Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыАғылшын тілі сабақ жоспары"Table manners"

Ағылшын тілі сабақ жоспары"Table manners"

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 Сабақтың тақырыбы: Тыңдау бақылау.Table manners

 Сабақтың мақсаты:

·         Оқушыларға дастарханда отыру мәдениетін, тамақ ішу әдептілігін үйрету.

·         Оқушылардың тыңдау, оқу, жазу қабілеттерін дамыту, тілдік – коммуникативтік құзіреттілігін арттыру.

·         Оқушыларды  мәдениетті болуға, шапшаңдыққа, сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу.

 Сабақтың типі: тексеру

 Сабақтың түрі: аралас

 Сабақтың әдісі: кітаппен жұмыс, сұрақ – жауап, түсіндіру, әңгімелеу

 Көрнекіліктері: интер. тақта, үлестірмелі қағаздар, суреттер, анимациялық фильм, өлеңдер

 Пәнаралық байланыс: музыка, өзін-өзі тану


The procedure of the lesson:

І. Organization moment

А) Greetings:

T: Good afternoon dear girls and boys! I am very glad to see you.

P: Good afternoon teacher,

    Good afternoon to you.

    Good afternoon lesson,

    We are glad to see you.

В) Conversation with duty

T: Who is on duty today?

T: Who is absent?

T: What date is it today?

T: What day is it today?

T: What month is it now?

T: What season is it now?

С)  Phonetic drill


This fish has a thick fin,

That fish has a thin fin

ІІ. Pre-task

Table manners [teibl mænәs] дастархан мәдениеті         

Sit up straight  [sit up streit]түзу отыру       

Eat with your fingers  [i:t wið jo: fiŋə] қолымен жеу

Put your elbows  [put jo: elbou] шынтағыңды қою

Put your dirty [ put jo: də:ti] кір нәрсені қою

Mouth full [mauθ ful] ауыз тола

Lick your fingers [lik jo: fiŋə] қолды жалау


III. Presentation

A)    “Table manners”

  1. You should sit up straight
  2. You shouldn’t eat with your fingers
  3. You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table
  4. You should put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate
  5. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full
  6. You shouldn’t lick your fingers
  7. You should say “Thank you” after the meal.



B)    Grammar: should/ought to модальдік етістіктері

should/ought to  - модальдақ етістігі көбінесе ақыл, кеңес, тілекті білдіреді.

Should етістігінің орнына ought to модальдық етістігін пайдалануға болады. Бұл етістіктердің лексикалық мағынасы бірдей.

Сөйлемнің барлық түрлерінде қолданылады. Болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемді құрастыру үшін көмекші етістіктерін қажет етпейді.


IV. Practice

Ex 1. p. 85 Write sentences saying what you do when you sit down at a table. Use always, sometimes, never

  1. When I finish eating I always put my knife an fork together on my plate
  2. When I finish eating I always washing my hands
  3. Sometimes – I sometimes read when I am eating
  4. I sometimes watch TV when I am eating
  5. Never – I never use a knife when I eat fish dishes
  6. I never use knife when I eat
  7. I never read when I am eating

V. Relaxing time.

To sing a song “If you are happy”

VI. Listening: 

Teacher: Good, very good. Thank you. I am proud of your knowing of right manners. But every country has its own rules. Now I am going to write you a letter of a British girl. You must listen it and understand about the manners in her country.


Hi! My name is Jane. I am from Great Britain. I like to visit my relatives and I want to  tell you about some rules in my country. If you don’t know what to do while visiting another person’s home in Great Britain listen to me.

First of all take a small present. Usually a bottle of wine or some chocolate or flowers.

If you are friends some special cheese is OK. Then: you were invited at 8 o’clock?  If they say 8 o’clock it doesn’t mean 8 o’clock. About ten minutes past 8 is fine. They may want to eat at 8.30. and at last the evening usually finish at 11 or 11.30. so leave when other people leave. That’s all for today.

Buy! See you soon.


Answer the questions:

1.Where is Jane from?

A)    USA                         B) Kazakhstan                        C) Great Britain

2.What is Jane like to do?

A)    To do homework      B) to visit her relatives           C) to go to the cinema

3.What about Jane was told in her letter?

A)About how to write the letter     B) about what to buy in the shop       C) about rules to go to the guests

4. What is Britains took when they go to the guests each other?

A) small present                              B) small book                              C) some money

5. What usually took Britains  in guests?

A)a bottle of wine and chocolate      B) flowers           C) all answers are right

                  Rewrite the verbs from the text:

                 Example:like, is, visit ….


VII. Consolidate the new theme

T: Children look at the blackboard. Grandmother Loo is taking her grandchildren out to eat. But they don’t have good table manners. Look at the picture and say which child she is talking to.



  1. Grandmother Loo tells Bill not to put his elbows on the table.
  2. Grandmother Loo tells Jane not  eat with her fingers.
  3. Grandmother Loo tells John sit up straight
  4. Grandmother Loo tells Bob not lick his knife 
  5. Grandmother Loo tells Alice put her dirty knife and fork on the plate
  6. Grandmother Loo tells Tom not lick his fingers


VIII.  Giving home task

Ex 2 p. 85 The teacher asked some questions about table manners. The students answered them. Match the questions with the answers.


  1. What is the correct way to sit at the table?
  2. Do you use your knife or your fork to take a slice of bread from the table?
  3. How do you cut your meat?
  4. What do you do with the spoon after stirring your tea?
  5. What do you say if you like the dish very much?
  6. What do you say if you dislike the dish?
  7. Where do you keep your book or newspaper during a meal, on the table or your lap?


  1. C   Sit strait and close to the table. Don’t put your elbows on the table. 
  2. E   Neither. Your hand is quite correct to get a slice of bread for yourself.
  3. F    It is wrong first to cut all the meat on your plate in small pieces and then   

           eat it. Cut off a slice, eat it and then cut another slice. 

  1. G   Don’t leave the spoon in your glass while drinking. Put it on your saucer.
  2. B    It tastes really fine. It was very delicious
  3. D   Nothing. Keep your impressions to yourself, its impolite towards the  


  1. A   Nowhere near the table. Reading at meals is a bad habit and impolite

           towards others.

B) Giving marks


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