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Задания для олимпиады по английскому языку в 5-6 классах

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LISTENING (10 points)

Time: 10 minutes

Task 1 (6 points)                         

Listen to the texts. Match the texts 1-6 with the titles A-G. Put your answers into the table. There is one extra text.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями говорящего 1 - 6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А - G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.


A) Music                               E) Shopping

B) Restaurants                      F) Architecture

C) Sightseeing                       G) Museums and Galleries

D) Theatre














Task 2 (4 points)

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. Put your answers into the table.


Вы услышите разговор между друзьями. В заданиях 1 - 4 обведите букву A, B или C, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 30 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.   


l.       Carl says that there are some people in Dublin

A) he doesn't like.

B) who judge others according to the way they dress.

C) who are punks.


2.       Carl says that

A) he is a soccer fun.

B) he doesn't play soccer.

C) he is a soccer player.


3.       Carl says that

A) there is the biggest disco of the town near his house.

B) there is the oldest disco of the town in the area he lives.

C) the biggest disco in his area is very popular.


4.         According to Carl

A) Irish people have saved many healthy and positive values of live.

B) Ireland is the best country for teenagers.

C) Ireland families are very open and communicable.










                                                       PART 2



                                                   Time: 20 minutes


Task 1 (5 points)

Read the texts. Match the titles 1-5 with the texts A-E. Put your answers into the table. There is one extra title.

Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствия заголовков 1-6 текстам А-E. Занесите ответы в таблицу. Один заголовок лишний.


1. National hobby

 2. Type of pronunciation

3. A new method of painting

4. Expected discovery

5. Means of transportation

6. A well-known part of town


A      Hundred of years ago there were stories about a large continent in the Southern Hemisphere. People called it "terra australis incognita", or "the unknown southern land". But no one could say what it was like and whether it was inhabited until the Dutch discovered it in 1606. Willem Jansz was the first European known to sight the continent.

В       The Welsh are known in Great Britain for their singing. They like singing together. Choral singing is a national art and every village has more than one choir. The Welsh sing everywhere - in competitions, on holidays, in a bus. People like to sing loudly. There are singing competitions in a festival of Welsh culture.

С       The East End is especially famous as the centre of clothing industry in London. For centuries people from abroad have come to find work there. Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Typically they change certain vowel sounds and have a few problems with 'th' and use 'f' instead.

D       John Trumbull (1756 - 1843) was the first American artist to produce history paintings dealing with contemporary American events. His work "The Declaration of Independence" is a painting of particular historical significance. Of the forty-eight figures crowded into the canvas, thirty-six were painted from life. Standing at the table before John Hancock are John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

E       There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker and the single-decker. The single-decker buses travel between the main stations and stop at fewer stops than the double-deckers. The double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are five passengers already standing.













Task 2 (10 points)

Read the story and choose the right variant.

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания 1 - 10, обведя букву А, В или С, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.


House or Home?

            Harold Scott sold cheap shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took them from one house to another and tried to sell them to people.

            He sold a lot of his shoes in small villages, because there were not many shops there, and people did not want to go to the town and buy their shoes there.

            One day Harold drove along the street of a village and stopped in front of one of the houses. There was a small boy beside the door. Harold opened the window of his lorry and called the boy, “Hello. Is your mother at home?”

            The boy looked at him. Then he answered, “Yes, she is.”

            “That’s good,” Harold said, and he smiled. He got out of his lorry, took some shoes from the back and went to the door of the house. He knocked at the door and then he waited, but the door did not open.

After a minute, Harold knocked at the door again and waited for two minutes, but again the door did not open.

            Then Harold looked at the small boy and said in an angry voice, “Your mother is not at home.”

            “She is,” the small boy answered.

            “Then why hasn’t she opened the door?” Harold asked.

            “Because this isn’t my house,” the small boy answered.

1.     What did Harold do?

A.                   A shoemaker.

B.                   A taxi driver.

C.                   A salesman.

2.      What did Harold do with his lorry?

A.                   He carried his shoes in it.

B.                   He took things from one house to another.

C.                   He tried to sell it to people.

3.      Who bought a lot of his shoes?

A.                   People in shops.

B.                   People in small villages.

C.                   People in the town.

4.      Where did Harold see the boy ?

A.                 In front of the lorry.

B.                   Next to the door.

C.                   Behind the door.

5.    What did Harold do to the boy?

A.                 He took him in his lorry.

B.                 He sold shoes to him.

C.                  He asked him a question.

6.     Why did Harold take some shoes out of his lorry then?

A.                 He wanted to sell them to the boy.

B.                 He wanted to show them to the boy’s mother.

C.                  He wanted to sell them to the boy’s mother.

7.     What did Harold do when the door did not open?

A.         He waited for ten minutes.

B.          He knocked again.

            C.         He drove away

8.     How did he feel?

A.                 He was angry.

B.         He was sad.

C.         He was happy.

9.     Where was the boy’s mother?

A.                  She was in the house.

B.                  She was in the shop.

C.                  She was at home.

10.  Why did nobody open the door?

A.                  The boy did not have any keys.

B.                 There Were no people in the house.

C.                 Harold was angry and the people were afraid of him.







































                                                             PART 3

                                                   USE OF ENGLISH

                                                      Time: 15 minutes

Task 1

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-12 так, чтобы они  соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски словами.



Dolphins (1)__________ in water but they are                               LIFE

not fish. They need air to (2)___________. They                           BREATH

(3)_________ stay under the water for many                                  CAN

(4)____________ but then they must come up                                MINUTE

to the surface. Some dolphins live in the sea; some

dolphins live in the rivers. (5)_________ like warm                       THEIR

water the (6)_________. Sometimes dolphins                                 GOOD

(7)_________close to ships. They jump out of                               SWIMMING

the water again and again. They can swim

very fast – up to 55 (8)_______________                                     KILOMETRE

an hour. A number of dolphins swimming

together is (9)___________ a “school”. There are                          CALL

small dolphins and big dolphins: some (10)______                        BE

two or three metres long. Dolphins are not

(11)_________________. They are very clever                             DANGER

Animals and they love playing. Dolphins have

(12)____________ faces. They “speak”                                         SMILE

with high squeaks and clicking sounds.


                          Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

                       Перенесите все Ваши ответы в бланк ответов!




Participant’s number




                                                                PART 4


                                           Time: 15 minutes


Write a postcard to your English-speaking friend Mary. Wish her happy birthday, tell her what you do every day and ask her how she is.

Напишите открытку подруге Мэри (Магу) и поздравьте ее с днем рождения.

Расскажите ему о том, что у вас происходит, спросите как у нее дела.


Write about 30-50 words.


















Mary Brown,

33 Grove Road,


S067 4GK









Participant’s ID number




LISTENING                                               READING












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Task 2: 1
























































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