Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыФОНД ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВ контроля качества обучающихся

ФОНД ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВ контроля качества обучающихся

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1. A students research society at the University stimulates____.

1) physical training

2) scientific work

3) public life

4) art skills


2. The academic year in the universities is divided into:

1) the months

2) two terms

3) ten weeks

4) four parts


3. He graduated from the Moscow Law University and got ____.

1) education

2) a job

3) a diploma of a lawyer

4) plenty of opportunities


4. Having much natural resources Russia has to become one of the highly ____ industrial countries.

1) develop

2) development

3) developed

4) developing


5. A well-known designer is a successful in ____of modern flats.

1) decorate

2) decorator

3) decorative

4) decoration


6. Everybody understood that the situation was _____.

1) unhope

2) hopeness

3) hopeless

4) hoping


7. He worked in the laboratory and was responsible for making _____.

1) reports

2) noise

3) laboratory examination

4) much work


8. For many people taking part in sports is _____ and relaxing.

1) illegal

2) informal

3) incorrect

4) illiterate


9. The students of philological faculty usually have 5 _____ classes a week.

1) physical training

2) mathematics

3) literature

4) history


10. Every person knows that reading is_____.

1) useless

2) useful

3) using

4) user


11. His father was a great _____.

1) music

2) musician

3) musically

4) musical


12. The public _____ were estimated by the new president with great enthusiasm.

1) activity

2) act

3) actions

4) active


13. There's no denying the fact that the problem of learning foreign languages is becoming very _____ and important today.

1) actual

2) independent

3) shrewd

4) urgent


14. The best students usually become _____.

1) graduates

2) after-graduates

3) post-graduates

4) under-graduates


15. After ____I hurry to the University.

1) lunch

2) dinner

3) breakfast

4) supper


16. As a Spartan boy approached _____ he was beaten in public.

1) mankind

2) manly

3) manhood

4) manliness


17. I’m afraid I _____ you.

1) disunderstood

2) ununderstood

3) imunderstood

4) misunderstood


18. It was a good result of ____ work.

1) you

2) yours

3) yourself

4) your


19. A young man has good ____as an up-to-date manager

1) experience

2) reception

3) references

4) reputation


20. A person who is one of the committee of top managers who control a company is a _____.

1) judge

2) director

3) executive

4) lawyer


21. A person who is responsible for making a contract of the company is _____.

1) a manager

2) a lawyer

3) a secretary

4) a director


22. Their house is better than____.

1) our

2) ourself

3) ours

4) ourselves


23. I have just informed _____ of the meeting.

1) them

2) their

3) they

4) themselves


24. It was _____ who told you that, not my sister.

1) me

2) mine

3) my

4) myself


25. Who is calling please ? _____

1) Just a moment.

2) It’s David Parker.

3) I’ll call you back.

4) Speaking.


26. I’d like to install _____ contacts with your bank in order to make a long-term loan.

1) friendly

2) business

3) visual

4) quick


27. If you are interested in the job, you can _____ for it.

1) look

2) apply

3) advertise

4) try


28. It was so good of _____ to give him some money.

1) yours

2) you

3) yourself

4) yours


29. He told _____ to do everything possible for our respectful teacher.

1) my

2) mine

3) me

4) myself


30. She said: «I don't like _____ being late so often.

1) your

2) you

3) yourself

4) yours


31. Driving _____ is a very important document.

1) license

2) degree

3) qualification

4) skill


32. A good future specialist who is going to work with people is supposed to know___.

1) history

2) music

3) psychology

4) business


33. The term computer is used to describe a ____ made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components.

1) data

2) device

3) developer

4) deviser


34. Is he a friend of _____?

1) your

2) yourself

3) yours

4) you


35. Mary is the ____in the family.

1) more young

2) younger

3) young

4)  youngest


36. Hostess: “Will you have some more fish with vegetables?”

Guest: “Yes, please, just a little. The meal is ____.”

Hostess: “I am so glad you like it”.

37. A bookseller: “Can I help you to choose a book”.

A customer: “____”.

38. Student: “Have you corrected our compositions?”

Teacher: “____”.

39. Boss: “Do you realize that our firm is in difficulties?

Employee: “____”.

40. Husband: When are we going to organize our house warming party?

Wife: ______________

41. George: Could you repair my portable TV set?


42. Dean: Congratulations! Now you are the student of our Academy.

Student: ___________________

43. The Director General: Have you sent the fax?

Secretary: ____________________________.

44. Secretary: Can I offer you something to drink? Tea or coffee?

Visitor: ______________

45. Shop assistant: .What can I do for you?
Customer: _________________.

46. Tutor: Our best wishes to you. Now you are qualified specialists.
Student: ___________________

47. Bank manager: Did you type all letters for our creditors?

Office manager: __________________________.

48. Guest: Could you pass the salt please?
Hostess: ______________

49. Stewardess: Can I help you?

Passenger: _____________

50. Teacher: Well, if you want to pass this exam I advise you to work harder.

 Student: ______________

51. Boss: .Have you already sent my letters?


52. First friend: My aunt who I’ve never seen in my life is coming tomorrow!

 Second friend: _______ I wish u would enjoy your meeting!

53. Great Britain consists of ____.

1) four parts

2) three parts

3) two parts

4) five parts

54. ____is the capital of Scotland.

1) London

2) Cardiff

3) Edinburgh

4) Birmingham

55. What is the official language of Ireland?

1)    Welsh

2)    English

3)    Irish

4) Scottish

56. _____ is the name of the most famous clock in Britain.

1)    Big Albert

2)    Big John

3)    Big Ben

4)    Big Wren

57. The red rose is a national emblem of ….

1)    England

2)     Wales

3)     Northern Ireland

4)     Scotland

58. The United Kingdom is _______.

1)    federal monarchy

2)     constitutional monarchy with written constitution 

3)     constitutional monarchy without written constitution 

4)     confederacy

59. St Paul’s Cathedral is situated in _____.

1) Edinburgh

2) London

3) Belfast

4) Cambridge

60. Russian is the official language in____.

1) Germany

2) Russia

3) The UK

4) Poland

61. How many crosses is the flag of the United Kingdom made up?

1) 7

2) 3

3) 6

4) 10

62. The United states of America is a federation of____

1) sixty states

2) thirty five states

3) forty two states

4) fifty states

63. How many states are there in the USA?

1)    20

2)    50

3)    3

     4)  85

64. What is presidential term in the USA?

1)    3 years

2)     5 years

3)     8 years

4)     4 years

65. The United States has two main political parties.

1)    Democratic and Republican

2)     Democratic and Liberal

3)     Conservative and Republican

4)     Conservative and Liberal

66. Заполните пропуск

The first president of the USA was…

1)    Abraham Lincoln

2)    John Kennedy

3)    George Washington

4)    Benjamin Franklin

67. The largest city of the US is _____.

1) Washington

2) Texas

3) New York

4) Alaska

68. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

A Normal Letter

Варианты ответов:

1)    Dear Sir

2)    18 Mill St. Ludlow SA3 4RM 15 July 2008

3)    I'm interested in coming to your resort in Barbados. However I have a few questions.

Questions: The first. When is the best time of year to come? I'm thinking of coming in August. What's the weather like then?

Secondly: accommodations

Another question I have is about a place to stay. Could you recommend?

One ware question I have is about price. How much would a 6-day at the resort cost? Do you give any discounts for?

4)    I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully.

V. White

69. Определите к какой форме письма соответствуют данные ниже приветствия Варианты ответов:

A)a personal letter

B)a formal letter

C)a letter to company

D)a personal business letter


1)    Dear Mr. Brown

2)    dear Sirs

3)    Forof Mr. Grey

4)    dear Ann

70. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

                 Перед Вами конверт

                                                                                         1)John Marinichenko

                                                                                         4701 2)Pine Street,

                                                                                         3)Philadelphia, PA 19143

                                                                                         Tel. 1-(215)-748-3037


                                                                                         4) April 2, 1992                

 Dear Mr.Marinichenko:


I am a first-year student in the M.B.A. Program at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia.

I understand that you are heading the independent Ukranian airline.I have heard from my friend Mr.Bill Eastman, a student at Duke University's School of Business , that you might wish to have an American M.B.A. student work with your airline this summer as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the summer of 1992.

If my background and qualifications are of interest to you, please telephone me on (215) 748-3037.

I look forward to hear from you soon.

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                 Mark Diamond.      

 Варианты ответов:

a) date

b) the town in the mailing address

c) the street name in the mailing address

d) the addressee


71. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке:

a) WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR LETTER OF THE 25 OF August we made a new price list for 2 weeks English lessons in your school with living in English families.

b) Kevin Hops, sales Manager,

Grinwich School, Moonlight Road Estate,

London US 64 25 FN, Great Britain

c) Dear Mr.Hops,

d) Mayakovskaya Square,

House 25 office 15,

Hopel Travel and CO,

Moscow, Russia

Telephone +7(495)1837575

Fax +7(495)1837373

         7 September 2009

e) we are pleased to inform you that

now we are, trying to form a group

of students

f) I look for hearing from you

g) But unfortunately we will be late

for the period of studying because of visas

May we suggest an alternative date?

h) Your sincerely,

         Olga Vasilyeva,

         Sales Manager


72. Определите к какому виду делового письма относится представленный ниже отрывок :

                                                                                         John Marinichenko

                                                                                         4701 Pine Street,

                                                                                         Philadelphia, PA 19143

                                                                                         Tel. 1-(215)-748-3037


                                                                                          April 2, 1992               

 Dear Mr.Marinichenko:


I am a first-year student in the M.B.A. Program at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia.

I understand that you are heading the independent Ukranian airline.I have heard from my friend Mr.Bill Eastman, a student at Duke University's School of Business , that you might wish to have an American M.B.A. student work with your airline this summer as an intern. I am very interested in the possibility of such an internship during the summer of 1992.

If my background and qualifications are of interest to you, please telephone me on (215) 748-3037.

I look forward to hear from you soon.

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                 Mark Diamond.      


1)Covering letter



4) Letter of enquiry/request.

73. Перед Вами электронное сообщение расположите части сообщения в правильном порядке.

a) we are looking forward to hearing from you

b) yours sincerely, John Smith, Sales Manager

c) Dear Sirs,

d)We are pleased to inform you

that you persuaded Mr.Colins that

he should accept a discount of 3%

on the unit price.

74. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления письма-запроса.

To: Secretarial Supervisor

(1) ____: John Smith

(2) ____: Participation in the Mitt 2009

         One of the biggest travel operator in

         Great Britain “Moonlight and Co” would

         like to participate in Mitt 2009. Our (3) ____

         Liza Hops would be glad of the opportunity

to meet you on the 25 of September to discuss

         all details of our participation in the Mitt

(4) ____


a) Subject

b) J.S.

c) from

d) Marketing Manager


75. Выберите слова или словосочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

To: Secretarial Supervisor

(1) ____ Ann Woods

(2) ____ Conference for travel agents

         The (3) ____of Hopel Travel will visit us on the 25

                   of September to make a conference

                   for our travel agents. Please arrange

                   the time to meet her so that all the

                   staff could be present.

                   (4) ____

a) Subject

b) A.W.

c) from

d) Marketing Manager

76. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке


1)Dear Sir,

2)Perry Road Estate, Oxbridge UN54 42KF.

Telephone 9036 174369

Fax 9036 36924

15 January 2009

3)We read Your advertisement in the “Pet Magazine” of the 25th December. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment: price, dates of delivery, terms of payment, guarantees, if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

4)George Miller

      Export Manager,

6 Pet Products LTD. 180 London Road. Exeter EX4, England

5)I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, John Smith

Export-Import Manager


77.Metals and materials most widely used in industry because of their---------






78.The study of the production and properties of metals is known as ----------------






79.The separetion between the atoms in metals is ----------






80.Most metal are-------------






81.The atoms in metals are arranged ---------------






82.Metals are----------------






83.------------- is soft and can be bent by hand.






84.------------can only be worked by hammering.






85.Metals can be worked using ------------






86.The ways of working a metal depend on its ------------






  87.All metals can be formed by-------------






88.Some metals require -------------






89.Many metals can be ---------






90.Irregular crystals are called ----------






91.Metal with small grains is ---------------







92.Ferrous metals consist of all the following elements except






93.Metals are usually melted and poured into form which is called a -----------------






94.The proccess of making a “mould” is known as






95.Steel is iron with ---------------- carbon content

a)a very few

b)a very little




96.Cast iron contains a higher percentage of carbon than --------------- does







97. The capital of Canada is _____.

1)    Montreal

2)    Ottawa

3)    Toronto

4)    Vancouver


98. The national symbol of Canada is_____.

1) The red rose

2) An olive branch

3) The great seal

4) The maple leaf

99. The Head of Canada's government is the____

1) King

2) Queen

3) Prime Minister

4) President

100.------------------ something on the shelf.

1)there is

2)there are

3)it is



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