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Авторский образовательный материал по контролю полученных знаний по теме «Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии» в рамках занятий внеурочной деятельности. (8 класс)

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Авторский образовательный материал по контролю полученных знаний по теме «Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии» в рамках занятий внеурочной деятельности.

(8 класс)

Приложение № 1

1.Complete the sentences:

       - England, Scotland and Wales are divided into…

 - Northern Ireland is divided into…

 - … … … … is a symbol of Northern Ireland.

 - Each part of England is different, but very …

 - Bridges in England are … in its beauty.

 - Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to… for … at music festivals in Wales.

 - There are many sheep and cattle farms in green… .

 - (Добыча угля) and (производство стали) are developed in Wales.

 - People in Northern Ireland grow…,…,….,…. .


2. Answer the questions:

 - What parts is Scotland divided into? What are they?

 - Where is the best known lake Loch Ness situated?

 - What is the capital of Scotland?

 - It is the cultural center of Scotland, isn’t it?

 - What are the main industries in England?

 - Where do the English like to spend their holidays?

 - What are the main parts of England?

3.Translate from Russian into English:

 - Самая длинная река в Англии – Северн, а самая глубокая – Темза.

 - Преимущественно (Mostly) , Англия низменная часть страны.

 - Национальная галерея имеет прекрасную коллекцию Европейской живописи.

 - Букингемский дворец – Лондонский дом королевы.

 - В северном Уэльсе находятся горы и глубокие долины.

 - А юг Уэльса – земля высоких холмов.

 - Литература валлийцев одна из старейших в Европе.

4.Translate from English into Russian:

 - Welsh and English are both official languages in Wales now.

 - In 1536 Wales was brought into the English system of national and local government by the Act of Union.

 - In 1303 after defeating the native princes of Wales, King Edward of England named his son Prince of Wales.

 - Since then the eldest son of the King and Queen of England has traditionally been given this title.

 - Northern Ireland occupies one- sixth of the territory of the UK.

 - The main industry of Northern Ireland is agriculture.

 - The main industrial center and a large port is Belfast.

Приложение № 2


1. Right or wrong?


 - Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

 - The Prime Minister is the head of the state.

 - Queen’s power is limited by the parliament.

 - The Queen and the royal family take part in traditional ceremonies.

 - The Prime Minister declares war and makes peace.

 - The Queen opens each session with a speech.

 - The center of parliamentary power is the House of Commons.

 - The Prime Minister appoints about 100 ministers.

 - The Queen is the symbol of national unity.

 - Members of the House of Lords are elected.


2. Complete the sentences:


 - The Queen summons, … and … … ….

 - Officially, the Speaker is … … … … … … ….

 - The Prime Minister is the virtual … … … ….

 - The 24 bishops of the Church of England are presented in the … … ….

 - The Cabinet takes main … ….


3. Answer these questions:


 - What is the official name of the Parliament?

 - When was a woman appointed Speaker for the first time?

 - Who has more real power: the House of Lords or the House of Commons?

 - How are the first 2 rows of seats in the House of Commons called?

 - How many readings has the bill to pass?

 - Who is the Commander in Chief of all armed forces of the Crown?

 - Who rules the country?

 - How is the government formed?

Приложение № 3

Конкурс на лучшего знатока Великобритании


1. Complete the sentences as quickly as possible:

I am eager                                                             an island country.

The United Kingdom is                                        opens each session with a speech.

Great Britain is                                                     the virtual ruler of the country.

The Queen                                                            the political expression of the country.

The Prime Minister is                                           to visit London.

2. Complete the sentences:

(Общая площадь) of the UK is 244100 square kilometers.

Great Britain is a (конституционная монархия)

They started the discussion about the political situation in Northern Ireland (без церемоний).

The Queen (созывает, назначает перерыв в работе и распускает парламент).

The Parliament (состоит из палаты общин и палаты лордов).

(Название этой книги) about Great Britain is known to me.

3. Translate these sentences from English into Russian:

We want to associate with our British guests.

I would like to clear up these misunderstood questions about the system of education in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Last summer they visited the south coast of Great Britain.

This book about sports in Great Britain contains a lot of useful information.

We are mistaken when we call them the English.

We can’t continue the conversation about the English national games, we are short of time.

4. Translate these sentences from Russian into English:

Королевская семья прибыла во дворец.

Королева может объявить войну и заключить мир.

Вскоре он стал епископом английской церкви.

Официально он британский подданный.

Он принял решение уехать на север Шотландии.

Приложение № 4

Конкурс на лучшего знатока Лондона

1. Choose the right answer:

1. London became extremely prosperous during: a). the reign of King Alfred.

b). the 16 century.

c). the 19 century.

2. The construction of London Underground began: a). in the 18 century.

b). in the 20 century.

c). during Queen Victoria’ s reign.

3. The heart of London is: a). Westminster.

b). the West End.

c). the City.

4. The official residence of the Queen is: a). Kensington Palace.

b). Buckingham Palace.

c). The Tower of London.

5. The oldest royal residence is: a). Buckingham Palace.

b). The Tower of London.

c). Westminster Abbey.

6.The ravens in the Tower of London are taken care of because:a). they are very old.

b). they are very rare.

c). of a legend.

2. Match 2 parts:

1. When the Queen is in residence                                         a. the Houses of Parliament.

2. The Mall leads to                                                                b. the first Royal Observatory.

3. The Tower of London used to be                                       c. in Westminster.

4. The seat of the British Parliament is                                  d destroyed the 3 quarters of the city.

5. Almost all the monarchs have been crowned                    e. the Houses of Parliament.

6. The Great Fire                                                                    f. the Royal Standard is flown.

7. Downing Street, 10 is the residence of                              g. the Prime Minister.

3. Translate from Russian into English:

 - Этот английский фильм стоит посмотреть.

 - Новый ресторан был построен на улице Пикадили.

 - Вес памятнику принцу Альберту очень большой.

 - Масса народу находилась недалеко от здания парламента.

4. Translate from English into Russian:

 - In the 16 century Londinium became a prosperous town.

 - The amount of catastrophes grew every year.

 - An epidemic of plague killed a lot of people in the country.

 - All these buildings express the different areas of the English history.

 - My cousin’s dream is to design a modern building in London.

 - The speech of the Prince was rapid and misunderstood.

 - We rub shoulders with our friends from the English club from the school number 44.

 - The height of the monument to Admiral Nelson is 16 feet.

 - My uncle works at the Stock Exchange in the City of London.

 - During the reign of Elizabeth I Great Britain became very important in European politics.

 - Football was played by the whole village teams in the medieval England.


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