Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыИтоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

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№ 1 (Reading)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после него.


was introducedбыла представлена              gymnasiumгимнастический зал

placed поместил                                                 at firstсначала, вначале

basketкорзина                                                    indoor gameигра в помещении

oppositeпротивоположный                              outdoor game игра на улице


Basketball as a game appeared at the end of the nineteenth century in America. It was introduced by a college coach James Naismith during the winter of 1891 – 1892. He wanted to train his students between the end of the football season and the beginning of the baseball season. He placed fruit baskets on the walls at the opposite ends of the gymnasium and organized nine-men teams who played with a ball used for football. Each team tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket. The students moved a lot about the gymnasium, jumped and ran. They liked the game and called it basketball.

            Nowadays there are many changes in the game. For example, now there are five players in a team. This game is very popular in Europe, where it was brought during World War I. It is interesting that at first basketball was an indoor game, and in America it is still played indoors. But almost in all other countries it is outdoor game.


Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста? Напишите номер предложения и букву T (true) или F (false).

  1. Basketball is an outdoor game in all countries now.
  2. The students gave the name to the game.
  3. There are 5 players in a team now.
  4. James Naismith was a school coach.
  5. Americans play basketball only indoors.
  6. Basketball is very popular only in Europe.
  7. Basketball appeared in autumn.
  8. James Naismith’s students moved a lot during the game.
  9. There were 8 players in a team when the game was introduced by James Naismith.
  10. Naismith placed fruit baskets near the walls at the opposite ends of the gymnasium.

№ 2 (Listening)

Послушайте диалог и напишите в ответе рядом с цифрой букву, соответствующую пропущенному слову.

Hana: Hello!

Daniel: Hello, come in.

Hana: Where is (1)?

Daniel: Well, everyone is doing something right now.

Hana: Oh, really? Where’s your mom?

Daniel: My mom? She’s at the mall. I think she’s (2). I think she’s getting the (3) for the week.

Hana: Oh! How about your dad?

Daniel: Well, every weekend he goes to the (4), so I think he’s playing (5) with his friend now.

Hana: Where’s your brother and sister?

Daniel: My brother, he’s (6). I think he’s probably sleeping or playing (7) as he always does. And my sister, she’s (8). She’s playing (9) because she has a game today.

Hana: Oh, really? When does the game start?

Daniel: I think in twenty or (10) minutes.

Hana: Let’s go watch it.

Daniel: Really, that sounds fun. Let’s go.

A) country club                                F) golf

B) shopping                                     G) everyone

C) video games                               H) at school

D) upstairs                                        I) soccer

E) thirty                                             J) groceries

№ 3

Переведите слова на английский язык.

1) тренер                                                       6) бросать (3 формы)

2) наказание                                                 7) следующий

3) заканчиваться вничью                            8) беда, неприятность

4) отличный                                                  9) получать, принимать (людей)

5) тренировка                                               10) соревнование в беге, гонках


№ 4 (Grammar)

Напишите предложения в косвенной речи.

  1. He said: “My granny will feel my pulse.”
  2. Tom said: “I am reading.”
  3. Kate said: “My granny has many pets at home.”
  4. Mother said to her son: “Open the window, please!”




Выбери правильный ответ.


1) She usually _____ shopping after work.

a) has gone

b) goes

c) go

2) The pupils _____ poems two weeks ago.

a) have translated

b) translate

c) translated

3) Where _____ you _____ next Summer?

a) will…go

b) have…gone

c) did…go

4) I _____ a book now.

a) read

b) reads

c) am reading

5) What _____ you do yesterday?

a) do

b) did

c) are

6) _____ you _____ your homework yet?

a) Will…do

b) Is...doing

c) Have…done

7) While mother was cooking dinner, father _____ a newspaper.

a) is reading

b) reads

c) was reading

8) Where _____ you ten minutes ago?

a) was

b) were

c) are

9) Mary said she _____ help us.

            a) would

            b) will

            c) had

10) Mr Brown said that he _____ surprised at the news.

            a) was

            b) is

            c) has been




№ 1 (Reading)


1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F, 7F, 8T, 9F, 10F


№ 2 (Listening)



1G, 2B, 3J, 4A, 5F, 6D, 7C, 8H, 9I, 10E


1G everyone, 2 B shopping, 3J groceries, 4A country club, 5F golf, 6D upstairs, 7C video games, 8H at school, 9I soccer, 10E thirty


Hana: Hello!

Daniel: Hello, come in.

Hana: Where is everyone?

Daniel: Well, everyone is doing something right now.

Hana: Oh, really? Where's your mom?

Daniel: My mom? She's at the mall (торговый центр). I think she's shopping. I think she's getting the groceries for the week.

Hana: Oh! How about your dad?

Daniel: Well, every weekend he goes to the country club, so I think he's playing golf with his friend now.

Hana: Where's your brother and sister?

Daniel: My brother, he's upstairs. I think he's probably sleeping or playing video games as he always does. And my sister, she's at school. She's playing soccer because she has a game today.

Hana: Oh, really? When does the game start?

Daniel: I think in twenty or thirty minutes.

Hana: Let's go watch it.

Daniel: Really, that sounds fun. Let's go.


№ 3


1)    Coach                                                          6) throw (threw, thrown)

2)    Punishment                                                7) following

3)    to end in a draw                                        8) trouble

4)    excellent                                                      9) receive

5)    training                                                        10) race


№ 4


1.    He said that his granny wouldl feel his pulse.

2.    Tom said that he was reading.

3.    Kate said that her granny had many pets at home.

4.    Mother asked her son to open the window.


№ 5

1B, 2C, 3A, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7C, 8B, 9A, 10A

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