Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты« Экологические проблемы в России и в Архангельской области».

« Экологические проблемы в России и в Архангельской области».

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Название работы: Технологическая карта урока по теме

« Экологические проблемы в России и в Архангельской области».

Учитель английского языка Сорванова Антонина Павловна.     МБОУ СШ №45 г. Архангельска

Описание разработки и рекомендации к использованию: Технологическая карта составлена по требованиям ФГОС для 10 класса  и может быть использована коллегами в разработке урока по данной теме.


Тема урока: « Экологические проблемы в России  и в Архангельской области».

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний и умений.  Итоговое       занятие       проводится       в     виде    пресс  –   конференции,    на которой  учащиеся обсуждают не только глобальные  проблемы экологии, но и экологические   проблемы региона, в котором они живут.

Цели урока:

 Образовательные  цели:

•        Расширение эрудиции, лингвистического и общего кругозора

•        Обсуждение проблемы по теме в диалогической и монологической форме

Воспитательные  цели:

•        Воспитание у учащихся интереса к изучению иностранного языка

•        Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка

•        Привитие чувства любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде,  чувства ответственности за место, где они живут.

•        Воспитание  у учащихся активной  жизненной позиции.

Практические   цели:

•        Обобщить и активизировать знания учащихся по теме.

•        Развивать умение работать в различных режимах.

•        Развивать навыки  аудирования, чтения, монологической и диалогической речи.

 •       Учить самостоятельно решать проблемы на базе  изученной лексики по теме.

•        Обучать делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам темы.


Цель (планируемые результаты):

       Формировать УУД:


- Научиться оценивать усваиваемый учебный материал.


- Умение ставить учебные задачи на основе того, что известно и того, что еще неизвестно

 – высказывать своё предположение;


-  Умение формулировать познавательную цель

  -  использовать полученные знания для решения поставленной задачи;


- Умение организовывать совместную деятельность с учителем и одноклассниками.

- Умение работать в группе

- Умение использовать речевые средства (диалог).

- Умение работать в парах, взаимопомощь, оценка действий партнера.

 Оборудование урока:

  • Лингафонный кабинет
  • Интерактивная доска
  • Мультимедийная презентация
  • УМК « English» О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева для 10 класса.





 План урока « Экологические проблемы в России и в Архангельской области».

Урок проводится в виде пресс – конференции. 

Тематические блоки



Вступительная часть.

3 минуты


Основная часть.




3 минуты


Защита презентации  и вопросы по тексту.

12 минут


Вычленение экологических проблем и способы их решения

2 минуты


Обсуждение проблем защиты окружающей среды за круглым столом:

  • проблемы, доказательства с примерами, фактами, фотоматериалами.
  • Ответы на вопросы представителей СМИ
  • Меры, принимаемые правительством Архангельской области для уменьшения опасности экологической катастрофы
  • Вклад, который вносят ученые (экологи, врачи) в решение проблемы

15 минут


Рассказы представителей СМИ об экологической ситуации в нашем регионе. Обучение монологической речи.

5 минут


Обсуждение вопросов практического характера, решение которых поможет улучшить экологическую обстановку на планете и в нашей области. (Обучение письменной речи)

4 минут


Заключительная часть.  

1 минута





Содержание урока


Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя


Деятельность учащихся

I. Организационный момент

Цель этапа:  Организация учащихся к работе

Приветствие учителя.  

Good morning, boys and girls.  We are glad to see you. We hope you are well. Let’s start our lesson then. The theme of our lesson   is   « The ecological problems in Russia and the Arkhangelsk Region ».  What do you expect from our lesson?


Ученики здороваются, отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Student 1: We‘ll speak about our planet and different ecological problems.

Student 2:  We‘ll speak about our region and its ecological problems.

Student 3: We’ll discuss the problem of polluted environment during our lesson.

II. Основная часть урока

Цель этапа:

- актуализация ранее изученных лексических единиц на тему «Экологические проблемы»

- Совершенствование навыков говорения  по данной теме.

We’ll begin with the report about ecological problems in Russia and the Arkhangelsk region, prepared by the pupil of the 10th  form.

Be serious and think about the problems of our planet. Look at this apple. Now use your imagination and say what does the apple look like?

 I cut  the  apple into four quarters. Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. Only a quarter of the Earth’s habitable land is where all the Earth’s food from. You can see that it is a very little piece and we should take care of it.

What are the main problems of our planet?

How can we solve those problems?

Now, we’ll have a discussion.  The Round  Table  “ The Ecological  Situation In Russia and in  the Arkhangelsk Region”. 

Participants: a member of Russian Parliament, the head of the Arkhangelsk Region, a weatherman, an ecologist, a member of ”Green peace”, a doctor, representatives of  Mass Media (correspondents of magazines, newspapers, radio, TV) & different guests.

Ecological situation in the Arkhangelsk Region becomes from bad to worse. Inhabitants put the ecological problems sharply in local, region administrations, in the press.

После каждого докладчика вопросы от прессы. Representatives of Mass Media (correspondents of magazines, newspapers, radio, TV) & different guests ask questions to the participants of the “round table”.

Questions to the member of the Russian Parliament.













Questions to the head of the Arkhangelsk Region:










Questions to the weathermen:







Questions to the ecologist:





















Questions to the member of the “ Greenpeace”:












Questions to the doctor:



Обучение монологической речи.

 After «the round table» some articles have been published.  What   have   the  representatives of  Mass Media written in their newspapers?












Подведение итогов «Круглого стола»   Выступление Главы Архангельской области

 What should we do to protect the environment?













Teacher: Our short discussion is over. I’m sure you are real friends of our planet. We all must keep the air, the water and the land clean. We must protect our nature to live happily.

Now we will listen to the poem written by the student of our class


Мультимедийная презентация и рассказ ученика об экологических проблемах в России и Архангельской области.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

 Student 1: It looks like our planet





Students: Water pollution.  Air pollution. Soil pollution


Каждая пара выходит к доске и делает доклад по теме












A member of Russian Parliament: Some days ago I returned from the trip around our country. I visited industrial cities, saw our forests, lakes & rivers, met different people. And I must say that ecological situation in Russia is very dangerous.

Questions  to the  MP:

What are the most serious ecological problems now?

In your opinion, is pollution a very serious problem nowadays?

What seas & oceans are in danger? Why?

Why can’t fish & reptiles live in rivers & leave their habitats?

Is it safe to use nuclear energy?

What are the effects of nuclear pollution?

Why are cars dangerous for the people in towns & cities?

What does our government do to solve ecological problems?


The head of the Arkhangelsk Region: The ecological situation in the AR is also very serious. We face the same ecological problems as other regions in Russia.


Questions to the head of the Arkhangelsk Region:

Is water in the Northern Dvina safe to drink? Can children & their parents swim in the river in summer?

Are nuclear tests carried out on the territory of your Region?

Is it true that the northern seas are used as the burial of nuclear wastes?

What natural resources are discovered on the territory of the AR?

What measures are taken to improve the ecological situation in the AR ?


A weatherman: We, weathermen, are worried about the climatic changes. Recently climate has changed a lot in our country. Some scientists think the world is becoming hotter. These changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet.

Questions to the weathermen:

How do you collect the information about the weather?

Are weather forecasts important for people? People of what professions are interested in weather forecasts? Why?

What can you say about the climate in Russia?

What do you know about the greenhouse effect?

Why does the atmosphere become warmer?

How can the greenhouse effect influence the climate on the planet in future?

Do you think our planet needs protection? Why?


An ecologist: Man kills birds, animals & destroys their habitats. Forests are cut down for different uses. If we go on like this, soon all the forests on earth will be destroyed.


Questions to the ecologist:

What endangered  animals  & plants can you name? Why are they disappearing?

What  is  “ The Red Data Book”?  (a book on rare & disappearing animals)

Why is it red? (The colour red is a danger signal understandable to all people in the world. The colour red is one of blood & life. You should hear the world around you. It calls for help. )

What is the situation with forests nowadays?

How does the disappearance of forests influence the life of people, animals & plants?

Why are rainforests so important for the life on the Earth?

How can wild plants in savannas, deserts & rainforests help to cure people?

What should be remembered if we want to have a healthy life in future?


 A member of  the ”Greenpeace”: Members of our organization appear in places where some disasters have come. Now we are in your country, in the Crimea. Some days ago there was a storm in the Kerch Channel, in the Black Sea. Many ships suffered from the storm. Some sailors died, ships were ruined & oil was spilt over the water. So fish was poisoned, birds are in danger. I think they won’t survive!

Questions to the member of the “ Greenpeace”:

When & where was your organization founded?

What is its aim?

Do people all over the world suffer from shortage of natural resources?

What continents & countries suffer mainly from shortages of food? Can this be helped?

Is it difficult to be a member  of  the  “ Greenpeace”?


A doctor: It may sound funny to you, but man needs protection & care as much as birds & animals do. Nowadays people suffer from serious diseases & die early, their children are born weak because of the ecology. No medicines prescribed by the doctors can help them. This problem becomes more & more serious with every passing year.

Questions to the doctor:

Is it safe to get brown in summer? Why?

How do changes in the climate influence the people’s health?

Why do people suffer from serious diseases nowadays?

Where can people get medicine to cure them?

Can doctors cure all the illnesses?

 What is the modern way of life?   How  does  it influence the people’s health?

Зачитывают примерные статьи в газеты и журналы/

Student 1: The ecological situation in our region is not very safe. Air and water pollution is high. There are no filters at factories and boiler-houses. The number of cars is growing. They add bad breath to the atmosphere. Sometimes it is difficult to breathe, especially on a hot summer day. Many people burn rubbish or autumn leaves. It poisons the air too. The forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. But people cut down a lot of trees. The climate of our region is dry in summer; and every summer most of the forests are in fire. Of course, the reason is Man. It is awful! Trees, plants, animals and birds are in danger and may disappear.

Student 2 : Another serious environmental problem in our region is water pollution It is not a secret that the largest rivers of our region are polluted very much. Often, companies don’t know what to do with waste materials of industry, so they pour them into water. They pollute the water we drink, and the land we live in.  People pollute water. They wash their bicycles and cars in our rivers. They pollute water when they wash carpets in rivers.

Student 3: Litter on the ground makes Arkhangelsk look ugly. Some people find it easier to drop  paper,  wrappers or  cigarettes than to look for a garbage can for them. Empty bottles and cans are everywhere: on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near our houses and on the roads. They go under our feet.

The head of the Arkhangelsk Region

We should:

  • Pick up litter
  • Use less paper, less packaging
  • Buy milk or juice in cartons, not in plastic bottles
  • Help communal workers keep our city tidy
  • Leave the places of our rest clean
  • Plant trees, flowers
  • Participate in the work of public organization “For the Protection of Nature”.
  • Keep the environment clean!
  • Avert the danger of environmental disaster!
  • Protect the environment from industrial pollution!
  • Keep the land, air and water clean!
  • Save energy!
  • Recycle!
  • Save water!

Защита плаката по теме.

 Read the declaration together: KEEP THE EARTH CLEAN AND GREEN!

We live on Earth…

It’s our home.

But sometimes we

Are silly like stone.

We destroy Earth

By nuclear bombs,

By rockets and wars

And radio storms.

We bring to Earth just harmful pain…

And I don’t know,

When Jesus comes

To save the world again.



IV. Заключительная часть урока. Рефлексия

Цель этапа:

·        подведение итогов

·        оценка своей  деятельности

·        объяснение домашнего задания

And   now   let’s talk   about your impressions of this lesson. Have   you  learned  something new? Did you like the lesson?

Now open your diaries and write down homework.


Учащиеся  высказывают свои мнения об уроке.

Now I know…    I have learned that…  It was interesting to…







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