Chaplin)

5)    He was a musician capable of playing multiple instruments who started playing in public at the age of 6. He composed hundreds of works that included sonatas, symphonies, masses, concerts and operas. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

6)    He was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He was a capable organist,  highly respected during his lifetime. He wrote a lot of cantatas and fugues for the organ. (Johann Sebastian Bach)

7)    Often called the English national poet, he is widely considered the greatest dramatist of all time. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, wrote a lot of plays and founded the world-known theatre “Globe”. (William Shakespeare)

8)    He was a world-known artist, who was born in Belarus in a poor Jewish family, but was happy, and then went to France. He could play the violin. In his pictures people could fly.(Marc Chagall)

9)    He was a famous and very popular Russian composer. His work includes a lot of symphonies, also  he wrote music to the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Swan Lake” and “The Nutcracker”.(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaykovsky)

10)                       She was a very popular English writer. She was also called “the queen of detectives”. She wrote a lot of stories about a famous detective Hercule Poirot. This woman was unhappy with her husband (Agatha Christie)




Let’s have a rest and turn to music. Let’s sing the song that all you know. It’s traditional Christmas song in English-speaking countries “Let it snow”


Captain competition

Now, the task for our captains. You’ll get some cards. You should complete the sentences with the words from the box that are connected with art.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box


Help box:  scene, critic, screen, modern, special, exhibition, graffiti, paintings


1.     Everyone enjoyed the ____________ effects in the film “Star wars”.

2.     Nick Brown was the only ______________ who wrote in praise of the film.

3.     At the cinema I don’t like sitting too near the __________________.

4.     The best _________________ in the film is when Jack meets Rose.

5.     Most people find it difficult to understand _______________ art.

6.     Pablo Picasso held his first ________________ at the age of 13.

7.     _____________ has existed since ancient times with dating back to Ancient Greek and the Roman Empire.

8.     Abstract artists can draw and paint realistic ________________.



1.     Special

2.     Critic

3.     Screen

4.     Scene

5.     Modern

6.     Exhibition

7.     Graffiti

8.     Paintings


5 tour

And now offer you to turn to animation which is also a type of art too.? There are some fragments from different cartoons. Try to guess the type of art that is presented there.

Keys: 1- music, 2 – painting, 3 – literature, 4 – theatre, 5 – ballet


Let’s make a summary. How many flags-caps do you have? Well, you are lucky now, but….

It’s not the end!


6 tour “From you to me”

Each team had a hometask. You should prepare short piddles about different art masterpieces. So, listen to each other and try to guess what it is? (tell their own description of famous places, pictures or famous people)


7 tour “Video fragment”


Now is the last task for you. We offer you to watch a little video about art/ Watch attentively and try to do the task: decide if the following statements are true or false according to the video.



3.     Заключительная часть. Рефлексия. Поздравление команд

So. Our competition is over . Let’s count your points and call the winner!

The team ________ has won!!! You’ve got _____ points.

Our congratulations!!!!


The lost team gets mark “8” in English!

What are your impressions from our game-lesson?

Was it interesting for you?

Did you learn anything?

Thanks for your attention and activity!!!

Good bye!!

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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