Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЗадания для школьного этапа олимпиады по английскому языку для 9-11 классов

Задания для школьного этапа олимпиады по английскому языку для 9-11 классов

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возрастная группа (9-11 классы)

Уважаемый участник олимпиады!

Вам предстоит выполнить письменные задания.

Время выполнения заданий письменного тура  1,5 академических часа ( 90 минут).

Выполнение заданий целесообразно организовать следующим образом:

 не спеша, внимательно прочитайте формулировку задания;

 напишите правильный вариант ответа в бланке ответов;

 после выполнения всех предложенных заданий еще раз удостоверьтесь в правильности ваших ответов;

 если потребуется корректировка выбранного Вами варианта ответа, то неправильный вариант ответа зачеркните крестиком и рядом напишите новый.

 Предупреждаем Вас, что:

 при оценке тестовых заданий, где необходимо определить один правильный ответ, 0 баллов выставляется за неверный ответ и в случае, если участником отмечены несколько ответов (в том числе правильный), или все ответы;

 при оценке тестовых заданий, где необходимо определить все правильные ответы, 0 баллов выставляется, если участником отмечены неверные ответы, большее количество ответов, чем предусмотрено в задании (в том числе правильные ответы), или все ответы.


Задание письменного тура считается выполненным, если Вы вовремя сдаете его членам жюри.

Максимальная оценка –  51 балл.  



(комплект заданий для учащихся 9-11 классов)


LISTENING (13 points)

Time: 15 minutes

I. Track 20

You will hear three emails read out on the show. Match each email with the correct statement. There is one extra statement.

1.Patricia’s email.

2.Anabella’s email.

3.Mario’s email.


A.The speaker’s friend has given away a secret.

B.The speaker wants to stop someone from lying.

C.The speaker regrets something done to a loved one.

D.The speaker blames their friend for telling lies.

II. Track 21

Now listen to the first problem again and Amy’s answer  (Amy is the expert on the programme). Decide if these sentences are true or false.

4.Patricia didn’t think that reading her sister’s diary was wrong.

5.When her sister spoke to her about it, Patricia denied reading her diary.

6.Amy says Patricia’s sister will not stay angry for long.

7.Amy says Patricia should speak to her sister at once.

III. Track 22

Listen to a girl talking about the photo. Choose the things she talks about.

8. the people

9. what they are wearing

10. how they feel

11.where they are

12.what they are doing

13.her opinion of the photo




Transfer your answers to the answer sheet


READING (10 points)

Time: 20 minutes

Read the text. Then do tasks.

The Norrmalmstorg Robbery


The Norrmalmstorg Robbery in Sweden is one of the most famous robberies in history.  On 23 August 1973 Jan Erik Olsson’s robbery of Kreditbanken in Stockholm did not go as he had planned. The Swedish police came to the scene immediately and two policemen went inside the bank. Olsson started shooting at them, injuring one of the police officers and taking the other one hostage. He also took four other people in the bank hostage and demanded that his friend Clark Olofsson be brought to the bank. Olofsson was also a criminal and had been in trouble with the law before for violent crimes. The first time he was caught he was only 16 years old. Olsson also demanded 3 million Swedish Kronor (that’s about 3,000,000 euro), two guns, bullet-proof vests, helmets and a fast car.


The police said that Olsson and Olofsson could have the car if they let the hostages go.  The robbers didn’t agree to this and Olsson called Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden, and told him that he would kill the hostages if they did not bring him what he asked for. The next day one of the hostages also called the Prime Minister and told him that she was very mad at him and that he should let the robbers and hostages go! They remained in the bank for six days. On August 28 the police used gas to get the robbers out of the bank. Luckily no one was seriously injured and the police were able to arrest them.


After the incident was over, hostages told reporters that they had felt more afraid of what the police would do than the robbers. A court sentenced Olsson to ten years in prison.  After he got out he had more problems with the law. His friend Olofsson told the court that he was there to protect the hostages and in the end he did not go to prison. He actually became friends with Kristen Enmark who was one of the hostages. The families also became friends. Psychologists have studied this robbery and believe that when someone is held hostage they sometimes can become ‘friends’ with the person who was holding them hostage. They call this the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’. 

Since the robbery people have made movies, songs and written books about the event.

I. Write true (T) or false (F). [5 points]

1 At first there were two robbers who went into the bank. ____

2 The police agreed to all of Olsson’s demands. ____

3 Only one of the robbers went to prison. ____

4 The hostages became friends with the police that saved them. ____

5 Stockholm Syndrome is about the relationship developed between hostages and robbers. ____

II. Choose the correct answer. [5 points]

6. What does ‘hostage’ mean?

a someone who robs banks

b someone taken as a prisoner

c someone who works with the police

7. Clark Olofsson was ...

a not a criminal.

b in trouble with the law before.

c taken as a hostage.

8. The hostages were ...

a more afraid of the police than the robbers.

b more afraid of the robbers than the police.

c not afraid of anyone..

9. When the police arrested the robbers, ...

a the hostages were seriously injured.

b the robbers were seriously injured.

c no one was seriously injured.

10. Clark Olofsson ...

a was not sent to prison.

b was sentenced to ten years in prison.

c went to prison for the rest of his life.



Transfer your answers to the answer sheet.



USE OF ENGLISH (18 points)

Task 1. Read the text and choose the correct answer. Time: 20 minutes



  Task 2. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.


The Perfect Friend

Because (9) … is one of the few kinds of relationship we


have control over, it is an (10)… area of research for sociologists.


Although we can’t usually choose our (11)…, bosses or


(12)…, we can choose our friends. But how do we choose them, and why is it that we find some people’s


(13)… more (14)… than others? We are all looking for similar



qualities in our friends, such as (15)…, a good sense of


humour and (16)… . However, what each of us means by a


‘good sense of humour’, for example, is (17)… .


We are all unique, and so the perfect friend for one person may seem a little (18)…to someone else!



Transfer your answers to the answer sheet.



Writing. Write an article on the topic “Family Conflicts. Are they a disaster?” (10 points)           Time (35 minutes)

In your article mention:

-between what members of the family conflicts usually appear;

- what the reasons of these conflicts can be;

-mention misunderstanding between generations (what parents want and what children want);

- whether these conflicts can be solved (if yes, how?)  

Mind observing paragraphs and linking words. Write 100-150 words

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

36 ч.

1700 руб. 850 руб.
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Мастерство PowerPoint: систематизация, интерактивность и эффективность

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Профессиональное развитие педагога: успехи и карьера в образовании

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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