Инфоурок Иностранные языки Научные работы«Welcome to three language wonderland»

«Welcome to three language wonderland»

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The theme: «Welcome to three language wonderland»

The aim:    - to develop pupils’ creative activity

- to increase pupils’ interest to the English language

-to bring up in them respect to the culture of a learning language

Date:25.11.2016 y


Accessories: a tape, CDs, audio cassettes, balloons

                                    The procedure of a work:

-Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

: -Glad to see you at our big English party,  “Welcome to three language wonderland”!

: -And now some information about English. English is a world language. It is spoken by more than 350 million people.

 : -It is the official language in 44 countries. English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the  United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand.

: -Nowadays English is the most fashionable language in the world. English is absolute necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.

 : -Today you will listen to the English songs, rhymes.  So let’s learn English, speak English, sing songs in English!

Our party  consists of 4 tasks.

I. “Polyglot”
II. “Baige”
III. “
Who is the best?»
IV. “

Good afternoon, dear teachers, dear pupils! Welcome to the party!We congratulate you with the holiday of languages! Nowadays it is very important to learn three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. As you know there about 3 thousand languages in the world. English is the most widespread. It is the official language in many countries. It is the official language of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, in the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. It is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. English is now dominant or official language in more than 60 countries in the world. It is a language of Internet and it has become the language of business, politics, science, communication.
We wish you good luck and success. Let’s begin our competition. The first round is “Polyglot”

The next round is “Polyglot”. Let’s solve the riddles and give an answer in three languages.

I. “Polyglot”

1.Балалар өмірдің ...  (гүлі, цветы, flower)

2. Шаш ал десе, …..    алады.. (бас, голова, head)

3. Ти десем тимейді, тиме десем тиеді (ерін, губы,lip)

4. Қабат, қабақ    қаттама , Ақылын болса аттама  (кітап, книга, book)

5.100 теңген болғанша 100 ..... болсын  ( дос, friend, друг)

6. ..... рет өлшеп, бір рет кес              

7.сұрақ:  What does the word ‘Astana’? (астана, столица, Capital)

The next round is “Baiga”. The task is to answer the questions as quickly as possible. Answer the questions in a chain.
1. What is the biggest river in Kazakhstan?
a. Irtish                     b)Esil
c. Syrdarya         d. Sarysu
2. What is the state language of the UK?
a. German        b. English
c. Kazakh        d. Russian3. Which of these animals fly?
a. rabbit        b. dog
c. cat            d.) bird
4. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
a. 12 regions        b. 13 regions
c. 14 regions        d. 15 regions
5. When do we celebrate the Independence Day?
a. on the 16th of December        b. on the 17th of December
c. on the 18th of December        d. on the 19th of December
6. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?
a. German        b. English
c. Kazakh        d. Russian

The next  round is “ Who is the best?”
In these envelopes there are two letters: A and B. I will read you questions and all answers will start with the letters A or B.

Letter A

1.       The name of the fruit. (Apple)

2.       The name of the month? (April)

3.       The capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

4.       The first letter of the Alphabet? (A)

5.       What cannot we live without? (Air)

Letter B:

1.       A little child. (Baby)

2.       The name of the fruit. (Banana)

3.       The antonym to the word “Good”. (Bad)

4.       The name of the school subject. (Biology)

5.       A lake in Kazakhstan. (Balhash)

  Find the words . Орны ауысып тұрған әріптерден сөз құраңдар

ocunyrt – country
repsent - present
rnefch – French
lidhoay – holiday
erthegot - together
dinerf - friend
velyol – lovely
netogu – tongue






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