Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка "Место, где мы живем" (8 класс)

Конспект урока английского языка "Место, где мы живем" (8 класс)

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Материал: конспект урока.

Тема урока: The Place we live in. Место, где мы живем.

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 8

Автор урока: Лопатченко Зинаида Дмитриевна, учитель английского языка

Образовательное учреждение: МБОУ «Лицей №1 г. Инты»

Республика, поселение: Коми, г. Инта

Тип урока: урок актуализации знаний

Цель урока: создать комфортные условия обучающимся для актуализации знаний по теме «Место, где мы живем».

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать навыки работы в сотрудничестве;
  • развивать навыки аудирования;
  • совершенствовать навык употребления видовременных форм глагола;
  • способствовать формированию у обучающихся умения анализировать и обобщать воспринятую информацию, самостоятельно ее добывать;
  • найти и закрепить материал о символах республики Коми;
  • воспитывать чувство гордости за свою малую родину, уважительное отношение к ее символам, к ее языку;
  • совершенствовать навыки работы в сети Интернет;
  • заинтересовать обучающихся поиском дополнительной информации о родном городе.

Методы обучения: коммуникативный, поисковый, работа в группах.

Необходимое оборудование и материалы: компьютеры,  мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (текст о Республике Коми, задание лексической и грамматической направленности, карточки для индивидуальной работы), презентация в Power Point, видео зарисовка о родном городе Windows Movie/Nero Show Time, музыкальная заставка гимн республики MP3/Windows Media Player, аудиозапись текста о коми языке, фотографии, карточки-помощники для формирования групп (см. Приложения).

Ход урока

I. Орг. момент:

1. Приветствие, создание благоприятной атмосферы. (слайд 1)

Teacher: Good morning, my dear pupils. I am glad to see you again after frosty days. Look at the maps of Russia and the Republic of Komi. There are a lot of cities, towns and villages in our country, a lot of picturesque places. And among them there is our native town with its beautiful name Inta.

2. Введение в сюжет урока, целеполагание, представление девиза урока. (слайды 2, 3, 4)

I know that all of you love our republic, its capital and our native town very much and understand the importance of the topic of our today’s English lesson. The subject of our today’s lesson is “The place we live in”. The motto of the lesson is “There is no place, more delightful than home”. (Marcus Cicero)

Teacher: And what is the aim of our lesson? (целеполагание)

Ps. To know more about our native republic.

II. Основная часть.

1. Промежуточный контроль домашнего задания с целью развития навыков предъявления краткого монологического высказывания по теме «Пословицы о доме». Согласны ли вы с пословицами? (слайд 5)

Teacher: Well, some people think that the place where they were born is the best on the Earth. Others move to other cities or countries and live there. Do you know any English proverbs about it? (контроль домашнего задания)

P1. “There is no place like home”.

P2. “Home, sweet home”.

P3. “The walls at home are your friends: your comfort and your help hands”.

P4. “Your home is nice, brother, but I have go to another”.

P5. “East or West home is best’.

P6. “My home is my castle” etc.

Teacher: Well done! Some people call “home” a flat or a house where they live, others mean a native town. How far do you agree with these proverbs?

P1. I strongly agree with the proverbs. I like the place where I was born very much! I don’t want to live anywhere else but in Komi. I was born here and my parents were born here, we like our republic and we are not going to leave it.  It is my personal point of view.

P2. I agree that a Motherland is the place people always remember and want to come back to.

P3. I am sure people should remember the place where they were born.

2. Выборочный опрос обучающихся с целью актуализации лексики и создания комфортной психологической обстановки. Что возникает в вашем воображении, когда вы слышите слово «дом»? (слайд 6)

Teacher: Well, I agree with you. Komi is a great place to live in. As for me I can’t imagine my life without my friends, our frost and Komi cookery. As you know we connect many pleasant things with our home. What associations come across to your mind when you hear the word “home”?




Овал: Home                       Friends                                                                          Family



                       Dream                                                                       Happiness



                                               Parents                           Frost                                        


P1. I associate home with dreams.

P2. I associate home with family, parents.

P3. I associate home with warm-heartedness.

P4. I associate home with happiness.

P5. I associate home with friends.

P6. I associate home with frost.

3. Работа в 2-х группах (жители республики и гости республики) с текстом «Республика Коми»: чтение с целью извлечения необходимой информации и закрепления грамматических навыков составления всех видов вопросительных предложений. (слайды 7, 8)

Teacher: Oh! We can’t imagine our republic without snow and frost, without the kindness of people’s souls and generosity of their hearts. We, people living in Komi, love our republic and are proud of its size and its history. A lot of articles about our republic are written in different newspapers, magazines and in the Internet. I’ve brought some texts that will give you practice in scanning. What can we do with them? (Что мы можем сделать с имеющимися текстами? Предложения обучающихся. Останавливаемся на работе в группах).

Teacher: Divide into two groups – the residents and the guests of our republic. Be ready to ask and answer the questions. ( обучающиеся делятся на две группы по рядам  (первый ряд - «жители республики», второй ряд -  «гости республики»); одна и вторая группа читают текст; «гости» составляют вопросы и задают их, «жители» отвечают на вопросы и демонстрируют фотографии)

The Republic of Komi.

We live in the Komi Republic. Our republic lies in the north of our country near the Urals. The population of the republic is about 1 million people; among them: Komi, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the German, and many others. Some people speak Komi language. There are many nationalities in our republic and all the nationalities have equal rights. They live in friendship.  The republic is bounded by the Kirov region in the south, by the Arkhangelskaya region in the north and in the west, by the Komi-Perm national district and the Tumen region in the east. It is not washed by any seas. There are no high mountains in our republic (the highest of them are the North Urals). But the republic has many rivers; the Sysola, the Vychegda, the Pechora and others. The Pechora is the longest river. It is rich in fish. The climate is cold and it is difficult to develop agriculture in the north. There are state farms in the republic. They grow cabbage, potatoes and carrots; they don’t grow wheat and fruits. We develop industry in our republic. In Syktyvkar we produce paper, in Vorkuta coal is mined. Our republic is rich in forests, gas and oil. Syktyvkar is the capital of our republic. Other large towns are: Vorkuta, Ukhta, Pechora, Inta and others. We love our republic.

1.      Does the Komi Republic lie in the south of Russia?

2.      What is the population of the KR?

3.      What regions is the republic bounded by?

4.       Is the climate mild in the republic?

5.       What rivers are there in the republic?

6.       Are there high mountains in the republic?

7.      What is the republic rich in?


Teacher: Well. Your time is up. Can you ask and answer the questions about the republic? (работают группы, «гости» берут инициативу в свои руки, они задают вопросы, а «жители» отвечают на них) (слайды 9 - 18)

4. Индивидуальная работа, работа в сотрудничестве с целью обмена информацией, актуализации ЛЕ и отработки навыков употребления видовременных форм глаголов, а также создания благоприятных условий для сближения ученического коллектива через общение.

Teacher: Good for you! We can’t imagine our republic without its capital. Of course Syktyvkar is not as large as most of the administrative centres of central Russia. But nearly all people in our country have heard about Syktyvkar. To know more about our capital let’s the groups do some tasks. Chose any you like. (на выбор предлагаются задания грамматической и лексической направленности, а также карточка для индивидуального задания для слабого ученика по выбору, но с ЛЕ данной темы)

I. Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. Use each word once only.

main         administrative           Theatre             buildings                      Government

capital       bake                          Square              monuments                    produce                


Syktyvkar is the ___________(1) of the Komi Republic. It is the political, cultural and ______________(2) centre of the republic. Syktyvkar is more than 200 years old, but it looks very young.

There are many new houses and streets in the town. Kommunisticheskaya Street is the __________(3) street in Syktyvkar. There are many ______________(4), different shops, hotels, cafes in this street.

There is also the Teacher’s Training Institute, the State University, the _____________(5) of Opera and Ballet, the Railway Station, the Department Store.

The Stefanovskaya ____________(6) is the main square in Syktyvkar. Here we can see the Post office, the House of Ministers, where our ______________(7) sits.

Syktyvkar is a large town. More than 200 thousand people live in it. There are many museums and monuments, the National gallery, the History Museum, the Art museum and some others: there are ______________(8) to Kuratov, Savin, there are also monuments to those who died, struggling for our country in the Great Patriotic war and to people who took part in the Afghan war.

There are not many factories in Syktyvkar. They ___________(9) paper, sweets, books, make clothes, _____________(10) bread and so on.

Syktyvkar is a beautiful town, very green in summer and white in winter. I like Syktyvkar very much.

Key: 1) capital; 2) administrative; 3) main; 4) buildings; 5) Theatre; 6) Square; 7) Government; 8) monuments; 9) produce; 10) bake

II. Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below.


        Syktyvkar is the capital of the Komi Republic. It ___________(1) on a high bank of the Sysola river. Syktyvkar is surrounded by forests, rich in mushrooms and berries. They ____________(2) excellent opportunities for recreation.

        Some 235 thousand people live here now but a few decades ago it ___________(3) a small town with almost no manufacturing enterprises.

            The first mention of the settlement in the mouth of the Sysola refers to the year 1586. In 1780 the settlement _____________(4) a town, the centre of the Ust-Sysolsk of the Vologda gubernia. It was then an important trading centre in the North. Beautiful and valuable furs, various products of farming, fish and game (дичь) _____________(5) and bought at the fairs of Ust-Sysolsk. At the same time it was a place of exile for many progressive people who greatly influenced the cultural life of the local society.

            In 1930 Syktyvkar _____________(6) a new name and became the capital of the Komi Autonomous republic. It turned into an important industrial centre. One of the oldest industrial enterprises is the Wood-working plant, build in 1926. For many decades it _______________(7) sawn timber of the quality for construction and furniture making. The largest plant in Syktyvkar is the Pulp-and-paper mill on the Vychegda. Its first section ______________(8) into operation in 1969. Today it _____________(9) pulp and paper and various paper products having great demand in the domestic and international markets.

            There are also a number of machine-building and chemical enterprises, as well as smaller businesses, which employ from tens to thousands of people.

             Syktyvkar is also a significant scientific centre. Here the Komi scientific centre of the Urals Department of Russian Academy of Sciences ______________(10). The research institutions of our city make a great contribution into science and economy. The Syktyvkar University, the Teachers’ Training Institute and the Forest Institute enroll thousands of students and provide our Republic with young professionals for different spheres of human activities. There are many secondary and vocational schools here too.

1.       a) is situated      b) situates            c) are situated                d) situate

2.       a) presents         b) are presented   c) present                       d) is presenting

3.       a) were              b) was                  c) is                                d) are

4.       a) become         b) became            c) has become                d) becomes

5.       a) is sold           b) has sold           c) was sold                     d) were sold

6.       a) obtained        b) were obtained  c) are obtained               d) obtains

7.       a) have been producing b) is producing c) has been producing d) are producing

8.       a) were put        b) was put           c) put                             d) have put

9.       a) produces       b) produce            c) is produced               d) are produced

10.     a) is situated      b) are situated     c) situates                      d) situate

Key: 1) a; 2) с; 3) b; 4) b; 5) d; 6) a; 7) с; 8) b; 9) a; 10) b


III. Индивидуальная карточка с заданием для слабоуспевающего ученика (по теме на выбор учащегося, проверяется сильным учеником или учителем). (Приложение 4)

Teacher: And now compare your notes. (каждая группа отправляет одного эксперта для обмена информацией в другую группу; первый объясняет, какие лексические единицы были вставлены в текст о Сыктывкаре, второй рассказывает о выбранных вариантах видовременных форм глаголов; при необходимости ответы проверяются по ключам; на дальнейшие вопросы учителя отвечают представители и первой и второй группы)

5. Промежуточный контроль знаний приобретенных в группах.

  • What new things about Syktyvkar did you know? (слайды 19-26)
  • What Tenses and Voices did you use?
  • Did you like the experts’ work?

6. Работа в группах с целью развития поисковых навыков, отбора необходимой информации о национальных символах республики с помощью сети Интернет, создание слайда и представление полученного продукта. Представьте, что вам необходимо подготовить  выступление о государственных символах нашей республики на международной конференции  (слайд 27)

Teacher:  Well, you know a lot about our capital and you are great experts in grammar. And now I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Republic is a constituent subject to the Russian Federation being sovereign over its territory. State authority in Komi is vested by the Head of the Republic of Komi, the State Council of the Republic of Komi, and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Komi. Like all republics the Republic of Komi has its symbols. What are they?

P1. The state symbols of our republic are the national flag, national emblem and national anthem.

Teacher: You have got three groups. Find the information about one of the state symbols of our republic in the Internet and be ready to share with the information. Imagine you are at the international conference(по количеству обучающихся на свободной парте лежат карточки, на обратной стороне каждой карточки написан город: Инта, Воркута, Сыктывкар; обучающиеся в быстром темпе берут себе одну из карточек и формируют три группы по названию города; пользуясь ресурсами сети Интернет, первая группа «Инта» ищет и готовит к презентации материал о национальной эмблеме республики, вторая группа «Воркута» – о флаге, третья группа «Сыктывкар» – о гимне; каждая группа решает сама, кто будет представлять конечный продукт их работы, введение элемента игры – выступление на международной конференции – делают задание более привлекательным для обучающихся)

Teacher: And now we are ready to listen to the speakers. (представители из групп представляют конечный продукт работы, они рассказывают и показывают все, что нашли в сети Интернет о символах республики Коми). (слайды 28-32, музыкальная вставка гимна MP3, Windows Media Player)

(Приложение1, № 2, № 3)

Teacher: Let’s listen to the national anthem of our republic and be ready to work with the English equivalent of it. (исполняется гимн республики на коми языке, русском языке, на английском языке - зачитывается, все встают; примечание – гимн республики Коми исполняется на двух языках – коми и русском)

7. Аудирование с целью понимания основного содержания сообщения о коми языке с однократного предъявления. (слайды 33, 34)

Teacher: Thanks a lot for your participation. You are so patriotic. It’s really interesting for us to read the anthem of our republic in English. But now I would like to say a few words about the Komi language. As you know 2009 was the year of the Komi language in our republic. Listen to me attentively and mark the statements: T (true) or F (false): (2009 год в Коми был назван Годом коми языка; обучающиеся прослушивают аудиозапись о коми языке и с первого предъявления выполняют задание – определяют, согласны они с утверждением или нет; задание выполняется индивидуально, проверка проводится учителем после урока; если нет возможности сделать аудиозапись – учитель может зачитать текст сам)


The Komi language, also known as Zyrian, or Komi-Zyrian, is a Finno-Permic language spoken by the Komi peoples in the northeastern European part of Russia. Komi is one of the two members of the Permic subgroup of the Finno-Ugric branch. The other Permic language is Udmurt, to which Komi is closely related. Of the several dialects found within Komi, two major dialects are recognized, although the differences are not great: Komi-Zyrian, the largest group, serves as the literary basis within the Komi Republic; and Komi-Yazva, spoken by a small, isolated group of Komi to the north-west of Perm Krai and south of the Komi Republic. Permyak is spoken in Komi-Permyak, where it has literary status. Komi language has a very interesting history of writing, unusual among Finno-Ugric languages. The first writing system, the Old Permic script, was invented in the 14th century by the missionary Stepan Khrap, apparently of a Komi mother in Veliky Ustyug. Stephen later became a Komi saint. The alphabet shows some similarity to Medieval Greek and Cyrillic. In the 16th century this alphabet was replaced by the Russian alphabet with certain modifications for affricates. In the 1920s, the language was written in Molodtsov alphabet, also derived from Cyrillic. In the 1930s it was switched to Latin. Since the 1940s it uses the Russian alphabet plus the additional letters "І, і" and Unicode"Ӧ, ӧ". Letters particular to the Molodtsov alphabet include: Komi-Zyrian. Komi-Zyrian, ("Коми Кыв - Komi Kyv") or simply Zyrian or Zyryan, is spoken by the Komi-Zyrians' ethnic group in Komi Republic and some other parts of Russia. It is disputed whether Zyrian is a separate language or a dialect of Komi, because of its affinity to Komi-Permyak language. In 1994, Komi-Zyrian had about 285,000 speakers. It was written in the form of Old Permic language for liturgical purposes as early as the 14th century in the Old Permic script. Said alphabet was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet in the 17th century. A tradition of secular works of literature in the modern form of the language dates back to the 19th century. Komi-Zyrian has ten dialects: Prisyktyvkarsky, Nizhnevychegodsky, Srednevychegodsky, Luzsko-letsky, Verkhnesysolsky, Verkhnevychegodsky, Pechorsky, Izhemsky, Vymsky, and Udorsky. Prisyktyvkarsky is spoken in the region of Syktyvkar and forms the model for the generic standard dialect of the language.

  1. Zyrian language is spoken by the Komi peoples.
  2. The first writing system, the Old Permic script, was invented in the 16th century by the missionary Stepan Khrap.
  3. Stephen later became a Komi saint.
  4. The alphabet shows some similarity to Medieval Greek and Cyrillic.
  5. Zyrian or Zyryan, is spoken by the Komi-Zyrians' ethnic group only in Komi Republic.
  6. Komi-Zyrian has twenty dialects.

Key: 1- T; 2- F; 3- T; 4- T; 5- F; 6- F

8. Предъявление экстралингвистического объекта, 2-3 минутная видео зарисовка о родном городе, с целью заинтересовать обучающихся поиском дополнительной информации. (слайд 35, вставка видеосюжета об Инте Windows Movie, Nero Show Time )                                                 Teacher: Well, it’s time to sum up. You’ve worked hard today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson and the activities you were involved during the lesson. But there is one thing we haven’t discussed. (демонстрируется видео зарисовка об Инте)  Ps. It’s our native town.

III. Заключительный этап урока.

1. Дифференцированное домашнее задание. (слайд 36)

2. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия. (слайд 37, 38)

Teacher: The 4th of October was the 65th anniversary of our town. On the blackboard you can see some pictures of the historical places of our town. Aren’t they beautiful? But do you know their history?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Home assignment: (дифференцированное домашнее задание)                                            

I. Go to the Local Museum and find interesting facts about the history of the places you can see on the pictures and comment them at our next lesson.                                                                 

II. You will find some additional material in the Internet. Use it. Hope you will add something new and useful to your “treasure boxes of intellect”.





III. And, you may prepare some grammar tasks for the classmates using the texts about Inta.           Teacher: You worked well at the lesson because you helped one another. I hope the group work will teach you to be helpful, more organized and better disciplined. Your marks are(идет рефлексия). Был ли сегодняшний урок полезным для вас? Какие виды деятельности вам понравились? Что показалось трудным? Кто помогал тебе на уроке? Чей ответ вам показался самым лучшим? Вы согласны с девизом нашего урока? Почему?

  • Was our today’s lesson useful for you?
  • Which activities did you like?
  • What was difficult for you?
  • Who helped you during the lesson?
  • Whose answer did you like best?
  • Did you agree with the motto of our lesson? Why?                                                     

Teacher:  I am happy to be a teacher of such clever, kind and patriotic students. Thank you for the lesson. Don’t be late on Friday and we’ll know more about Inta. Goodbye!



The National Emblem of the Republic of Komi is an image of the gold bird of prey on the red heraldic shield created after Perm animal style. There is a woman face on the bird's breast surrounded by six elk heads. The Komi mythological views are reflected in the combination of the bird, human being and elk made in the hieratic cast style. 

 The traditions interpret the bird of prey with the half-spread wings as a combined image of the Sun, Power and Upper World. The woman face on the bird's breast means Zarni An (Golden Woman) that is Goddess of the Sun and World Mother granting life. The elk image associates with Power, Nobility and Beauty. According to the cosmological conception it is a synthesis of the concordant structure of the world. The gold and red colour combination which is the key one in the colour scheme of the National Emblem symbolizes the morning spring warm sunlight, motherhood and birth in the Komi folklore. At the same time a contemporary public and political interpretation for the red field (the background) is activity, vigour of people and power. In combination with the shield shape it may be associated with the historical fate of Komi people, who are part of the multinational Russian state. Therewith the bird with the half-spread wings assumes the cross shape that might be interpreted as a symbol of ecclesiastical and state power.



The National Flag of the Republic of Komi is a square cloth consisting of three horizontal stripes combined in the following order: blue (the upper), green (the middle), white (the lower). Each of them is one third of the flag width. The colour scheme of the flag corresponds to the specific geographical characteristics and natural wealth of the Republic of Komi. The blue colour symbolizes Celestial Origin, greatness and vastness of the northern tracts. The green stripe symbolizes hope and wealth. It is associated with a boundless parma (Komi taiga) that is the major wealth of the Republic of Komi and the main habitat area of Komi people. The white stripe incarnates the snow whiteness and purity, virginity and severity of the northern nature beauty. It also indicates the northern location of the Republic of Komi. At the same time the white colour may be rendered as a symbol of equality of the nations living in the Republic of Komi and unity of their cultures.



The national anthem is a symbol of the democratic legal state, support of the national culture traditions and unity of the multinational population. The Anthem melody is based on Viktor Savin's song "Varysh poz" (Falcon Nest) in Mikhail Gertsman's arrangement.


The National Anthem of the Republic of Komi


(Lyrics of Viktor Savin, the Komi edition by V. Timin,
the Russian edition by
А.Shergina and A. Suvorov)


Ылын-ылын Войвылын
Джуджыд парома сулалö.
Парма шöрын варыш поз
Кыпыд горöн шыалö.

Лэбзьöй, повтöм варышъяс,
Вына бордъяс шеныштлöй,
Веськыд туйöд нуöдöй,
Коми мусö югдöдöй!

Север, наш родимый край,
Глубоки твои снега,
Холодны твои ветра,
Высока твоя тайга!

Нас несут через века
Соколиные крыла.
Коми край, твоя судьба
Благодатна и светла!


Far, far away in the North

The high taiga stands.


There's a falcon's nest in the heart of the taiga,

With joyous chirp of nestlings heard from it.


Fly away, fearless falcons,

Flap with your strong wings,

And lead the Komi land to blissful life

By the shortest track!

Приложение 4. Карточки для индивидуальной работы:


Complete these sentences using the text. Закончите предложения, используя текст


1.      Komi Republic lies in …


2.      The climate is …


3.      The highest mountain is …


4.      The main rivers are …


5.      Our republic is rich in …


6.      In Syktyvkar we produce …




Find English equivalents for: Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

1.      на севере страны …

2.      население республики …

3.      граничить с …

4.      трудно развивать …

5.      уголь добывается …

6.      столица республики …



Карточки-помощники для формирования групп (разрезать):























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