Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииВикторина по английскому языку на тему"Америка для меня","Что я знаю об Америке?"(10 класс)

Викторина по английскому языку на тему"Америка для меня","Что я знаю об Америке?"(10 класс)

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для 9 – 10 классов



“What do you
know about










Состав участников: Игроки двух команд; Члены жюри; Ведущий.


¯ 28 карточек с вопросами;

¯ «банкноты долларов» различной стоимостью, изготовленные специально для этой викторины учащимися:

-  4 х   5 000 $;

-  4 x 10 000 $;

-  4 x 15 000 $;

-  4 x 20 000 $;

-  4 x 25 000 $;

-  4 x 30 000 $;

-  4 x 40 000 $;

-  3 x 50 000 $;

Ведущим викторины может быть ученик 10 – 11 класса

Ход игры

1.  Начало игры. Организационный момент.

В начале игры звучит песня.

     “Home on the range”

                        (Bruoster M. Higley / Daniel E. Kelly)

Oh, give me a home

Where the buffalo roam,

Where the deer and the antelope play,

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,

And the skies are not cloudy all day.


Home, home on the range

Where the deep and the antelope play,

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,

And the skies are not cloudy all day.

2.  Проведение игры

В игре принимают участие 10 участников. Им раздают карточки с вопросами, где они отмечают правильный ответ.

Игра состоит из 4 раундов:

1.     история;

2.     литература;

3.     образование, культура, наука;

4.     знаменитые люди.

Игра начинается с раздела «История». Ведущий задает вопросы в порядке повышения сложности вопроса и его стоимости. У участников есть одна подсказка – помощь друга.

После каждого раунда следует музыкальная пауза. Правильные ответы проверяет историк. В конце игры объявляются победители.

Вопросы викторины

1 раунд. History of America

(История Америки). (Плакаты с названием раунда висят на стене.)

1.     What was the first holiday, celebrated by American colonies? (5 000 $)

a)           Thanksgiving;

b)          The New Year;

c)           Easter;

d)          Christmas/

2.     Who was the first President of the USA? (10 000 $)

a)           Theodore Roosevelt;

b)          Benjamin Franklin;

c)           Thomas Jefferson;

d)          George Washington.

3.     What tea party is a historical event? (15 000 $)

a)           Franklin and Washington tea party;

b)          Roosevelt and Churchill tea party;

c)           Boston tea party;

d)          Atlanta tea party.

4.     What was the number of the first English colonies in America? (20 000 $)

        a) 14;        b) 27;         c) 45;          d) 13

5.     When was the Declaration of Independence issued? (25 000 $)

a)           On July 4th, 1776;

b)          On July 14th, 1776;

c)           On July 4th, 1778;

d)          On July 4th, 1789.

6.     Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out? (30 000 $)

a)           In Atlanta;

b)          In New York;

c)           In Washington;

d)          In Philadelphia.

7.     Why did the pilgrims come to America? (40 000 $)

a)           For religious freedom;

b)          For great money;

c)           For a newland;

d)          For great love

Музыкальная пауза гимн США “The Star-Spangled Banner”:

Oh, say can you see,

By the down’s early light,

What so proudly we hail’d

At the twilight’s last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars

Thro’ the perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watch’d

Were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets’ red glare,

The bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro’ the night

That our Flag was still there.

Oh, say does that

Star-Spangled Banner

Yet wave,

O’er the land of the free,

And home of the brave?

2 раунд. Literature (Литература)

1.  Who rote the story “The old man and the sea”? (10 000 $)

a)           Ernest Hemingway;

b)          Mark Twain;

c)           Edgar Poe;

d)          Walt Whitman.

2.     Who rote “An American tragedy”? (15 000 $)

a)     Walt Whitman;

b)    Ernest Hemingway;

c)     Mark Twain;

d)    Theodore Dreiser.

3.     Who is the founder of the modern detective story? (20 000 $)

a)     Arthur Conan-Doyle;

b)    Ernest Hemingway;

c)     Edgar Poe;

d)    Walter Scott.

4.     What is the real name of Mark Twain? (25 000 $)

a)     Samuel James Clements;

b)    Samuel Langhorn Clements;

c)     Sidney James Clements;

d)    William Sidney Porter.

5.     What is the pen-name of William Sidney Porter? (30 000 $)

a)     Mark Twain;

b)    Edgar Poe;

c)     O’Henry;

d)    Walt Whitman.

6.     Who is the author of the novel “The Martian chronicles”? (40 000 $)

a)     Edgar Poe;

b)    Ray Bradbury;

c)     Robert Heinlein;

d)    Arthur Clark.

Музыкальная пауза. And now a little musical pause!

Исполняется песня «Aura Lee» из репертуара Элвиса Пресли.

This song was popular with the confederate army during the civil war. The tune was later used by Elvis Presley for his famous song “Love me tender”.

              Aura Lee

As the blackbird in the spring

Neath the willow tree,

Sat and piped, I heard him sing,

Song of Aura Lee.

Chorus: Aura Lee Aura Lee

                        Maid of golden hair

                        Sunshine came along with thee

                        And swallows in the air.

3 раунд. Education, culture, science.

1.  What is the national anthem of the USA? (10 000 $)

a)     The star-spangled banner;

b)    America, the beautiful;

c)     Silent night;

d)    Yesterday.

2.     How many patents are attributed to Thomas Edison? (15 000 $)

a)     456;      b) 790;       c) 23;         d) Over 1000.

3.     What was the first American University? (20 000 $)

a)     Harvard college;

b)    Yelle college;

c)     Massachusetts college;

d)    Wisconsin college.

4.     What is the famous library in Washington? (25 000 $)

a)     Library of the White House;

b)    Library of Capitol;

c)     Library of the Supreme Court;

d)    Library of Congress.

5.     Who is the “King of rock-and-roll”? (30 000 $)

a)     Walt Disney;

b)    Louis Armstrong;

c)     Elvis Presley;

d)    Stephen Spielberg.

6.     Who is the father of the telephone? (40 000 $)

a)     Alexander Bell;

b)    Henry Ford;

c)     Orville Wright;

d)    Norman Rockwell.

7.     What is the center of the cinema production in the USA? (50 000 $)

a)     New York;

b)    Washington;

c)     Boston;

d)    Hollywood.

Музыкальная пауза. Звучит знаменитый марш «Yankee doodle»

         Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town

a-riding on a pony,

stuck a feather in his cap

and called it macaroni.

Chorus: Yankee Doodle, keep it up.

    Yankee Doodle dandy

    Mind the music and the slop,

    And with the girls be handy.

Father and I went down to

Camp along with Captain Gooding

And there we saw the men and boys

At thick as hasty pudding.

Chorus: There was Captain Washington upon

   A slapping stallion,

   A-giving orders to his men,

   I guess there was a million.

4 раунд. Famous people. (Знаменитые люди)

1.  Who is considered to be the Father of his country? (10 000 $)

a)     Abraham Lincoln;

b)    Benjamin Franklin;

c)     Thomas Jefferson;

d)    George Washington.

2.  Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? (15 000 $)

a)     Walt Disney;

b)    Charles Jones;

c)     Norman Rockwell;

d)    John Portman.

3.  Which of the US President was a Hollywood actor? (20 000 $)

a)     Ronald Reagan;

b)    Benjamin Franklin;

c)     George Bush;

d)    Abraham Lincoln.

4.  Who is the 43d President of the USA? (25 000 $)

a)     Bill Clinton;

b)    Ronald Reagan;

c)     George Bush, junior;

d)    George Bush.

5.  What President was assassinated in Dallas? (30 000 $)

a)     George Bush;

b)    Ronald Reagan;

c)     John Kennedy;

d)    Abraham Lincoln

6.  Who is the greatest American architect of all times? (40 000 $)

a)     John Portman;

b)    Stephen Spielberg;

c)     Louis Armstrong;

d)    Frank Lloyd Wright.

7.  Who was known as the “King of jazz”? (50 000 $)

a)     Elvis Presley;

b)    Wilbur Wright;

c)     Ansel Adams;

d)    Louis Armstrong.

В конце викторины жюри проверяет ответы и вызывает победителей для награждения.

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