Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыАвторский урок английского языка на тему: "What is your favourite travelling destination?"

Авторский урок английского языка на тему: "What is your favourite travelling destination?"

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Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Школа№39 «Центр физико-математического образования» города  Рязани  Ушинская Галина Анатольевна

Тема: What is your favourite travelling destination?


-Социокультурный аспект- знакомство учащихся с тем, как проводят каникулы их британские сверстники, умение представлять собственную культуру;


 -Развивающий аспект- развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания, творческого воображения;


-Воспитательный аспект- формирование положительного отношения к фактам иностранной культуры, уверенности в себе и своих силах, чувства собственного достоинства и уважения к достоинству других людей, осознание родной культуры через контекст культуры иноязычных стран;


-Учебный аспект- совершенствование речевых навыков; формирование лексических навыков говорения; развитие умения читать с целью излечения конкретной информации.


Оборудование: - учебник, аудиоприложение;

                            -электронная презентация;


                             - раздаточный материал.



 Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.


-Сообщение темы и цели урока.

-Ввод в ситуацию.


         Every year a lot of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. For many of them, travelling is the most important event in the year.

         Some people travel to see other countries, modern cities and ancient towns, other people travel to enjoy picturesque place, admire nature. So people have different preference in travelling.

         Today we are going to discuss what the ideal place for travelling is. You will read and listen to different people's opinions. Then you will share your ideas about the ideal holidays.

II. Речевая разминка.

         1. Listen to the song "Brighton in the rain."

         2. Answer the questions.

         1) What kind of person sings the song?

A person who likes travelling. He wants to visit different countries, to see different places.

         2) What is his idea of ideal holidays?

His idea of ideal holidays is to travel to the countries he has never been to.

He wants to see the Pyramids. He wants to sail across the sea or to fly, he wants to eat foreign food and drink in a foreign bar. He wants to visit many countries and have some adventures. He has studied several foreign languages and useful words and he wants to use them.


III Vocabulary work.

         Pupils often confuse the following words.

Travel; Trip; Journey; Way.

1. Complete the sentences using these words.

1. The noun travel is a general word which means the activity of travelling.

2. Use journey to talk about when you travel from one place to another ( chiefly by land)

3. A trip is a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again.

4. Way refers only to the route that you take to get from one place to another.


2. Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences.

1. She met plenty of interesting people during her weekend trip to Montreal.

2. We stopped at the supermarket on the way to the beach to pick up (заезжать за чем-либо) some cold drinks.

3. This August I've booked (заказывать, брать билет) a trip to Greece with my wife.

4. I realize that for you this is a business trip, but I hope we'll have time to see each other.

5. People spend far more on foreign travel than they did 50 years ago.

6. The journey to my village will take about three hours.

7. You can't get to work by bicycle if the journey is very long- over 30 kilometers, for example.

8. Have a good trip to Budapest- see next week when you get back.

9. Excuse me, I'm a bit lost. Can you tell me the best way to the bus station.


IV. Conversation practice.


         What phrases do you know to express your agreement or disagreement?


-How true!

-I absolutely agree.

-I quite agree here.

-I am of the same opinion.

-I agree with you.

-That's just what I was going to say.

-No doubt...

-It goes without saying.

-I think you are right.


Partly agree.

-Yes, may be, but...

-Agreed, but...

-Yes, but on the other hand.



-I disagree with you...

-I can't agree with you.

-I think that you are mistaken.

-I differ from you.


Do you agree or not? Comment on the following statements.

         1. Travelling abroad is in fashion nowadays.

It goes without saying travelling abroad is in fashion nowadays. More people can afford foreign holidays nowadays. The main reasons for travelling abroad are wonderful resorts, various tourist attractions and brilliant weather.


         2. Package holidays are very popular among people.

         ... The tourist boom started in the 1960s when travel agents offered package holidays. A "package" usually includes transport tickets, accommodation, meals and sometimes excursions or guided coach tours.

         3. Many people like organized traveling.

         But some people however do not like organized travelling and prefer to go on their own. Many teenagers think than package holidays are boring.

         4. Travel is a part of people's education.

         While travelling we learn about other people's culture and traditions. And it is the best way to practice foreign languages.

         5. It is impossible to relax at a seaside resorts.

         I absolutely disagree... The best way of having a good rest is to swim in the sea or lie on the beach doing nothing. It's great to feel far away from the home routine.


V Reading.

         Mark and Brandon are talking about their holidays.

-Put their conversation in order.

-Read the dialogue.

(Приложение 1)

-Answer the questions after the dialogue.


1) What places do they mention as ideals for travelling? Why?

- They mention Disneyland in America and Nottingham as ideal for travelling.

2) What do the boys think about travelling with parents?

- They like to travel with their parents.

3) What did the teenagers enjoy most about their holidays?

-They enjoyed the weather, the people and different kinds of activities.


VI Презентация проектов.


Let's start the presentation of your projects.

-Form project group.

-I'll give you a few minutes for preparation.

-Project 1. The UK.

-Project 2. The Russian Federation.

-Project 3. Ryazan land.


Your presentation of ideal place for travelling is so vivid that it makes us

 dream about travelling abroad around our own country and discover Ryazan land.


VII. Подведение итогов.


Thank you for your good work at the lesson. Your marks are excellent.

Приложение 1.


Mark and Brandon are talking about their holidays.


-Put their conversation in order.

-Read the dialogue


Brandon: Hello, Mark! How were your holidays?

Mark: By the way, where have you been?

Brandon: I agree. My Mum ‘s different on holidays. She is nicer and more friendly. And she always buys me more treats.

Mark: Oh! Great, thanks! My family and I spent a month in America.

Brandon: That’s really nice. Isn’t it wonderful to discover new countries!? It’s actually, much better than sitting round doing nothing. The best thing in America is Disneyland, I believe. I'd like to visit it someday.

Mark: Yes, Disneyland is fantastic! This is the life! My parents are fun on holidays. And they don’t get cross with me. My Dad went swimming with me.

Mark: Fantastic! You really had a lot of fun!

Brandon: This summer I spent two weeks with my brother in Nottingham. The weather, people, everything was wonderful. We met some new friends there. We went rock climbing together and visited some old castles… Now I’m sure there are a lot of places to discover in your own country.



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