Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работы“Catchphrases in American and English cartoons. How can we use them in our speech?”

“Catchphrases in American and English cartoons. How can we use them in our speech?”

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      Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное  учреждение

       средняя общеобразовательная школа № 17 г. Стерлитамак РБ

      Городской конкурс проектов для младших школьников «Шанс»


             Исследовательская работа на тему:



      in American and English cartoons.

    How can we use them in our speech?





                                                                                                    Иванов Ярослав,

                                                                                                    ученик 4 класса

                                                                            МОБУ СОШ с. Большой Куганак



                                                                                           Научный руководитель:

                                                                                                     Козлова О.Н.,

                                                                                    учитель английского языка


                                                  2021 год









1.     Introduction.


2.     The main Body.

    1) The Definition of the word “catchphrase”.

         2) The reasons why we use catchphrases.

         3) The use of catchphrases in speech.

     3.  Conclusion.

      4.  Literature.

      5.  References.


      6.  Appendix.






















                                   1.  Introduction

   The theme of my report is “Catchphrases in American and English cartoons”. How can we use them in our speech?” Our work is based on studying and using  catchphrases in English. To do this research I watched English and American cartoons on TV and in the Internet. The object of our work is catchphrases. The subject of study is the English language.

   The aims of our report are:

1.     To explain the definition “catchphrases” and divide them into groups.

2.     To show that using of catch phrases makes our speech rich and bright.

   Our hypothesis is that catchphrases from cartoons can be used in spoken English.

The actuality of our report is defined by the necessity of using interesting phrases in spoken English to make the speech more emotional.    

The materials of our study are American and English cartoons.










                      2. The Main Body

              1) The Definition of the word “catchphrase”.

   The word “Catchphrase” means a popular expression used as an ad or as a slogan, a popular expression or popular aphorism.[1].

   Catchphrases are key words, important phrases; passwords [2].

The phrase “to catch one's eye” means “to get one's attention”. Catch phrases are used on TV, on the radio, in video games, in literature. Their purpose is to create affection and trust. We defined some categories of catchphrases:

1.  Common catchphrases ( all people speak them in different life situations):

             Ah! What a fine day for science! ("Dexter's Laboratory")
             I hate Mondays. ("Garfield")

2.  Verbal Tic: It is a short  word or strange sounds:

              Beep-beep! (“Heroes”)

  3. A Copy Paste  ( a replica is changing).

“Elementary, my dear Watson”.

If you want to explain something to your friend, you can say: “Elementary, my dear Max”.

                 2)  The reasons why we use catchphrases

   Why is this theme actual for me? I like watching cartoons. I hear some interesting phrases spoken by the cartoon characters and use them in my speech. I love American and English cartoons. The catchphrases from cartoons help us learn English. Talking with English and American friends we can use catchphrases to show our wittiness. The phrases from the cartoons will make our speech rich and funny. Learning and using catchphrases in the speech develops mind abilities, make our life funny.

                   3) The use of catchphrases in speech

We have collected some interesting catch phrases from English and American famous cartoons, translated them and matched them to different real life situations.







“Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”

“Elementary, my dear Watson”.


Sherlock Holmes

«Элементарно, мой дорогой Ватсон».

The thing is simple.


The most active thing about me is my imagination.


«Самая  действительная вещь обо мне – это мое воображение». 

I like to imagine and tell it to my friend.

"Bugs Bunny"

I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law!

Bugs Bunny

«Я знаю, это  противоречит закону всемирного притяжения, но я никогда не изучал закон!»

I do it  against all odds.

"Bugs Bunny"

If an interesting monster can't have an interesting hairdo I don't know what this world is coming to.

Bugs Bunny

«Если интересный монстр не может иметь интересную прическу, я тогда  не знаю, что составляет этот мир».

What interesting is there in the world?

"The Simpsons"

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman.

Homer Simpson

« Я обычно не молящийся человек, но если ты там поднялся, спаси меня, пожалуйста, Супермен».

I ask for help.

"The Simpsons"

Me fail English? That's UNpossible!

Ralph Wiggum

«Я провалю английский? Это невозможнo

I think I know English very well.

"Dexter's Laboratory"

Ah! What a fine day for science!


«Ах! Какой прекрасный день для науки!»

It’s time to study.


I hate Mondays.


«Я ненавижу понедельники».

I hate Mondays.

"Scooby Doo"

Let's do what we do best Scoob, eat.


«Давай будем делать то, что мы делаем лучше всего, Скуб - есть».

Let’s eat!

"SpongeBob Square Pants"

People talk loud when they want to sound smart, right?

Squidward Tentacles

«Люди говорят громко, когда хотят выглядеть умными, не так  ли?»

When I try to prove everything and cry.

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends

'I like chocolate milk'


«Я люблю шоколадное молоко».

I like chocolate milk!

Pinky and the Brain

'The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!'


«Каждую ночь мы делаем одно и то же, пытаемся захватить мир!»

When I can asleep and think.

"SpongeBob Square Pants"

'I'm ready!'

SpongeBob Square Pants

«Я готов!»

When I’m ready to start something.

The Wild Thornberrys


Sir Nigel Archibald Thornberry



Courage the

Cowardly Dog

'Don't worry Muriel, I'll save you'



«Не беспокойся, Мьюриэл, я тебя спасу!»

I want to save my friend.

Johnny Bravo

'Ohhhh mama!'

Johnny Bravo

«Оххх, мама

I say to my mum when I am upset.

Bugs Bunny

'What's up?'

Bugs Bunny

 «Как дела?»

I ask my friend how he is.

Mickey Mouse & Friends

'Oh boy!'

Mickey Mouse

«Ох, парень

When I am  upset, I say to my friend “You are stupid!”








                                     3. Conclusion

I asked 8 my classmates if they watched English and American cartoons and what catchphrases they know.

Task 1.  Match the cartoon and the character.            Task 2.  Match the character and the catchphrase

Cartoon (мультфильм)

The main characters (главные герой)

“Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”




"Bugs Bunny"


"The Simpsons"


“Johnny Bravo”




"Scooby Doo"


"SpongeBob Square Pants"


Pinky and the Brain


"SpongeBob Square Pants"


Mickey Mouse & Friends


Captain Planet and the Planeteers


Catchphrase  (крылатая фраза)

Character(главный герой)

Translation (перевод)

The most active thing about me is my imagination.


«Самая  действительная вещь обо мне – это мое воображение». 

If an interesting monster can't have an interesting hairdo I don't know what this world is coming to.


«Если интересный монстр не может иметь интересную прическу, я тогда  не знаю, что составляет этот мир».

I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!


«Я Джонни Брэйв, армия из одного человека!»

Ah! What a fine day for science!


«Ах! Какой прекрасный день для науки!»

I hate Mondays.


«Я ненавижу понедельники».

Let's do what we do best Scoob, eat.


«Давай будем делать то, что мы делаем лучше всего, Скуб - есть».

'I like chocolate milk'


«Я люблю шоколадное молоко».




'Don't worry Muriel, I'll save you'


«Не беспокойся, Мьюриэл, я тебя спасу!»

'Jane! Stop this crazy thing!'


«ДжейнОстанови это безумие

'You iiidiot!'


«Ты ииидиот!»

'Ohhhh mama!'


«Оххх, мама

'What's up?'


 «Как дела?»







I got such results: 1) 4 classmates ( 50 %) know all suggested cartoon characters.

3 classmates (37.5 %) did not watch the cartoon “Pinky and the Brain”.

1 classmate (12.5 %) did not watch the cartoon “Garfield”.


2)  5 classmates ( 62.5 %) matched all suggested phrases and characters.

     3 classmates ( 37.5 %) did the most part of the task.

So we can say that most of my classmates like to watch American and English cartoons and they know many catchphrases from these cartoons. I suggested them to use these catchphrases in their speech to improve their English.

As you can see, the catchphrases from cartoons help us learn English. The phrases from the cartoons will make our speech rich. They can make people laugh, give a piece of advice and answer many questions. They are funny and witty.

                                    4. Literature

1.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catchphrase

2. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-catchphrase-1689830

3. https://ru.qaz.wiki/wiki/Catchphrase

                          5. References


1. English-Russian Dictionary. V. K. Mueller .  «Русский язык», 1990.

2. Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2011.















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