Инфоурок Литература Научные работыАнализ пьесы "Гамлет" Уильям Шекспир

Анализ пьесы "Гамлет" Уильям Шекспир

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1.The floor is littered with corpses at the end of the play-and others have died earlier.Write the obituary of one dead character.

Hamlet peacefully passed away on march 18,1585. He was born and raised in Denmark. He was born on March 19,1555 . Hamlet is furvived by his one and only true friend Horatio. Hamlet was loved  by his mother ,Gertrude , a lot.  Sadly she passed away minute before he had . Hamlet had manu hobbies ,which  included fencing ,forging letters ,hanging out with his friend , and taking the ghosts. He studied in German . Hamlet funeral will be on March 22,1585bat 9:00 p.m.

2.Tell the last moment of a play from the point of view of Horatio etc.

Hello, my name is Horatio and I would like to tell you the end of the tragedy that happened to my fervent loved friend. All the action of the tragedy took place under the sign of secrets. The former king was secretly killed, secretly hunted Hamlet the murderer, secretly preparing Claudius for the massacre of Hamlet, he secretly conspired with Laertes. Secrets, mysteries, secrets!

In fact, only the two main enemies knew about the hidden crime that occurred before the tragedy began. All the others involved in the cycle of events and in the struggle between the two antagonists did not know what was going on except for me, only the queen knew who had killed her husband.

Neither the king's servants, nor the courtiers, nor the people behind the walls of Elsinore were aware of the carefully masked struggle that took place between Hamlet and Claudius.

Now that Hamlet is dead, it is important for him that everyone should know the truth. Therefore, he bequeathed me: tell me about the truth. He is worried that if the mystery remains undisclosed, he will leave a "wounded name" on himself, in other words, Hamlet's honor will be tarnished by the fact that he will be deemed a murderer of the lawful king. We know what importance the noble prince, my friend, attaches to the notion of honor, and we understand that it is important for him to remain in the memory of people clean.

Yes, I do not dispute that it is not completely clean. He fell from the hand of Hamlet to Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Laertes and Claudius. He killed even more people than Claudius! But I do not have a sense of his crime.All whom he took away his life, fought against him. He defended himself against the insidious intrigues of Claudius. As for Ophelia, she became a victim of the intricacies of the secret struggle between the king and the prince.I, the Horatio promised to tell the world how all the events of the tragedy occurred. Everyone dies in different ways. You are convinced of this, thinking about the catalog of deaths that I'm publishing. The horrible crimes of Claudius: murder of a brother, unnatural marriage with his widow and poisoning her.

Casual punishments and accidental killings is the death of Polonius, but also the execution of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, also essentially exposed to the blows of my friend Hamlet.

The accidental death of the queen is also the death of the queen. No one has encroached on her life. Before her death, she realizes that her husband killed her, to whom she was burning with passion. Only the poison finally opened her eyes before she closed them forever. She dies with the name of Hamlet on her lips. Too late she recognized how much her son was right.

. A quick, reckless decision was taken by Hamlet, piercing the curtain behind which Polonius was hiding; equally unintended was his decision to replace the letter that was being carried by his two former friends. But why was he so impatient!


On the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, it can be said that she also falls into the category of deaths that are adjusted by cunning.

I can say that the insidious machinations that fell on the heads of the instigators are the exact definition of the causes of the death of Claudius and Laertes.


Finally, the death of Hamlet himself, as well as the death of his father, is a bloody and unnatural act. How can I miss my friend.

3. What is the question you would most like to ask each character ?

Would the queen want to return time and not to die?

Would Hamlet want this to happen?

Will Hamlet become a ghost like his father?

What is it like living in society of lies ,betray and fear ?

What did you feel when you headed about the death of your lover?


4.The Character you most identify yourself?

As for Haratio.True and faithful, Horatio is the ideal image of friend. Always willing to help and be of service to Hamlet the Prince. They studied together at the University of  Wittenburg and were good scholars as well as good friends. Horatio is in truth the man Hamlet would like to be. He is smart and good, but is not driven to any extreme or rash actions because of his intellectual mind. Horatio is willing to trust people and accept the world as it comes to him but is also willing to look for truth and risk his life for those he loves. Hamlet admires and praises Horatio for the qualities he so firmly possesses, that he lacks, such as virtue of truth and self control: “Horatio, thou art e’en as just a man….as e’ver my conversation cop’d withal.” Horatio is a strong character who is unwavering in his friendship and ideals, and Hamlet often longs for the peace of mind he seems to think Horatio possesses.

5.How would you present Hamlet ?

Assistant Marcel and Bernard, who is on the scene, in the prosperous cottage of one of the most influential families in Denmark, arrives specialist on the steam-normal phenomena-Horatio. His visit is prompted by a desire to test the rumor about the appearance of the ghost of the recently deceased head of the Claudia family, the father of his longtime and faithful friend, the detective of the police department of Elsinore County, to all other inveterate skeptic Gamlet who soon fell into deep depression. His grief aggravates the mother, or rather, the mother's soon-to-be-married after the death of her father. Hamlet has long noticed that his parents are separated from each other and that they have long ceased to walk every Saturday to their favorite restaurant. Also Hamlet suspected that this was the work of his beloved mother. as soon as she decided to resign from the post of editor-in-chief of the magazine "Elsinore Times" because her husband, a successful broker, began to earn an order of magnitude more, and became a housewife, her views towards the handsome uncle Claudius became more piercing. No wonder Hamlet graduated from New York University and already decently works as a detective. Since childhood, his father taught him to be attentive to every little thing and educated him with a courageous, fearless and fair guy.

15:48- Hamlet's office

Horatio told Hamlet that his mother had summoned him to their house, in order to check the presence of the ghost. He tortured himself for a long time, he never let him down, (but is it possible, does he still stop torturing his soul and find out the truth?), Rejecting this idea or how he liked to express himself as a "stupid idea," he returned to raking up the papers on the case strange and at the same time double suicide "Romeo and Juliet"

(-Welll-thought Hamlet-when he was a teenager, he only thought about how to skate a bit longer or play soccer with the guys on the golf course of his own estate, until his father suspected that the reason was not at all in raccoons tearing him apart. And the thought of suicide in teenagers was not an agitate, but now, what is the recent episode of "13 Reasons Why." I watched a couple of fragments because Ophelia was buzzing all ears, that her friend was in complete ignorance and panic about what to do with the child ... he is watching a TV series about a suicide  and harassment of adolescents. You as a detective advise how to knock out this nonsense, you are such a young man opened so many cases and blah blah blah…Oh yes, this woman completely drove me crazy, I'd better call her and arrange a meeting in our favorite restaurant "Meat and Fish"). He took out a mobile phone and dialed Ophelia's number. But a strange feeling overwhelmed him, as if he knew that soon the subject of suicide would enslave his mind and his life ... and he would have to put a heavy load on his shoulders. To be continued



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