Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыИтоговые тесты по английскому языку (9 класс)

Итоговые тесты по английскому языку (9 класс)

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Tests for the 9th form                                        Test №1

1.   Choose the appropriate option.


2.   Uncle Nick was ___________ son in their family.

a)    Elder

b)   The eldest

c)     Older

d)   The oldest

3.   Does _________ help you with the housework?

a)    Anybody

b)   Somebody

c)     Nobody

d)   Someone

4.   Push the car __________ you can.

a)    As hard as

b)   Hard as

c)     So hard as

d)   As hard that

5.   Have you got ___________ bread for dinner?

a)    Quite

b)   Rather

c)     enough

d)   Some

6.   __________ nothing more I can tell you.

a)    There is

b)   There was

c)     There are

d)   There were

7.   What __________ awful dress!

a)    An

b)   A


d)   The


2.Choose the right option of the given reported speech.

She said to me: “He found the door unlocked.”

a)     She said to me that he found the door unlocked.

b)    She told me that he had found the door unlocked.

c)     She said to me that he had found the door unlocked.

d)   She told to me that he found the door unlocked.

Ann said to me: “How long have you been here?”

a)    Ann asked me how long I had been there.

b)   Ann said to me how long I have been here.

c)     Ann asked to me how long had you been there.

d)   Ann said to me how long had I been here.

His mother says to him: “Try to remember his address.”

a)    His mother said to him try to remember his address.

b)   His mother told to him to try to remember his address.

c)     His mother advised him to try to remember his address.

d)   His mother asked to him try to remember his address.

Lorne said to John: “they will send us the invitation tomorrow.”

a)    Lorna said to John that they would send them the invitation the next day.

b)   Lorna told to John that they would send us the invitation tomorrow.

c)     Lorna told John that they would send them the invitation the next day.

d)   Lorna said to John that they will send us the invitation tomorrow.





3.Write the verbs in the right tense form.

    Mrs. Cross is an old lady who __________ in a village in the country outside Bristol. (to live)

    Last week she ____________ an accident (to have).

    It ___________ and she was walking to the village store.(to rain)

   She _________ on the wet road, Fell down and broke her leg (to slip).

   By chance, a local farmer _________ by in his car (to pass).He went back to his farm and telephoned for an ambulance.


4.Find the odd word.

1.    It was dark in the house, and I couldn‘t to see anything.


2.    The English are to be known for their sense of humour.


3.    A strange noise attracted my attention at an once.


4.    Detroit is a port and one of the most highest centers of the automobile industry.


5.    The street is crowded with every people, I am sure that something has happened there.



5.Make up a question to the given answer.

1.   Where ________________________?

I haven’t seen you for ages.

2.   How much time ______________________?

I spent two or three hours on my reading.

3.   Who ________________________?

They will help me.

4.   Whom __________________________?

After breakfast I went to see a friend of mine who lives near us.




6.Write a short text (5-7 sentences) using at least 7 words from 10 words given below.

Level, education, different, main, career, pupils, foreign, others, to enjoy, everybody.










Test №2

1.Choose the appropriate option.

You can start your work __________ time you want.

a)   Any

b)  No

c)    Some

d)  One

2. He saw the little girl who left the ___________ place.

a) cashiers

b) cashier

c)  cashiers’

d) cashier’s

3. The girl came to the park every morning and walked __________.

a) for an hours

b) for hours

c) for the hour

d) for hourly

4. Biology interests me more than _________ other subject.

a) any

b) some

c) no

d) one

5. Does Jack notice the balloon landing behind ________?

a) his

b) it

c) him

d) itself

6. I ____________ understand what they were speaking about.

a) could hardly

b) can hardly

c) hardly can

d) could hard


2.Choose the right option of the given reported speech.

The stranger said: ‘’The train is late and I have to wait?”

a)   The stranger said that the train is late and he has to wait.

b)  The stranger said that the train was late and he had to wait.

c)    The stranger said that the train is late and I had to wait.

d)  The stranger said that the train was late and I have to wait.


She said: “It’s a real magic and I can’t stop admiring it.”

a)   She said that it is a real magic and I can’t stop admiring it.

b)  She said that that was a real magic and I can’t stop admiring it.

c)    She said that that was a real magic and she couldn’t stop admiring it.

d)  She said that that is a real magic and she can’t stop admiring it.

Lily said: “I want to buy this house, it is a very beautiful.”

a)   Lily said that she wanted to buy that house as it was very beautiful.

b)  Lily sais I want to buy this house as it is very beautiful.

c)    Lily said she wanted to buy that house as it is very beautiful.

d)  Lily said that she wants to buy this house as it was very beautiful.

John said to us: “I like to read detective stories."

a)   John told to us that he liked to read detective stories.

b)  John said to us that he liked to read detective stories.

c)    John said to us I like to read detective stories.

d)  John told us that he liked to read detective stories.


3.Write the verbs in the right tense form.

One Sunday morning he _______________ along a very small old buildings. Suddenly he _____________ hungry. (to feel) He __________  to stop for lunch in the nearest restaurant. (to decide) It seemed very ordinary- but then he_____________ a sign in the window. (to notice)

The sign said: “We can serve everything. You name it and we ________

It.” (to serve)


4.Find the odd word.

The young lady smiled and put her hands into her the pockets.


She crossed the street quickly and entered to the restaurant with someone.


The girl told him that she would liked only rich people.


The old lady asked to the driver to take her to the nearest hospital.


She went out as she was be tired of listening the same thing all the time.



5.Make up a question to the given answer.

When ____________________?

I’ll be there in the morning.

Why _______________________?

He dreamed of becoming a great artist as he liked it too much.

At what age ________________________?

At twenty, he left his home town.

Who _______________________?

He used to run three miles every morning.


6.Write a short text (5-7 sentences) using at least 7 words from 10 words given below.


School, nearly, uniforms, pleasure, to think, idea, memories, to meet, to find out, to require.



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