Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка по теме Нашей Земле нужен друг, не так ли

Конспект урока английского языка по теме Нашей Земле нужен друг, не так ли

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Конспект открытого урока

 по английскому языку

 в 7 классе





   Тема: Нашей Земле нужен друг, не так ли?


Учитель: Елена Викторовна Николаева














Задачи урока:


         активизировать лексические навыки по теме «Проблемы экологии» в речи обучающихся во всех видах речевой деятельности,

         тренировать учащихся в умении решать необходимые коммуникативные задачи, выражать, аргументировать свое мнение;

         развивать позитивные ценностные ориентации учащихся;

         воспитывать экологическое самосознание школьников.

Урок проходит в форме соревнования между тремя командами, каждая команда имеет свое название, работа команд оценивается жюри, за каждый правильный ответ команды получают баллы. 

1.Приветствие учителя.

I would like to say hello to everybody! I am glad to see you here. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.

2. Целеполагание.

Today we are going to speak about the environmental problems, we try to think how we can help our nature, how we can make our Earth healthier and more beautiful. So today we’ll discuss some important questions about the protection of the environment. Our lesson will be in a form of a competition between 3 groups. Their names are: “The flowers”, “The birds”, “The sky”. The work of the groups will be evaluated by the jury. For your answers you’ll get points.

3.Введение в тему.

The theme of our lesson today is “The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it?”

 How do you understand this sentence? What is your opinion?

Примерные ответы обучающихся:

P1 - I think it means we should help our planet.

P2 – It seems to me we must protect our nature.

P3 – I think people should love the environment.

P4 – I think our Earth needs help.

P5 – In my opinion people must think about the environment every day.

4.Основная часть.

1) STEP 1”Vocubalary”(Шаг 1 «Лексика»)

Let’s revise some words and word-combinations which help us to speak today. Your task is to find the English equivalents to the following word combinations. Каждая команда вытягивает карточку со словами(обучающиеся подбирают английские эквиваленты к русским выражениям)

  1. Проблемы окружающей среды
  2. Ядовитые отходы
  3. Кормить птиц
  4. Заботиться о животных
  5. Перерабатывать бумагу
  6. Опасные химикаты
  7. Принимать участие в субботниках

2) STEP 2 “Assotiations” (Шаг 2 «Ассоциации»)

We know that the environment is everything that surrounds us. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground on which we stand on are parts of the environment. What do you think of when you hear the word “environment.” (команды должны записать свои ассоциации, связанные со словом окружающая среда, затем один представитель команды зачитывает  )

Примерные ответы обучающихся:

I think of seas, rivers and oceans (our nature, animals and birds, forests and trees, plants and flowers, our town, people )

3) STEP 3 “Description” (Шаг 3 «Описание»)

We know that today the Earth is in danger. We have a lot of environmental problems. Look at the slide and describe the situation in these pictures. What problems do you see here. (Каждая команда получает задание описать картинку, какие экологические проблемы они видят )

Примерные ответы обучающихся:

Somebody cut down the trees, dropped litter in the campsite. Factories pollute the air with dangerous chemicals, poisonous wastes and toxins.

The river is polluted. The air is polluted.

4)  STEP 4 “Modal verbs” (Шаг 4 «Модальные глаголы»)

What can we do to solve the problem? Make up your own sentences using modal verbs can, must, should. Look at the pictures.(Каждая группа вытягивает карточку с глаголами и составляет свои примеры)

  Примерные ответы обучающихся:

We should (must, can) plant trees, recycle paper, take part in clean-up days, take care of animals, pick up litter, build birds’houses.

What people mustn’t or shouldn’t do to help our nature”

(Start a fire, cut down trees, pollute the air and water with dangerous chemicals and wastes)

5) STEP 5 “IF…” Complete sentences (Обучающиеся дополняют предложения)

If  we always turn water off…

If we recycle paper…

If we use public transport less…

If we don’t wear a fur coat…

If we sort our rubbish…

If  we don’t cut down the forests…

If we don’t pollute the oceans, rivers and lakes…

If plant a lot of trees and flowers near our houses…

6) STEP 6 “Speaking” Практика в диалогической речи “Are you as green as grass?”

(команды составляют вопросы друг для друга )

1. Do you drop litter in the street?

2. Are there places with very bad air pollution in Russia?

3. Do you take part in clean – up days at school?

4. Is it OK to cut down trees?

5. Should you always turn water off?

6. Do you take care of pets?

7. Do you think recycling can really help the environment?

8. Must you think about the environment every day?

9. Can you plant trees near your house?

10.Will you have a plastic New Year’s tree this year? 

7) STEP 7 “Reading”(Чтение):

The environment is not only flowers and trees, oceans and rivers. Animals and birds are also the part of our environment. Many animals and birds on our planet are in danger. Why do people kill animals and birds?

Look at the picture. This is a white stork. This bird is in the Red book. You are to read a text about the white stork. But at first let’s study some new words, repeat them after me.

The white storkбелый аист         


Feather - перо


To build nestsстроить гнезда

Insect - насекомое



      The White Stork.

This is a picture of a stork. It is a bird with long, thin legs and large wings. It is grey and white, and its long  feather wings are black. Its thin legs and long beak are red.

The white stork, sometimes called the house stork, was at one time a common visitor to Britain, but now people don’t often see them in that country. They live much more in other countries. In many of the villages in Spain, for example, storks often live on the top of the churches. This is where they build their nests. These nests are big and they are often very old. The same storks will come back to the same nests every year and when they die children will play in that nest.

People in the country like storks because they eat snakes, insects and small animals.

The stork spends the first part of the summer in countries in the northern hemisphere. In August it will leave these countries and fly a long way to Africa. Here it will stay for part of the winter. When spring comes again in Europe, the stork will return. In Segovia, a small town in Spain, people say that if the storks come back before the middle of February, the winter will be short. But if they return later, then the winter will be long and very cold.

Storks are very friendly birds and visit the nests of other storks. Before the birds migrate, all the storks in an area “ meet “ in the nearest big town every evening between 8 and 9 o’clock. They fly around the main church and they sit for a while on the top of the church and ‘speak’ to each other. Then they fly back to their own village nests until the next evening. The people in the town always know when the birds will migrate because they meet like this for two or three weeks before they leave for Africa.

1. Read the text. Number the following sentences in the order in which you read them.

a) the storks food

b) where they meet other storks

c) what the storks look like

d) their travels

e) storks and the weather

f) where they live

8) STEP 8 “Ecological posters” Работа в группах (защита экологических плакатов)

9)  STEP 9 “Poem”Работа в группах (Обучающиеся придумывают окончание стихотворения по теме «Экология»)

            If you want the life be cool

            Like a full of colour picture,

            Don’t forget one golden rule:

(Love our nature. Think about nature. People! Don’t destroy nature!  Please, take care of nature )

             Be careful with nature !


10) STEP 10 “Self-evaluation cards (обучающиеся заполняют карточки само и взаимо-оценки)

During our lesson we tried to answer the question of the day and we’ll continue discussing this problem next lessons. But we should remember: If we don't think and stop today, tomorrow the Earth could die. We know the future’s in our hands.

 Thank you for your work!

11) Обучающиеся поют песню “Cos’ nothing is forever”.

12) Жюри высказывают свое мнение, объявляют команду победителя.








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