Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыИтоговый тест по английскому языку для 7 класса общеобразовательных школ

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 7 класса общеобразователных школ

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Final Test (the 7th form)


I. Choose the right variant:


1. Try your chance ____ more.

               A twice              B  once              C   many times      D   one

2. Her daughters enjoy _______.

               A   dancing        B    dance            to dance          D to dancing

3. Would you mind ______ the window?

               A   to close        B   close             C   closing            D    to closing

4. Canberra is ____ capital of Australia.

               A   the                B    a                  C   an                    D   ---

5. ________ are famous for having a sweet tooth.

               A   The German           B   German             C   The Germans            D   Germans

6. Look! Here are the students ____ we spoke to yesterday.

               A   who              B   which           C   what

7. A lot of homework ________ to us by our teacher yesterday.

               A   were given             B   was given          C is given                        are given

8. English _______ well by many people in Russia.

               A  was spoken             B were spoken        C   is spoken                   D are spoken

9. This present _______ to my little sister on her birthday next week.

               A    is given                 B    was given         C    will be given            D   will given

10. Whose bikes are they? – They are ____.

               A    our               B   we               C   us                   D   ours


II. Choose the right variant:


1. Could you help me to answer the questions of the Teenagers’ ______?

A   Competition        B   Questions        C   Chance           D   Luck

2. How can we ______ with each other?

A   know                    communication                    C   communicate             D   phone

3. Why are you looking at __________? – Would you like to tell me anything?

A   one another          the others        C   each other       D    another

4. Don’t ______ calling me next week. I’ll be on holidays.

A   ask                        phone             C   speak               D   trouble

5. You can tell us your _____ for and against travelling by plane.

A   rights                   B   arguments       C  duties               D   plans


6. My silly puppy ran ______ the road .

A   at the end            B   across              C   round              D   through

7. We are ____ new words now.

A   studying              B   speaking          C   talking            D   learning

8. How many languages do you ____ in your college?

A   study                    learn                C   talk                 D   write

9. Our house is ______ new.

A   simple                 B   quite                C   quiet               D   different

10. Our head teacher always peaks with a _____ voice.

A   simple                 B   quite                C   quiet               D   different








    III. Read the text and do the tasks that follow:


   Britain ruled over many countries in different parts of the world at the beginning of the century (3). Those countries were called colonies. In some of them people still (1) speak English as a second language. The British Empire existed until 1949 when Britain and the former colonies agreed to found the Commonwealth. The Queen of Great Britain became the Head of Commonwealth as well. She is also the queen of such countries as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Some people in these countries don't like the (2) idea of being ruled by someone who doesn't even live in their country. But others don't mind. They (4) say that the Queen does not have any real power anywhere outside Great Britain so she can't change anything really.



1. Choose the best title for the text


A    The Commonwealth

B    Modern politics

C   The Queen of England

D   The elections


2. “century” (point 3) stands for


A   the eighteenth century

B   the nineteenth century

C   the twentieth century

D   the twenty-first century


3. According to the text the Queen


A   has a lot of colonies

B   is the head of the Commonwealth

C   rules in all English-speaking countries

D   speaks English as a second language


4. According to the text the Commonwealth


A   consists of colonies only

B   no longer exists

C   was formed in the middle of the century

D   helps the Queen to rule the world

5. "still" (point 1) means


A   quiet

B   calm

C   now

D   up to now


6. "idea" (point 2) means


A   thought

B   plot

C   plan

D   story


7. "they" (point 4) stands for


A   former colonies

B   countries of the Commonwealth

C   people who don't mind the Queen

D   people who are against the Queen

Keys to the final test (the 7th form)






1  B

2  A

3  C

4  A

5  C

6  A

7  B

8  C

9  C

10  D



1  A

2  C

3  C

4  D

5  B

6  B

7  D

8  A

9  B

10  C



1  A

2  C

3  B

4  C

5  D

6  A

7  C



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