Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по английскому языку «The earth is our home. Protect it»

Урок по английскому языку «The earth is our home. Protect it»

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  1. Рапорт дежурного

  2. Введение

Good morning boys and girls. The theme of our lesson today is «The earth is our home. Protect it» We‘ll speak about our planet, ecological problems, read the text, listen to the text and have fun during our lesson.

Look at these beautiful pictures of our land I’d like to begin the lesson with the poem:

The Earth is a garden

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all the human races

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam

We all diverse a place

We can call our home

I’ll write the word, The Earth ‘on the blackboard and ask you to tell me the words, which come to you mind connecting with this word.

Who will be the first and write the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH ’’

E – environment, ecology

A – air , animals

R – river, radiation

T – tree, temperature

H – home , hill

  1. Введение нового лексического материала

Teacher: Repeat and read words

protect, protected, endangered, extinct, destroy, habitat

  1. Первичное закрепление лексического материала

Open your exercise-books, write the date, the theme of our lesson and copy these words.

Find the explanation of the words

Use the new words to complete the sentences

  1. Tigers living in the Far East of Russia have become e… species.

  2. Flamingos live in the tropics. They are water birds, so their h… is lakes.

  3. The names of all pr… species of Russia are in the Red Book of plants and animals.

  4. Greenpeace tries to stop those who d… nature.

  5. When people cut down forests, a lot of species become ex… .

  6. It’s not easy to p… our world from air, water and soil pollution.

  1. Аудирование

Teacher: Listen to the text two times. Answer the questions and correct the statements. But at first look at the unknown words

serve - служить

natural riches – природные богатства

interference– вмешательство

increase – увеличивать

industrial enterprises – промышленные предприятия

by-product – побочный продукт

suffer from – страдать от чего-либо

oxygen balance – баланс кислорода

destruction - разрушение

ozone layer - озоновый слой

careless interaction – легкомысленное взаимодействие

sign - знак

Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.


  1. Who has served nature since ancient times?

  2. What did people live in harmony for thousands of years with?

  3. What pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on?

  4. What is cut and burnt in fire?

  5. What do man many cities suffer from?


  1. Since ancient times Nature hasn’t served Man

  2. Natural riches are unlimited

  3. The by-products of their activity clean the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

  4. Many cities suffer from snow.

  5. Vast parks are cut and burn in fire.

Teacher: Be serious and think about the problems of our planet. Look at this apple. Now use our imagination and say what does the apple look like?

Pupil 1: It looks like our planet.

Teacher: I cut the apple into four quarters. Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. Only a quarter of the Earth’s habitable land is where all the Earth’s food from. You can see that it is a very little piece and we should take care of it.

What are the main problems of our planet?

Pupils: Water pollution

Air pollution

Soil pollution

Teacher: How can we solve those problems?

Pupils: We can plant trees, flowers

We can reduce using water, gas

We can use recycling things

We can clean parks.

  1. Обучение письменной речи

Teacher: Now I’ll give you leaves. Please write what can we do for our planet and hang them on the tree.

  1. Чтение текста с заполнением таблицы

Teacher: There are many international organizations that help to protect our planet.

Please read and learn some facts about such organizations. But at first look

at the new words.

disappear – исчезать

poison – яд

destroy – разрушать

to save animals - сохранить животных

was founded – был основан

internationalоnal organization – международная организация

mammal –млекопитающее

survive – пережить, выдержать

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead, the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

The tropical rainforests, which are the home of half the Earth’s living things, are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will disappear in twenty years.

Fortunately, there are people who are trying to do something about it. In 1961, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded – a small group of people who wanted to raise money to save animals and plants. Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large international organization. It has raised over 35 million pounds for conservation projects, and has created or given support to National Parks in five continents. It has helped 30 mammals and birds to survive. Perhaps this is not much, but it is a start. If more people give money – and if more governments think of what is happening – perhaps the world Wildlife Fund will be able to help us to protect the natural world and all of us with it.

Now fill the table. There are 4 columns in the table.

You knew this fact before


New information


Thought differently


Don’t understand, have questions






Now let’s discuss.

What facts did you know before?

What new information have you learned from the text?

Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?

Thank you.

Teacher: Answer my questions:

1. What organization is this text about?

2. What is the aim of this organization?

3. Where does the organization get its money from?

  1. Обучение монологической речи

The ecological situation in our region is not very safe. Air and water pollution is high. There are no filters at factories and boiler-houses.

The number of cars is growing. They add bad breath to the atmosphere. Sometimes it is difficult to breath, especially in a hot summer day.

Many people burn rubbish or autumn leaves. It poisons the air too.

The forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. But people cut a lot of trees.

The climate of our region is dry; and every spring, summer and autumn the most of forests are in fire. Of course, the reason is man. It is awful! Trees, plants, animals and birds are in danger and may disappear.

Another serious environmental problem in our town is water pollution. People pollute water. They wash their bicycles and cars in our rivers. They pollute water when they wash carpets in rivers.

Litter on the ground makes the town look ugly. Some people find it easier to drop a paper a wrapper or a cigarette than to look for a garbage can for it. Empty bottles and cans are everywhere: on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near our houses and on the roads. They go under our feet.

  1. Формирование грамматических навыков

Teacher: We’ll continue our talk about ecology and compare the tenses you've already learnt –   Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses.

Who can remind class when we can use it and how it is formed. What’s the difference between Present Progressive and Present Simple?

Отвечают два студента, использую таблицу на экране

Teacher: Now, as we are talking about ecology, let’s remember what do you usually do for our planet. (Ответы студентов Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

Teacher: Well, and as you are at the college now, can you tell me what are you doing now? (Ответы студентов. Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

Teacher: Let’s  look at the pictures on the screen. What are they doing? (Работа с иллюстрациями на экране. Режим P1, P2, P3 …)

Teacher: I’ll give you some commands and you will report me what you are doing now (Режим работы P1, P2, P3…):

T: Ivan and Kostya, stand up, please. What are you doing?
P: We are standing.
T: What are they doing, Sasha ?
P: They are standing.
T: Go to the blackboard, (write your name on the blackboard, come to the table, open  your book, read the book, close your book, speak English, run, jump, swim, wash your hands.)
Well done.

Teacher: And now   each of you can think of some action and mime it to the class. Your friends must guess what you are doing. (Режим работы P ––>P1, P2, P3…)

Учащиеся по очереди изображают какие-либо действия, а остальные отгадывают, используя речевой образец :

Are you sleeping? (singing, running etc.)

Teacher: Now, listen to me and say what tense I use in my sentences:


Teacher: Look at your cards, please and say what people usually do and what you are doing for our planet now.

Present Continuous


Present Simple

always, usually, every year, often

1.Human beings/kill/our planet

1. Animal/disappear

2. A man/not cut down/tree

2. People/cut down/many trees

3. I/plant/a tree

3. Students/plant/trees

4. He/solve/environmental problems

4. He/live/among litter

5. Scientists/alarm

5. She /not think/about environment

6. The Dead Sea/become/smaller

6. Student/take/the rubbish/to the local recycling center

7. We/clean/our park

7. The average person/throw away/about 70 food cans

8. The forests/disappear/all over world

8. He/keep/himself informed/about environmental problems

Test. Present Progressive or Present  Simple?

  1. We   (have / are having) coffee every morning.

  2. I like tea, but now I   (have / am having) coffee.

  3. Mary   (plays / is playing) the piano every evening.

  4. Where is John? – He   (plays/ is playing) the piano.

  5. Our boys usually (play/ are playing) football in the yard. Call them. They (play/ are playing) football in the yard.

  6. My sister Betty (cooks /is cooking) dinner in the kitchen. That’s strange! Usually she (doesn’t cook/ isn’t cooking) dinner. 

  7. Ann usually (makes/ is making) doll dresses herself.

  8. She is in the kitchen. She (makes / is making) tea for us.

  9. I am busy. I (make/ am making) my bed.

  10. I always (make/ am making) my bed before breakfast.

  11. Don't put your coat on. The sun (shines/ is shining).

  12. In summer the sun (shines/ is shining) brightly.

  13. Run downstairs. Your sister (waits / is waiting) for you.

  14. I usually (wait / am waiting) for Tom. He is always late.

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