Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыАғылшын тілінен ашық сабақ "Movies"

Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақ "Movies"

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Form: 9 Ә

Date: 16.02.18

The theme of the lesson:


The aim of the lesson:

To get more information  about movies

The results:



А: Pupils discuss about the  genres of films

В:Pupils tell their opinion about the theme.

С: Pupils learn the new words


А: I discuss about the genres of films

В: I tell my  opinion about the theme.

С: I  learn the new words


ICT, marking, youth ages, leadership.

Lesson equipment:


Presentation, active board, netbook, papers with tasks

The procedure of the lesson:

Stages of the lesson



Teacher`s activity

Pupil`s activity

Organization moment




5 min




Good morning pupils

-         Who is on duty today?

-         Who is absent?

-         What date is it today?

-         Before beginning our lesson let’s do psychological test.

-         Circle- you are sociable, kind person. In all places you are welcome, because you always help your friends and avoid conflicts.

-         Square- you are strong and hardworking person. You can get, rich everything you want.

-         Triangle- you are leader. You like to reach difficult aims, therefore you use and do everything.

-         Rectangle- You are very quite. You don’t show your emotions. You always follow other’s rules, points of view.

-         Dividing into  2 groups:         







Pupils choose the words then dividing into 2 groups.












Answer the questions:

1)      How do you think what about will be todays new theme of the lesson?

2)      What  will you learn about todays new theme of the lesson?


 Pupils answer the questions

Main part





23 min





































Project work

The 1st group has to find out some information about history of cinema in Kazakhstan

The 2nd group has to imagine about  their future cinema or movie


New words

By using the method: Look,close,remember and write  pupils have to learn the new words with their definitions.

  4.  THE AUDIENCE =The people who watch a play at the theatre
  5.  CLAP =What these people do with their hands at the end of a play.
  6.  DIRECTOR =The person who makes a film.
  7. CRITICS =Journalists who write articles about films and plays.
  8.  SUBTITLES =The translation of the story of a film across the bottom of the screen.
  9.  TO BOOK =To reserve tickets before the performance

 STARS =The most important actors or actresses in a film


 Lets sing a song  together  which is called “One way ticket”.

One way ticket, one way ticket. One way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.
Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back ooh
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.
Bye bye love
my babe is leavin' me
now lonely tear drops are all that I can see.
got a one way ticket to the blues
gonna take a trip to lonesome town
gonna stay at heartbreak hotel.
A fool such as I A fool such as I
There never was
I cry my tears away.
One way ticket, one way ticket.One way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.
Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.
Gotta go on
gotta truck on
got a one way ticket to the blues.
I gotta take a trip to lonesome town
gonna stay at heartbreak hotel ooh
a fool such as I a fool such as I
there never was I cry my tears away.
One way ticket, one way ticket. One way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.
Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh yeah yeah yeah
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.
Got my ticket...
there is no way you can deny it
I see that you're oh so sad

Match the film genres  to their definitions connected to the meanings


1.  An --- movie is a movie with a lot of                                        a.  comedy

            fighting  and it can be violent.                          

 2.  A --- is a movie which is funny and                                          b. boring

           it can make us laugh.

3.  Ghost movies are -----------                                                        c. frightening

4.  Adventure  movies are ------                                                      d. western

5.  Romantic movies are sometimes --------                                  e. cartoon

6. -------is a movie about American cowboys                              f. exciting

   usually riding horses quickly and wearing hats.

7.  ---- is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.             g. action

Read the movie synopsis below and try to guess the title of the movie

Movie 1: ________________

This is a comedy starring Jim Carrey. When a light falls from the sky, Carrey’s character Truman begins to suspect that something is wrong with the world. He goes on to discover that his whole life is being filmed as a show for others to watch.


Movie 1: ___'The Truman Show' _


Movie 2: ________________

This is a suspense drama starring Bruce Willis. He plays a doctor who helps children with psychological problems. He tries to help a troubled child who sees ghosts. In the end, he helps the boy find peace, but he discovers that he is a ghost himself.


Movie 2: ________The Sixth Sense____


Movie 3: ________________

This is an action film starring Tobey Maguire. He plays a superhero who has to stop the evil genius Dr. Octopus. Unfortunately, his real life problems as college student Peter Parker cause him to temporarily give up being the superhero.


Movie 3: ___Spider-man


Movie 4: ________________

In this romance, Kate Winslet plays an upper class woman who falls in love with a poor artist. The story takes place aboard a ship that is struck by an iceberg and sunk. In the end, Kate Winslet’s character, Rose, survives but the poor artist, who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, dies.


Movie 4: _______TITANIC_________


One or more pupils of the group would

be delegations and visit the second group with their informations by using the method Delegations 

The 1st group's task is about  Cinemas in London


 The 2nd group's task is about  Cinemas in Kazakhstan



1. What types of movies does this person like?
 a) Action and drama
 b) Drama and science fiction
 c)  Suspense and horror
 d) Western and horror
2. Choose one type of movie this person dislikes?
 a)  Suspense
 b)  Comedy
 c) Western
 d) Action

3. Why does this person not like horror movies?
  a) Too scary
  b) Too boring
  c) Stupid and childish
  d) Predictable and obvious
4. How does the person asking the questions think about horror movies?
 a) Entertaining
 b)  Funny
 c) Scary
 d) Suspenseful

Arata conversatian dialogue

A: "What type of movies do you like?"
B: "I like all sorts of movies, primarily drama and science fiction."
A: "That's an interesting combination. How about western movies?"
B: "Western and horror are the two types of movies I don't care for."
A: "Why don't you like horror? They're entertaining."
B: "Some are entertaining, but I find most of them stupid and childish. For example, I don't understand why a person always goes into the house alone when something is suspicious."
A: "Ha ha. I know what you mean. But it's just a movie. They need for the characters to do that

Home task is to write a short dialogue with your partner by using the method that’s called Key words

Such as: actor/ actress, film star, favorite, but, exciting,dislike…..


Evaluate yourself










Pupils read the text, then translate how they understand the text then using the method “Deligation” in order to exchanging the information which they have with the next group





























































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