Инфоурок Английский язык Конспекты"Every man is the Architect of his own fortune"

"Every man is the Architect of his own fortune"

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 Every man is the Architect of his own fortune».



Класс: 11

Тема: «Каждый человек сам творец своей судьбы.  Every man is the Architect of his own fortune».

Представленные технологии: технология проблемного обучения, технология сотрудничества.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, раздаточный материал.

Тип урока - урок применения знаний.

Цель урока - Развитие коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Выбор профессии. Самоопределение».

Планируемые результаты:


Развивать умение устной речи на основе лексико-грамматического оформления речевого высказывания, умения  аргументировать ответы по проблемным ситуациям, вести дискуссии на английском языке по теме урока.

Совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Выбор профессии. Самоопределение». Познавательные – расширить кругозор по теме «Выбор профессии. Самоопределение», использовать свои выводы для постановки соответствующей учебно-познавательной задачи. Познакомить с сайтом ИрГУПС, его факультетами и кафедрами, информацией о преимуществах карьеры в ОАО «РЖД». Развивать умения самостоятельного искать информацию и факты в реальных условиях, в различных учебных ситуациях, развивать исследовательское умение в образовательном процессе, уметь анализировать и делать выводы.

Регулятивные – развивать мотивы и интересы своей познавательной деятельности, самостоятельно выбирать способ решения учебной задачи с учетом имеющихся ресурсов и собственных возможностей, аргументировать предлагаемые варианты решений; Коммуникативные – развивать умение сотрудничать с учителем и одноклассниками, воспринимать и формулировать суждения, сопоставлять свои суждения с суждениями других участников диалога, обнаруживать различие и сходство позиций.

Личностные – формировать у обучащихся ответственного отношения к своему будущему, к выбору профессии, воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению окружающих, поддержание интереса к учению, готовности обучающихся к саморазвитию, самостоятельности.


The beginning (introduction) of the lesson

T: Good afternoon, students! Let's welcome our guests! Glad to see all of you! I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready to start our work. Are you ready to start? That's great!

Look at the screen, please. Read the English proverb and find the proper Russian equivalent.

(Фраза «Every man is the Architect of his own fortune.”Слайды 1-2).  Right.

Tell me, please, what will we talk about? Yes, you are right. (Слайд 3).

Today we will talk about your plans for the future and choosing a career. But before discussing one of the most important questions for you, let`s warm up.



T: You are divided into 3 groups. Each group has different sets of cards and papers. For the first activity, you should take the set of cards №1.

The cards have the beginnings and the endings of famous people’s sayings about jobs, professions and work. Your task is to match them to get the right saying and try to give Russian equivalent to each one. You have 2 minutes for the task.


T: Thank you, students! Well done! Let's turn to the main question of our lesson.


The development of the lesson


Task 1

T: Every person wants to be successful.  Success is a very important part of our life, though everyone understands it in his (or her) own way. Could you answer my next questions, please? What is success for you? What does it mean for you? You are working in groups again. For this task you need the card №2.  (Слайды 4-6)

You have 2 minutes for the task.

(Success for me is…

A successful person is a person who has:

A successful person should be..)


Task 2

T: You have said, that successful person has a successful career. The question is how to choose your future career.   What factors are important while choosing it? Let`s have a look at the screen again. Take the card №3 and try to continue the sentence.

You have 2 minutes. (Слайд 7)


Task 3

T: Thank all of you, students. I have some more information to add. (Слайд 8) It`s quite logical that everybody of you has mentioned the importance of  .

Well, I think it`s high time to have a talk about one of the most prestigious universities in our city.

I asked some of you to make short presentations about Irkutsk State Transport University, its Faculties and Departments.  How many Faculties does it have? Do you know students?

Let`s listen to the presentations. You are welcome! Who will be the first?  Mind the presentation plan, please.

1.      The Faculty

2.      Departments

3.      What exams does a person need to take for admission?

4.      What professions can one get there?

5.      Where a person can work after graduation?


While listening to the presentations I ask rest of you to fill in the table.(Слайд 9). Take the cards №4;4.1. What professions can you get in  IrGUPS if you have a technical mindset or a humanitarian mindset? (Слайды 9-14)


Task 4

T:  Thank you so much for your reports. I hope this information will help us in the next activity.

Imagine that you have a friend who hasn’t made up his mind about his future career and asks you for a piece of advice. Please, take into consideration the qualities and the traits of the character. Each group has to give their own advice to the friend. Use the cards №5, 5.1. What faculty of IrGUPS could your friend study at.


Task 5

Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T: Well, students, now it’s time for the most important part of our lesson – thinking of your own career. Let`s start with the cluster.

To make the right choice you have to consider different points. You may use the cards №6, 6.1, 5.1



T: Let's read the words of wisdom.

The great recipe for success

is to work, and always work

(Leon Gambetta, French politician

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of France in 1881-1882)

 Do you agree with these words? (Cлайд 19)


T:  Every person has his own steps to success. (Слайд 20).

 What are they? Let's find out together. (Шаги 5 и 6 ученики называют сами).


T:  Students, you know our lyceum belongs to Russian Railways. As a socially responsible company, Russian Railways helps its employees to build their career and look confidently into the future.  The Company offers an extended social package based on the Company’s guarantee of a responsible attitude to its employees.

Your home task will be to study the official website of the Company. The section devoted to the Corporate Citizenship. (Слайд 21-22).

You are to make a list of social benefits, which Russian Railways provides to its employees.


Подведение итогов.

T: I hope our lesson was useful and helpful. I ask you to make a cinquain. (Слайд 23)

Thank you for the lesson. You have been great. You’ll get your excellent marks.   The famous psychologist Dale Carnegie said: « Happiness wants what you get».  That is why I want you not only to be successful and to get what you want, but also to be happy with what you get.






Pleasure in the job







puts perfection

in the work.


Our work is the presentation







of our capabilities.






Never put off till tomorrow








what you can do today.





A job done well








stays well done forever.



No bees, no honey;






no work, no money.








The only job where you start at the top








is digging a hole.



Do your job and demand your compensation….








but in that order.



The future depends on





what we do in the present.





People rarely succeed unless




they have fun in what they are doing.




Choose a job you love





and you will never have to work a day in your life.



The person who knows how……. will always have a job,



but the person who knows why….. will be the boss.




When people go to work, they shouldn’t




have to leave their hearts at home.



my skills and experience

my interests

my personal qualities

my further education

my parents’ opinion


the things  I am good at






Look at this table and say what profession one would be good at:

              Deals with

Personal characteristics




Machines, devices, meters, instruments, machine-tools, etc.

Technical thinking, good memory, clever, skilful, logical, organized, hard-working.

Turner, driver, builder, engineer, pilot, cosmonaut, mechanic, fitter.

Plants, animals, their natural environment.

Good eye memory, neat, patient, observant, rational.

Gardener, farmer, veterinary, chemist, geologist, forester, agronomist


Communicative, sympathetic, well-wishing, tactful, dependable, friendly.

Teacher, doctor. Nurse, manager, salesman, waiter, secretary, trainer, policeman, investigator, inspector.

Works of art, their elements.

Artistic, creative, talented, observant/ good eye memory.

Painter, sculptor, musician, architect, clothes designer, composer, writer, jeweler, typist, hairstylist, artist, actor.

Figures, words, formulas, diagrams, symbols, music, drawings.

Good at Math, intelligent, logical, careful, organized, punctual.

Interpreter, translator. Printer, accountant, programmer, economist, stenographer, typist, corrector.



Card 1

Jack is logical, organized, clever and hardworking, he has technical thinking.

He likes to deal with machines, instruments, meters,

tools, ….

Give him a piece of advice about his future career.



Card 2

Kate is creative, artistic and imaginative.

She likes to draw, to make new things and to write stories.

Give her a piece of advice about her future career.



Card 3

Mike is very communicative, well-wishing, friendly, tactful.

He likes to deal with his friends, classmates and other people.

Give him a piece of advice about his future career.


What would you like to get from your job? Why?

·       Satisfaction

·       Salary

·       Friendly atmosphere


·       Travel

·       Good conditions



What qualities, abilities and skills do you think are necessary for your career?


·       computer skills

·       artistic ability

·       organizational skills

·       dedication

·       initiative

·       physical strength

·       technical thinking

·       good memory


·       a sharp mind                            

·       good eye memory

·       teamwork skills

·       leadership

·       ability to work

under pressure

·       a good telephone manner

·       ability to work to tight deadlines



      You should be:

·   ambitious

·       attentive

·       calm

·       careful

·        cooperative

·       confident

·       creative

·       fair

·       flexible

·       friendly

·       handy

·       helpful

·       hard-working

·       independent


·       intelligent

·       logical

·       organized

·       polite

·       patient

·       punctual

·       practical

·       reliable

·       risky

·       responsible

·       sociable

·       serious

·       tolerant




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