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Тема: Части Великобритании. Шотландия

Класс: 6

Цели: закрепление языковых  знаний в области английского языка посредством игровой ситуации.


1.Развивать творческие способности учащихся, умение их применять в учебном процессе.

2.Стимулировать учебную мотивацию школьников, развивать умение работать в команде, группах, вести диалоги.

3. Формулировать собственные мысли, высказывать и обосновывать свою точку зрения.

4. Способствовать воспитанию толерантности и уважения к другой культуре.

5. Формировать у детей готовность к общению на иностранном языке, способствовать удовлетворению личных познавательных интересов.

Необходимые материалы:

Листы с текстом  (по числу участников обеих команд), пазлы c изображением известных мест, набок картинок с предметами для путешествия, видовые открытки с изображением достопримечательностей Англии / Шотландии и других стран мира.

Планируемые результаты:


1. Получат возможность познакомиться с новым лингвострановедческим материалом по предмету.

2. Получат опыт восприятия на слух новой иноязычной речи.

План проведения занятия

T- Good afternoon, pupils! I’m very glad to see you! Let’s start our exciting and interesting travelling!

T- Tell me, children, which foreign language do you need to be understood in all these countries?

P- English.

T–Which country is the home of English? 

P- England.

T-Has anybody of you ever been to England? Today I am inviting you to travel around Britain and to know more about English culture and traditions!

Let us have a look at the map of the country. Have you noticed that it is an island state? What kind of transport could you use to get there?

P- By air – by plane, by water- by ship, by land- by train.

T- You are absolutely right and moreover you can get there through the Channel Tunnel, it is often called the Chunnel. It is a railway tunnel that lies underneath the water of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain with the mainland of France.

- To realize our trip we need to choose a captain of the crew, a train driver and a captain of the ship.

(Учащиеся формируют себе команду по желанию)

T- Good, now we have several  teams: Plane team, Ship team and Train team.

- Dear captains, take your emblems, which should combine you during your trip.

(Учитель раздает эмблемы с изображением соответствующего вида транспорта).

- To visit Great Britain you need to overcome some challenges, each step will bring you closer to the destination.

So, the team players go to your tables! The first task for each group is on the working place. You have five minutes to complete this task while the music is playing and then each team has to introduce the results of work! (Звучит музыка, команды работают с индивидуальными заданиями.)

T-Lets start with thePlane team”. You are travelling by air and you are going to land at Heathrow airport in London. But the map, which is usually used by pilots, is unfortunately torn. You have to reconstruct and stick it together. Use your experience in playing puzzles. (Ребята склеивают разрезанную географическую карту Великобритании)

T- Travelling by ship you have got enough time to make a list of the most famous sights of London, which you like to visit most of all. Your guide has prepared a set of Britain travel postcards but it contains some views of other countries. Choose only those pictures which demonstrate the sights of London. Make a poster of them. (Ученики работают с набором видовых открыток достопримечательностей стран мира, отбирая и составляя коллаж с фото Лондона).

T-The ability to pack a suitcase rationally is a great knowledge! You should have foresight, self-checking and know a lot about the country, its climate and customs. “Train team”, you have to pack a suitcase of a traveler for staying in Great Britain. Choose only the most necessary 5 or 6 things and try to explain your choice. (Ребята отбирают картинки с изображением необходимых вещей для пребывания в Великобритании).

TУчитель вводит информацию про Шотландию как часть Великобритании. И дает задание на закрепление материала. Scotland

 Scotland is one of four parts of the GB. Scotland's area is more than half as big as England's. The main cities of the country are its capital Edinburgh and the main industrial center Glasgow. Scottish towns look very different from English towns. Some words about Edinburgh. Edinburgh, capital of Scotland, is one of Britain’s most attractive cities. It’s a city for people who like to walk.  You are never far from green parks, gardens and hills - even in the main shopping streets. It’s a busy modern city. There are nine hills in Edinburgh. From the tops of them you can see two bridges: the modern road bridges an the old rail bridges which has carried trains to the Highlands for more than a hundred years.


In the winter it’s white with snow but in the summer it becomes purple. Usually between the mountains are rivers and lakes. Highlands are famous for the Scottish Olympics or the Highland games (it’s real name). These games are not only sporting competitions: music and different traditional games are very important too. While athletes throw the hammer at the one end of the arena, you can watch a dancing competition at the other end. There is also a game for the strongest athletes - tossing the caber, which weights 60 kilos and is six metres long. These games are very popular in Highlands.


Scottish people like fishing very much, that’s why they say that Scottish rivers are good for two : fishing is one, the other is Scotch whisky. Whisky is made from water and barley. The method hasn’t changed for hundreds years. Scotch whisky is the best one. Scotland is also famous for it’s kilt, the most important part of national dress and bagpipes - the national instrument.


Scotlandis a very beautiful country and if you visit it you shall never forget it.

Now to resume our work let’s answer some questions and find out what have we learnt about Scotland today.


1.      Where is Scotland situated?

2.      Do the Scotsmen like sport? What sport?

3.      What is the capital of Scotland?

4.      How do the Scottish people like spending their free time?

5.      What are typical products of Scotland?

6.      What is Loch Ness Monster?


T-Well, let’s have a look at the results of your work. Introduce your posters and make some comments to them. (Члены команды выходят к доске и представляют свой коллаж и объясняют свой выбор)

T-Well done! Your reports are very interesting and had very bright collages. I see we are ready to continue our trip. And at last, we have arrived in England to the airport, to the pier and to the station. We continue to get acquainted with the customs and culture of the UK. As a tour Manager, I have prepared useful information for travelers to read and you will learn more about the country. Each team has to tell about these interesting facts. Communication can sometimes take place without any words; such kind of communication is called nonverbal communication. Using facial expressions and gestures you need to present the most important facts from your text and then to add some information orally.

The “Plane team” will study the hobby of the Englishmen, it is an important part of their life, is so important that one of the first questions an Englishman asks you: “What is your hobby?” Hobby can be a good way of getting rid of stress; in addition, it often helps to get more friends.

The “Ship team” will read about English beliefs and superstitions, as they reflect the culture of the country. Read about some of them and tell the classmates the most important ones. Do not forget to show them to the tourists from Russia.

The “Train team” will read about The English tea ceremony. Human behavior is the way of understanding where is the person from, who his parents are and what his attitude to the people is. The ability to behave in the society is one of the components of his success! (Учащиеся знакомятся с текстами, выбирают важную информацию, распределяют роли и выбирают сюжеты для пантомимы. Затем представляют сценки – пантомимы для своих одноклассников, которые пытаются разгадать основную идею).

-You are talented students! What would you tell  to you parents about your trip when you come back to Kogalym from England? To finish our lesson I would like you to read a beautiful poem about England!  (Учащимся предлагается прочитать стихотворение по абзацам вслух)

1.О, Англия - страна чудесной сказки,

Национальных парков красота,

Весной нарциссов, первоцветов краски

Барашков обаятельных стада.


2.Нас Англия так многим привлекает:

И Лондона манящие огни,

И жители тепло гостей встречают,

Воспитаны, приветливы они.


3.Традиции истории, культуры

Все англичане бережно хранят:

Истоки языка, литературы,

Игра в крикет и гольф, свой дом и сад.


4. Конечно, чаепитья процедура,

Чай в Англии - совсем не просто чай,

Особая красивая культура,

Ее, как книгу, чаще изучай

-Thank you, boys and girls! You worked very active. I want you to continue studying the English language, the customs and traditions of different countries to feel confident in any situation being abroad!











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Материал для дополнительного изучения страноведения. Урок " Части Великобритании. Шотландия" проходит как викторина. Дети получают новые знания про Шотландию и укрепляют познания в Англии. Учащиеся развивают навыки работы в парах,командах. Красоты страны становятся стимулом для посещения Англии и дальнейшим мотиватором для изучения языка

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