Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыИтоговые тесты к учебнику «Spotlight 5» (1-7 модули) по английскому языку.

Итоговые тесты к учебнику «Spotlight 5» (1-7 модули) по английскому языку.

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Module 1

School days

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Thursday, Friday.

2) Flowers, cats, subjects, eraser, chairs.

3) Hello! Good morning! Good night! Goodbye! Hi!

4) Grade, same, name, bag, later.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

 Ann, Kate, Fiona, Betty – girls.

1) Maths, Music, History, Art - ?                      3) W, t, a, g, f, z, d - ?                         5) Pen, ruler, pencil case, glue - ?

2) 12, 14, 10, 2, 8, 16 - ?                                    4) Red, blue, grey, pink - ?                6) Go, eat, run, sleep, read - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) I like to rest in/at the garden. 2) My brother is at/in school now. 3) Please, sit down/ up. 4) Go to/ on page 67, please! 5) We have 5 lessons in/on Friday. 6) What do you need on/for the science class? 7) I am in/ from Year seven. 8) They are at/in secondary school. 9) Listen to/at your partner. 10) Think about/of new ideas. 11) Look at/to your partner. 12) Are you new to/in school? 13) Come to/for the blackboard, please! 14) Where is she? – She is at/in a shop.

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) I’ve got an pen.                                                              5) They are at school? – Yes, they are.

2) How old is your parents?                                             6) Is Wendy in Grade 6? – Yes, Wendy is.

3) A pencil is grey.                                                              7) We have 6 lessons on friday.

4) Is Ann ten? – No, she is.                                               8) David and Markus are 12 year old.

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

  1) History is the subject where we study … … .          2) Monday Is … … of the week.          3) A desk is a … at which we study.

  4) A favourite subject is the subject … .                      5) A shop is a place where we … .      6) A school bag is a bag where we … .

Module 2

That’s me!

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Canada, the USA, the UK, France.              3) Cut, such, up, blue, uncle.                            5) Bus, class, child, watch, girl.

2) Irish, Scottish, England, Welsh.                  4) Ottawa, Canberra, Berlin, London.             6) Country, boy, party, cry, try,

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) The UK, the USA, Canada, Australia - ?                     3) English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish - ?

2) Child, man, foot, tooth, mouse - ?                             4) Shamrock, Welsh dragon, Tartan cloth, double-deckers - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) He is from/out Russia. 2) John has got a ruler in/on his bag. 3) Smile for/in front of the camera. 4) I’m proud of/in my collection. 5) The Welsh dragon is on/in the flag of Welsh. 6) It is very popular in/over Scotland. 7) How about/with this souvenir? 8) What is the capital of/in Canada? 9) Which continent is the USA in/on?

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) Their lifs are heroic. 2) This is cap. 3) That are balls. 4) All woman in our family are doctors. 5) Do you see these boys across the road? 6) Are this books from your collection? 7) Ann and Bob has wonderful collections. 8) Has parents got a new car? 9) Has she got a sharpener? – No, she has. 10) The mice is so tiny! 11) Are those man teachers?

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) English-speaking countries are the countries, where … .        2) A national symbol is a thing which … .

3) A collection is a number of things people … .                            4) British are people who … … .

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

 1) … are you from? 2) I have … got a car, I’m afraid of driving. 3) Has John got a computer? - … , he has. 4) I don’t like … bag,                     5) Who … these people? 6) … they got a flat in Moscow? - … , they have. 7) Have you got an idea? – Yes, … have. 8) These … wonderful books! 9) This is … ruler. 10) … houses are far away from us. 11) … park is near our house.


Module 3

My home, my castle.

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Living room, hall, dining room, garage, kitchen.  3) Your, our, he, their, his.                           5) Near, next to, under, not far from.

2) Fifth, thing, this, three, think.                                  4) Fridge, cooker, table, washbasin.          6) His, her, our, it’s, my.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) His, her, we, it, our - ?                                  3) In, at, behind, in front of - ?

2) Table, sofa, bookcase - ?                              4) Books, music, theatre, ballet - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) The carpet is on/next to the floor. 2) The paintings are in/on the wall. 3) My computer is under/on the desk. 4) The door keys are in/ in front of the bag. 5) Our bathroom is upstairs/downstairs, on the second floor. 6) My desk is under/behind the window. 7) Our garden is behind/ in front of the house, so that we don’t see the road. 8) We have a garden with/ next to beautiful flowers.

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) There are a table and many chairs in the room. 2) What there is in your flat?  3) There is computer on the table. 4) Are there any flowers in room? 5) This is she book. 6) Our school is proud of her pupils. 7) Where are this books? 8) Is there a cat in your house? – Yes, it is. 9) The bookcase is in a classroom.

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) A kitchen is a room where we … .                              3) A garage is a place where we … .

2) A bedroom is a room where we … .                           4) A preposition of place is a word which shows … .

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1) There … a book and a pencil in my bag. 2) … there people in the flat? 3) I like my town. … people are very friendly. 4) Are there any mistakes in my test? – No, … aren’t. 5) I don’t know Ann, but … sister is in my class. 6) John is proud of … collection. 7) They has got a wonderful garden. 8) … table is next to … wall. 9) Is … a mirror in your bedroom?

Module 4

Family ties.

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Mother, father, daddy, grandmother.     3) Them, us, me, his, her.                   5) Short, thin, thick, old, long, small.

2) Funny, clever, short, friendly, kind.          4) Run, jump, speak, swim.                 6) They, their, his, them.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) Me, him, her, them, you - ?          3) Painting, gardening, collecting stamps, reading - ?            5) Write, listen, learn, speak - ?

2) What, Who. Where - ?                  4) Nose, mouse, eyes, ears - ?                                                     6) Is, am, are, was - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) Look at/to him. 2) Tell to/- them this wonderful news. 3) He wants to find out/about her address. 4) My Dad can play on/- the guitar very well. 5) Ann speaks on/- two foreign languages. 6) We are good in/at cooking. 7) She is afraid of/about flying. 8) Read the text through/about and check your answers. 8) Match pictures to/with the text.

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) How does he look like? – He is clever. 2) Can he swim? – No, he isn’t. 3) Look at their presents! I like their. 4) Our gallery is great! I read a lot about her collection. 5) This is a very interesting book, take its. 6) She has a red hair. 7) It’s hot outside, not to close windows, please. 8) Ann and Helen share one room. The room is Mary’s and Helen’s. 9) The boy’s bags are on the floor. They will be back to take them. 10) Whose key it is? 11) The car over there is my sisters’. She is proud of it.

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) To be beautiful means to have … .              3) To be busy means to have … .                                5) A kitten is a … … .

2) A clever person is a person who … .            4) Tall is not … .                                                             6) To be stubborn means to … .

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1) What is she …? – She is very friendly. 2) … does he look like? – He is tall and thin. 3) My brother is a winner. I’m proud of … . 4) Whose pens are …? 5) Granny, I love … . 6) They … very clever. I respect … . 7) … he cook? – Yes, he can. 8) My sister is only 6 months and she can … walk. 9) The child is noisy … naughty. 10) … she beautiful hair? 11) … be noisy! Dad is sleeping.

Module 5

World animals.

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Cat, tiger, leopard, cobra, lion.                       3) Beak, feather, trunk, wing.                       5) Go, wash, eat, relax.

2) Camel, elephant, deer, crocodile.                  4) Tiger, lion, wolf, elephant, fox.               6) Cry, play, carry, try.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) Hen, cock, peacock, budgie - ?       3) Beak, paw, tail, wing, - ?                            5) Goat, sheep, cow, rabbit - ?

2) Present, past, future - ?                   4) Cat, dog, hamster, guinea pig - ?             6) Big, great, noisy, talented - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) What country is next with/to it?  2) Tigers hide in/among tall grass. 3) Elephants carry things with/in their trunks. 4) He plays football in/on Mondays. 5) Look! What’s that up/over in the tree? 6) It’s a great family day out/away. 7) I take him for/on a walk every day. 8) What’s wrong in/with him? 9) Think of/about more sentences.

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) It have got a long tail. 2) What does Fill and Frank do in their free time? 3) He tryes to do his best. 4) You can’t helps. 5) Does my friend studies well? 6) What she reads? 7) A lion is sleeps during the day. 8) Their father doesn’t cooks. 9) He reads a good books. 10) Why he likes this kind of music? 11) Let’s has a look at her! 12) I not know this woman. 13) What music is he like?

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) A bird is an animal with … .               3) To relax means to … .                               5) An insect is an animal … … .

2) To be ill is to … … .                              4) A pet is an animal … … .                           6) A vet is … doctor.

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1) Where … you live? 2) Where … Dad? 3) He … paint very well. 4) … he blue eyes? 5) … he clever? 6) We take our dog … walks. 7) What’s the …? – My cat has a broken leg. Help us! 8) Legs, arms, neck and so on are parts of the … . 9) He is bad at English because he … learn new words and grammar rules. 10) … they ill? – Yes, they … . 11) Koalas don’t make good … .


Module 6

Round the clock.

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) Driver, waiter, postman, baker.                      3) Run, get, speak, swim.                    5) Half, quarter, for, at, past, to.

2) Paint, drive, look, teach.                                   4) Is, am, do, does.                              6) Speak, tell, cry, write, answer, ask.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) Painter, mechanic, teacher - ?              3) At, on, after, in - ?                                               5) Bell, lesson, class, blackboard, study - ?

2) Often, usually, sometimes - ?                4) Get up, eat, cook, watch TV, go to bed - ?     6) Holiday, March, flowers, present - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) It’s half past/to seven. 2) It’s five to/after four. 3) Let’s meet at/for 3 o’clock. 4) He usually goes to/for bed late. 5) At/on weekends we can sleep long hours. 6) Don’t play computer games on/at night. 7) He is waving goodbye to/at children. 8) How about/of going for a walk? 9) He is tired in/of this music. 10) Early in/at the evening I like to relax listening to music.

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) How about go to the park. 2) Does he ill? 3) At what time do you get up in morning? 4) Why does she running? 5) He is getting up now. 6) They often are busy. 7) We play football very often. 8) My parents doesn’t working now. 9) Sally never write with mistakes. 10) Is Ann travelling now in France? – Yes, she does. 11) Why does your friend likes winter?

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) Weekend is … … of the week.                     3) Morning is … … part of a day.                      5) Parents are smb’s … and … .

2) Family album is a collection … .                  4) Tourist attractions are places … … .           6) Garden is a place where we … … .

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1) Mum … in the living room. 2) Dad … plays the guitar. He is good at it. 3) Where … she relax? 4) Sue … cook well. 5) What … you doing right now? 6) He seldom … up at 6 o’clock. 7) How … playing tennis? 8) … what time do lessons begin? 9) Why … we go jogging? 10) I want … buy flowers as a present. 11) He … speak French very well. 12) Let’s make a … call!


Module 7

In all weathers.

http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/1f/cc/86/1fcc8631-855a-c86f-a494-16e2c20fd046/mzl.qhvrgybo.175x175-75.jpg 1.Find the odd word.

1) August, May, June, July.                               3) Autumn, spring, year, winter.                     5) Fabulous, awful, nice, wonderful.

2) Sunny, hot, freezing, shining.                      4) Year, month, time, week, day.                    6) Scarf, gloves, shorts, coat.

http://blogs.techsmith.com/wp-content/uploads/import/530-screencaster%20list.jpg 2. Finish each list with one word/word combination to name and unite all the words.

1) September, October, November - ?           3) Football, basketball, hockey - ?                  5) Buy, size, price, discount - ?

2) Boots, trainers, shoes - ?                              4) Jazz, opera, rock, folk - ?                              6) Sun, wind, clouds, rain, snow - ?

http://lessons4now.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/i-love-prepositions.jpg 3. Choose the right preposition.

1) It is raining at/in the moment. 2) The children are playing in/on the snow. 3) That’s not my kind of/in place. 4) How does it look at/on me? 5) See you after/in a couple of hours. 6) I’m on/in my way home. 7) Okay, I’m hanging on/up now. See you later. 8) They are at/on the beach now. 9) I’m looking after/for a shirt. 10) Act on/out a dialogue!

http://static.itpro.co.uk/sites/itpro/files/styles/gallery_wide/public/images/dir_211/it_photo_105637.jpg?itok=zFOssUfU4. Find a mistake in each sentence.

1) How much are it? 2) How do I look in these dress? 3) It’s hot and the sun shining. 4) We don’t playing in the snow. 5) I’m sit on the balcony at the moment. 6) Has Mary and her sister many dresses? – Yes, they have. 7) Where is it often snowing? 8) We can to go there right now. 9) Let’s go swim! 10) She is wearing raincoat now as it is raining heavily. 11) You are lucky! – I do!

http://wellnessproposals.com/images/what-is-wellness.png5. Finish the definitions.

1) Spring is a … between … … .                         3) A joke is a … thing you tell to … .          5) A shop is a place where … … .

2) An umbrella is a thing that protects … .    4) Trainers are shoes for … .                       6) To buy means to get … … .

http://eventstrategysolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fill-the-gap.jpg6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1) How … is it? – It’s cheap. 2) We are … a good time! 3) What’s the weather … today? 4) What … is … in Australia now? – It is summer. 5) How are … going? – I’m fine, thanks. 6) Act out a dialogue … you and a shop assistant. 7) Why isn’t you ready for the lesson? 8) What … are you? – I’m size 46. 9) How … does he play tennis? – He usually plays it on Monday and on Friday.

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