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Конспект урока и рабочие листы "Жизнь и творчество Шекспира"

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Конспект  урока: «Жизнь и творчество Вильяма Шекспира»

Учитель английского языка : Братковская Яна Валериевна

Тип урока: урок изучения и применения знаний и умений, урок –  презентация.


·        практические:

ü тренировать учащихся в устной речи;

ü развивать навыки аудирования;

·        развивающие:

ü     ознакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством Вильяма  Шекспира;

ü развивать воображение и память;

·        воспитательные:

ü воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного, любовь к английской литературе, уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

·        познавательные:

ü создать условия для ознакомления учащихся с биографиями известных английских писателей.

Материалы: портреты и произведения Шекспира, видеофильмы, плакаты с цитатами о Шекспире, компьютерные презентации, раздаточный материал, аудиозаписи сонетов Шекспира.

Плакаты с цитатами о Шекспире

”He was the man who of all modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul.”

John Dryden

”He was not of an age, but for all time.”

Ben Jonson

”The stream of time, which is continually washing the dissoluble fabrics of other poets, passes without injury by the adamant of Shakespeare.”

Samuel Johnson


But Shakespeare’s magic could not copied be; within that circle none durst walk but he.”

John Dryden.




I. Организационное начало урока.

 1. Приветствие

Sometimes we say  hello

Because the bell has rung

It’s time to say good morning

Good morning, children, hi!

How are you today? Is anybody absent today? Nobody is absent? Its good!

2. Сообщение цели. Постановка учебных задач урока.

    Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest English poet William Shakespeare. It is impossible to speak about the English literature without speaking about this author. He was the man who had the largest and most comprehensive soul. People all over the world can’t help admiring his great talent. William Shakespeare… The brilliant poet, the marvelous dramatist, the greatest of the great. Every new generation of people find in his works something important. Many people know and like his works.

    So, the topic is (спрашивает у детей и пишет на доске) “William Shakespeare: life and creative work”.

Today  we’ll watch a short film about Shakespeare’s life and recite some of his sonnets. I hope all of you will take an active part in it.     And now look at the screen. "He was not of an age but for all time" - these words were said by Benjamin Jonson, a playwriter and a good Shakespeare’s friend. It will be the epigraph of our lesson.

слайд 1.png

  Now I’ll give you sheets of paper with the text and questions, look through them and be ready to answer them at the end of the lesson. You can makes notes on them.

3. Речевая разминка.  Фронтальная беседа о поэте.

T: Would you mind answering some questions:

1.     Who is it? – It’s William Shakespeare. – Thank you.

2.     What is he? – He is a poet, a writer, a dramatist. – Right.

3.     What language did William Shakespeare speak? – He spoke English.

4.     Is he an English or an American poet? – He is an English poet. – Good.

5.     Shakespeare was a great English dramatist, wasn’t he? – Yes, he was.

II. Основная часть урока

1.     Развитие навыков аудирования.

T: Let’s watch the film about Shakespeare’s life. (просмотр  видеоролика)

      Т: Now answer my questions

         1. When and where was he born?

         2. What was his family? How large was it?

         3. What education did he get?

         4. When and why did he arrive to London?

         5. Name the most famous works of William Shakespeare.

         6. Are his woks popular today and why?

2. Развитие навыков монологической речи

Т: Two weeks ago you got a task to prepare reports about William Shakespeare, his life in Strartford-on-Avon, the Globe theatre and his works. Now we’d like to see the results of your work.


Pupil 1:  Shakespeare is the founder of the English literary language.
During our project work we investigated many facts from Shakespeare's life and creative work and came to a conclusion that he must be called the father or the founder of the English literary language, as Pushkin is in Russia.

  Pupil 2:  The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and sometimes are called “The Age of Shakespeare”. His creative work is the highest peek of the English Renaissance. His influence on the further development of the world  literature is considered to be unprecedented

Pupil 3: People often call Sh. “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal Poet of Nature”. We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful. But some facts are known to us and are proved by documents.

   Shakespeare put a question in front of the mankind: "To be or not to be?", but he didn't give an answer himself. He made everybody seek the answer independently. He is a genius creator and one of the most mysterious writers in the world.

Pupil 4: The first fact of Sh`s biography are that he was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, dealt in corn, malt, leather, hides and wool, and became so prominent in local affairs at Stratford-upon-Avon that he was made the mayor. William was the third child of the family. Life must have been pleasant for him during the days of his father's prosperity.


 Pupil 5: When Shakespeare was 17, his father's fortune took a downward turn, and the family began to run into debt. A year later William was married.

About 1587 Shakespeare left Stratford. He attracted to the company of poets and actors, and by 1592 had made enough of an impact on the capital to attract enemies as well as friends. By 1599 he was part-owner of a new playhouse called the Globe.

The original Globe Theatre


Pupil 6: Shakespeare spent the greater part of his life in London, though he paid regular visits to his home. His adult career was a happy one. During 20 astonishingly creative years, Shakespeare's output was enormous. His works can be divided into 4 main phases: his literary work, closing in 1594, resulted in the two long poems, "Venus and Adonis" and "The Rape of Lucrece", historical dramas such as Henry VI and Richard III, the tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" and such comedies as "Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Shrew". In the second phase, 1594-1599, Shakespeare wrote three of his greatest historical plays — "Henry V" and "Henry IV" and the comedies "Much Ado About Nothing" and "As You Like It". The third period was the period of his great tragedies "Hamlet", "Othello", "Macbeth", "King Lear" and "Anthony and Cleopatra".


 Pupil 7: About 1611, Shakespeare decided to retire to Stratford. He paid off the family debts, and on April 23, 1616, at the age of 52, he died. As his legacy to mankind he left the fruits of his creative years; 37 plays, 2 long narrative poems and his incomparable sonnets.


Pupil 8: Fun fact: William Shakespeare was the only member of his family that could read or write!

T: Thank you, my dear friend. It was so interesting.

III.Беседа о произведениях В. Шекспира.

    1.T:You know that Shakespeare wrote 37 plays for the theatre: tragedies and comedies. A tragedy is a serious play that ends sadly, especially with the death of the main character. For example, "Romeo and Juliet" is one of the best-known Shakespeare's tragedies.

     A comedy is a play intended to entertain people and make them laugh. Look at the list of Shakespeare's great plays. Students, look at the screen. This is a list of some of Shakespeare's great plays. The task is to translate the names of these plays into English. Ok, you are quite right. Good for you. And now guess which of them are tragedies and which are comedies.



«The Comedy of Errors» (1593)

«All’s Well that Ends Well» (1603)

«A Midsummer Night’s Dream» (1596)

«Twelfth Night» (1600)

Безымянный1.jpg"The Taming of the Shrew"

"Much Ado about Nothing"



«Hamlet, Prince of Denmark» (1601)

«Othello» (1604)

«King Lear» (1606)

«Romeo and Juliet» (1595)


"Julius Caesar"

"Antony and Cleopatra"



  2. T: We know that Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. They all are very popular and loved by people. All of them were translated into different languages. Many of Shakespeare’s sonnets have been translated into Russian by S. Marshak, a well-known Russian poet. Marshak gave them a new life and a place in Russian poetry.    The next task: I’ll give you the lines from the sonnet #130; you are to put them in order to make the whole sonnet. The Russia variant will help you. Now let`s listen to the sonnets which you have learned. Thank you for your answers.


слайд 5.pngIV. Этап релаксации

Ученики выполняют упражнения для глаз и улучшают кровообращение в области глаз. I think your eyes are tired let’s have a rest now. I want you to do some exercises for your eyes relaxation.

Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
                                                                    Look at that rose
                                                                    Close your eyes
                                                                    Open, wink and smile.


V.Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира.

Т: “To be, or not to be; that is the question” This quotation is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare’s plays. Let us translate them into Russian.


The beginning of the end. — Начало конца.

The whirligig of time. — Превратности судьбы.

There’s the rub. — Вот в чем загвоздка.

All is well that ends well. — Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

Life is not all cakes and ale. — Жизнь прожитьне поле перейти.

Much ado about nothing. — Много шума из ничего.

Sweets to the sweet. — Прекрасное — прекрасной.

To win golden opinions. — Заслужить благоприятное мнение.

All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. — Весь мир театр и люди в нём актёры.


VI.Чтение сонетов Шекспира

VII. Задание на рабочих листах


VIII. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

T: Finally, let’s draw the conclusion. People can’t help admiring Shakespeare’s  great talent. Complete my sentences, please: William Shakespeare is ….the brilliant poet; the marvelous… dramatist; the most comprehensive…soul; the greatest of the greatest not of an age… but for all time.

T: Thank you for your wonderful work. You are very talented and creative children. I am very proud of you and sure that you will become really confident and inquiring people. Without doubt everyone today gets excellent marks. But we are not going to say good bye to Shakespeare. Your home task is to read the text “Romeo and Juliette” and answer the questions after the text. Good bye. See you tomorrow. (домашнее задание на выбор из папки с рабочими листами)

Sometimes we say good-bye

Because the bell has rung

It’s time to say good-bye

Good-bye, my children, bye.























I.                   Finally, let’s draw the conclusion. People can’t help admiring Shakespeare’s  great talent. Complete my sentences, please: William Shakespeare is ….the brilliant poet; the marvelous… dramatist; the most comprehensive…soul; the greatest of the greatest not of an age… but for all time.




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http://myfivebest.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/shakespeare.jpgWILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on April 23rd, 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was an important man in the town – William didn’t come from a poor family.

When he was eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway in Stratford but he didn’t want to stay there. He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London. So, in 1587, William went to London, where he worked as an actor in a theatre called The Rose.

He began to write plays for the actors. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Richard II, Antony and Cleopatra and many more. Everyone liked his plays, and he became famous.

When James I became king in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, and performed his plays for the King and his friends. He also worked at the famous Globe Theatre. This play presented his last play, Henry VIII. There was a gun in this play, and the fire from the gun burned the theatre down.

In 1610, Shakespeare went back to Stratford. He wanted to live there with his family, but he died on April 23rd, 1610. He was only forty-six years old.

A.   http://blog.informiv.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Romeo_Juliet_1996_1200_l.jpgRead the text and answer the questions.

1.     How old was Shakespeare when he got married?


2.    What was his wife’s name?


3.    http://www.henk-reints.nl/caesar1.jpgWhy did Shakespeare go to London?


4.    What was the name of the first theatre he worked in?


5.    What was he famous for?                                                 




B.   Fill in the table with what happened in Shakespeare’s life in these years.
















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Common Shakespeare Phrases 1

In the left column below you can see a collection of phrases and sayings found in William Shakespeare's writings and still in common use today. Find out and write the meaning of each phrase in the right column.

fancy free


fair play


fight fire with fire


foul play


good riddance


green eyed monster


for ever and a day


a foregone conclusion


a dish fit for the gods


a sorry sight


all that glitters is not gold


all's well that ends well


as dead as a doornail


at one fell swoop


the be all and end all


high time


in a pickle


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The Quiz

1.     When and where was Shakespeare born?

a)     April 23, 1564 in Stratford- upon –Avon   b)September 11, in London

2.     How many brothers and sisters did he have?

a)     2 brothers and 5 sisters       b) 3 brothers and 4 sisters

3.     Where did he study?

a)     In  a Secondary school    b) In a Grammar school

4.     What was his main profession?

a) playwriter and an actor     b)glover

        5. When did he marry?

            a) at the age of 25    b) at the age of 18

        6. What was his wife name?

            a) Annе  Hathaway  b) Sussana Hathaway

        7. How many children did they have?

            a) 5 children    b) 3 children

        8.  What did he do when he moved to London?

            a) He worked in a Royal company      b) he painted the pictures

         9.  What theatre did Shakespeare work at  as an actor?

            a) The Earth theatre    b) The Globe theatre

         10. How many sonnets  did Shakespeare  write?

              a) 238       b) 154

          11. How many plays did he write?

                 a) 52       b) 37

           12. When  did he die?

                a) June 13, 1678      b) April 23, 1616


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William Shakespeare

Who Was William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet, widely regarded as one of the greatest ever English writers. Some of Shakespeare’s better known plays include ‘Romeo & Juliet’, ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Much Ado About Nothing’. 

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 before moving to London to become an actor at age 21. Shakespeare wrote different genres of plays throughout his career, starting out mainly with comedies and histories before moving on to tragedies as he grew older. 

In 1599, along with some fellow actors, Shakespeare built a theatre on the South Bank of the River Thames which he named ‘The Globe’. It was here that many of his plays were performed. Today, visitors to London can still watch Shakespeare plays at the restored Globe Theatre.

William Shakespeare was a very well-known character in Tudor England. It is thought that Elizabeth I was a fan of his plays.


The original Globe Theatre Fun fact: 

William Shakespeare was the only member of his family that could read or write!





Shakespeare (Lesson plan)

Teacher’s notes

Level: Lower Intermediate (and above) Topic: Shakespeare

Subject(s): Literature and History Time (approx): 

Activity 1: 15-20 minutes Activity 2: 10 minutes

Activity 3: 15 minutes Preparation:

Activity 1: Photocopy one set of A and B worksheets per pair of students.

Activity 2: Photocopy the activity for each student. Activity 3: Photocopy the activity for each student.

Note: These activities are suitable for students who don’t know a lot (possibly nothing at all) about Shakespeare’s writing.



Activity 1

1  On the board write ‘William Shakespeare’ and ask your students to brainstorm everything they know about him - write this information on the board.

2  Now divide the class into two groups, A and B.

3  Give group A worksheet A and group B worksheet B.

4  Tell them to read through their worksheet and then complete the eight questions they can ask to find the missing information.

5  Monitor and check their questions.

6  Now pair up a student from group A with one from group B.

7  Tell the pairs to take it in turns to ask and answer the questions using their worksheets (encourage them not to show the information). 8 Check and discuss.




William Shakespeare was born on (1) 23 April, 1564 in (2) Stratford-upon-Avon.

When he was (3) seven he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) 14. He was only (5) 18 when he met (6) Ann Hathaway and they got married in (7) November, 1582. Their first daughter, (8) Susanna, was born (9) eight months later.

In (10) 1592 Shakespeare was living in (11) London and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre.

Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) 1599 he bought the (13) Globe Theatre. During his life he wrote at least (14) 37 plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) 1616 at the age of (16) 52.


Activity 2

1  Ask students to read the short text.

2  Then ask them to look at the questions.

3  Put the students in pairs and get them to discuss the answers to the questions. 4 Check answers as a class.



1  37

2  Comedies, tragedies and histories

3  A comedy has a happy ending while a tragedy has a sad ending.

4  A comedy

5  Romeo and Juliet

6  Because the facts are not always correct.


Activity 3

1  Ask students to read the three summaries.

2  Tell them to decide which is a comedy, which is a tragedy and which is a history.

3  Put students in small groups and ask them to compare and discuss their answers. Next, ask them if they can name each play (from the summaries). You could give them a clue by telling them they have already read the titles in the worksheet. Check and discuss.



[A]  Tragedy, Romeo and Juliet

[B]  Comedy, Twelfth Night

[C]  History, Julius Caesar

Activity 1/ Worksheet A

William Shakespeare was born on (1) ____________, ____________ in (2) Stratford-upon-Avon. When he was (3) ____________ he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) 14. He was only (5) ____________ when he met (6) Ann Hathaway and they got married in (7) ____________ , ____________ . Their first daughter, (8) Susanna, was born (9) ____________ months later.

In (10) 1592 Shakespeare was living in (11) ____________ and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) 1599 he bought the (13) ____________ ____________. During his life he wrote at least (14) 37 plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) ____________ at the age of (16) 52.



(1) When _________________________________________________________________________________?


(3) How old _______________________________________________________________________________?


(5) How old _______________________________________________________________________________?


(7) When _________________________________________________________________________________?


(9) When __________________________________________________________________________________?


(11) Where ________________________________________________________________________________?


(13) What _________________________________________________________________________________?


(15) When _________________________________________________________________________________?




Activity 1/ Worksheet B

William Shakespeare was born on (1) 23 April, 1564 in (2) ____________. When he was (3) seven he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) ____________. He was only (5) 18 when he met (6) ____________ and they got married in (7) November 1582. Their first daughter, (8) ____________, was born (9) eight months later.

In (10) ____________ Shakespeare was living in (11) London and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) ____________ he bought the (13) Globe Theatre. During his life he wrote at least (14) ____________ plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) 1616 at the age of (16) ____________. Questions

(2) Where___________________________________________________________________________________?

(4) How old__________________________________________________________________________________?


(6) Who_____________________________________________________________________________________?


(8) What ____________________________________________________________________________________?


(10) When___________________________________________________________________________________?


(12) When __________________________________________________________________________________?


(14) How many_______________________________________________________________________________?


(16) How old_________________________________________________________________________________?


Activity 2

Read the short text about Shakespeare’s plays. Then answer the questions.

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. These are usually divided into three types – comedies, tragedies and histories. The comedies aren’t always funny, but they do have good endings that are happy. His most famous comedies include A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. Tragedies, on the other hand, always have sad endings which can make people cry. Shakespeare seemed to like writing tragedies. Probably his most famous one is Romeo and Juliet. Finally, the histories are plays that are about people or events in history. In Shakespeare’s history plays the facts were not always correct! For example, in Julius Caesar all the events happen on the same day. So in Shakespeare’s play, Caesar is murdered and buried on the same day!


1  How many plays did Shakespeare write?

2  What are the three types of play called?

3  What is the difference between a comedy and a tragedy?

4  What kind of play was Twelfth Night?

5  What was Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy? 6 Why are Shakespeare’s history plays strange?



Activity 3

Read the short summaries of three of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Which is a comedy, which is a history and which is a tragedy?



This play takes place in Venice where a young man of 18 falls in love with a girl of 14. But, there is a problem - their families are enemies. The man is not allowed to meet the girl, but he does in secret. Then he sees the girl on the ground and he thinks she is dead. He is so upset that he kills himself. When the girl wakes up and sees him dead, she kills herself.



A brother (Sebastian) and sister (Viola) are shipwrecked, but they both think the other one has died. Viola arrives at the palace of Count Orsino dressed as a boy. The Count is in love with Olivia, the daughter of a local lord, but she doesn’t love him. He asks Viola to take a letter to Olivia telling her how much he loves her. When Viola arrives Olivia falls in love with her because she looks like a man (she is still dressed in boy’s clothes). Then Sebastian is found alive and in the end Olivia marries Viola’s brother, Sebastian, and the Count marries Viola!



This play takes place in ancient Rome. A group of men decide to kill the Emperor. They kill him on March 15th. Then the Emperor’s nephew comes to Rome to try and find the men who killed his uncle and kill them. One of these men – Brutus – is so unhappy about what he has done that he wants to kill himself. 


Do you know the name of each of these plays?





Shakespeare Plays



3. Much Ado About _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

7. The Taming of the _ _ _ _ _.

9.        The _ _ _ _ _ _ of Errors.

10.   Hamlet, Prince of _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

12. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Venice.


1.   As You _ _ _ _ It.

2.   Love's Labours _ _ _ _.

4.   The Two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Verona.

5.   The _ _ _ _ _ _'s Tale

6.   A Midsummer-Night's _ _ _ _ _.

8. The Merry Wives of _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

11. _ _ _ _ Lear.

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Teacher’s notes



Lower Intermediate (and above)




Literature and History

Time (approx):

Activity 1: 15-20 minutes


Activity 2: 10 minutes


Activity 3: 15 minutes


Activity 1: Photocopy one set of A and B worksheets per pair of students.


Activity 2: Photocopy the activity for each student.


Activity 3: Photocopy the activity for each student.


Note: These activities are suitable for students who don’t know a lot (possibly nothing at all) about Shakespeare’s writing.





Activity 1


1      On the board write ‘William Shakespeare’ and ask your students to brainstorm everything they know about him - write this information on the board.

2      Now divide the class into two groups, A and B.

3      Give group A worksheet A and group B worksheet B.

4      Tell them to read through their worksheet and then complete the eight questions they can ask to find the missing information.

5      Monitor and check their questions.

6      Now pair up a student from group A with one from group B.

7      Tell the pairs to take it in turns to ask and answer the questions using their worksheets (encourage them not to show the information).

8      Check and discuss.





William Shakespeare was born on (1) 23 April, 1564 in (2) Stratford-upon-Avon. When he was (3) seven he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) 14. He was only (5) 18 when he met (6) Ann Hathaway and they got married in (7) November, 1582. Their first daughter, (8) Susanna, was born (9) eight months later. 

In (10) 1592 Shakespeare was living in (11) London and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) 1599 he bought the (13) Globe Theatre. During his life he wrote at least (14) 37 plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) 1616 at the age of (16) 52.  



Activity 2


1      Ask students to read the short text.

2      Then ask them to look at the questions.

3      Put the students in pairs and get them to discuss the answers to the questions. 4 Check answers as a class.





1       37

2       Comedies, tragedies and histories

3       A comedy has a happy ending while a tragedy has a sad ending.

4       A comedy

5       Romeo and Juliet

6       Because the facts are not always correct.



Activity 3


1      Ask students to read the three summaries.

2      Tell them to decide which is a comedy, which is a tragedy and which is a history.

3      Put students in small groups and ask them to compare and discuss their answers. Next, ask them if they can name each play (from the summaries). You could give them a clue by telling them they have already read the titles in the worksheet.5   Check and discuss.





[A]  Tragedy, Romeo and Juliet

[B]  Comedy, Twelfth Night

[C]  History, Julius Caesar




Useful websites


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Activity 1 

Worksheet A

William Shakespeare was born on (1) ____________, ____________  in (2) Stratford-upon-Avon. When he was (3) ____________  he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) 14. He was only (5) ____________  when he met (6) Ann Hathaway and they got married in (7) ____________ , ____________ . Their first daughter, (8) Susanna, was born (9) ____________  months later. 

In (10) 1592 Shakespeare was living in (11) ____________ and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) 1599 he bought the (13) ____________  ____________. During his life he wrote at least (14) 37 plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) ____________  at the age of (16) 52. 



(1) When


(3) How old


(5) How old


(7) When


(9) How many


(11) Where


(13) What


(15) When




Worksheet B

William Shakespeare was born on (1) 23 April, 1564 in (2) ____________. When he was 

(3) seven he went to the local grammar school for boys. He left school when he was about (4) ____________. He was only (5) 18 when he met (6) ____________ and they got married in (7) November 1582. Their first daughter, (8) ____________, was born (9) eight months later. 

In (10) ____________ Shakespeare was living in (11) London and had become famous. At this time he was writing and acting for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men at the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare became very successful and in (12) ____________ he bought the (13) Globe Theatre. During his life he wrote at least (14) ____________ plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Twelfth Night. He died on his birthday in (15) 1616 at the age of (16) ____________. 



(2) Where


(4) How old________________________________________________________________?


Who_______________________________________________________________? (8) What




(12) When


(14) How many_____________________________________________________________?

(16) How old_______________________________________________________________?





Activity 2



Read the short text about Shakespeare’s plays. Then answer the questions.


 Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. These are usually divided into  three types – comedies, tragedies and histories. The Comedies  aren’t always funny, but they do have good endings that are  happy. His most famous comedies include A Midsummer Night’s  Dream and Twelfth Night. Tragedies, on the other hand, always  have sad endings which can make people cry. Shakespeare seemed  to like writing tragedies. Probably his most famous one is  Romeo and Juliet. Finally, the histories are plays that are  about people or events in history. In Shakespeare’s history  plays the facts were not always correct! For example, in  Julius Caesar all the events happen on the same day. So in  Shakespeare’s play, Caesar is murdered and buried on the same  day!




1      How many plays did Shakespeare write?

2      What are the three types of play called?

3      What is the difference between a comedy and a tragedy?

4      What kind of play was Twelfth Night?

5      What was Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy?

6      Why are Shakespeare’s history plays strange?






Activity 3



Read the short summaries of three of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Which is a comedy, which is a history and which is a tragedy?




This play takes place in Venice where a young man of 18 falls in love with a girl of 14. But, there is a problem - their families are enemies. The man is not allowed to meet the girl, but he does in secret. Then he sees the girl on the ground and he thinks she is dead. He is so upset that he kills himself. When the girl wakes up and sees him dead, she kills herself.





A brother (Sebastian) and sister (Viola) are shipwrecked, but they both think the other one has died. Viola arrives at the palace of Count Orsino dressed as a boy. The Count is in love with Olivia, the daughter of a local lord, but she doesn’t love him. He asks Viola to take a letter to Olivia telling her how much he loves her. When Viola arrives Olivia falls in love with her because she looks like a man (she is still dressed in boy’s clothes). Then Sebastian is found alive and in the end Olivia marries Viola’s brother, Sebastian, and the Count marries Viola!




This play takes place in ancient Rome. A group of men decide to kill the Emperor. They kill him on March 15th. Then the Emperor’s nephew comes to Rome to try and find the men who killed his uncle and kill them. One of these men – Brutus – is so unhappy about what he has done that he wants to kill himself.



Do you know the name of each of these plays?




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Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.


Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.

Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.

Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.

Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.

Complete the sentences with the words from the interview.

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre, which burnt down in _________. It opened to public ________years ago. The theatre has a curved _____________and is unusual because it has no_______. There are approximately _________performances every year to audiences of about __________people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  ______________ and new plays too.


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Ответы присылайте на эл. ящик 662419n@mail.ru с пометкой «Quiz» до 24 апреля 2014 г. Не забудьте указать контактные данные!

A Shakespeare Biography Quiz


1. In what year was Shakespeare born?

2. What town or city was Shakespeare born in?

3. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, but what county is the town in?

4. The names of Shakespeare's father and mother were:

5. Shakespeare attended the Stratford Grammar School, also known as the King's New School:

6. Who did Shakespeare marry?

7. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

8. Shakespeare was the father of how many children?

9. Shakespeare left his home town of Stratford because:

10. The London theaters were closed on account of a virulent outbreak of the plague in 1593 and part of 1594. Specifically, what disease was this?

11. In what year was the Globe Theater built?

12. Some time after 1599-1600 Shakespeare turned from writing predominantly romantic comedies and history plays to tragedies. Which five plays are known as his "great tragedies"?

13.  In 1603 Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men, became the King's Men. Which king was their patron?

14. In his later years, Shakespeare collaborated with what author on the play The Two Noble Kinsmen?

15. In what year did Shakespeare die?

16. How much did Shakespeare write?

17. In what year was the first collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, called the First Folio, published?

18. Is it reasonable to think that someone other than William Shakespeare (1564-1616) of Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the works attributed to him?

19. Complete William Shakespeare’s quote: “If music be the food of ______, play on”.

20. To which city does Romeo go after being exiled from Verona?

21. Where and when do Romeo and Juliet meet?


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 (Учащиеся читают текст и готовят ответы на вопросы)

I. Unprepared Reading

The Man of Stratford

England's greatest poet  was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in that part of he country which is very typical of England: green meadows , age-old trees, green hedges between fields, old beautiful houses, white and black farm cottages.
William's father, John Shakespeare was born in a village  three miles north of Stratford. He was the son of a farmer. About 1550 he moved  to Stratford. He vas a glove-maker . He married ' Mary Arden in 1556 and at that time they were living in a comfortable house in Henley Street, William's birthplace.
You can see the modest  room where he was born with the dark furniture and small windows. Their cottage and the furniture are reconstruction  but so good, that you forget things aren't really  old.
William Shakespeare moved to London soon after his marriage. Soon he joined  the company of actors  and was acting  in his own plays .
At that time he wrote Romeo and Juliet, Ju­lius Caesar  and Much Ado  about Nothing. He wrote 37 plays in 23 years.
W. Shakespeare died  in 1616. You can see the place where he rests in the church not far from the house where he was born.
Now people from every country of the world come to Stratford. They visit the house in Hen­ley Street, the grammar school where William first learned to read and to write and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre near the Avon River.


1) Where and when was William Shakespeare born?
2) What is that place like?
3) What do we know about his parents?
4) Shakespeare was born in a house in Hen­ley Street, wasn't he?
5) What did Shakespeare do in London?
6) What places of interest can tourists see in Stratford?
7) How many plays did he write?
8) Can you name any of his comedies?
9) Can you name any of his tragedies?
10) How many children did he have?

Ответы на вопросы викторины:

The Man of Stratford

1) England's greatest poet was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon .
2) That part of the country  is very typical of England: green meadows , age-old trees, green hedges between fields, old beautiful houses, white and black farm cottages.
3) William's father, John Shakespeare was born in a village three miles north of Stratford. He was the son of a farmer. About 1550 he moved to Stratford. He was a glove-maker. He married Mary Arden in 1556 and at that time they were living in a comfortable house in Henley Street, William's birthplace.
4) You can see the modest room where he was born with the dark furniture and small windows. Their cottage and the furniture are reconstruction but so good that you forget things aren't really old.
5) William married at the age of 18 Anna Hathaway. She was 6 years older and she was the farmer's daughter.
6) They had three children: a daughter Susanna and twins: Hamlet and Judith.
7) William Shakespeare moved to London soon after his marriage. Soon he joined the company of actors and was acting in his own plays . At that time he wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar  and Much Ado  about Nothing.
8) Now people from every country of the world come to Stratford. They visit the house in Henley Street, the grammar school where William first learned to read and to write and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre near the Avon River.
9) He wrote 37 plays and 156 sonnets in 23 years.
10) He wrote the following comedies:

  • The comedy of errors
  • A midsummer Night's dream
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • As you like it
  • Twelfth Night
  • All's well that ends well

 11) His tragedies are

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Julius Caesar
  • Hamlet
  • Othello
  • King Lear
  • Macbeth

12) W. Shakespeare died  in 1616 in Stratford where he returned and spent his last years of life. You can see the place where he rests in the church not far from the house where he was born.

Reading (текст для домашнего задания)


The Capulets and the Montagues lived in Verona. The two families hated each other. One day the Capulets had a dance. Romeo, a young Montague, went to the dance wearing a mask, but he was recognized. It was there that he first saw Juliet, Capulet's daughter. It was love at first sight.
After the party, Romeo went to hide in the bushes under Juliet's window. Juliet came out onto her balcony. She, like Romeo, had fallen in love with her father's greatest enemy.
Romeo heard her talking to herself about her love for him, and he came out of the bushes. He stood under the balcony and asked her to marry him. Juliet was afraid and begged him to leave, but first she agreed to marry Romeo the next day.
Romeo and Juliet were married secretly by a priest called Friar Laurence. Juliet's cousin Tybaltwanted to fight Romeo. Romeo refused because he had just married Juliet. Later, however, Tybalt killed Romeo's best friend so Romeo fought and killed Tybalt. Romeo had to leave Verona because he had killed Tybalt. While he was away, Juliet's father decided she had to marry another man in three days' time. Juliet did not know what to do. She went to see Friar Laurence and together they made a plan. Juliet would pretend to kill herself. Laurence would then take her 'body' to a safe place and Romeo would join her.
Romeo did not know about the plan and he was so upset when he received the news that Juliet was dead that he bought some poison and rushed to Juliet's tomb. There he drank the poison. When Juliet woke up, Romeo was already dead. Juliet took Romeo's knife and pressed it into her heart.
When they realized what had happened the fathers were very sad and ashamed. As a result of the tragedy the two families became friends forever.

Answer the questions:

  1. Why did Romeo hide under Juliet's window after the party?
  2. Why did Juliet agree to marry Romeo?
  3. Why did Romeo refuse to fight Tybalt at first?
  4. Why did Romeo fight Tybalt?
  5. Why did Romeo leave Verona?
  6. Why did Romeo buy some poison?
  7. Why did Romeo kill himself?
  8. Why did Juliet kill herself?
  9. Why did the Capulets and Montagues become friends?

You are going to make a film about a pair of tragic lovers today. Decide the answers to the questions.

  1. Who are the families? What are their names?
  2. What do they do?
  3. Where do the young couple meet?
  4. What is the problem that leads to the tragedy?
  5.  What is the tragedy?
  6. How does the story end?

Write a short summary of your story.



The next task for you is to put verbs in Active or Passive Voice


Shakespeare’s Theatre

1. Shakespeare's Globe was rather different from modern theatres. The plays ____ (perform) in the open air and the audience ____ (get) wet if it rained.

There was no scenery, and the only lighting was the daylight that ____ (come) from the open roof above. So, most plays ____ (give) in the afternoon.

Women in those days _____ not _____ (allow) to act in public and all the parts _____ (play) by men.

Before a new play ____ (start) the flag ____ (raise). The town folk ___ (get) into their boats and ____(row) across the river to see a new play by William Shakespeare.

But if the weather was bad, the flags _____(pull) down and the performance ____(cancel).




let’s revise our grammar. The task is to form a word using the ones in the right column






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A Shakespeare Biography Quiz


1. In what year was Shakespeare born?

  1. 1564
  2. 1616
  3. 1558
  4. 1592

2. What town or city was Shakespeare born in?

  1. London
  2. Stratford-upon-Avon

C.    Snitterfield

  1. Oxford

3. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, but what county is the town in?

  1. Sussex
  2. Norfolk
  3. Durham
  4. Warwickshire       

4. The names of Shakespeare's father and mother were:

  1. Abraham and Sara
  2. William and Anne
  3. John and Mary

5. Shakespeare attended the Stratford Grammar School, also known as the King's New School:

  1. From 1569 to 1579
  2. He did not attend school.
  3. There are no records of his school attendance, but it is highly likely he attended that school.

6. Who did Shakespeare marry?

  1. Judith Sadler
  2. Susanna Hall
  3. Anne Hathaway
  4. Mary Queen of Scots

7. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

  1. 17
  2. 18
  3. 19
  4. 20  




8. Shakespeare was the father of how many children?

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 10
  4. 1

9. Shakespeare left his home town of Stratford because:

  1. He was caught poaching on the lands of Sir Thomas Lucy and fled to avoid prosecution.
  2. He was apprenticed to his father who was a butcher. He hated the work and ran away to London.
  3. He took a job as a school teacher in the country, and left to pursue this career.
  4. It is not known for sure how or why he left.

10. The London theaters were closed on account of a virulent outbreak of the plague in 1593 and part of 1594. Specifically, what disease was this?

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. The Plague of Frogs
  3. Bubonic Plague
  4. The pox

11. In what year was the Globe Theater built?

  1. 1594
  2. 1599
  3. 1608
  4. 1613

12. Some time after 1599-1600 Shakespeare turned from writing predominantly romantic comedies and history plays to tragedies. Which five plays are known as his "great tragedies"?

  1. Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra
  2. The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, Henry V, Twelfth Night
  3. King John, Henry VI Part 1, Richard II, Richard III, Henry VIII
  4. Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Cymbeline.

13.  In 1603 Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men, became the King's Men. Which king was their patron?

  1. George III
  2. James I
  3. Edward III
  4. Henry VIII

14. In his later years, Shakespeare collaborated with what author on the play The Two Noble Kinsmen?

  1. Thomas Middleton
  2. Francis Beaumont.
  3. Christopher Marlowe.
  4. John Fletcher.
  5. Ben Jonson




15. In what year did Shakespeare die?

  1. 1599
  2. 1616
  3. 1623
  4. 1642

16. How much did Shakespeare write?

  1. 1 play, 38 sonnets and 154 epic narrative poems
  2. 54 plays, 5 sonnets, and 38 epic narrative plays
  3. 4 plays, 38 sonnets, and 5 epic narrative poem
  4. 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 epic narrative poems            

17. In what year was the first collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, called the First Folio, published?

  1. 1599
  2. 1616
  3. 1623
  4. 1685

18. Is it reasonable to think that someone other than William Shakespeare (1564-1616) of Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the works attributed to him?

  1. Yes.
  2. No.
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  • Сейчас обучается 23 человека из 13 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 14 человек


Информационные технологии и безопасность

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 50 человек из 25 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 29 человек