Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыВарианты контрольных работ для студентов заочной формы обучения

Варианты контрольных работ для студентов заочной формы обучения

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            Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым 

« Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 1


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


 It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed. Electrical power has become universal. Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and  unquestionable. With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables  replaced  transmission shafts, gear wheels,  belts and pulleys  in the 19 th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labour   saving appliances have become a part of our everyday lives. Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity   most widely used. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator  - a new compact source of electricity was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries  and other devices that had been used before. Electric lighting  come into wide use  at the end  of the last century with the development of the electric lamp of Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were  set up, dynamos and induction motors  were designed. Since the beginning of the 20 th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout  the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years. Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as  it has  been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent  technological advances such as the laser and electron  beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the future.

      II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы.

electricity, plan, type, kilometers, electron, position, progressive, origin, unique, laser,  deviation, solar system, base,  radius, expert, theory,  instrument,  problem, interesting, circular

         Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

         Найдите синонимы и антонимы для следующих слов, переведите их на русский язык

 recent, unlikely,  to apply,  below,  field, to result in, easy,  useless,  difficult, disadvantage,  to get,  above, sufficient, enough, latest, to lead to, likely, to use, useful, sphere, to obtain,  advantage

         Найдите в тексте  существительные, соответствующие следующим словам

to design,  to develop, to  invent, to become, to replace,  to set up, to base


          Определите к какой части  речи относятся следующие слова

resist, resistance, resister; store, storage, storable; physics, physicist, physical; theory, theorist, theorize, theoretical

         Напишите исходную форму слова

owned, possibility, less, replacing, tinier,  boundaries,  matches

         Переведите  на английский язык следующие группы слов:

экспериментальная  работа ученых, достижения наших ученых,  область науки,  значение исследовательской работы,  достижения науки, развитие науки, очень важно для промышленности,  решать важные проблемы





               III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите следующие числа

3.725;     14. 810;    40 %;   1. 125;   980.325;  1.111. 111

 2.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

 3.Определите функцию глагола  to be  в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Electronics is becoming   very important to engineers in various   branches of industry.   2. Automation is to be   introduced   into all   production processes which  is  of decisive importance in the rapid economic  development of our country.  3. The   nucleus   of the atom is in  its center.

4.Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы

1. Is this   an atomic power station?  2. Are these power stations supplied with atomic fuel? 3. Are all the elements common on the earth? 4. Are you a research worker? 5. Do you work in the field of physics? 6. Did you achieve good results in your research work? 7. Are there more than a hundred   different atoms. 8.  Have you made   any successes  in your research work? 9. Is this experiment   being made in your laboratory?

5.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным  членам предложения и переведите каждое на русский язык.

1. Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding  and  unquestionable. 2. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. 3. Electricity provides mankind with the future.








 IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Is it impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity? 2.What is electricity? 3.  What  industrial applications of electricity do you know?4.  Where was the generator developed? 5. When did the  electrical motor appear? 6. Who invented the electric lamp? 7.  What was the first industrial application of electricity? 8.  When did the  successful development of electricity begin? 9. What is the consumption of electricity? 10.  Can you  imagine our life without electricity? Why?

 2. Выразите свое мнение к  следующей проблеме.

Electricity  has many useful properties: it is clean and  generates no  by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.

















       Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 2


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                            NUCLEAR   POWER? WELL, YES

      Although nuclear reactors have generated electricity commercially for more than 40  years and nearly 400 now in operation, two major accidents- in the  US in 1979 and Chernobyl in the USSR in 1986-  have put industry under a radioactive cloud. In the popular imagination, reactors are nuclear bombs, even if they don’t explode, they go on  accumulating  waste that will finally cause a global catastrophe. As the result, an energy source once  considered as the fuel of the future became questionable. But  not everywhere. Nuclear power provides nearly a quarter of the electricity generated in the industrialized Western  world by the 24- member countries of the Organization for Economic  Cooperation and Development. France more than 76% of  electric power is nuclear- generated, in Belguim- 62%, Sweden-50%, Germany, Spain and Finland come in at one third, Japan- a little less, Britain, the US and Canada – under 20%. Some countries have no nuclear power plants at all and don’t want any. Not only the strong emotions of fear have worked against  nuclear power. Energy demand grew more slowly than expected in the past decade. Prices of oil and coal  have reduced. However,  energy prices  can rise. Moreover, supplies of fossil fuel are limited, while energy needs and tide can’t  meet the increasing requirements. Besides, nuclear power doesn’t add to  global warming. All this causes the people to believe that the world  can’t live and work without nuclear power.



      II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите следующие интернационализмы

atmosphere,  material, sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity


         Переведите на русский язык следующие группы слов одного корня 

         to divide, division, divisible,  divisibility, indivisible;  to solve, solution,  soluble, insoluble;  to achieve, achievement; to speed up, speed, speedy;  to design, design, designer; to improve, improvement; efficiency, efficient


    3.  Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык

science,  basis, economy, technique, industry, origin,  number,   variation

4.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова

constituent, scientific, probably, property, various, ancient, presence, structural


    5.Переведите следующие  эквиваленты  следующих слов и выражений

для того чтобы, решение проблемы,  уделять внимание,  благодаря, впереди, осуществить,  выдвигать, например, ссылаться на, современные удобства

6. Составьте всевозможные словосочетания, переведите их на русский язык

 Measures,  solve, become, changes, a  success,  develop, take,  the center of, a program, make, pollution,  achieve, investments,  have, bring about,  suffer from, a problem, study, carry out, an effect on







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Переведите глаголы и стоящие после них послелоги

to give- to give off- to give out, to come- to come from, to move- to move in,  to set- to set up,  to work- to work on, to find- to find out, to look- to look at- to look for

2.Напишите  три основные формы следующих  глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.

to know, to heat, to make, to mean, to be, to do,  to become, to take, to put, to bring, to leave, to fly, to show

3.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения на русский язык

1.They never ( to  get up) late. 2. They   take the lift when they ( to go up) to the ship. 3. Electronics ( to become) increasingly important in all branches of production. 4.  Weather  sputniks, sputniks for radio and television  and a number of other interplanetary  devices ( to build)  now. 5. Some of the materials ( to find)  in the crust of the earth ( to be)  very important. 6.  Without  atmosphere there ( to be)  no clouds, no  rains, no running water and no wind. 7. A molecule ( to be) a compound  consisting of two  or more atoms.

4. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus

( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным  членам предложения и переведите каждое на русский язык.

1.The two  scientists Lodygyn and Yablochkov were  the first in Russia  to work in the field  of electrical engineering is well- known.2.  One of the main advantages of electricity is that it does  not pollute the environment. 3.  The transformer was invented in the 19 th century. 4. Our power stations have been connected  by high voltage  transmission  lines into several  networks.


 IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What are two major accidents of using  nuclear power? 2Where does electricity generate? 3. Nuclear power doesn’t add to   global warming, does it? 4.  How many years   have   nuclear  reactors   generated electricity commercially ? 5.  Do nuclear power  provide  nearly  a  quarter  of  the  electricity  ? 6.  How many   per cent   of   nuclear power   do countries in the world   generate?

 2. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.

Electricity   has many useful properties: it is clean and  generates no  by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.

















           Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 3



I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


   Electricity power is generated at power stations. How is the current transmitted to the distant  places? Thick wires usually carry it across the country, and still pylons hold the wires above  the ground.  The pylons are  so high that nobody can touch the wires at the top.  The wires are not usually made of copper, they are made of aluminum. Thirty wires put together from one thick cable. Aluminum  is so light that the pylons can easily hold  the cables up. It would not be cheap to drive very large  currents through these cables.  Large currents need very thick wires.  If thin wires were used, they would get hot or melt, and so  the currents ought to be  as small as possible. Can we  send a lot of electricity power if we use  a small current?  We can do so if  the voltage is high. We need  a small current and a high voltage; or a large current with a low voltage. A small current is cheaper because the wires need not be  thick. The result is that the voltage has to be very high.  The pressure in aluminum cables may be 132, 000 volts, and this is  very high.  The voltage  of a  small battery which we  carry in our pockets is usually between 1 and 9  volts. A car battery  has a voltage of 6 or 12 volts. In a  house the pressure in the wires  may  be 230 volts, or something  like that. Even 230 volts is high enough to kill  a person, so what would  happen  if we touched  one of the aluminum  cables? The high voltage would drive a heavy current through the body to each. The wires are placed high up so  that  nobody could touch them.  When they lead down to a house or a  railway, the voltage is made lower. We  have to separate  the wires from the pylons,  and we do this with insulations.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем  

1. Переведите следующие интернационализмы

atmosphere,  material, sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity

2. Образуйте производные слова  от отрицательных префиксов – un, -im, переведите их на русский язык

 material, limited,  usual,  natural, perfect,  mobile, qualified, known, possible, necessary

3.Переведите следующие слова с префиксом  - re

rename, reopen, renew, renewable, non-renewable, renewal

4.Определите к какой части речи относятся производные слова

recent,  recently; replace, replacement; economic, economical, economically; vary, variety, various; complete,  completely; pollute, polluter,  pollution,  pollutant

5.Напишите существительные, соответствующие следующим словам и переведите их на русский язык

to discover, to invent, to found, physical,  technical,  important, to achieve,  to grow

6.Составьте возможные словосочетания

lead, down to, the wires,  copper,  a car, large, power,  thick, hold,  a house,  stations,  transmitted,  made of,  cables,  currents,  voltage,  battery, the current, high

7.Определите к какой части речи относятся следующие слова

dangerous, automotive, impossible, present, nature, enroll, useful, public, average, current, calculate, usefulness






III. Выполнение  грамматических заданий

         Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе

lamp,  month, achievement,  word,  branch, theory, industry, contribution


         Напишите существительные в единственном числе

tools, societies, territories, industries, theories, technologies, countries


         Найдите  сказуемое в каждом предложении , переведите  на русский язык.

      1.The electronic industry produces  several types  of minicomputers.  2. The air in many cities has  been polluted  by traffic and industry.  3. Mankind  has never  experienced changes in life and work  on such a scale.  4. The main  tendency of our life is that  computers are being used  in all spheres  of technology, science and  everyday life.  5. Today one of the most important problems is that big cities are polluted.

         Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.

1.The wires are not usually made of copper, they are made of aluminum.2. A car battery   has a voltage of 6 or 12 volts. 3. The wires are placed high up so  that  nobody could touch them.  4. A small current is cheaper because the wires need not be  thick. 5. In near  future these high-capacity units will be used more and more at our power stations.5. The transformer was invented and the  first electric lines  and networks  were  set up at the end of the 19 th century.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным  членам предложения и переведите каждое на русский язык.

1.Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding  and  unquestionable. 2. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. 3. Electricity provides mankind with the future.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1.  Where is electricity power  generated ? 2. Can nobody touch the wires  ? 3.Can we  send a lot of electricity power if we use  a small current?  4. What kind of wires do  large currents need? 5.How many volts  has a voltage of a car battery? 6. What is the pressure in aluminum cables? 7. The wires lead down to a house or a railway, don’t they? 8. How is the current transmitted to the distant places?

2. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.

We need   a small current and a high voltage; or a large current with a low voltage. A small current is cheaper because the wires need  not  be  thick. The result is that the voltage has to be very high. 

















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                           

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 4


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.



     Benjamin Franklin, an American who is famous for his  interesting and useful inventions, published his ideas about electricity in 1752. Scientists in many countries  became interested in this wonderful  form of energy.  They wanted to find the answer  to a very important question:  could the electricity  be used to develop a fast, efficient system of  long- distance communication? Experiments proved that electricity could travel  instantly over a very  long piece of wire. But  a note that was written on a piece  of  paper  couldn’t  be put into wire. How could   electricity be used to send a message? A Danish scientist discovered that electricity could move a needle from left to  right  and that the needle could be pointed at letters on a piece of paper.  Then  a German  government  worked made up a code system that could be used with an electric needle. In 1837 two English scientists  sent a message  by  electric  telegraph  for a distance of more than 1,6 kilometers. On May24, 1844, the first long- distance message was sent by  telegraph  for 64 kilometers. Telegraph companies were formed in many cities. By 1861 telegraph wires stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Atlantic  Telegraph Company which was organized in 1856wanted to try to lay a cable on the floor of the Atlantic ocean. The 4, 000 kilometer cable broke three times. Each time a new  cable had  to be made. Finally, on July 27, 1866, the first transatlantic message was sent  from Newfoundland to Ireland. Later cables were laid to Central  and South America. After 1900   transpacific cables were laid to Asia and Australia.  At last news and business information could be  sent  instantly to almost  every country  in  the world.



II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем

         Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

business, information,   cable, telegraph, system, company, energy, messages

         Дайте перевод  прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

Simple- simply, common- commonly,  general-  generally, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly

         Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

         Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим глаголам  и переведите их на русский язык

 to find, to send,  to make up, to travel, to stretch,  to use

          Составьте возможные словосочетания

     distance,  sent by,  ideas,  made up, was written, electricity,  published,  be put,  message, a code system,  travels instantly, in form of energy, into wire, telegraph, on  a piece of paper

         Дайте исходную форму  следующих слов

Easier, better, creating,  biggest, cried, according,  companies, less, much

         Образуйте от следующих слов

- глаголы

usage, indication, difference, large, changeable, subdivision,  measurable

        - существительные

deep,  dangerous, realize, powerful, perform, noiseless, lighten







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Переведите  на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные

Первый, второй, третий ,четвертый, пятый,  пятнадцатый,  двадцатый, двадцать третий, сотый

 3.Напишите во множественном числе

1.This scientist   works in the field of physics. 2. I don’t know the structure  of this  substance. 3.  An atom is a very, very small  particle of matter.4. That man   has a good   knowledge of mathematics.

4.Вставьте   much  или many,  little  или  few

1 ….scientists study  the structure of matter. 2.  We haven’t  … time  for the experiments, we shall  be able to make very … of  them. 3. There were … theories  on the  nature  of heat. 4.  There  is … water in this cup.

   5. Напишите следующие предложения в утвердительной форме.

1. Did you begin to study the theory of the structure of mater? 2. He did not understand   the importance of this work. 3. Will you   use   the results of this   discovery in your work? 4. This scientist does not experiment on this   substance.

6.  Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.

1.Scientists in many countries   became interested in this wonderful   form of energy.  2. In 1837 two English scientists   sent a message   by  electric  telegraph  for a distance of more than 1,6 kilometers.3. Later cables were laid to Central   and South America. 4. The 4, 000 kilometer cable broke three times. 5. There will be many  interesting reports at the conference. 6. There  was much activity among  the experiments in the field of nuclear research.








IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Who published   the first ideas about  electricity ? 2. Who became interested in form of energy? 3.  When was the first message sent by electric  telegraph  for a distance? 4. What  was the Atlantic  Telegraph Company organized ?5.  What did a  Danish scientist discover ? 6.  When  were cables laid to Central  and South America?

2.  Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.

 Benjamin Franklin, an American  published   ideas about electricity.  Scientists wanted to   know  the electricity  be used of  long- distance communication.

























          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 5


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


      Laser, one of the most sophisticated   inventions of man, produces  an  intensive beam of light of a very  pure  single color.  It represents the  fulfilment of one of the mankind’s  oldest dreams of  technology to provide  a light beam intensive  enough to vaporize the  hardest  and most  heat-  resistant  materials. It can indeed make  lead run like water, or, when focused, it can vaporize any substance on the  earth. There is no material  unamenable  to laser treatment  and laser will become one of the main technological tools  quite soon.  The application  of  laser in industry  and science are so many  and so varied as to  suggest  magic.  Scientists in many countries are working  at a very interesting problem:  combining  the two big technological  discoveries  of the second half  of the  20 th  century- laser and thermonuclear  reaction- to produce  a practically limitless source of energy. The laser beam must  heat the fuel to the  required  temperature so quickly that  the plasma does not have time to  disintegrate . The laser’s  most  important potential  may  be its use in its use in communications, the intensity  of a laser  can be  rapidly  changed  to encode very  complex signals. In principle, one laser beam, vibrating a billion times faster than ordinary radio waves,  could carry the radio, TV and telephone messages, of the world  simultaneously. In just  a fraction of a second, for example, one laser beam could transmit the entire text of the Encyclopedia Britanica. Besides, there are projects to use lasers  for  long distance communication and for transmission of energy to space stations,  to the surface of the Moon or to  planets in the Solar system. There is no doubt that in time  these projects will  be  realized and the laser beam  will begin operating in space as well.    

 II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите  интернационализмы

structure, temperature,  detail,  energy,  technology,  battery, transformation,  mass,  magnetic,  mechanism, atom, practical, effect, horizontal, physics

2.Образуйте однокоренные слова  с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im- ex- :

destruction, to deform, economy,  effect,  responsible,  possible, important

3.Найдите в тексте прилагательные соответствующие следующим существительным

source, potential, discoveries, tools, inventions, materials, problem, dreams

4.Дайте исходные формы слов и определите,  к каким частям речи они относятся

 biggest, best,  given, flies,  drying,  worst,  men, better,  feet, second, third

5.Образуйте от следующих слов

- глаголы

indication, changeable, difference, usage, large, subdivision

- существительные

dangerous, deep, realize, lighten, powerful, noiseless

- прилагательные

          to indicate, to use,  to change, to realize, to control, to distant, to reduce









III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Определите, чем выражено определение, переведите предложение

1. One of the problems scientists   are  working at is to transmit energy  to space  stations by using  lasers. 2. Laser provides a light beam intensive enough  to vaporize  the hardest and the most heat- resistant materials. 3.  The laser’s most important  potential   use may  be its  long distance communication applications.

2.  Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения и переведите их на русский язык

1.Lasers  have been used to weld pieces  of titanium- with  no other source of power. 2. The  fantastic genius  of  man invented  one of the first useful  tools for ultrasonic experiments about 100 years ago. 3. Ultrasonic  equipment  can machine  glass,  ceramics,  and hard materials.

3. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого

1. The   Earth   is  getting  warmer  because  of  the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 2. It is evident that electricity will be   the energy of the future. 3. Electric power has become   universal.4. Our power stations have been connected by high voltage transmission lines   into   several    networks.

4.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения на русский язык

1.They never ( to  get up) late. 2. They   take the lift when they ( to go up) to the ship. 3. Electronics ( to become) increasingly important in all branches of production. 4.  Weather  sputniks, sputniks for radio and television  and a number of other interplanetary  devices ( to build)  now. 5. Some of the materials ( to find)  in the crust of the earth ( to be)  very important. 6.  Without  atmosphere there ( to be)  no clouds, no  rains, no running water and no wind. 7. A molecule ( to be) a compound  consisting of two  or more atoms.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы


         What does the word” laser” mean? 2. What is the laser, is it a device or some  phenomenon? 3. What can be done by means of a laser? 4. What can a laser do? 5. Where can it be used? 6. What light  is produced  by a  the laser? 7. What other uses of  laser  do you know? 8. What prevents putting into effect the  projects to use  lasers  more widely in space?


         Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме

In the next few years  laser will become one of the main technological tools. There are projects to transform  lunar radiation into beams.

















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 6


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


      It known that  much is being done in the   world today  for the  development  of non- traditional sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century.  Now we are using  traditional power sources, that is oil,  natural gas,  coal and water power with  the consumption  of more than 50 billion  barrels per year.  It is  evident that  these  sources are not unlimited. That is why  it is so  important to use  such  renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others. Research  is being   carried out in these  fields. One  of the most  promising research is the development of power stations with   direct transformation of solar energy into  electricity on the basis of photo- effect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric  battery of 32, 000 volts and effective area of  only  0,5 sq.m  which  made it possible  to concentrate solar  radiation.  This idea is now  being intensively  developed in many  countries. However, the efficiency of a solar power station is considerably reduced because of the limited time of its work during  the year. But it is possible  to improve the efficiency of solar power stations and traditional ones- thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing  electric power  stations  with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle. In Kamchatka  there are  geothermal power stations operating on hot  water- steam mixture from  the depths of about  a kilometer.  That different wind energy  plants  are being developed is also well- known. It is important that all these advances in  new sources of  energy and  improving the old ones help to solve the energy problem.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите следующие интернационализмы

 atmosphere,  material , sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity

         Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

     3. Заполните пропуски  антонимами выделенных слов

1. There  is a limited supply of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal on the earth, but a supply of natural uranium is….

2. Cheap impure coal produces   much more CO2 than ….  coal  of high quality.

3.It is  evident  to all  that  an old inefficient  power station is more dangerous  to the environment than a ….  power station.

         Определите, к какой части  относятся производные слова и переведите их.

Invent- inventor- inventive- invention

Transform- transformer- transformation

Effect- effective- effectively

Possible- impossible- possibly- possibility

Vary- variety- various

5. Переведите следующие  эквиваленты  следующих слов и выражений

для того чтобы,  решение проблемы,  уделять внимание,  благодаря, впереди, осуществить,  выдвигать, например, ссылаться на,  современные удобства







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите следующие числа

3.725;     14. 810;    40 %;   1. 125;   980.325;  1.111. 111

2. Поставьте   some, any, no или их производные и переведите предложения

1. There  are…  important works in the field of physics  in our laboratory. 2. Have you … books on your speciality? 3.  Did you write … about your experimental work? 4. For many centuries man did not know … about  the structure of mater. 5. Is there … in the laboratory  now?

3.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов

to  do, to be, to make, to know,  to read, to write, to see,   to go, to give, to find

4. Определите  время и залог  глагола сказуемого

1.Now we are using  traditional power sources, that is oil,  natural gas,  coal and water power with  the consumption  of more than 50 billion  barrels per year.  2. Today some engineers are working at the problem of  developing  electric power  stations  with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle.  3. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric   battery of 32, 000 volts. 4. Research  is being   carried out in these  fields. 5. That different wind energy  plants  are being developed is also well- known.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения и переведите их на русский язык

         At the end of the nineteenth century scientists   discovered   most   of  the chemical elements. 2. The word “ atom”  came from the Greek word “ indivisible”. 3. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds in the world.  

6. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.


IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

         Ответьте на вопросы

         What   not- traditional renewable source of energy do you know ? 2. What power sources  are  people using now? 3.What is one  of the most  promising research  in the direct transformation of solar energy? 4. What country  was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric  battery ? 5. What problem are some engineers working today ?6. What kind of stations are  there  in Kamchatka?

          Выразите свое мнение к проблеме.

          The Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century.  So  scientists find not- traditional renewable source of energy.

















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 7


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                SOLAR   LIGHT BY NIGHT

       Most people living in towns  consider it a usual thing that streets are lit at night. But street lights need a power supply therefore distant areas with  no source of electricity remain in darkness until the sun comes up again. With  new appliances now offered by several  British firms, many  distant places could be lit with  solar- powered street lights. It may seem  strange  that the lamps can use the power of  the sun which shines by day when  the lamps are needed at night but they work by using energy accumulated  during the day from a solar panel.  The solar panel produces electricity which  charges a battery. When  the sun goes down, the battery power is then used for  lighting. Each lamp  has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.  In the  Saudi Arabia a motorway tunnel miles from any power supply is lit day and night by solar- powered devices.  The solar panels provide power during the day and charge  batteries which accumulate enough power to  light the tunnel at night. The generation of electricity  by batteries is still expensive but  the advantage of sun- powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply. There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is  very important to develop devices which  make it possible to transform solar power into  mechanical or electric  forms of power.



II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Дайте перевод на русский язык следующих интернациональных слов

public,  future,  model, decade,  motor, private,  fuel,  calculate, engine, to project, automatically

2.Дайте исходную форму слов  от следующих

easier, better, creating, biggest, cried, accordingly, companies, much, less

         Дайте  для следующих слов

- синонимы

 consequently, quality, to start, nowadays, research, a means, manufacture, possess, to occur, to use,  certain,  numerous, to substitute


distant, to stop, few,   to reduce, unusual, dependence, invaluable, minimum

         Найдите   русские слова от соответствующих английских

      исследовать-  exploration, explorer, to explore

       точно- exactness, exactly, exact, exaction

       направлять- to  navigate, navigable, navigation

      ширина-  wide, width, widely, widen

         К какой части речи относятся следующие слова

resist, resistance, resister; store, storage, storable; theory, theorist, theorize, theoretical; physics, physicist, physical

         Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных

industry, magnet, independent,  absence, weight, preparation, variety

         Составьте словосочетания от следующих слов

Panels, forms, powered, charge, accumulated, electric, lamps, at night, areas, light, batteries, power, supply, distant, the solar, solar, the tunnel, using energy

         Подберите существительные к следующим глаголам

To transform, to develop, to form, to charge, to use, to accumulate, to supply

III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

 2.Определите функцию глагола  to be  в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1.Electronics is becoming   very important to engineers in various  branches of industry.   2.Automation is to be  introduced  into all   production processes which  is  of decisive importance in the rapid economic  development of our country.  3. The  nucleus  of the atom  is in  its center.

3. Определите время и залог сказуемого и  переведите предложения на русский язык

1.Electronics is becoming increasingly important in all  branches of production. 2. The scientists are successfully solving important problems of mathematics, electronics, and medicine. 3. More and more is being learnt about outer space and the conditions for  life there. 4. During the work on his discovery the scientist observed that a  small electrical current was  flowing. 5.He rightly concluded that some electrons were moving through the vacuum. 6. Within  several years  nuclear power plants will be  generating a great amount of electrical power.

4. Определите, чем выражено определение и  переведите предложения

1.  The solar panel produces electricity which  charges a battery.2. Each lamp  has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.  3. The generation of electricity  by batteries is still expensive but  the advantage of sun- powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1.But street lights need a power supply therefore distant areas. 2. The solar panels provide power during the day and charge  batteries which accumulate enough power to  light the tunnel at night. 3. Solar power  does not pollute the environment.



IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста


         Ответьте на вопросы

         Do street lights need a power supply? 2.   What  new appliances  do several  British firms offer? 3. What does  the solar panel  produce?4. Why is the generation of electricity  by batteries  still expensive ? 5. What do charge  batteries accumulate? 6. Where do charge batteries accumulate enough power to light? 7.  Why is very important   to develop devices which  make it possible to transform solar power into  mechanical or electric  forms of power?


         Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме

There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is  very important to develop devices which  make it possible to transform solar power into  mechanical or electric  forms of power.















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 8


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


                         THE ENERGY POTENCIAL OF RUSSIA

Modern   methods of communication use electric power. Electric power is  generated at power stations. Russia  has a powerful energy system with the world’s largest power stations. The output of power  has risen   by nearly 150% in the last ten years. Some 1, 111,000   million kWh  of electricity was produced, according  to plan, in 2000, and the  total capacity of all power stations will go up  to the 220, 000, 000  kW.  At present the greatest part of all  the country’s  power capacity  is  thermal, and  most of it  comes from  the big stations.  The capacity  of the   generating units at these  stations  has been  increased  in the   postwar  years  which made it possible to  build high and super- high- capacity power  stations.  Russia  has the highest  aggregate capacities at thermal power stations in the world.  About one third  of all  he power  generated in Russia  comes from thermal  electric stations  with capacities of 1, 000, 000  to 3, 000, 000 kW each.  Even bigger stations, of up to  4, 800, 000 kW, are now  being built.  Each of these stations  can produce   as much electric power as Austria or Argentina. Generating  units,  new types are now being installed  at  thermal power stations.  The first units of 500, 000 and 800, 000  kW  capacity  have already  been  built  and installed.  In near future these high- capacity units will be used  more and more at our power stations.



II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите  интернационализмы

structure, temperature,  detail,  energy,  technology,  battery, transformation,  mass,  magnetic,  mechanism, atom, practical, effect, horizontal, physics

2.Найдите слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык

true, unusual, important, incapable,  usual, untrue,  detected, intention, imagine, disadvantage,  disappearance, unimportant, include, impossible

3.Найдите антонимы следующих слов

simple,  untrue, begin, reliable, efficient,  close to, true, complete, low, disadvantage,  far from, sophisticated, high, unreliable, advent, inefficient


4.Определите к какой части речи относятся следующие слова

 quality, qualitative, quantity, quantitative, quantitatively; pure, purity;  manufacture, manufacturer; superconductive, superconductivity, superconductive


5.Определите какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, переведите словосочетания на русский язык


this means that, this means, new  means, this increases,  nothing increases, its increase, these  results, this results in,  both results, it results from

6.Подберите существительные к следующим глаголам

to use, to  generate, to aggregate, to produce, to build, to transform, to accumulate







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Переведите  на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные

Первый, второй, третий ,четвертый, пятый,  пятнадцатый,  двадцатый, двадцать третий, сотый

3.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

4. Определите время и залог сказуемого и  переведите предложения на русский язык

1.Electronics is becoming increasingly important in all  branches of production. 2. The scientists are successfully solving important problems of mathematics, electronics, and medicine. 3. More and more is being learnt about outer space and the conditions for  life there. 4. During the work on his discovery the scientist observed that a  small electrical current was  flowing. 5.He rightly concluded that some electrons were moving through the vacuum. 6. Within  several years  nuclear power plants will be  generating a great amount of electrical power.

5.Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.





IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

         Ответьте на вопросы

         What   kinds of methods  does electric power use?2. Where is  electric power generated ? 3. What country has a powerful energy system with the largest power stations? 4. Russia   has the highest  aggregate capacities at thermal power stations in the world,  hasn’t it?

         Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме

Russia   has the highest   aggregate capacities at thermal power stations in the world.



















    Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 9


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


     Until   the beginning of the seventeenth century mankind had little understanding of the structure of the material world. Man believed that stones were stones, fire was fire, and water was simply water. Now we know that all kinds of   substances consist of very small invisible particles- atoms. They make up all the elements and compounds that exist in the world, the air that man breathes, the ground on which   he   walks  , man’s food.  Their interactions provide the energy that man uses. The   determination   of   the exact   nature of nature was a very difficult and understanding problem. For a hundred   years   some   of the best men of science on earth thought of it, and today many scientists do   a lot of research. The word “ atom” came from  the Greek and means “ indivisible”. The ancient Greeks studied the structure of matter and noted that it is possible to divide   and   further subdivide   stone   until   the particles become like powder, which they thought was the limit of   divisibility. The same was true for other common substances, such as wood or water or minerals. They called these smallest   particles   atoms. It was at the beginning of the nineteenth century that the scientists first established   experimentally the atomic theory of the structure of matter. They found that the simple forms of matter were chemical elements which consisted of atoms- particles of very small size. At the end of the nineteenth century scientists achieved a great quantity of information on the atomic structure of matter and the general   nature of atom. They discovered most of chemical elements and found that the atoms of   each element were different   in   chemical   and   physical   properties   from   the   properties of other elements.  A further discovery was the atoms combine in small numbers and form units of matter or molecules and that in all substances the atoms and molecules are in a state   of rapid motion. Besides, some   fundamental chemical characteristics became clear. One   of   these   was   that   atoms   group   according   to their   atomic weights into eight   groups of chemical properties of which are similar.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                            

         Переведите на русский язык следующие интернационализмы

substance,  laser, magnetic,  materials, expert, experiment, principle, temperature, acceleration, convection

         Дайте перевод прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

simple  - simply, experimental- experimentally, general- generally, common- commonly, chemical- chemically, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly.

         Найдите в тексте синонимы  к следующим словам и переведите их на русский язык

humanity,   matter , to supply, many, usual, during, to reach, amount, quick, similar. 

         Найдите антонимы следующих слов и переведите их на русский язык

recent, to result in,  below, useless, easy,  field, useful, sphere,  difficult, sufficient,  likely,  latest, ton lead to, to use,  to obtain, to get, useless, to apply

5.Подберите глаголы к следующим существительным

make up, to mean,  to establish, to achieve, to form,  to use,  to call, to have

6.Образуйте прилагательные от существительных

 absence , industry,  variety, preparation, independence, weight, general












III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

         Напишите степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных, наречий

little, simple, small, difficult, good, great, early, possible, far, much, important, bad  

     2. Образуйте  Past Indefinite/ Simple  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to do, to find, to say, to be, to make, to give, to know, to have, to become, to begin, to understand, to arise, to come, to think.  

3.Напишите следующие предложения в утвердительной форме и переведите их на русский язык

1.Did you begin to study the theory of the structure of matter? 2. He did not understand the importance of this work. 3. Will you use the results of this discovery in your work? 4. This scientist does not experiment on this substance. 

      4.Напишите во множественном числе

         This scientist works in the field of physics.  2. I don’t know the structure of this substance. 3. An atom is a very, very small particle of matter. 4. That man   has a good knowledge of mathematics.

 5.Напишите краткие утвердительные и  отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы

1.Do you work in the field of physics? 2. Is this young man an engineer? 3. Did you make a lot of research last year? 4. Did you achieve good results in your research work? 5. Have you an idea of the true structure of nature? 6. Are you  a  research worker?

6.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения

1.At the end of the nineteenth century scientists   discovered   most   of  the chemical elements. 2. The word “ atom”  came from the Greek word “ indivisible”. 3. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds in the world.  


    7. Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.The smallest particles that we see through a microscope are much larger than the molecules. 2. Lighter molecules   move with greater speeds than heavier molecules. 3. Water is one of the most common things in our life. 4. From the earliest times people dreamed of air flights. 


IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

         Ответьте на вопросы


1.What do all substances consist of? 2. Where does the word “  atom” come from? 3. When did scientists first establish experimentally the atomic theory of the structure of matter? 4. What are  atoms like? 5. What properties of elements did scientists discover at the beginning of the 19 th century? 

2. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме

  It was at the beginning of the nineteenth century that the scientists first established   experimentally the atomic theory of the structure of matter. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds that exist in the world.
















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 10


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


     Our life is revolving around electricity and its many uses. We have come to take it for   granted.  Much has been written on the progress achieved in producing electricity. Most cases   have   dealt   with   direct   conversion   of   energy  to electricity. What are such processes? Are they new? Will one of the methods   be used in place of the present ones for generating electricity? Will the cost of electricity be less?  These and other questions  will be answered and answers will depend very much on whether one is considering electricity from the standpoint of the few watts for a satellite in space or the millions of watts for even a small city. First let us be sure we all understand what electricity is and the common means by which it is produced. We now define electricity or electric current using the atomic theory according to which   all   matter   is   made   up of tiny particles or atoms. Atoms contain electrons which are   negatively   charged,   protons   which   are positively charged and neutrons which   have no   charge. The electrons are in the outer part of the atom band free to move from one atom to another.  When     these     electrons   move   in   one   direction   an   electric current   results. A good   conductor   of electricity is a material in which the electrons readily move from atom to atom. An insulator or poor   conductor on the other hand is a material in which the electrons are more strongly bound   to the atom and, therefore, do not move freely. Common sources of electricity are   batteries and power plants. Energy is converted into electricity, and the chief energy   source is heat from fuel. But the heat is not directly   converted   into   electricity , it   is   first used to generate steam which turns the turbine operating   an   electrical   generator. Electricity   flows   through   transmission   lines to houses, factories, etc.  Now   the generation of electricity by this process is very uneconomic. Actually only about 40 per cent of the heat in the fuel   including   nuclear energy is   converted into   electricity , while the remaining part is generally   lost bin the cooling process.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы

electricity, conversion, atomic, negatively, direction, conductor, readily, insulator, greatly, electrical, economic,  generation, electronic, converter.

         Найдите слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык

true, unusual, important, incapable,  usual, untrue,  detected, intention, imagine, disadvantage,  disappearance, unimportant, include, impossible

3. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

4.Определите часть речи следующих слов

use, much, conversion, in place of, to generate, usual, to  be made of, readily, poor, quantity, power plant, energy, to be converted,  for instance, chief, actually,  generally, to connect, to raise, at present, a lot of

3.  Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык

fuel source, satellite functions, energy  conversion, protest meeting, production  process,  motor industry,  surface weather conditions,  city water supply, manned space flight program,  wind direction, air masses, night shift

4.Найдите русские слова соответствующие английским

устанавливать- installment, installation, install

различие, разница- differ,  difference, different

применимый- application, applicable, apply

эффективно- efficient, efficiency, efficiently

усилитель- amplify, amplifier, amplification



III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

2. Определите, чем выражено определение и  переведите предложения

1.  The solar panel produces electricity which  charges a battery.2. Each lamp  has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.  3. The generation of electricity  by batteries is still expensive but  the advantage of sun- powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply

3.Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на вопросы

1.Have  you made any successes in your research work? 2. Will you able to finish your work in time? 3. Is this an atomic power station?  4. Has this article dealt with direct conversation of energy into electricity? 5.Are these power stations supplied with atomic fuel? 6. Is this experiment being made in your laboratory?

 4.  Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.The amount of heat a body contains is something quite different  from  its temperature. 2.When  heat  waves from the sun reach the atmosphere, they speed up the motion among the  gaseous molecules.3. A transformation of radiant energy into  heat energy results. 4.More heat is required to boil a big  vessel than a small one. 5.When we heat  a substance, its molecules are speeded up.  6.Land heats up more quickly than water but loses its heat by radiation  more rapidly.

5. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation.

6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.

1.Common sources of electricity are   batteries and power plants.  2.Energy is converted into electricity, and the chief energy   source is heat from fuel.

IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

         What is electricity? 2. How is electricity  produced? 3. How is electricity defined  in terms of the atomic theory? 4. What is a conductor of electricity? 5. What is an insulator? 6. What  are  the common sources of electricity?


         Дайте свои идеи к следующей  проблеме

Actually only about 40 per cent of the heat in the fuel   including   nuclear energy is   converted into   electricity , while the remaining part is generally   lost bin the cooling process.


















Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 11


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                            THE INTERNET

    The Internet is a global network with millions and millions of computers and people connected to one another where each day people worldwire exchange an immeasurable amount of information, electronic mail, news, resources and, more important, ideas. It has grown at a  surprising rate. Almost everyone has heard about it and  an increasing  number of people  use it  regularly. The current estimate is that over 70 million people are connected, in some way, to the Internet- whether they  know it or not.  With a few touches at a keyboard a person  can get access to materials  in almost everywhere. One can  have access to  full- text newspapers, magazines, journals, reference works, and even books. The Web is one of the best  resources  for up-to- date information. It is a hypertext- based system by which you can navigate through the Internet.  Hypertext is the text that contains links to other documents. A special program  known as “ browser” can help you find news, pictures,  virtual  museums,  electronic magazines,  and print Web pages.  Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web  and have e- mail while you are watching TV, or  vice  versa.  Imagine watching a film on TV and  simu  etaneousaly  accessing a Web  site where you  get information on the actors of the films. The next  genetation of Internet – enabled  television, will incorporate a smart- card for  home shopping, banking and other  interactive services. Internet- enabled TV  means a TV set used as  an Internet device. The Internet  is a good example of a  wide area network. For a long- distance or  worldwide communications,  computers are usually connected  into a wide area network to form a single integrated network. Networks  can be linked together by  telephone lines or fibre – optic cables. These cables require little physical space, they are safe as they don’t  carry electricity, and they avoid  electromagnetic  interference.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                            

         Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

public, computer, The Internet, to control, to use, useful,  calculate, average,  dangerous, impossible, automotive, present

2. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык

science,  basis, economy, technique, industry, origin,  number,   variation

3.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова

constituent, scientific, probably, property, various, ancient, presence, structural

4.Дайте для следующих слов

- синонимы

consequently, to start, nowadays, quality, research, a means,  manufacture, possess, to occur, to use,  certain,  to substitute, numerous

- антонимы

distant, to stop, few, to reduce, unusual, dependence, invaluable, minimum


5.Дайте исходную форму  следующих слов

easier, better, creating, biggest, cried, according, companies


6.Образуйте прилагательные от  следующих существительных и переведите их на русский язык

industry, absence, weight, preparation, variety, magnet, independence


7.Подберите к следующим глаголам существительные

to connect, to exchange, to use, to send, to require, to be linked

8.Составьте всевозможные словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык

 link up to,  contain, connect, replace,  exchange news,  send a  signal,  take the place of, transmit, indicate,  communicate, possess,  make it illegible, to read, own, make it difficult and impossible, have


III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

 2.Определите функцию глагола  to be  в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1.Electronics is becoming   very important to engineers in various  branches of industry.   2.Automation is to be  introduced  into all   production processes which  is  of decisive importance in the rapid economic  development of our country.  3. The  nucleus  of the atom  is in  its center.

3.Напишите краткие утвердительные и  отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы

1.Do you work in the field of physics? 2. Is this young man an engineer? 3. Did you make a lot of research last year? 4. Did you achieve good results in your research work? 5. Have you an idea of the true structure of nature? 6. Are you  a  research worker?

4. Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.With a few touches at a keyboard a person  can get access to materials  in almost everywhere. 2. A special program  known as “ browser” can help you find news, pictures,  virtual  museums,  electronic magazines,  and print Web pages. 3. Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web  and have e- mail while you are watching TV, or  vice  versa. 4. The Internet  is a good example of a  wide area network. 5. For a long- distance or  worldwide communications,  computers are usually connected  into a wide area network to form a single integrated network.

5. К выделенной части предложения поставьте вопрос

1. Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web. 2.Networks  can be linked together by  telephone lines or fibre – optic cables.3.Over 70 million people are connected  to the Internet.




IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is a global network with millions computers and people connected to one another ? 2. How many people are connected to the Internet? 3. Which  is  called a special program  to find news? 4. Where does Internet TV set allow you to surf ?5. By what   are networks linked together ?

2. Дайте свои идеи к следующей  проблеме

Networks  can be linked together by  telephone lines or fibre – optic cables. These cables require little physical space, they are safe as they don’t  carry electricity, and they avoid  electromagnetic  interference.


















Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                           

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 12



I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                      THE  PEACEFUL  ATOM 

       The recent achievements of science in nuclear physics are truly brilliant. Scientists  have not only  explained the structure  of the atomic  nucleus  but have also  found ways  of splitting it. The discoveries of physicists  have a very  great effect on  science and on the life of mankind.   Tremendous energy is released when the atomic nucleus is split. This energy is millions of times greater than that produced  by ordinary chemical reactions. Scientists  have not only studied the reaction of atomic nucleus fission  but they have opened  the way  to the fusion of atomic  nuclei.  In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations. When this problem  is solved it will give  mankind  an  inexhaustible  source of energy, for these are  atoms of  heavy hydrogen in the molecules of water of seas and oceans.  But  here we again come up  against the question of how these  new  sources of energy will  be utilized.  Used for peaceful purposes only,  atomic and,  in the near  future,  thermonuclear energy, will  fundamentally improve the life of all nations. This energy will be  turned  to the  welfare of  humanity. It can  be used “ to warm up” the Far North, to irrigate deserts, and  the electricity  regions  far from  other  sources of power. Used for peaceful  purposes, this energy will improve  the life of man,  control the water level of seas, change the direction of ocean  current and the course of rivers, and so on. Another peaceful application  of atomic energy deals with the radiations and  radioactive  substances.  They are find a growing application  in industry, agriculture, medicine and scientific research in common knowledge. The invisible radiations  radioactive  isotopes are giving out  are becoming  a means  for control and  automation in industry,  they act  as catalysts in chemical processes , and are a powerful factor in biology and  medicine. Finally, these  same radiations may be used for mankind small- size, long-  lived  sources of electric current.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

science, atom, peace, reaction, electricity, power,  molecules,  future, life,  hydrogen,  factories, energy, stations, discovery

         Найдите в тексте синонимы  к следующим словам

to break up,  humanity,  liberate, usual, to provide, to make better, to apply,  energy, aim, emit, speed up, all over the world, several, method

         Найдите в тексте антонимы к следующим словам

 near, old, after, natural, uncommon, unable, impossibility, unhappiness

4. Найдите в тексте   английские эквиваленты  к следующим словам и словосочетаниям

Поддаваться,  русло реки, решать проблему,  и так далее, во всем мире,  управляемая термоядерная реакция

5. Найдите слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык

true, unusual, important, incapable,  usual, untrue,  detected, intention, imagine, disadvantage,  disappearance, unimportant, include, impossible

6.Подберите к следующим глаголам существительные

 to find,  to discover,  to open, to have, to control, to irrigate,  to be turned

7. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных

 absence , industry,  variety, preparation, independence, weight, general





III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте  Participle II  следующих  глаголов

to  do, to be, to make, to know,  to read, to write, to see,   to go, to give, to find

 2.Поставьте   some, any, no или их производные и переведите предложения

1. There  are…  important works in the field of physics  in our laboratory. 2. Have you … books on your speciality? 3.  Did you write … about your experimental work? 4. For many centuries man did not know … about  the structure of mater. 5. Is there … in the laboratory  now?

3.Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы

1.Is this   an atomic power station?  2. Are these power stations supplied with atomic fuel? 3. Are all the elements common on the earth? 4. Are you a research worker? 5. Do you work in the field of physics? 6. Did you achieve good results in your research work? 7. Are there more than a hundred  different atoms? 8.  Have you made  any successes  in your research work? 9. Is this experiment  being made in your laboratory?

4. Определите  время и залог  глагола сказуемого

1. Uranium  is mostly used  as an atomic  fuel. 2. Scientists  have not only  studied  the reaction  of atomic  nucleus  fission. 3. `It will  give mankind  an  inexhaustible  source of energy. 4. Atomic will  fundamentally improve the life of all nations. 5.  This energy will be turned  to the  welfare of humanity. 6. Scientists are working  to develop the peaceful uses  of nuclear power.7. Many  problems of nuclear physics  have been solved using the cyclotron.


5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения

1.The discoveries of physicists  have a very  great effect on  science and on the life of mankind.   Tremendous energy is released when the atomic nucleus is split. This energy is millions of times greater than that produced  by ordinary chemical reactions.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What new source of  energy  was discovered in the 20 th century? 2. What is the new source of energy? 3.  What  the capacity of atomic power plants will be? 4. When did scientists discover the way of splitting the atom? 5.  Can our scientists create elements artificially? 6. Where is atomic energy used for peaceful purposes? 7. Do our scientists  work on  the solution of the problem of controlled fusion?


2.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме


The recent achievements of science in nuclear physics are truly brilliant. The discoveries of physicists   have a very  great effect on  science and on the life of mankind. In   many countries   scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations.















Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                           

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 13



                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                 Electricity in our everyday lives


 Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. The devices all plug into a source of electricity and an electric current runs from your wall socket down the wire and into the appliance. Inside each of the appliances are loops of a special mixture of metals. The basic idea behind any toaster is simple. A toaster uses infrared radiation to heat a piece of bread. 'Infrared' is a particular kind of light. The most common way for a toaster to create the infrared radiation is to use 'nichrome', a nickel -based wire wrapped back and forth across a mica sheet. Electricity cannot pass through this special metal very easily. The metal slows down the electrons and 'holds up' the current flowing through it. This is called the 'resistance' of the metal. Electricity 'flows' or moves through some things better than others do. The measurement of how well something conducts electricity is called its resistance. Resistance in wire depends on how thick and how long it is and what it is made of. A piece of metal can be made to act like a heater. When an electrical current occurs, the resistance causes friction and the friction causes heat. The higher the resistance, the hotter it can get. So, a coiled wire that is high in resistance, like the wire in a hair dryer, can be very hot. When the resistance of a metal is higher, the metal will get hot because of the friction of the electrons in the current of electricity. As the electricity is forced through the wires, the wires begin to heat up and glow very hot. If you look inside your toaster (careful), you'll see those coils or wire glowing orange. It is those coils or loops of wire that cause the bread to go brown, making your toast. A torch, a portable radio, mobile phone, television remote control, your wristwatch, all of these run on batteries. Can you imagine your life without these things? Life would certainly be a lot more difficult. Electricity runs the motors that in turn run most modern machinery. Assembly machines, conveyor belts, baking ovens, copying machines, printers, all these things need electricity in order to run. Most trains use overhead electric wires to operate, airplanes rely on electronic instruments in order to function, even ocean liners need electricity for their navigation instruments. Eve in deep space, shuttles, satellites and spacecraft depend on electricity in some form or another.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

control, metal, electricity, energy, light, heat, power, processor, machine, idea, radiation, source, radio, difference

         Найдите в тексте прилагательные, соответствующие следующим существительным

radiation, way, idea, flowing, machinery, lives,  dryers, energy, current, wire

         Дайте исходные формы слов и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся

better, higher, lives, coiled, relied, flowing, easily, heavily, luxuries, freezers, infrared, made

4.Дайте для следующих слов

- синонимы

consequently, to start, nowadays, quality, research, a means,  manufacture, possess, to occur, to use,  certain,  to substitute, numerous

- антонимы

distant, to stop, few, to reduce, unusual, dependence, invaluable, minimum

5.Образуйте от следующих слов

- глаголы

    indication, changeable, difference, usage, large, subdivision

- существительные

  dangerous, deep, realize, lighten, powerful, noiseless

5.Составьте словосочетания из следующих слов

Causes heat, all these things, is forced, around us, in order,  the resistance, through the wires, causes friction, to function, the friction, in the world

III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

         Образуйте Past  Participle  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to make, to cause, to do, to be,  to freeze, to run, to have, to see, to  become, to force

         Определите функцию выделенных слов  в следующих предложениях

1.A toaster uses infrared radiation to heat a piece of bread. 2. Most trains use overhead electric wires to operate.3 Electricity cannot pass through this special metal very easily.4. When the resistance of a metal is higher, the metal will get hot because of the friction of the electrons in the current of electricity.

3.Определите время и залог сказуемого


1.Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. 2.Early man relied on fire for the luxuries of light, heat and cooking.  3.The resistance causes friction and the friction causes heat.4. Electricity not only plays a big part in our lives at home, but it is extremely important for all the things that go on in the world around us.5. Most trains use overhead electric wires to operate.

4.  Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.

5.Поставьте вопросы в выделенным словам в следующих предложениях

1.A toaster uses infrared radiation to heat a piece of bread. 2.Early man relied on fire for the luxuries of light, heat and cooking. 3.Ocean liners need electricity for their navigation instruments.







IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы


         Does electricity play a huge part in our everyday lives? 2. Why do   the daily routines rely heavily?3. Can you imagine your life without electricity? 4.  When   will the metal get hot? 5. Where   is the electricity forced  ? 6. Why  do the wires begin to heat up ?


         Дайте свои идеи  к следующей проблеме


Most trains use overhead electric wires to operate, airplanes rely on electronic instruments in order to function, even ocean liners need electricity for their navigation instruments.
















Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 14


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                                 The Sun

      We consume energy in dozens of forms. Yet virtually all of the energy we use originates in the power of the atom. Nuclear reactions energize stars, including our Sun. The energy we capture for use on Earth comes largely from the Sun or from nuclear forces local to our own planet. Solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy in a single square meter to illuminate five 60-watt lightbulbs if all the sunlight could be captured and converted to electricity. Sunlight is by far the predominant source, and it contains a surprisingly large amount of energy. On average, even after passing through hundreds of kilometers of air on a clear day, solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy in a single square meter to illuminate five 60-watt lightbulbs if all the sunlight could be captured and converted to electricity. The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface, powering titanic transfers of heat and pressure in weather patterns and ocean currents. The resulting air currents drive wind turbines. Solar energy also evaporates water that falls as rain and builds up behind dams, where its motion is used to generate electricity via hydropower. Most Americans, however, use solar energy in its secondhand form: fossil fuels. When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. We can recover that energy months or years later by burning wood, which breaks the bonds and releases energy as heat and light. More often, though, we use the stored energy in the much more concentrated forms that result when organic matter, after millions of years of geological and chemical activity underground, turns into fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or natural gas.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

 gas, energy, electricity,  heat, light, turbines, way, meter, square, radiation, atom power, nuclear,  idea

2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

3.Найдите в тексте существительные соответствующие следующим прилагательным

burning, chemical, nuclear, own, concentrated, solar, organic, enough, titanic, fossil, secondhand

4.Дайте исходные формы слов и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся

chemical, dozens, use, comes, converted, stored, millions, trapped

5.Подберите слова, словосочетания

to illuminate, to electricity, reaches Earth, in secondhand form, lightbulbs, energize stars, use solar energy, solar radiation, nuclear reactions, converted


6.Определите какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, переведите словосочетания на русский язык


this means that, this means, new  means, this increases,  nothing increases, its increase, these  results, this results in,  both results, it results from












III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

 1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Переведите  на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные

Первый, второй, третий ,четвертый, пятый,  пятнадцатый,  двадцатый, двадцать третий, сотый

3.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

4.Определите время и залог сказуемого.

1.Nuclear reactions energize stars.2. Most Americans, however, use solar energy in its secondhand form.3. The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface. 4. When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. 5.After passing through hundreds of kilometers of air on a clear day, solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy.


5.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам в следующих предложениях


1.The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface. 2.When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. 3. Sunlight is by far the predominant source, and it contains a surprisingly large amount of energy.












IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What do energize stars? 2. Where do Americans use the solar energy? 3.  How does the solar  radiation  reach Earth? 4. What does the Sun’s energy warm? 5. What  forms of the stored energy do we use? 6.Where do we capture the energy on the  Earth?


2.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме

The energy we capture for use on Earth comes largely from the Sun. The Sun’s energy   warms enough   the planet’s surface, powering titanic transfers of heat   pressure in weather patterns and ocean currents.



















         Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 15


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


                                 Disadvantages of the nuclear plants

    Despite the high level of sophistication of the safety systems of nuclear power plants the human aspect has always an impact. Facing an unexpected event or managing a nuclear accident we don't have any guarantee that decisions we took are always the best. Two good examples are Chernobyl and Fukushima. The Chernobyl nuclear accident is, by far, the worst nuclear accident in the history. Different wrong decisions during the management of the nuclear plant caused a big nuclear explosion. Referring to the Fukushima nuclear accident, the operations done by the staff were highly questionable. Fukushima nuclear accident is the second worst accident in the history. One of the main disadvantages is the difficulty in the management of nuclear waste. It takes many years to eliminate its radioactivity and risks. The constructed nuclear reactors have an expiration date. Then, they've to be dismantled, so that main countries producing nuclear energy could maintain a regular number of operating reactors. They are built about 80 new nuclear reactors during the next ten years. Nuclear plants have a limited life. The investment for the construction of a nuclear plant is very high and must be recovered as soon as possible, so it raises the cost of electricity generated. In other words, the energy generated is cheap compared to the cost of fuel, but the recovery of its construction is much more expensive. Nuclear power plants are objectives of terrorist organizations. Nuclear power plants generate external dependence. Not many countries have uranium mines and not all the countries have nuclear technology, so they have to hire both things overseas. Current nuclear reactors work by fission nuclear reactions. These chain reactions is generated in case control systems fail, generating continuous reactions causing a radioactive explosion that would be virtually impossible to contain. Probably the most alarming disadvantage is the use of the nuclear power in the military industry. The first use of nuclear power was the creation of two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during World War II. This was the first and the last time that nuclear power was used in a military attack. Later, several countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the risk that nuclear weapons could be used in the future will always exist.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

military, nuclear, industry, power, accident, explosion, management, radioactivity, time, weapon, plant, history, risk

     2.Найдите в тексте  слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык

     3.Дайте исходную форму от следующих слов

 worst, takes, decisions, were, second, weapons, used, countries, dropped, was, causing, organizations, best

         4.Найдите в тексте прилагательные соответствующие следующим существительным

      accident, dependence, reactors, plant, waste, weapons, countries, power,  disadvantage, technology, level, examples, mines, countries, decisions

        5.Найдите в тексте английские  эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям

Производство атомной энергии, во- первых,  террористические организации, к сожалению, во время Второй мировой войны,  атомные реакторы, в последнее время,  цепная реакция, атомные бомбы скинутые на, риск атомных взрывов,  работать в полной безопасности,  могут быть использованы в будущем

  6.Составьте словосочетания из следующих слов

a  radioactive explosion, in the history, generate, have, to cause, the use of the nuclear power, the creation, the management, nuclear technology, in the military industry,  the worst  nuclear accident, of two bombs, of nuclear waste, external  dependence


III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to have, to manage, to take, to sign, to be, to cause, to produce, to do, to generate

3.Определите функцию глагола to  use в следующих предложениях

1. The risk that nuclear weapons could be used in the future will always exist. 2. The first and the last time that nuclear power was used in a military attack.3. The most alarming disadvantage is the use of the nuclear power in the military industry.

4. Поставьте соответствующий актикль в следующих предложениях

1. …Chernobyl nuclear accident is …worst nuclear accident in …history. 2. …current nuclear reactors work by… nuclear reactions. 3. But … risk that nuclear weapons could be used in … future will always exist.4.  Different wrong decisions during … management of … nuclear plant caused …   big nuclear explosion.5. One of … main disadvantages is the difficulty in the management of… nuclear waste.6. …   first and … last time … nuclear power was used in a… military attack.

5.Определите  время и залог сказуемого в следующих предложениях

1. Nuclear plants have a limited life.2. Main countries producing nuclear energy could maintain a regular number of operating reactors.3. Nuclear power plants generate external dependence. 4. Several countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 5. These chain reactions is generated in case control systems fail. 6. Facing an unexpected event or managing a nuclear accident we don't have any guarantee that decisions we took are always the best.

6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. The most alarming disadvantage is the use of the nuclear power in the military industry.2. Later, several countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.3. The Chernobyl nuclear accident is, by far, the worst nuclear accident in the history.


IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What  are the worst nuclear accidents in the history? 2.How many nuclear reactors are built during the next ten years? 3.  Nuclear plants have a limited life, don’t they? 4. Was nuclear power used in a military attack in the last time? 5.Nuclear power plants generate external dependence, don’t they? 6.  How many countries have nuclear technology? 7.  How do current nuclearHYPERLINK "http://nuclear-energy.net/nuclear-reactor" HYPERLINK "http://nuclear-energy.net/nuclear-reactor"reactors work?

2. Выразите свое мнение к  следующей проблеме

One of the main disadvantages is the difficulty in the management of nuclear waste. It takes many years to eliminate its radioactivity and risks.

















            Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 16


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                    Advantages of nuclear power

    In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations. When this problem   is solved it will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy, for these are  atoms of  heavy hydrogen in the molecules of water of seas and oceans.  But   here we again come up   against  the question of how these  new  sources of energy will  be utilized.  Used for peaceful purposes only,  atomic and,  in the near  future,  thermonuclear energy, will  fundamentally improve the life of all nations. This energy will be  turned  to the  welfare of  humanity. It can  be used “ to warm up” the Far North, to irrigate deserts, and  the electricity  regions  far from  other  sources of power. The generation of electricity through nuclear energy reduces the amount of energy generated from fossil fuels (coal and oil). Less use of fossil fuels means lowering greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and others).Currently, fossil fuels are consumed faster than they are produced, so in the next future these resources may be reduced or the price may increase becoming inaccessible for most of the population. Another advantage is the required amount of fuel: less fuel offers more energy. It represents a significant save on raw materials but also in transport, handling and extraction of nuclear fuel. The cost of nuclear fuel (overall uranium) is 20% of the cost of energy generated. The production of electric energy is continuous. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. It reduces the price volatility of other fuels such as petrol. This continuity benefits the electrical planning. Nuclear power does not depends on natural aspects. It's a solutions for the main disadvantage of renewable energy, because the hours of sun or wind does not always coincide with the hours with more energy demand. It's an alternative to fossil fuels, so the consumption of fuels such as coal or oil is reduced. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. By reducing the consumption of fossil fuels we also improve the quality of the air affecting the disease and quality of life.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

         Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

demand,  hours, oil, climate, energy, air, fuels, power, nuclear, population, power, humanity, atomic, electricity, history, plants

2.Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык

science, basis, economy, technique, industry, origin,   number,   variation

3.Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов

advantage, good, few, low,  powerful, crease, accessible, less

          Дайте перевод прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

simple  - simply, experimental- experimentally, general- generally, common- commonly, chemical- chemically, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly.

         Подберите к следующим глаголам существительные из текста

 to use, to reduce, to depend, to coincide, to improve, to warm up

         Дайте  исходную форму от следующих слов

scientists, controlled, sources, utilized, used, less, generating, best, hours, benefits, affecting, fuels, global












III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте Past  Participle  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to make, to use, to do, to be,  to control, to run, to have, to see, to  become, to force

2.Определите функцию выделенных слов  в следующих предложениях

1. New   sources of energy will   be  utilized. 2. The production of electric energy is continuous. 3. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time.4. In the near   future,   thermonuclear energy, will   fundamentally  improve the life of all nations. 5. Thermonuclear energy, will   fundamentally improve the life of all nations.

3.Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.This energy will be  turned  to the  welfare of  humanity. 2. In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations.3. Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. 4. Early man relied on fire for the luxuries of light, heat and cooking. 5. Electricity not only plays a big part in our lives at home, but it is extremely important for all the things that go on in the world around us. 6. Less fuel offers more energy. 7. The production of electric energy is continuous. 8.A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. 9. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. 

4.К выделенным словам поставьте вопрос

1. In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations.2. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. 3. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. 









IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1.What will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy? 2 . What can  be used “ to warm up” the Far North? 3.   What   improves the quality of the air affecting the disease and quality of life ? 4.  Fossil fuels are consumed faster, aren’t they? 5.Why  is  the price  becoming inaccessible for most of the population? 6. What does  another less fuel offer? 7. What is the cost of nuclear fuel ? 8.The production of electric energy is continuous, isn’t it?


         Выразите свое мнение к  следующей проблеме


In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations. When this problem   is solved it will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy.
















         Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 17


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                                Energy Saver

     Energy Saver provides homeowners with tips for saving money and energy at home and on the road. You can make your home more comfortable and easier to heat and cool -- while you save money. We bring you the latest information on energy-saving, efficient technologies. We even give tips for using clean, renewable energy to power your home. Right in your own home, you have the power to save money and energy. Saving energy reduces our nation's overall demand for resources needed to make energy, and increasing your energy efficiency is like adding another clean energy source to our electric power grid.

This guide shows you how easy it is to cut your energy use at home and also on the road. The easy, practical solutions for saving energy include tips you can use today -- from the roof and landscaping to appliances and lights. They are good for your wallet and for the environment -- and actions that you take help reduce our national needs to produce or import more energy, thereby improving our energy security.

Some of the tips are simple to do. Others require more effort and investment, but promise big savings over the years. Check out the tips and make improvements that will contribute to your energy bottom line and make our planet healthier and cleaner! An energy-efficient home will keep your family comfortable while saving you money. Whether you take simple steps or make larger investments to make your home more efficient, you'll see lower energy bills. Over time, those savings will typically pay for the cost of improvements and put money back in your pocket. Your home may also be more attractive to buyers when you sell. The 115 million residences in America today collectively use an estimated 22.5% of the country’s energy. Unfortunately, a lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems. When we waste energy in our homes, we are throwing away money that could be used for other things. The typical U.S. family spends at least $2,200 a year on home utility bills. You can lower this amount by up to 25% through following the Long Term Savings Tips in this guide. The key to these savings is to take a whole-house approach -- by viewing your home as an energy system with interdependent parts. For example, your heating system is not just a furnace -- it's a heat-delivery system that starts at the furnace and delivers heat throughout your home using a network of ducts. Even a top-of-the-line, energy-efficient furnace will waste a lot of fuel if the ducts, walls, attic, windows, and doors are leaky or poorly insulated. Taking a whole-house approach to saving energy ensures that dollars you invest to save energy are spent wisely.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

time, important, saving, power, pay, investment, security, resources, sell, energy, money, electricity, comfortable

2.Дайте исходную форму следующих прилагательных

 more comfortable, best, least, easier, latest,  less, worse, higher, much, healthier, cleaner

  3. Дайте исходную форму от следующих слов

improving, needs, lower, viewing, dollars, saving, steps, residences, renewable

4.Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных

industry,  preparation, weight, independence, magnet, absence, general

5. Найдите в тексте слова с отрицательным значением, переведите их на русский язык

6. Составьте всевозможные словосочетания

practical  solutions, is wasted through, to bring, to throw away, a lot of fuel,  save, energy,  more comfortable, the power, to save money,  to make, to cut, waste, a lot of energy, money, the latest information, make home,  for saving money

7. К следующим существительным подберите прилагательные из текста

using,  power, heat,  furnace, system, information, source, energy





III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте Past  Participle  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to save, to make, to pay, to do, to become, to throw,  to waste, to practice, to have, to be, to cut, to bring

2.Напишите следующие числа  и даты  на английском языке

$2,200 ,  80 %, in 19 th century, in 2015 ,the 115 million residences

3.Поставьте где необходимо  артикль

…energy Saver provides … homeowners with tips for …saving money and energy. 2. Check out … tips and make … improvements that will contribute to your energy  . 3. Over time, those savings will typically pay for … cost of … improvements and put … money back in … pocket. 4.When we waste … energy in our homes, we are throwing away … money that could be used for other things.5. Taking …  whole-house approach to saving … energy ensures that dollars you invest to save …energy are spent wisely.


4.Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.An energy-efficient home will keep your family comfortable while saving you money.2. The typical U.S. family spends at least $2,200 a year on home utility bills.3. Unfortunately, a lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems.4. Even a top-of-the-line, energy-efficient furnace will waste a lot of fuel if the ducts, walls, attic, windows, and doors are leaky or poorly insulated.5. We even give tips for using clean, renewable energy to power your home.

5.К выделенной части предложения поставьте вопросы

1.When we waste energy in our homes, we are throwing away money that could be used for other things.2. Over time, those savings will typically pay for the cost of improvements and put money back in your pocket. 3. Your home may also be more attractive to buyers when you sell.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What does Energy Saver provide homeowners? 2. What is the latest information on energy-saving? 3. Our national needs to produce or import more energy, thereby improving our energy security, don’t they? 4.  Will an energy-efficient home keep your family comfortable while saving you money? 5. What are   the simple steps to make home more efficient? 6.  By what is   heating system start at?

2. Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме

Saving energy reduces our nation's overall demand for resources needed to make energy, and increasing your energy efficiency is like adding another clean energy source to our electric power grid.

















        Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 18


                     Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


                            The Sun’s Energy

What is the source of the sun’s energy? It’s a  critical question, because light and heat from the sun are the  basis  of all life on earth. Sunlight  drives plant live via photosynthesis, and animals  survive  by eating plants. Almost all microscopic forms  of life  survive by  using energy of sunlight. Where does the energy come from to keep the surface temperature of the sun at 6, 000 degrees? To a scientist living in the 18 th or 19 th centuries, before electrical appliances, the most likely approach the understanding the sun’s energy would be to make the analogy to a fire. When something burns( wood or carbon) there is a  chemical reaction between the material and the oxygen in air. Not  knowing  what the chemicals in the sun are , one could  still assume there is some chemical reaction going on that produces  heat, and keeps the sun hot. The  problem  is how long would it be before the burning chemicals are all used up and the fire goes out, just as logs burning in a fireplace will all turn to ash within   a few hours? It is not difficult to arrive  at a rough answer to that question, since we know the sun’s mass.  Assuming the mass is all something  like carbon, one can calculate the sun’s lifetime to be about 50, 000  years. About 1850, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz  proposed  that the source of the sun’s energy could be  gravitation-   that is, the universal gravitational force that every piece of the sun exerts on every other piece. Helmholtz  was able to estimate how long the sun, given its mass,  could continue producing energy this way. His  conclusion was about 20 million years,  much  longer than  the estimate based on chemical burning, and closer to estimates at that time of the earth’s  age.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

gravitation,  temperature, surface, chemical, power, Earth, reaction, mass, energy, physicist, time, age

2. Дайте для следующих слов

- синонимы

consequently, to start, nowadays, quality, research, a means,  manufacture, possess, to occur, to use,  certain,  to substitute, numerous

- антонимы

distant, to stop, few, to reduce, unusual, dependence, invaluable, minimum

3.Найдите слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык

true, unusual, important, incapable,   usual, untrue,  detected, intention, imagine, disadvantage,  disappearance, unimportant, include, impossible

4.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим глаголам

to estimate, to drive, to burn, to calculate, to propose, to produce, to base

5. Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов

advantage, good, few, low,  powerful, crease, accessible, less

     6. Дайте перевод прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

simple  - simply, experimental- experimentally, general- generally, common- commonly, chemical- chemically, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly.

7.Составьте всевозможные словосочетания

logs, the basis, to make, the analogy, of  all life on Earth, the energy, to keep, in air, calculate,  sunlight, to a fire, the oxygen, burning in a fireplace, the sun’s lifetime, drives plant live, the surface  temperature, come from





III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте Past  Participle  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to make, to burn, to drive, to be, to have, to keep, to invent, to live, to come

2.Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных

easy, good, little, bad, comfortable, old, important, large, big, low

3.Поставьте где необходимо соответствующий артикль

1.Helmholtz  was able to estimate how long … sun, given its mass,  could continue producing energy this way.2…. Light and… heat from … sun are … basis  of all life on earth. 3. Almost all microscopic forms  of … life  survive by  using energy of … sunlight. 4. Where does …  energy come from to keep … surface temperature of … sun at 6, 000 degrees?

4. Выпишите из текста притяжательные существительные , переведите их на русский язык.

5.Определите время и залог сказуемого в  следующих предложениях

1.It’s a  critical question. 2.  His   conclusion was about 20 million years. 3.  About 1850, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz  proposed  that the source of the sun’s energy could be  gravitation.4.  Sunlight   drives plant live via photosynthesis, and animals  survive  by eating plants.5. His   conclusion was about 20 million years,  much  longer than  the estimate based on chemical burning.

6. Поставьте все виды английских вопросов к следующим предложениям.

1. About 1850, the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz  proposed  that the source of the sun’s energy could be  gravitation. 2. Almost all microscopic forms  of life  survive by  using energy of sunlight.3. Light and heat from the sun are the  basis  of all life on earth.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is the source of the sun’s energy? 2. How do animals survive? 3. Where does the energy come from? 4. What was the understanding the sun’s energy of scientists in the 19 th century? 5. What is a chemical reaction when something burns? 6. What did Helmholtz propose? 7. What was his conclusion? 8. What is the gravitation?

2.  Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме

Light and heat from the sun are the  basis  of all life on earth. Assuming the mass one can’t calculate the sun’s lifetime.




















       Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 19


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                            NUCLEAR   POWER? WELL, YES

      Although nuclear reactors have generated electricity commercially for more than 40  years and nearly 400 now in operation, two major accidents- in the  US in 1979 and Chernobyl in the USSR in 1986-  have put industry under a radioactive cloud. In the popular imagination, reactors are nuclear bombs, even if they don’t explode, they go on  accumulating  waste that will finally cause a global catastrophe. As the result, an energy source once  considered as the fuel of the future became questionable. But  not everywhere. Nuclear power provides nearly a quarter of the electricity generated in the industrialized Western  world by the 24- member countries of the Organization for Economic  Cooperation and Development. France more than 76% of  electric power is nuclear- generated, in Belguim- 62%, Sweden-50%, Germany, Spain and Finland come in at one third, Japan- a little less, Britain, the US and Canada – under 20%. Some countries have no nuclear power plants at all and don’t want any. Not only the strong emotions of fear have worked against  nuclear power. Energy demand grew more slowly than expected in the past decade. Prices of oil and coal  have reduced. However,  energy prices  can rise. Moreover, supplies of fossil fuel are limited, while energy needs and tide can’t  meet the increasing requirements. Besides, nuclear power doesn’t add to  global warming. All this causes the people to believe that the world  can’t live and work without nuclear power.


      II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы

atmosphere,  material, sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity


2.Переведите на русский язык следующие группы слов одного корня 

         to divide, division, divisible,  divisibility, indivisible;  to solve, solution,  soluble, insoluble;  to achieve, achievement; to speed up, speed, speedy;  to design, design, designer; to improve, improvement; efficiency, efficient


    3.  Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык

science,  basis, economy, technique, industry, origin,  number,   variation

4.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова

constituent, scientific, probably, property, various, ancient, presence, structural


    5.Переведите следующие  эквиваленты  следующих слов и выражений

для того чтобы, решение проблемы,  уделять внимание,  благодаря, впереди, осуществить,  выдвигать, например, ссылаться на, современные удобства

6. Составьте всевозможные словосочетания, переведите их на русский язык

 Measures,  solve, become, changes, a  success,  develop, take,  the center of, a program, make, pollution,  achieve, investments,  have, bring about,  suffer from, a problem, study, carry out, an effect on





III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Переведите глаголы и стоящие после них послелоги

to give- to give off- to give out, to come- to come from, to move- to move in,  to set- to set up,  to work- to work on, to find- to find out, to look- to look at- to look for

2.Напишите  три основные формы следующих  глаголов и переведите их на русский язык.

to know, to heat, to make, to mean, to be, to do,  to become, to take, to put, to bring, to leave, to fly, to show

3.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения на русский язык

1.They never ( to  get up) late. 2. They   take the lift when they ( to go up) to the ship. 3. Electronics ( to become) increasingly important in all branches of production. 4.  Weather  sputniks, sputniks for radio and television  and a number of other interplanetary  devices ( to build)  now. 5. Some of the materials ( to find)  in the crust of the earth ( to be)  very important. 6.  Without  atmosphere there ( to be)  no clouds, no  rains, no running water and no wind. 7. A molecule ( to be) a compound  consisting of two  or more atoms.

4. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus

( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным  членам предложения и переведите каждое на русский язык.

1.The two  scientists Lodygyn and Yablochkov were  the first in Russia  to work in the field  of electrical engineering is well- known.2.  One of the main advantages of electricity is that it does  not pollute the environment. 3.  The transformer was invented in the 19 th century. 4. Our power stations have been connected  by high voltage  transmission  lines into several  networks.


 IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What are two major accidents of using  nuclear power? 2Where does electricity generate? 3. Nuclear power doesn’t add to   global warming, does it? 4.  How many years   have   nuclear  reactors   generated electricity commercially ? 5.  Do nuclear power  provide  nearly  a  quarter  of  the  electricity  ? 6.  How many   per cent   of   nuclear power   do countries in the world   generate?

 2. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.

Electricity   has many useful properties: it is clean and  generates no  by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.

















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 20


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


 It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed. Electrical power has become universal. Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and  unquestionable. With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables  replaced  transmission shafts, gear wheels,  belts and pulleys  in the 19 th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labour   saving appliances have become a part of our everyday lives. Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity   most widely used. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator  - a new compact source of electricity was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries  and other devices that had been used before. Electric lighting  come into wide use  at the end  of the last century with the development of the electric lamp of Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were  set up, dynamos and induction motors  were designed. Since the beginning of the 20 th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout  the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years. Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as  it has  been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent  technological advances such as the laser and electron  beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the future.

      II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы.

electricity, plan, type, kilometers, electron, position, progressive, origin, unique, laser,  deviation, solar system, base,  radius, expert, theory,  instrument,  problem, interesting, circular

2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

         Найдите синонимы и антонимы для следующих слов, переведите их на русский язык

 recent, unlikely,  to apply,  below,  field, to result in, easy,  useless,  difficult, disadvantage,  to get,  above, sufficient, enough, latest, to lead to, likely, to use, useful, sphere, to obtain,  advantage

         Найдите в тексте  существительные, соответствующие следующим словам

to design,  to develop, to  invent, to become, to replace,  to set up, to base


          Определите к какой части  речи относятся следующие слова

resist, resistance, resister; store, storage, storable; physics, physicist, physical; theory, theorist, theorize, theoretical

         Напишите исходную форму слова

owned, possibility, less, replacing, tinier,  boundaries,  matches

         Переведите  на английский язык следующие группы слов:

экспериментальная  работа ученых, достижения наших ученых,  область науки,  значение исследовательской работы,  достижения науки, развитие науки, очень важно для промышленности,  решать важные проблемы





               III. Выполнение  грамматических заданий

1.Напишите следующие числа

3.725;     14. 810;    40 %;   1. 125;   980.325;  1.111. 111

 2.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

 3.Определите функцию глагола  to be  в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Electronics is becoming   very important to engineers in various   branches of industry.   2. Automation is to be   introduced   into all   production processes which  is  of decisive importance in the rapid economic  development of our country.  3. The   nucleus   of the atom  is in  its center.

4.Дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы

1.Is this   an atomic power station?  2. Are these power stations supplied with atomic fuel? 3. Are all the elements common on the earth? 4. Are you a research worker? 5. Do you work in the field of physics? 6. Did you achieve good results in your research work? 7. Are there more than a hundred  different atoms. 8.  Have you made  any successes  in your research work? 9. Is this experiment  being made in your laboratory?

5.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным  членам предложения и переведите каждое на русский язык.

1.Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding  and  unquestionable. 2. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. 3. Electricity provides mankind with the future.








 IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Is it impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity? 2.What is electricity? 3.  What  industrial applications of electricity do you know?4.  Where was the generator developed? 5. When did the  electrical motor appear? 6. Who invented the electric lamp? 7.  What was the first industrial application of electricity? 8.  When did the  successful development of electricity begin? 9. What is the consumption of electricity? 10.  Can you  imagine our life without electricity? Why?

 2. Выразите свое мнение к  следующей проблеме.

Electricity  has many useful properties: it is clean and  generates no  by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.

















            Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 21


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                    Advantages of nuclear power

    In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations. When this problem   is solved it will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy, for these are  atoms of  heavy hydrogen in the molecules of water of seas and oceans.  But   here we again come up   against  the question of how these  new  sources of energy will  be utilized.  Used for peaceful purposes only,  atomic and,  in the near  future,  thermonuclear energy, will  fundamentally improve the life of all nations. This energy will be  turned  to the  welfare of  humanity. It can  be used “ to warm up” the Far North, to irrigate deserts, and  the electricity  regions  far from  other  sources of power. The generation of electricity through nuclear energy reduces the amount of energy generated from fossil fuels (coal and oil). Less use of fossil fuels means lowering greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and others).Currently, fossil fuels are consumed faster than they are produced, so in the next future these resources may be reduced or the price may increase becoming inaccessible for most of the population. Another advantage is the required amount of fuel: less fuel offers more energy. It represents a significant save on raw materials but also in transport, handling and extraction of nuclear fuel. The cost of nuclear fuel (overall uranium) is 20% of the cost of energy generated. The production of electric energy is continuous. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. It reduces the price volatility of other fuels such as petrol. This continuity benefits the electrical planning. Nuclear power does not depends on natural aspects. It's a solutions for the main disadvantage of renewable energy, because the hours of sun or wind does not always coincide with the hours with more energy demand. It's an alternative to fossil fuels, so the consumption of fuels such as coal or oil is reduced. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. By reducing the consumption of fossil fuels we also improve the quality of the air affecting the disease and quality of life.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

demand,  hours, oil, climate, energy, air, fuels, power, nuclear, population, power, humanity, atomic, electricity, history, plants

    2.Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык

science, basis, economy, technique, industry, origin,   number,   variation

    3.Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов

advantage, good, few, low,  powerful, crease, accessible, less

        4. Дайте перевод прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

simple  - simply, experimental- experimentally, general- generally, common- commonly, chemical- chemically, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly.

        5.Подберите к следующим глаголам существительные из текста

 to use, to reduce, to depend, to coincide, to improve, to warm up

        6.Дайте  исходную форму от следующих слов

scientists, controlled, sources, utilized, used, less, generating, best, hours, benefits, affecting, fuels, global












III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Образуйте Past  Participle  от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык

to make, to use, to do, to be,  to control, to run, to have, to see, to  become, to force

2.Определите функцию выделенных слов  в следующих предложениях

1. New   sources of energy will   be  utilized. 2. The production of electric energy is continuous. 3. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time.4. In the near   future,   thermonuclear energy, will   fundamentally  improve the life of all nations. 5. Thermonuclear energy, will   fundamentally improve the life of all nations.

3.Определите время и залог сказуемого

1.This energy will be  turned  to the  welfare of  humanity. 2. In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations.3. Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. 4. Early man relied on fire for the luxuries of light, heat and cooking. 5. Electricity not only plays a big part in our lives at home, but it is extremely important for all the things that go on in the world around us. 6. Less fuel offers more energy. 7. The production of electric energy is continuous. 8.A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. 9. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. 

4.К выделенным словам поставьте вопрос

1. In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations.2. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. 3. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the situation of global warming and global climate change. 









IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1.What will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy? 2 . What can  be used “ to warm up” the Far North? 3.   What   improves the quality of the air affecting the disease and quality of life ? 4.  Fossil fuels are consumed faster, aren’t they? 5.Why  is  the price  becoming inaccessible for most of the population? 6. What does  another less fuel offer? 7. What is the cost of nuclear fuel ? 8.The production of electric energy is continuous, isn’t it?


         Выразите свое мнение к  следующей проблеме


In  many countries  scientists  are experimenting on nuclear  fusion reactions in controlled  installations. When this problem   is solved it will give   mankind   an  inexhaustible  source of energy.















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 22


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


      Laser, one of the most sophisticated   inventions of man, produces  an  intensive beam of light of a very  pure  single color.  It represents the  fulfilment of one of the mankind’s  oldest dreams of  technology to provide  a light beam intensive  enough to vaporize the  hardest  and most  heat-  resistant  materials. It can indeed make  lead run like water, or, when focused, it can vaporize any substance on the  earth. There is no material  unamenable  to laser treatment  and laser will become one of the main technological tools  quite soon.  The application  of  laser in industry  and science are so many  and so varied as to  suggest  magic.  Scientists in many countries are working  at a very interesting problem:  combining  the two big technological  discoveries  of the second half  of the  20 th  century- laser and thermonuclear  reaction- to produce  a practically limitless source of energy. The laser beam must  heat the fuel to the  required  temperature so quickly that  the plasma does not have time to  disintegrate . The laser’s  most  important potential  may  be its use in its use in communications, the intensity  of a laser  can be  rapidly  changed  to encode very  complex signals. In principle, one laser beam, vibrating a billion times faster than ordinary radio waves,  could carry the radio, TV and telephone messages, of the world  simultaneously. In just  a fraction of a second, for example, one laser beam could transmit the entire text of the Encyclopedia Britanica. Besides, there are projects to use lasers  for  long distance communication and for transmission of energy to space stations,  to the surface of the Moon or to  planets in the Solar system. There is no doubt that in time  these projects will  be  realized and the laser beam  will begin operating in space as well.    

 II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите  интернационализмы

structure, temperature,  detail,  energy,  technology,  battery, transformation,  mass,  magnetic,  mechanism, atom, practical, effect, horizontal, physics

2.Образуйте однокоренные слова  с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im- ex- :

destruction, to deform, economy,  effect,  responsible,  possible, important

3.Найдите в тексте прилагательные соответствующие следующим существительным

source, potential, discoveries, tools, inventions, materials, problem, dreams

4.Дайте исходные формы слов и определите,  к каким частям речи они относятся

 biggest, best,  given, flies,  drying,  worst,  men, better,  feet, second, third

5.Образуйте от следующих слов

- глаголы

indication, changeable, difference, usage, large, subdivision

- существительные

dangerous, deep, realize, lighten, powerful, noiseless

- прилагательные

          to indicate, to use,  to change, to realize, to control, to distant, to reduce









III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Определите, чем выражено определение, переведите предложение

1. One of the problems scientists   are  working at is to transmit energy  to space  stations by using  lasers. 2. Laser provides a light beam intensive enough  to vaporize  the hardest and the most heat- resistant materials. 3.  The laser’s most important  potential   use may  be its  long distance communication applications.

2.  Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения и переведите их на русский язык

1.Lasers  have been used to weld pieces  of titanium- with  no other source of power. 2. The  fantastic genius  of  man invented  one of the first useful  tools for ultrasonic experiments about 100 years ago. 3. Ultrasonic  equipment  can machine  glass,  ceramics,  and hard materials.

3. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого

1. The   Earth   is  getting  warmer  because  of  the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 2. It is evident that electricity will be   the energy of the future. 3. Electric power has become   universal.4. Our power stations have been connected by high voltage transmission lines   into   several    networks.

4.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения на русский язык

1.They never ( to  get up) late. 2. They   take the lift when they ( to go up) to the ship. 3. Electronics ( to become) increasingly important in all branches of production. 4.  Weather  sputniks, sputniks for radio and television  and a number of other interplanetary  devices ( to build)  now. 5. Some of the materials ( to find)  in the crust of the earth ( to be)  very important. 6.  Without  atmosphere there ( to be)  no clouds, no  rains, no running water and no wind. 7. A molecule ( to be) a compound  consisting of two  or more atoms.






IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы


         What does the word” laser” mean? 2. What is the laser, is it a device or some  phenomenon? 3. What can be done by means of a laser? 4. What can a laser do? 5. Where can it be used? 6. What light  is produced  by a  the laser? 7. What other uses of  laser  do you know? 8. What prevents putting into effect the  projects to use  lasers  more widely in space?


         Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме

In the next few years  laser will become one of the main technological tools. There are projects to transform  lunar radiation into beams.

















          Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 23


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.


      It known that  much is being done in the   world today  for the  development  of non- traditional sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century.  Now we are using  traditional power sources, that is oil,  natural gas,  coal and water power with  the consumption  of more than 50 billion  barrels per year.  It is  evident that  these  sources are not unlimited. That is why  it is so  important to use  such  renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others. Research  is being   carried out in these  fields. One  of the most  promising research is the development of power stations with   direct transformation of solar energy into  electricity on the basis of photo- effect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric  battery of 32, 000 volts and effective area of  only  0,5 sq.m  which  made it possible  to concentrate solar  radiation.  This idea is now  being intensively  developed in many  countries. However, the efficiency of a solar power station is considerably reduced because of the limited time of its work during  the year. But it is possible  to improve the efficiency of solar power stations and traditional ones- thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing  electric power  stations  with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle. In Kamchatka  there are  geothermal power stations operating on hot  water- steam mixture from  the depths of about  a kilometer.  That different wind energy  plants  are being developed is also well- known. It is important that all these advances in  new sources of  energy and  improving the old ones help to solve the energy problem.

II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы

 atmosphere,  material , sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity

2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

     3. Заполните пропуски  антонимами выделенных слов

1. There  is a limited supply of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal on the earth, but a supply of natural uranium is….

2. Cheap impure coal produces   much more CO2 than ….  coal  of high quality.

3.It is  evident  to all  that  an old inefficient  power station is more dangerous  to the environment than a ….  power station.

         Определите, к какой части  относятся производные слова и переведите их.

Invent- inventor- inventive- invention

Transform- transformer- transformation

Effect- effective- effectively

Possible- impossible- possibly- possibility

Vary- variety- various

5. Переведите следующие  эквиваленты  следующих слов и выражений

для того чтобы,  решение проблемы,  уделять внимание,  благодаря, впереди, осуществить,  выдвигать, например, ссылаться на,  современные удобства







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите следующие числа

3.725;     14. 810;    40 %;   1. 125;   980.325;  1.111. 111

2. Поставьте   some, any, no или их производные и переведите предложения

1. There  are…  important works in the field of physics  in our laboratory. 2. Have you … books on your speciality? 3.  Did you write … about your experimental work? 4. For many centuries man did not know … about  the structure of mater. 5. Is there … in the laboratory  now?

3.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов

to  do, to be, to make, to know,  to read, to write, to see,   to go, to give, to find

4. Определите  время и залог  глагола сказуемого

1.Now we are using  traditional power sources, that is oil,  natural gas,  coal and water power with  the consumption  of more than 50 billion  barrels per year.  2. Today some engineers are working at the problem of  developing  electric power  stations  with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle.  3. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric   battery of 32, 000 volts. 4. Research  is being   carried out in these  fields. 5. That different wind energy  plants  are being developed is also well- known.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения и переведите их на русский язык

         At the end of the nineteenth century scientists   discovered   most   of  the chemical elements. 2. The word “ atom”  came from the Greek word “ indivisible”. 3. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds in the world.  

6. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.

1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected)  differently  by this radiation. 2. The positive  particle in the  nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown)  a number of  experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy  particles in the cosmic  radiation. 4. The theory  which  K. Tsiolkovsky arrived  at (  to be based)  on experimental work. 5. Lead ( to be acted)  upon  by the oxygen of the air.


IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на вопросы

1.What   not- traditional renewable source of energy do you know ? 2. What power sources  are  people using now? 3.What is one  of the most  promising research  in the direct transformation of solar energy? 4. What country  was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric  battery ? 5. What problem are some engineers working today ?6. What kind of stations are  there  in Kamchatka?

2. Выразите свое мнение к проблеме.

          The Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century.  So  scientists find not- traditional renewable source of energy.
















               Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 24


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.



     Benjamin Franklin, an American who is famous for his  interesting and useful inventions, published his ideas about electricity in 1752. Scientists in many countries  became interested in this wonderful  form of energy.  They wanted to find the answer  to a very important question:  could the electricity  be used to develop a fast, efficient system of  long- distance communication? Experiments proved that electricity could travel  instantly over a very  long piece of wire. But  a note that was written on a piece  of  paper  couldn’t  be put into wire. How could   electricity be used to send a message? A Danish scientist discovered that electricity could move a needle from left to  right  and that the needle could be pointed at letters on a piece of paper.  Then  a German  government  worked made up a code system that could be used with an electric needle. In 1837 two English scientists  sent a message  by  electric  telegraph  for a distance of more than 1,6 kilometers. On May24, 1844, the first long- distance message was sent by  telegraph  for 64 kilometers. Telegraph companies were formed in many cities. By 1861 telegraph wires stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Atlantic  Telegraph Company which was organized in 1856wanted to try to lay a cable on the floor of the Atlantic ocean. The 4, 000 kilometer cable broke three times. Each time a new  cable had  to be made. Finally, on July 27, 1866, the first transatlantic message was sent  from Newfoundland to Ireland. Later cables were laid to Central  and South America. After 1900   transpacific cables were laid to Asia and Australia.  At last news and business information could be  sent  instantly to almost  every country  in  the world.



II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

business, information,   cable, telegraph, system, company, energy, messages

2.Дайте перевод  прилагательных и образованных от них наречий

Simple- simply, common- commonly,  general-  generally, similar- similarly, rapid- rapidly

3.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

4.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим глаголам  и переведите их на русский язык

 to find, to send,  to make up, to travel, to stretch,  to use

5. Составьте возможные словосочетания

     distance,  sent by,  ideas,  made up, was written, electricity,  published,  be put,  message, a code system,  travels instantly, in form of energy, into wire, telegraph, on  a piece of paper

6.Дайте исходную форму  следующих слов

Easier, better, creating,  biggest, cried, according,  companies, less, much

7.Образуйте от следующих слов

- глаголы

usage, indication, difference, large, changeable, subdivision,  measurable

        - существительные

deep,  dangerous, realize, powerful, perform, noiseless, lighten







III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Переведите  на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные

Первый, второй, третий ,четвертый, пятый,  пятнадцатый,  двадцатый, двадцать третий, сотый

 3.Напишите во множественном числе

1.This scientist   works in the field of physics. 2. I don’t know the structure  of this  substance. 3.  An atom is a very, very small  particle of matter.4. That man   has a good   knowledge of mathematics.

4.Вставьте   much  или many,  little  или  few

1 ….scientists study  the structure of matter. 2.  We haven’t  … time  for the experiments, we shall  be able to make very … of  them. 3. There were … theories  on the  nature  of heat. 4.  There  is … water in this cup.

   5. Напишите следующие предложения в утвердительной форме.

1. Did you begin to study the theory of the structure of mater? 2. He did not understand   the importance of this work. 3. Will you   use   the results of this   discovery in your work? 4. This scientist does not experiment on this   substance.

6.  Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.

1.Scientists in many countries   became interested in this wonderful   form of energy.  2. In 1837 two English scientists   sent a message   by  electric  telegraph  for a distance of more than 1,6 kilometers.3. Later cables were laid to Central   and South America. 4. The 4, 000 kilometer cable broke three times. 5. There will be many  interesting reports at the conference. 6. There  was much activity among  the experiments in the field of nuclear research.








IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

1.Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Who published   the first ideas about  electricity ? 2. Who became interested in form of energy? 3.  When was the first message sent by electric  telegraph  for a distance? 4. What  was the Atlantic  Telegraph Company organized ?5.  What did a  Danish scientist discover ? 6.  When  were cables laid to Central  and South America?

2.  Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.

 Benjamin Franklin, an American  published   ideas about electricity.  Scientists wanted to   know  the electricity  be used of  long- distance communication.























            Государственное  бюджетное  профессиональное образовательное       учреждение Республики Крым  « Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


                                      Контрольная работа № 2


                        по дисциплине  « Иностранный язык»

                 для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

       Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация                                                                                                                                                                                            

      электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»


                                              ВАРИАНТ 25


I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.

                                                 The Sun

      We consume energy in dozens of forms. Yet virtually all of the energy we use originates in the power of the atom. Nuclear reactions energize stars, including our Sun. The energy we capture for use on Earth comes largely from the Sun or from nuclear forces local to our own planet. Solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy in a single square meter to illuminate five 60-watt lightbulbs if all the sunlight could be captured and converted to electricity. Sunlight is by far the predominant source, and it contains a surprisingly large amount of energy. On average, even after passing through hundreds of kilometers of air on a clear day, solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy in a single square meter to illuminate five 60-watt lightbulbs if all the sunlight could be captured and converted to electricity. The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface, powering titanic transfers of heat and pressure in weather patterns and ocean currents. The resulting air currents drive wind turbines. Solar energy also evaporates water that falls as rain and builds up behind dams, where its motion is used to generate electricity via hydropower. Most Americans, however, use solar energy in its secondhand form: fossil fuels. When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. We can recover that energy months or years later by burning wood, which breaks the bonds and releases energy as heat and light. More often, though, we use the stored energy in the much more concentrated forms that result when organic matter, after millions of years of geological and chemical activity underground, turns into fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or natural gas.


II. Выполнение лексических   заданий, работа со словарем                           

1.Переведите интернационализмы на русский язык

 gas, energy, electricity,  heat, light, turbines, way, meter, square, radiation, atom power, nuclear,  idea

2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов  de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :

include, known, possible, cover,  definite,  form,  explained, visible

3.Найдите в тексте существительные соответствующие следующим прилагательным

burning, chemical, nuclear, own, concentrated, solar, organic, enough, titanic, fossil, secondhand

4.Дайте исходные формы слов и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся

chemical, dozens, use, comes, converted, stored, millions, trapped

5.Подберите слова, словосочетания

to illuminate, to electricity, reaches Earth, in secondhand form, lightbulbs, energize stars, use solar energy, solar radiation, nuclear reactions, converted


6.Определите какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, переведите словосочетания на русский язык


this means that, this means, new  means, this increases,  nothing increases, its increase, these  results, this results in,  both results, it results from












III. Выполнение   грамматических заданий

 1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

 little, small,  simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important,  bad, much,  far

2.Переведите  на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные

Первый, второй, третий ,четвертый, пятый,  пятнадцатый,  двадцатый, двадцать третий, сотый

3.Образуйте  Participle II  следующий глаголов и  переведите их на русский язык

to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see,  to give, to build, to find

4.Определите время и залог сказуемого.

1.Nuclear reactions energize stars.2. Most Americans, however, use solar energy in its secondhand form.3. The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface. 4. When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. 5.After passing through hundreds of kilometers of air on a clear day, solar radiation reaches Earth with more than enough energy.


5.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам в следующих предложениях


1.The Sun’s energy warms the planet’s surface. 2.When sunlight strikes a plant, some of the energy is trapped through photosynthesis and is stored in chemical bonds as the plant grows. 3. Sunlight is by far the predominant source, and it contains a surprisingly large amount of energy.












IV. Выполнение упражнений на понимание содержания текста

 1.Ответьте на вопросы

1. What do energize stars? 2. Where do Americans use the solar energy? 3.  How does the solar  radiation  reach Earth? 4. What does the Sun’s energy warm? 5. What  forms of the stored energy do we use? 6.Where do we capture the energy on the  Earth?


2.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме

The energy we capture for use on Earth comes largely from the Sun. The Sun’s energy   warms enough   the planet’s surface, powering titanic transfers of heat   pressure in weather patterns and ocean currents.









































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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

Учитель иностранного языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 41 человек из 27 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 69 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Преподавание русского языка как неродного в образовательном учреждении

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 76 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 230 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Испанский язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации

Учитель испанского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 107 человек из 29 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 284 человека


Национальная система учительского роста: путь к эффективности

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эмоциональная связь между родителями и детьми

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 44 человека из 27 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек


Воспитание будущего поколения: от педагогики до игровых технологий

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек