Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок в 9 классе по теме “Practice makes perfect”

Урок в 9 классе по теме “Practice makes perfect”

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Урок в 9 классе по теме “Practice makes perfect

(с использованием презентации)


(в рамках подготовки к ОГЭ)

Цель урока:

создание условий для подготовки учащихся к успешному выполнению заданий ОГЭ по английскому языку - грамматики и личного письма


1.     Актуализировать опорные знания и изученные способы действий

2.     Обобщить и систематизировать знания по выполнению экзаменационных заданий

3.     Выявить затруднения в выполнении заданий и предложить разнообразные приемы и средства для ликвидации трудностей

4.     Оценить уровень усвоения материала

Оборудование: - памятки для учащихся – «Личное письмо», «Части речи»;

                           - раздаточный материал – задания для выполнения на уроке              (см. приложение);

                           - презентация.

Ход урока:

1.     Оргмомент

2.     Этап мотивации

Включить презентацию – слайд 1

-         Good morning, students, good morning, dear guests. I am glad to see you. How are you today, students?

Welcome to our lesson!

          In order to define the topic of our lesson I would like to start with some pictures. You also see different words on the blackboard. Please, look at the pictures in the presentation and try to decide what words are connected with these pictures.

Слайды 2, 3, 4, 5

-         So, what do you think? Please, come up to the blackboard and put the words you have chosen here ( показываю на доску с заготовленным заголовком).

-         Do you think these words are connected with your studying? And what important event will happen at the end of the year? Are you going to take exams?

-         And one of these exams will be English. What do you think you should do in order to pass the exams? Do you think these words are connected with it? What word can be the main for you to pass exams successfully?

-         Knowledge, practice, learning………



3.     Этап планирования действий

Now let us think about the topic of our lesson – it is also connected with your exams. Look at these proverbs and try to choose the most suitable one for the topic.

Cлайд 6 – пословицы.

Выбирают пословицу.

Слайд 7 – тема урока. Открыть тему на доске.

Thank you. And today we shall practice doing some tasks preparing for your English exam and will try to do everything perfectly.

Of course, we can’t do all the aspects of the exam at one short lesson. We’ll take only two aspects:

Слайд 8 – Personal letter and Use of English.

Now let’s discuss what do you think we are going to do during the lesson.


Слайд 9 – We are going to …. Щелкнуть 6 раз


4.     Реализация намеченных планов + самостоятельная работа и промежуточный контроль полученных знаний.

a)     The first point of our plan is Personal Letter. Do you remember the rules of writing such letters? Very well. Then you will help me. Yesterday I received a letter from our English – speaking friend. But there is a problem - all parts in this letter are mixed. Let’s try and put the parts of the letter in the correct order, because at home you will write the answer to this letter – it will be your hometask.


So, look at the letter and say what part should be the first, ……..the second….

Are these parts of the letter written correctly? In the right place?

Задаю вопросы и вывожу правильное письмо на экранслайд 10 по щелчкам.

Now we have the letter. Tel me, please, what is the topic of the letter.

How many questions are there for you to answer? What tense/ tenses are used in these questions? Do you think it is necessary to know grammar and topical words to answer the letter correctly?

b)    That’s why our next task is Use of English. And the first task of it is also connected with writing letters.


Слайд 11 в презентации – начало.

Раздаю задания и комментирую.

This is the task and the answer sheets for you. At first we’ll discuss the text and then you will write answers in these answer sheets.

Look at the words given on the right. What parts of speech do you see here?

How can these parts of speech change grammatically? What grammar forms do they have?

Обсуждаем части речи.

Look through the text and say what grammar tense is used there.

Now I give you 5 minutes to do the first task. Don’t forget to write answers in capital letters.

Let’s check your answers. Read the words you have written, check yourself.

Put + if your answer is correct and – if your answer is wrong. Later we’ll count your points.

Вывожу ответы на слайд

с) Cлайд 12 – начало – Use of Englishtask 2

Now let’s remember the rules for doing the second task. It is word formation. Look at the words given on the right. Name the word, say what part of speech it is and what other words we can form from this word.


Now I give you 2 minutes to do this task. Write your answers in your answer sheets. ( выполняют задания )


Let’s check your answers. Read the words you have written, check yourself.

Put + if your answer is correct and – if your answer is wrong. Later we’ll count your points.

Вывожу ответы на слайд

Now I ask you to evaluate yourselves with the help of the criteria given below.

You see that the maximum number of points is 15.

If you have from 13 to 15 points – then you can write the excellent mark.

If you have from 10 to 12 points – then you can write the good mark.

If you have from 7 to 9 points – then you can write satisfactory mark.

If you have 6 points and less – then you have 2, but I hope your marks are good and excellent. Is it so?


5.     Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

(см. пункт № 4 плана (а)

Thank you very much. I have already given you your hometask


6.     Рефлексия учебной деятельности (итог урока)

Now I want you to tell me some words about the whole lesson:


Слайд 13 – рефлексия

n  What can you tell me about the whole lesson?

n  I’ve improved my …….

n  I’ve practised …..

n  I’ve enriched ……

n  I’ve learned …….

n  It’s been easy for me to ………….because…….

n  It’s been difficult for me to ………because…….

n  Was the lesson useful for you?


Слайд 14 – снова тема урока


Let’s return to our topic and motto of the lesson – Practice makes perfect. Do you think that practice at our lesson has helped you to make your knowledge perfect?


Thank you for the lesson – you have worked really hard and perfectly.


Слайд 15 – Thank you for the lesson!








1.      Задание для личного письма.

  1. I’m having a very busy time now, too, as I have to get ready for my exams. As far as I know, all students in Russia also have to take school exams.



    2.  52 Mail Road





  1.                                                                                                  Ben.



    4.  I was happy to receive it again. Sorry for not writing for so long – I was  preparing for my project in English.




   5. Dear friends,



   6. …When are you going to have your exams? What exams have you chosen and why? What are your plans for the summer holidays? …



  7. Excuse me, I have to finish my letter now – my little sister is asking to help.



2.       Письмо для домашнего задания.

                                                                                                                                           52 Mail Road





Dear friends,

Thanks for your letter. I was happy to receive it again. Sorry for not writing for so long – I was  preparing for my project in English.

I’m having a very busy time now, too, as I have to get ready for my exams. As far as I know, all students in Russia also have to take school exams.

…When are you going to have your exams? What exams have you chosen and why? What are your plans for the summer holidays? …

Excuse me, I have to finish my letter now – my little sister is asking to help her. Hope to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,



3.       Памятка «Личное письмо»

Personal letter

1.      Heading – address: town, country


                   It is written correctly – in the upper right-hand corner

                   There are all parts of the heading.

                   There is no ………

2.      Greeting – it s written correctly – on the line below the heading and begins at the left margin.

                    There is a comma after the greeting.

3.      Body

a)      Thanks for the letter

Mentioning the previous contacts – it is necessary to write the word again

                                 Other variants – It was great to hear from you again

                                                               I was very glad (awfully glad ) to get your letter again

                                                               How nice of you to write back so soon again

Аpologies for not writing for a long time – I must apologise for not writing earlier

                                                                            I really should have written sooner

    Sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote, but I ‘ve been too busy preparing for my exams

    I am sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with ……..

b)      The main part of the body– the topic of the letter

                                                  In your letter you are writing about

c)      Questions – answering questions

                         Let me answer your questions

                        I’m happy to answer your questions

                       Thank you for asking me so interesting questions

d)      Final part of the body – there are usually 2 sentences:

The reason why you are finishing the letter                             Hope for the future contacts

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work                         Hope to hear from you soon

Sorry, my mum is calling me                                                     I can’t wait to hear from you

I guess it’s time to do smth                                                       Write back soon

                                                                                                       I look forward to hearing from you soon

4.      Closing is written on the next line under the body and begins at the left margin.  We put the comma after it.

Best wishes              All the best                  Yours                      Yours truly                   Take care

Get in touch             Keep in touch             Love                        Best regards


5.      Signature is written under the closing. We write only the name. We don’t put the full stop after the signature.


Don’t forget to use means of logical connection writing the letter:

By the way                      Anyway                        To begin with                   But                Also

However                         As for me                     Personally                         Well              So


4.       Памятка «Части речи»


1.        What parts of speech do you see in the task?

-          I (can) see some verbs, a noun, a pronoun, an adjective


2.       Name the verbs, please. What grammar forms can the verbs have?

-          The verbs can have different tense forms.

What does the tense form of the verb depend on?

-          It can depend on the signal word or we can change the verb according to the Sequence of Tenses.

Passive Voice, Conditional sentences, Subjunctive Mood


3.       Name the noun, please. How do the nouns change grammatically?

-          The nouns have singular and plural forms.

Give the plural form of the given noun.


4.       Find the adjective, please. What grammar forms do the adjectives have?

-          The adjectives have comparative and superlative forms.

When do we usually put the comparative form?

-          We put it when there is the word “than”

When do we put the superlative form?

-          We put it when there is a definite article.

Give the comparative and the superlative form of the given adjective.


5.       Find the pronoun, please. How can pronouns change ?

-          Pronouns can be personal, objective, possessive, absolute possessive and reflexive.

Give the ………..



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