Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по теме "День благодарения"

урок по теме "День благодарения"

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Подготовила –

учитель английского языка

                                                                        Тхамокова Инна Хачимовна




Смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся является основным принципом повышения эффективности обучения школьников.

Цель урока: совершенствование ранее приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно, расширение кругозора учащихся, повышение кросс-культурной грамотности, стремление вызвать интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.

Урок на тему «День Благодарения» нетрадиционный, он является моделированием праздника, который проходит но типу ролевой игры. Каждый ученик – непосредственный участник живой истории. Дети одеты в костюмы пилигримов, индейцев, действие происходит за празднично накрытым столом. На уроке идет разговор о пер­вых поселенцах, на американском континенте, о трудной зиме, которую пришлось пережить им, о неоценимой помощи индейцев. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение о завоевании Америки европейцами, каждый доказывает свою точку зрения, почему он считает первых поселенцев героями или наоборот. Дается характеристика действиям пришельцев по отношению к коренному населению. Обсуждаются костюмы, пища, игры, в которые играли дети в начале XVII века.

На уроке используются материалы из американских журналов, фото деревни первых поселенцев. Гости, которые присутствуют на уроке, делятся впечатлениями о посещении CIIIA.

Урок – билингуальный, он продолжается в 1-классe, где учащиеся 10 класса проводят его в виде ролевой игры, доступным языком, по-русски рассказы кают о празднике День Благодарения и почему этот праздник имеет американские корни.






Steps of the lesson

Teacher: People all over the world like holidays. So dc we. So do people in America. Today is a great holiday there, it's Thanksgiving. But sometimes Americans are called a nation of immigrants. What is their attitude to their customs, traditions and celebrations.

Pupil: Though American nation is so young and consists of so many ethnic communities traditions and customs play a great part in a nation. They be­lieve they really are the nation though often called a nation of immigrants except for the Indians perhaps.

Pupil: Technically there are no "national" holidays but most of them are celebrated national. I the states observe federal public holidays. There Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas, New Year's Day and some others. On these days school banks and all offices are closed. 

Pupil: By the way when a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday it is usually observed on the M lowing Monday or preceding Friday.

Teacher: But the most American of the holidays Thanksgiving.

Pupil: Of course, it's celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, today. This holiday commemorates the first hard year the Pilgrims lived in the New World.

Pupil: And they've got a very good reason to celebrate this holiday because when the English pilgrims first came to the New World they had a very hard winter and it was questionable if most of them would survive.

Pupil: When they began planting seeds they had to struggle with the rocky soil and bitter climate. Finally in the fall the fields produced a yield beyond expectation. They couldn't have done it on their own.

Pupil: Thanksgiving also includes the native American Indians who helped them and showed them how to use fish heads as fertilizers.

Teacher: So the Pilgrims had to overcome the difficulties they met on their way. Can you give us the adjectives which characterize them?

Pupil: They were courageous.

Pupil: Brave.

Pupil: Strong

         Pupil: Naive because they believed they could prosper in the unknown land

         Pupil: They were superstitious.

Pupil: They were decisive.

Pupil: They were bigoted.

Teacher: Do you believe they were superheroes?

Pupil: Yes, in my opinion they were superheroes they stood that hard winter, they were friendly to Indians and owing to them a lot of European peo­ple started to settle in America.

Pupil: I don't agree to it, the people we know as Pilgrims have become so surrounded with legend that we tend to forget that they were real people. They courageously made the famous 1620 voyage and found­ed the 1st New England colony, but they were still ordinary English men arid women, not superheroes.

Pupil: They were English people who sought, to escape the religious controversies and economic problems of their time by emigrating to America.

Teacher: What clothes wore typical of that time?

Pupil: The clothing brought by the Plymouth colonists was typical of that worn by all English yeomen in the early XVII century. It was fashioned from wool and linen cloth, with some leather.

Pupil: There was a much wider range of colours that exists in the modem image including reds, yel­lows, purples and greens as well as black and grey. 

Pupil: Some of these colours had social signifi­cance — black was indicative of solid respectability; blue was frequently worn by children and servants and reddish-brown was a country-man's colour.

Teacher: Please, explain to us what you are wearing.

Pupil: I'm wearing a white blouse & a waist coat. My skirt is oing and I have a white long apron on it.

Pupil: On my head I'm wearing a white cap which is called BIGGIN.

Pupil: Women of that time were wearing shoes with bright buckles and without heels.

Teacher: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. Who were parttakers of plenty? 

Pupil: The "Mayflower" passengers participate in the 1621 Harvest Festival. The group included 16 men, 4 women, 23 children and 9 hired seamen an servants. Only half of the number which left England in 1620 lived through the first winter and man individuals were the only survivors in their families.    

Pupil: There were about 140 people at the 3 days celebration, 90 Indians and 50 British.

Teacher: There were about 140 people at the 3-days celebration. There were only 4 adult women who survived that first winter. They probably oversaw the cooking and preparations with the help of the children and servants.

Pupil: The feast included cod, sea bass, wild fowl (such as ducks, geese, turkey and swans), corn meal  and 5 clear brought by Indians.

Pupil: Meat fish and bread were the most impor­tant elements of the English diet at that time, although fruit and herbs were also eaten.

Pupil: The meats were roasted or boiled in traditional English fashion and fish boiled or grilled in the Indian manner.

Pupil: The pilgrims had a number of native & English fruits and herbs. Native plants: walnuts, chestnuts, grapes, gooseberries, raspberries, wild cherries, ground nuts, wild strawberries, beans, pumpkins, currents, wild onions.

Pupil: English plants: carrots, turnips, onions, cabbages, melons, radishes beets.

Teacher: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. When did it become a federal holiday?

Pupil: It became a federal holiday when Lincoln was President. He issued a proclamation in 1863 declaring Thanksgiving a federal holiday. Today t is a very much family holiday celebrated with big dinners and happy reunion.

Pupil: It is a time for families to get together or what is often called a long weekend. Schools rid offices are closed, relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school travel long distances to spend a holiday at home.

Pupil: The traditional food is Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pie.

Teacher: You've told us  that Thanksgiving turkey is a traditional food. I'd like to read you one article written by President B.Franklin. "I wish the eagle hadn't been chosen as the representative of our country. The turkey is a much more respectable bird. Tastier too Trenches of wild turkeys were served up at the first Thanksgiving feast and the over stuffed gobbler is still the steaming emblem of America's heartiest holiday".

 Teacher: We've got many guests today and one of them is Sharon Baily. Gould you share your experience of celebrating Thanksgiving?

(Sharon  tells the students about celebrating Thanksgiving in the USA)

Teacher. Have you got any questions to our guest?!

Pupil: Do you give any presents on Thanksgiving?

Sharon: No, it's only a great feast.

Teacher: As we know, it's the most family holiday in America, & as our school belongs to English-speaking community in St-Petersburg, let's celebrate it American way. I invite Sharon to help me.

(Sharon reeds a Thanksgiving prayer. All students are sitting at the table and say their own Thanksgiving prayers).


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Смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся является основным принципом повышения эффективности обучения школьников.

 Цели урока: совершенствование ранее приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно, расширение кругозора учащихся, повышение кросс-культурной грамотности, стремление вызвать интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.


Урок на тему «День Благодарения» нетрадиционный, он является моделированием праздника, который проходит но типу ролевой игры. Каждый ученик – непосредственный участник живой истории. Дети одеты в костюмы пилигримов, индейцев, действие происходит за празднично накрытым столом. На уроке идет разговор о пер­вых поселенцах, на американском континенте, о трудной зиме, которую пришлось пережить им, о неоценимой помощи индейцев. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение о завоевании Америки европейцами, каждый доказывает свою точку зрения, почему он считает первых поселенцев героями или наоборот. Дается характеристика действиям пришельцев по отношению к коренному населению. Обсуждаются костюмы, пища, игры, в которые играли дети в начале XVIIвека.

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