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    1 слайд

    (PART II)

    Lecture # 11

  • Contents of lectures:Introduction
Prominent German philosophers:

    2 слайд

    Contents of lectures:

    Prominent German philosophers:
    The importance of German classical philosophy
    Recommended Reading

  • Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831)Hegel was born in the family of local author...

    3 слайд

    Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831)

    Hegel was born in the family of local authority
    He graduated from two German’s universities: Tubingen and Jena. He was invited to the University of Berlin and became its rector
    Main Hegel works are: "The philosophy of the spirit", "Phenomenology of Spirit", "Philosophy of History" and “Logic"

  • Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831) The main issue for Hegel was the same as Ka...

    4 слайд

    Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831)

    The main issue for Hegel was the same as Kant put - is it possible or not to know the "thing in itself"
    In Kant's "thing in itself" are the objects and phenomena of the world that exists independently of human consciousness
    That is why they are unknowable because of the limited human mind
    "Things in itself" according to Hegel may be knowable, as they are manifested in the phenomena of the world and available human senses

  • Georg Wilhelm HegelHegel proceeds from the fundamental idea of ​​the identity...

    5 слайд

    Georg Wilhelm Hegel
    Hegel proceeds from the fundamental idea of ​​the identity of thinking and being
    Everything that happens is directly reflected in the thinking of man
    If to find the laws of thought, it is possible to automatically identify the laws of the world

  • 3 basic laws of the dialectic by Hegel:	1. Transformation of quantitative int...

    6 слайд

    3 basic laws of the dialectic by Hegel:
    1. Transformation of quantitative into qualitative
    The increase of the quantitative change comes to high point. Then they transform in the qualitative state. Nature : turning water into steam or ice. Area of ​​thinking: the accumulation of facts about something leads to the possibility to formulate a theory
    2. Unity and struggle of opposites
    Every phenomenon consists of opposing elements, which are constantly competing with each other, but it cannot exist without each other. Nature: a magnet, there are always two opposite poles. Area of ​​thinking - man thinks always paired categories by: thesis - antithesis

  • 3 basic laws of the dialectic by Hegel:3. Denial law (the law of double negat...

    7 слайд

    3 basic laws of the dialectic by Hegel:
    3. Denial law (the law of double negation)
    Every phenomenon passes at least 3 stages in its development. Second step is the negation of the first stage, the third - the denial of the second. At the end, everything comes back to the first stage, but in a different form
    Nature: the grain. The grain in the first phase was put. In the second stage a sprout (сабақ/росток) grows, denying the existence of grain. In the third stage the sprout transforms into a spike (масақ/колос) with a certain number of grains. That is a repetition of the first stage, but in a different quantitative level
    Sphere of public life: the French Revolution. In the 1 stage there was an absolute monarchy, at the 2 - a revolution and the overthrow of the monarchy. In the 3 stage, Napoleon came to power and restored the monarchy, like at the 1 phase, but at a different level of quality

  • Georg Wilhelm HegelAccording to Hegel's dialectical method, all the phenomena...

    8 слайд

    Georg Wilhelm Hegel
    According to Hegel's dialectical method, all the phenomena of the world are in constant movement and development.
    Contribution to the philosophy
    of Hegel:
    Development of the dialectical method
    Development of the doctrine of the law and the state as an integral component of the absolute idea

  • Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach (1804-1872)Feuerbach was a disciple of Hegel,...

    9 слайд

    Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

    Feuerbach was a disciple of Hegel, but then rejected his theory of criticism
    Feuerbach first revealed the contradiction between the method and system of Hegel
    He criticized Hegel for excessive (шектең тыс/чрезмерный) abstractness of the real life, and isolation from the specific problems of man

  • Feuerbach (1804-1872)He offered to rename philosophy to anthropology and th...

    10 слайд

    Feuerbach (1804-1872)

    He offered to rename philosophy to anthropology and the science of man
    Main goal of philosophy according to Feuerbach is to promote maximum for the self-realization of the person
    The religion put a person in a low position, kills confidence and prevents his development
    People have created gods in their own image and likeness (ұқсастық/подобие)
    They needed, ideally, a model and have created it, giving the qualities that would like to see
    Then, after a few generations, this ideal was perceived as a kind of super idol - God

  • Feuerbach (1804-1872)In the center of the new religion must be put the pers...

    11 слайд

    Feuerbach (1804-1872)

    In the center of the new religion must be put the person who will regain the lost quality attributed to God
    Feuerbach was well known for his criticism of the contradictions of philosophy of Hegel and humanistic nature of his teachings
    He was one of the first to attempt to give a philosophical justification for the cause of the religion

  • The importance of German classical philosophyGerman classical philosophers...

    12 слайд

    The importance of
    German classical philosophy

    German classical philosophers have made a huge contribution to the development of the whole philosophy
    They have developed and proposed a theory of knowledge and ethical questions
    This line of German philosophy was dominant in the XIX century
    German classical philosophy had a huge impact on such exercises of the second half of XIX century as Marxism and positivism

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Руководство электронной службой архивов, библиотек и информационно-библиотечных центров

Начальник отдела (заведующий отделом) архива

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Библиотечно-библиографические и информационные знания в педагогическом процессе


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Toolbox классического проектного менеджмента

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Стратегии брендинга и лояльности потребителей: изучение современных тенденций и подходов

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