Инфоурок Иностранные языки Научные работыИсследовательская работа на английском языке ломоносов и ньютон

Исследовательская работа на английском языке ломоносов и ньютон

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                                       I Городская конференция

                      «Ломоносовские чтения на английском языке»






                                    Название исследовательской работы:

«Two Bright and Brilliant scientists    Lomonosov and Newton:

          their biographies @ discoveries ».


Работу выполнила:

Павлова Мария Альбертовна

Ученица 11 класса «А»

МБОУ «СОШ №45»

Научный руководитель:

Сорванова Антонина Павловна,

Учитель английского языка.

Высшей  категории




г. Архангельск

2012 г.

   г. Архангельск

          2012 год



    It`s common knowledge that 2012 is a year of Russian history. Every citizen of our country has to know a lot of facts about its Great Past. Very many events of  the history give us the possibility  to learn more about people of the country. It is very important and actual for us.

    As you know, people are creators of their history. The history  can`t be without Great persons of any country. Citizens of our country are proud of such eminent countryman as Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. He has made famous our city and country, he has made great contribution to science and art. He is an integral part of our history and we can`t stand mentioning him.

    It`s  very interesting to look for outstanding people like our countryman abroad, to find someone with a similar fate, and to draw a parallel between the two bright figures, to compare their significance and contribution to history and  science.


1)     To study the  biographies of  Lomonosov and Newton .

2)     To compare their life stages .

3)     To compare their  contribution to science.

The Main Part:   Two bright and important persons

  There are a lot of great scientists all over the world, but I will pay our attention to Russian and British ones. The most striking people are Mikhail Lomonosov, Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin etc.

   I have decided to compare such scientists as Lomonosov and Newton, they are very different and so similar at the same time. Two great figures, two great scientists, their discoveries shook the world and moved science far ahead.

   I have studied a lot of literature and have learnt much about Lomonosov and Newton.

So, I would like to tell you  about their life stages..

Isaac Newton (25.12.1642 – 20.03.1727)

    Isaac Newton's personal life was rather severe. He was born on 25 December 1642 at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolworth, England. His father was a wealthy farmer. As a child, Isaac was very sick and weak, due to the fact that he was born prematurely. The father of Isaac  died, before the birth of the child, but soon after this, his mother remarried. She gave birth to three children late, so it was paid less and less attention to Isaak, but it did not hurt to grow his "inner self" and talent. He  was  a cheerful and usual boy in his childhood, like all other children. Although  he  was a little different from them, because he had insane love for books and design, but no more than that.

   Newton was eight years old when was sent to the King`s School, Grantham  that was located relatively close - in the nearby village of Grantham .He lived in a house of pharmacist. Clark (the name of a pharmacist) spoke about Newton, as about an unusually quiet man. The boy studied there until seventeen.

From 1661 he was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge.  He was a very humble and shy man, totally absorbed with  science. In «plague years» (1665 - 166..) the young scientist made a large part of his discoveries. Newton  worked  in his home village - in Woolsthorpe. It was then, when  Newton proved that white light is a mixture of colors. This scientist has made many discoveries and they are very useful for mankind at present. I will mention them further.

Mikhail Lomosov (8.11.1711 – 4.04.1765)

   M.V.Lomonosov was born in a fisherman`s family, in the village of Denisovka near Kholmogory.  Mikhail was ten years old, when he had to help his father in the sea fishing Travelling and  fishing with his father in the open sea was the brightest moments in Mikhail Lomonosov’s childhood. At that time the main occupation of  Pomerania was fishing. His first education was received from deacon, he taught him to read, and also gave the concept of Latin. Mikhail Lomonosov was fond of reading books and ancient records , this quality indicated on a remarkably, purposeful nature of the future scientist.

    When he was 19, Lomonosov went on foot to Moscow where he entered the Slavonik-Greek-Latin Academy. He was a brilliant pupil and in 1736 he was sent abroad to study chemistry and metallurgy. While abroad Lomonosov studied philosophy, physics, mathematics and foreign languages. In 742 he returned to St.Petersburg. Four years later he was appointed professor and elected a member of the Academy.

  To sum it up I can say, that these two men have much in common in their biographies. So, I have made a table, where I have compared their lives and discoveries  ( Look at  table №1).

Discoveries in Physics:

    Newton discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation, in his book «The Mathematical Principles» he described three laws of motion: the Law of Inertia, The Force Law and Action–Reaction Law.

    Lomonosov as a physicist created the theory of heat, he continued the development of the theory of gases. He studied electricity in the atmosphere very much. Mikhail created a thunder machine, he carried out physical experiments with Rikhman, a German scientist.

Discoveries in Astronomy and in Optics:

    Newton was an astronomer, who studied the Earth, the planets and stars. He also conducted experiments with light and found out that normal light is made up of many colors. Isaac invented a new kind of telescope that used lenses. It made objects look bigger.

    Lomonosov as an astronomer discovered the atmosphere of Venus. He supposed  that  there was life on other planets. He created the theory of comets. Lomonosov improved Newton`s telescope and  in 1762 he presented an improved design of a reflecting telescope to the Russian Academy of Sciences forum. His telescope had its primary mirror adjusted at four degrees to telescope's axis. Then Mikhail observed a lot of stars and planets with it.

    In short, if we compare these two personalities, we can say that, Newton was a scientist, who specialized only in the exact sciences, such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, and  Lomonosov was a versatile person, interested  in everything that surrounded him: in physics, astronomy, painting, geography, philology etc. Lomonosov was also known as a great geographer, painter, chemist, philologist and linguist.

We don`t forget these scientists and keep in memory them and their discoveries.

Keeping Lomonosov`s and Newton`s memory:

Now there is a museum dedicated to Newton, in Woolsthorp.

 There are a lot of things named after this scientist : the unit of force in the SI system, craters on the Moon and Mars, Russian island in the Arctic Ocean, Isaac Newton medal - an international award in the field of physics, every year since 2008, awarded by the British Institute of Physics, a  poststamp and a statue of Newton at Trinity College.

As for  Lomonosov,  we can say that, there is a house museum ( opened in 1940)  in his birthplace.

 There are nineteen places on the map of the world named after Lomonosov: a cape near the Amur river, a volcano in the Pacific Ocean, the mountain range on the island of Novaya Zemlya, the undersurface stream in the Atlantic, a town of Lomonosov ( former Oranienbaum ), a crater on the Moon etc.

Many places in the Arkhangelsk region are also named after Lomonosov: the Central Town Library,  The Drama Theatre, the street, many schools etc.


  In conclusion I can say,   that each of these outstanding people is unique in its own way and to some extent, we  even  don`t   have the right to compare them, but to some extent they are similar. Each has made  significant contribution to science. Every contribution is very important and  has become a turning point for humanity. The mankind uses their discoveries at present.
These people will always be in our hearts.  












Bibliographical list:

1.М.А.Амосова и др. – М.В. Ломоносов, учебно-методическая разработка по практике устной речи. Изд. Архангельск, 1986 год. – 40 с.

2. М.А.Амосова и др. – Архангельская область.Краеведческий материал на английском языке.Изд.Архангельск, 1992 год. – 45 с.

3. Белл Э. Т. Творцы математики. — М.: Просвещение, 1979. — 256 с.

4.Вавилов С. И. Исаак Ньютон. — 2-е доп. изд. — М.-Л.: Изд. АН СССР, 1945. — 688 с. — Переиздание: — М.: Наука, 1989, с дополнением: Гинзбург В. Л. Несколько замечаний к биографии Исаака Ньютона.

5. M.A.Amosova and others. – Our Heritage. Cultural Traditions of the Arkhangelsk North. – Arkhangelsk, The Pomor University Publishing , 1994. – 72 c.

Table  №1.

Similarities In Life Stages @ Discoveries Of Lomonosov and Newton.

Great name




Family and birthplace

Family of a wealthy farmer, countryside

Family of a fisherman Pomor, countryside


Likes and interests

 insane love for books  and design, loved to sit in silence and to read  books.

 liked  reading books  and ancient records.

A person, who helped him in difficult times

Pharmacist Clark



Trinity College

Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

Discoveries in astronomy and in optics

Conducted experiments with light and found out that normal light is made up of many colors, invented a new kind of telescope that used lenses.

Discovered the atmosphere of Venus, created the theory of comets, improved Newton`s telescope.

Achievements in Physics

The Law of Universal Gravitation, three Laws of motion: Law of Inertia, Force Law, Action-Reaction Law.

Discovered the theory of heat,  continued the development of the theory of gases, studied electricity in the atmosphere,  created a thunder machine,

Keeping in memory

Museum in Woolshorp,   places named after him

-   The unit of force in the SI system,

-   Craters on the Moon and Mars,

-   Russian island in the Arctic Ocean,

-   Isaac Newton medal,

-   post stamp

Memory House in Lomonosovo,                   places named after  him:

-   a cape near the Amur river,

-   a volcano on the Pacific Ocean,

-   the mountain rage on the island of Novaya Zemlya, the undersurface stream in the Atlantic,

-   a crater on the Moon etc.


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