Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЗадания на послетекстовую работу к отрывку "The last leaf"

Задания на послетекстовую работу к отрывку "The last leaf"

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Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor of the apartment building. Behrman was a failure in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists who could not pay for a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him.


Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf.


Old Behrman was angered at such an idea. «Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and the disease has left her mind full of strange ideas.»


«This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled Behrman. «Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and posed as the miner.


1. Insert articles where appropriate:


Old Behrman was painter who lived on ground floor of apartment building. Behrman was failure in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned little money by serving as model to artists who could not pay for professional model. He was fierce, little, old man who protected two young women in studio apartment above him.


Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years for first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like leaf.


Old Behrman was angered at such idea. «Are there people in world with foolishness to die because leaves drop off vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and disease has left her mind full of strange ideas.»


«This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled Behrman. «Some day I will paint masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled shade down to cover window. She and Behrman went into other room. They looked out window fearfully at ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. Cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and posed as miner.


2. Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in brackets:



Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor of the apartment building. Behrman was a (1)_____[fail] in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists

who could not pay for a (2)_____[profession] model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above (3)_____[he].


Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that (4)_____[she] friend would float away like a leaf.


Old Behrman was angered at such an idea. «Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and the disease has left her mind full of strange ideas.»


«This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled Behrman. «Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window


(5)_____[fear] at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and posed as the miner.








3. Find errors in the following text:



Old Behrman was the painter who lived on the ground floor of the apartment building. Behrman was a failure in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists who could not pay for a professional model. He a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women at the studio apartment above him.


Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas that had waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her freind would float away like a leaf.


Old Behrman was angered at such an idea. «Are their people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and disease has left she mind full of strange ideas.» «This is not some place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled


Behrman. «Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down for cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked in each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and posed as the miner.


4. Fill the gaps with suitable words:

Old Behrman (1)_____ a painter who lived on (2)_____ ground floor (3)_____ the apartment building. Behrman was (4)_____ failure in art. (5)_____ years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, (6)_____ had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model (7)_____ artists who could not pay for a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man (8)_____ protected the two young women (9)_____ the studio apartment above him.


Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy (10)_____ how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf.


Old Behrman was angered (11)_____ such an idea. «Are (12)_____ people in the world (13)_____ the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?»


«She (14)_____ very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and the disease has left her mind full of strange ideas.»


«This is not (15)_____ place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled Behrman. «Some day I (16)_____ paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and posed as the miner.


5. Fill in the gaps with the words below:



[an angered any artists because canvas do friend good his ivy left lived out posed said silly studio waiting yelled yet]



Old Behrman was a painter who (1)_____ on the ground floor of the apartment building. Behrman was a failure in art. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never (2)_____ begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to (3)_____


who could not pay for a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the (4)_____ apartment above him.


Sue found Behrman in (5)_____ room. In one area was a blank (6)_____ that had been


(7)_____ twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her (8)_____ would float away like a leaf.


Old Behrman was (9)_____ at such (10)_____ idea. «Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die (11)_____ leaves drop off a vine? Why (12)_____ you let that (13)_____


business come in her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» (14)_____ Sue, «and the disease has (15)_____ her mind full of strange ideas.»


«This is not (16)_____ place in which one so (17)_____ as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» (18)_____ Behrman. «Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked (19)_____ a window

fearfully at the (20)_____ vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman sat and (21)_____ as the miner.


6. Insert prepositions where appropriate:



Old Behrman was a painter who lived the ground floor the apartment building. Behrman was a failure art. Years, he had always been planning paint a work art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money serving a model artists who could not pay a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women the studio apartment him.


Sue found Behrman his room. One area was a blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years the first line paint. Sue told him Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float like a leaf.


Old Behrman was angered such an idea. «Are there people the world the foolishness die because leaves drop a vine? Why do you let that silly business come her brain?»


«She is very sick and weak,» said Sue, «and the disease has left her mind full strange ideas.»


«This is not any place which one so good Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,» yelled Behrman. «Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.»


Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade cover the window. She and Behrman went the other room. They looked a window fearfully the ivy vine. Then they looked each other speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed snow. Behrman sat and posed the miner.


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