Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииЭОР "Викторина по страноведению США (на английском языке)"

ЭОР "Викторина по страноведению США (на английском языке)"

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ПО СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЮ МБОУ СОШ №2 имени А.С.Пушкинагорода Моздока РС...

    1 слайд

    МБОУ СОШ №2
    имени А.С.Пушкина
    города Моздока РСО-Алания
    2016 учебный год

From the history of America

    2 слайд

    From the history of America

  • What was the first holiday,
 celebrated by American colonies?


    3 слайд

    What was the first holiday,
    celebrated by American colonies?

    b) The New Year;
    c) Easter;
    d) Christmas.

  • 2. Who was the first President of 
the USA?

Theodore Roosevelt; 
b) Benjamin...

    4 слайд

    2. Who was the first President of
    the USA?

    Theodore Roosevelt;
    b) Benjamin Franklin;
    c) Thomas Jefferson;
    d) George Washington.

  • 3. What tea party is a historical event?

Franklin and Washington tea patty;...

    5 слайд

    3. What tea party is a historical event?

    Franklin and Washington tea patty;
    b) Roosevelt and Churchill tea party;
    c) Boston tea party;
    d) Atlanta tea party.

  • 4. What was the number 
of the first English colonies in America? 

a) 14;...

    6 слайд

    4. What was the number
    of the first English colonies in America?

    a) 14;
    b) 27;
    c) 45;

  • 5.When was 
the Declaration of Independence issued?

On July 4, 1776 
b) On J...

    7 слайд

    5.When was
    the Declaration of Independence issued?

    On July 4, 1776
    b) On July 14th, 1776;
    c) On July 4th, 1778;
    d) On July 4, 1789.

  • 6.Where was 
the Constitution of the USA worked out?

In Atlanta;
b) In New Y...

    8 слайд

    6.Where was
    the Constitution of the USA worked out?

    In Atlanta;
    b) In New York;
    c) In Washington;
    d) In Philadelphia.

  • 7.Why did the pilgrims come to America?
For religious freedom; 
b) For great...

    9 слайд

    7.Why did the pilgrims come to America?
    For religious freedom;
    b) For great money;
    c) For a new land;
    d) For great love.

  • Literature

    10 слайд


  • 1.Who wrote the story 
"The old man and the sea"?

Ernest Hemingway; 
b) Mark...

    11 слайд

    1.Who wrote the story
    "The old man and the sea"?

    Ernest Hemingway;
    b) Mark Twain;
    c) Edgar Рое;
    d) Walt Whitman.

  • 2.Who wrote "An American tragedy"?

Walt Whitman; 
b) Ernest Hemingway; 
c) M...

    12 слайд

    2.Who wrote "An American tragedy"?

    Walt Whitman;
    b) Ernest Hemingway;
    c) Mark Twain;
    d) Theodore Dreiser.

  • 3.Who is the founder 
of the modern detective story?

Arthur Conan Doyle; 

    13 слайд

    3.Who is the founder
    of the modern detective story?

    Arthur Conan Doyle;
    b) Ernest Hemingway;
    c)Edgar Рое;
    d)Walter Scott.

  • 4.What is the real name of Mark Twain?

Samuel James Clemens; 
b) Samuel Lang...

    14 слайд

    4.What is the real name of Mark Twain?

    Samuel James Clemens;
    b) Samuel Langborn Clemens',
    c) Sidney James Clemens
    d) William Sidney Porter.

  • 5.What is the pen-name of 
William Sidney Porter?

Mark Twain; 
b) Edgar Рое;...

    15 слайд

    5.What is the pen-name of
    William Sidney Porter?

    Mark Twain;
    b) Edgar Рое;
    с) О’Henri;
    d) Walt Whitman.

  • 6.Who is the author of the novel "The Martian chronicles"?

Edgar Рое; 
b) Ra...

    16 слайд

    6.Who is the author of the novel "The Martian chronicles"?

    Edgar Рое;
    b) Ray Bradbury;
    c) Robert Heinlein;
    d) Arthur Clark.

  • 7. Who went to Alaska to find gold?

Mark Twain 
b) Jack London 
c) Emily Dic...

    17 слайд

    7. Who went to Alaska to find gold?

    Mark Twain
    b) Jack London
    c) Emily Dickinson
    d)Agatha Christy

  • Education, culture, science.

    18 слайд

    Education, culture, science.

  • 1. What is the national anthem of the USA?

The star-spanned banner,
 b) Amer...

    19 слайд

    1. What is the national anthem of the USA?

    The star-spanned banner,
    b) America, the beautiful;
    c) Silent night;
    d) Yesterday.

  • 2. How many patents were attributed 
to Thomas Edison?
a) 456; 
b) 790; 

    20 слайд

    2. How many patents were attributed
    to Thomas Edison?

    a) 456;
    b) 790;
    c) 23;
    d) over 1000.

  • 3.What was the first American University?        :

Harvard college; 
b) Yale...

    21 слайд

    3.What was the first American University? :

    Harvard college;
    b) Yale college;
    c) Massachusetts college;
    d) Wisconsin

  • 4.What is the famous library
 in Washington?

Library of the White House; 

    22 слайд

    4.What is the famous library
    in Washington?

    Library of the White House;
    b) Library of Capitol;
    c) Library of the Supreme Court;
    d) Library of Congress

  • 5. Who is the «King of rock-and-roll»?

Walt Disney; 
b) Louis Armstrong; 

    23 слайд

    5. Who is the «King of rock-and-roll»?

    Walt Disney;
    b) Louis Armstrong;
    c) Elvis Presley;
    d) Stephen Spielberg

  • 6.Who is the father of the telephone?

Alexander Bell; 
b) Henry Ford; 
c) Or...

    24 слайд

    6.Who is the father of the telephone?

    Alexander Bell;
    b) Henry Ford;
    c) Orville Wright;
    d) Norman Rockwell.

  • 7.What is the center of 
the cinema production in the USA?

New York; 
b) Was...

    25 слайд

    7.What is the center of
    the cinema production in the USA?

    New York;
    b) Washington;
    d) Hollywood.

  • Famous people.

    26 слайд

    Famous people.

  • Who is considered to be 
the Father of his country?

Abraham Lincoln; 
b) Ben...

    27 слайд

    Who is considered to be
    the Father of his country?

    Abraham Lincoln;
    b) Benjamin Franklin;
    c) Thomas Jefferson;
    d)George Washington

  • Who created the best animated 
cartoons in the USA? 

Walt Disney;
b) Charles...

    28 слайд

    Who created the best animated
    cartoons in the USA?

    Walt Disney;
    b) Charles Jones
    c) Norman Rockwell;
    d) John Portman.

  • Which of the US Presidents 
was a Hollywood actor? 

Ronald Reagan; 
b) Benja...

    29 слайд

    Which of the US Presidents
    was a Hollywood actor?

    Ronald Reagan;
    b) Benjamin Franklin;
    c) George Bush;
    d) Abraham Lincoln

  • Who is the 43 rd President of the USA?

Bill Clinton; 
b) Ronald Reagan; 

    30 слайд

    Who is the 43 rd President of the USA?

    Bill Clinton;
    b) Ronald Reagan;
    c) George Bush, junior;
    d) George Bush

  • 5.	What President was killed in Dallas?

George Bush;
b) Ronald Reagan; 
c) J...

    31 слайд

    5.What President was killed in Dallas?

    George Bush;
    b) Ronald Reagan;
    c) John Kennedy;
    d) Abraham Lincoln.

  • Who is the greatest 
American architect of all times?

John Portman; 
b) Step...

    32 слайд

    Who is the greatest
    American architect of all times?

    John Portman;
    b) Stephen Spielberg;
    c) Louis Armstrong;
    d) Frank Lloyd Wright

  • 7.	Who was known as the "King of jazz"?

Elvis Presley; 
b) Wilbur Wright; 

    33 слайд

    7.Who was known as the "King of jazz"?

    Elvis Presley;
    b) Wilbur Wright;
    c) Ansell Adams;
    d) Louis Armstrong.

  • THANKS!!!

    34 слайд


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