Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"

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Тема урока:  Лондон.  Известные места Лондона

Цель урока:  усовершенствовать навыки употребления лексических единиц, речевые навыки, навыки чтения и письма; развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся; расширить представление о Лондоне; воспитывать интерес к изучению культуры  Англии.

Цели по содержанию:

 1) воспитательная цель:

- формировать интерес к культуре, истории и традициям страны изучаемого языка

- воспитывать толерантность (терпимость) к иноязычной нации

- воспитывать культуру общения

- воспитывать культуру умственного труда

2) развивающая:

- развивать общеучебные и специальные умения и навыки, навыки самоконтроля и самостоятельной работы

- развивать память, внимание, наблюдательность, логическое мышление, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферу личности

- развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки

3) образовательная :

- создать условия для применения знаний и умений в знакомой и новой учебных ситуация



      - Воспитать культуру общения.

      - Совершенствовать навыки говорения.

      - Научить учащихся монологическим высказываниям, рассуждать по заданной теме.

      - Развивать интерес к учебно-познавательной деятельности на уроке, внимание, зрительную память, наглядно-образное мышление, языковую догадку ;

      - Тренировать учащихся  в употреблении названий животных, достопримечательностей Лондона


Тип урока: комплексное применение знаний на практике с использованием ИКТ.

Форма урока: экскурсия (стимулирует познавательный интерес учащихся, позволяет охватить большой объём материала и представить его в интересной форме)

Формы организации познавательной деятельности:

 фронтальная,  групповая, парная


Оборудование : учебник,  доска,  компьютер, раздаточный материал,  картинки, карточки для самостоятельной работы и работы в группах.

















1)    Greeting and Aim

Teacher: Stand up! Hello, children!  I’m glad to see you! Today we have guests at our lesson, turn please and greet them. 

Teacher:   Before  I name you our topic, answer please my questions:

2)    (Warming - up)

-         What is the capital of Great Britain?

-         Where is Bib Ben situated?

-         Have you ever been in London?

And now tell me what is the name of our topic. Really it is LONDON. (Slide 1)

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll make a trip to London.

We will visit different places of interest, meet wild animals, play a game and learn a lot about London.


3)    Check on HW


Are you interested in visiting other countries and cities? Let’s visit London and travel about it. Close your eyes!


(Slide 4) Sound of plane  – Here we are!


(Slide 5, 6) – Welcome to  London!


The Main Part


Teacher:  My name is Julia and I am your guide today. But you will help me and you will be guides with me too.


(Slide 7)  - London is the capital of England. It is the biggest city in Britain. It stands on the river Thames. More than seven million people live and work there. It is a centre for business and for tourism.


(Slide 8)   - In London there are a lot of places to visit.

Teacher:  Children, what places of interest in London can you name?



Tower Bridge, Big Ben,

The Houses of Parliament,

 Trafalgar Square,

Buckingham Palace.


(Slide 9)  – Мap of London.  Look at the map.

Teacher:   Can you see these places here? Ok, let’s travel.

 (Slides 10,11,12 )  -  Hyde Park  and Regent’s Park.

Teacher:   You can find many old and new beautiful parks in the city. The largest                                                     park in London is Hyde Park. It is one of the most popular places of Londoners on hot summer days.

(Slides 13,14,15 )  In Regent’s Park you can visit a Zoo. Here you can see a lot of wild animals. Now let’s see  what animals there are. Look at the cards and let’s speak about them. (cards with animals)

·        Have you ever seen a kangaroo?

·        Does this animal live in Ukraine?

·        Look at this wonderful bird. Have you ever seen such a colourful parrot?

·        This animal is very interesting, there are so many black and white stripes on it.

·        What about this dangerous animal? What kind of them do you know (tigers, lions)

·        Have you ever seen an elephant? Do you like his big ears and his long nose?

·        Look at the hippo. It is fat, isn’t it?

·        I like this animal most of all. It is a peacock. Have you ever seen it in your real life?

Let’s go on our traveling.

(Slide 16)  -  the Tower of London.

Teacher:   The heart of London is the City. You can visit some interesting places in the city or near it. One of them is the Tower of London. It was a fortress , a place, a prison and king’s zoo.Now it is a museum. This is the oldest Tower.

(Slide 17)  - There are always black ravens in the Tower of London.

(Slide 18 )   - William the Conqueror built the White Tower in the 11th century.

(Slide 19,20)    -  St.Paul’s Cathedral. 

Teacher:   One of the greatest English churches is  St.Paul’s Cathedral. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers.

 On the 2nd of September in 1666 there was a strong wind from the river and the big fire began. It started in the house of the king’s baker, near London Bridge)

Teacher:  How many days did the fire burn?

Pupil :  4 days

Teacher:   How many percent did it destroy? 80%

Pupil :  80%

(Slides 21,22,23 )  - Trafalgar Square.

Teacher:   The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. In the middle  of the square you can see a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world.


4) Закрепление лексико-страноведческого материала. (HO1)

Teacher:   Now let’s see what you have learned.

FT  (Slide 24 )  - You have cards with letters meaning True and False on your table and you should answer the questions:


True or False:

1.     London is the capital of  Scotland.

2.     It is the biggest city in Britain.

3.     More than two million people live and work there.

4.     The centre of London is Hyde Park.

5.     You can see works of famous artists in the National Gallery.

6.     1777 is the year of the Great Fire of London.


Ok, let’s go on.

(Slide 25 )  – Westminster.

Teacher:   The Political centre of London is Westminster. It is that part of  London where there are a lot of offices.

(Slide 26)  – The Houses of Parliament.

Teacher:   Here you can see a long grey building. Look at its towers. They are The Houses of Parliament.

(Slides 27,28)   BIG BEN.

Teacher:   The large clock in one of the towers is BIG BEN. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin . He was a tall man whose nickname was Big Ben.

(Slides 29,30)  - The Thames

Teacher:   The Thames  is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it is Westminster Bridge.

(Slide 31)  – the Queen of England.

Teacher:   Here you can see  the most important and famous woman of Great Britain:

 the Queen of England. Do you know her? Where does she live?

Pupil1: She lives in Buckingham palace.

(Slide 32- Buckingham palace.

5)    Vocabulary Practice.

Pair – Work. (HO2)

1)    – I have got pictures for you, but I  forgot  to draw lines. Help me to join them in pairs.  Let’s check.  (Slide 33



2)    Pair- work (HO3) - (Slide 34

3)    Pair-work (HO4) - (Slide 35

4)    Work yourself. Complete the sentences (НО5). (Slide 36)

5)    Pair – work. Solve the crossword (НО6) (Slide 37,38)

Teacher – But time out and we should return home. Close your eyes…

(Slide 39,40)  – Sound of plane. - We are at home now !



          6. Homework  (Slide  41)

7. Summarizing


Did you like our trip to London? Would you like to visit London in real life?

We have worked hard today. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. (Slide 42)

 Your marks :




And now I’d like to know how you are. Here you can see different smiles.

If you are happy – draw a funny smile, if you are so-so – like that and if you are bad – draw a sad smile.


How are you?




So, the lesson is over. You can be free. Good bye!










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