Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока на тему "Seasons"

Конспект урока на тему "Seasons"

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Lesson plan

Theme: Seasons


Prepared by: Yuldasheva Sh.

The theme: Seasons


Educational: to learn seasons, colours and weather, to practice speaking and listening skills by watching a cartoon “the seasons”.

Developing: to teach and develop pupils’ vocabulary and use seasons in their discussion in English.

Socio-cultural: to raise awareness of the seasons and the ways of saying a season.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

  • Say the kind of seasons;

  • speak about colours and seasons

Key words: winter, spring, summer, autumn

Required equipment: pictures, flashcards, worksheets, blackboard, short video about school equipments, projector, computer.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment. (1 minute)


II. Warming up

Objective: to help pupils saying the names of seasons in English

Time: 3 minutes

Materials: Flashcards winter spring summer autumn

Interaction: individual, the whole class


  • Warmer: Try to elicit the words winter spring summer autumn by electing pictures. Pupils say the names of the seasons in their mother tongue

  • Each time after saying a correct word show the picture of the season

  • For example:

T: Which season is cold?

PP: It is winter or qish. And so on. Then repeat for other seasons


Teach the seasons using the flashcards. Show each flashcard in turn and elicit or say the word. Pupils repeat. Put the flashcards on the blackboard. Make a circling motion with your hands. Say “They are the seasons of a year”. Ask the pupils to repeat the words after you: winter spring summer autumn. And so on.




II. Main part.


Activity 1 Listen, say and point.

Objectives: to elicit the names of the seasons in English and point them

Time: 5 minutes

Materials: Flashcards (winter spring summer autumn)

Interaction: group work.


  • Listen, say and point. Make groups in five. For example. Give five coloured pieces of paper to each pupil (white, pink and blue, green, red). Say “Who has white colour of the paper make one group” and so on.

  • Give the flashcards of the seasons to each group.

Say “Listen and point”. Say “a summer”. Pupils point to the flashcard of a summer. And so on.



Activity 2 Listen and sing.

Objectives: Practicing the activity for developing listening skills

Time: 7 minutes

Materials: CD, tape-recorder

Interaction: Group work and the whole class.


  • Listen and sing. Ask the pupils to listen to the CD and point the seasons.

  • Pupils listen and point to the seasons.

  • Play the CD again in small sections. Pupils repeat.

Play the whole CD again. Teach the song to the pupils. When pupils know the song, they repeat the whole song altogether.

CD 1

Thank you (4 times)

In the summer, in the autumn, in the winter and the spring,

Thank you (3 times)

Take care (4 times)

In the summer, in the autumn, in the winter and the spring,

Good bye (4 times)

In the summer, in the autumn, in the winter and the spring,

Good bye (3 times)

Activity 3 Listen and circle.

Objectives: Checking pupils’ listening skills

Time: 4 minutes

Materials: Flashcards of the seasons (Card 1winter, Card 2.spring, Card 3 summer, Card 4 autumn.)

Interaction: Individual and group work.


  • Listen and circle. Distribute flashcards to the groups. In each group one pupil takes one card.

  • Say “Listen and circle”. Say “Card 1 winter”. The pupil who has a Card 1 (with the picture of winter) circles it. If the pupil hesitates the other members of the group help him. And so on.

Activity 4 The Game. “Listen and find?”

Objectives: Checking pupils’ comprehension and repeating the learned words.

Time: 5 minutes

Materials: Video disk with pictures of the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn)

Interaction: Individual, the whole class or group work.


  • The Game. “Listen and find” The teacher turns on video game on the computer.

  • The teacher asks the pupils listen name of seasons and find them.

  • Pupils can play individually or the whole class. If they find right picture of the seasons the teacher shows the picture of the season to the class.

  • Encourage your students with scores or cards for their giving right answer.

III. While-activity.

Activity 1 Look and point.

Objective: to help pupils saying the names of the seasons in English

Time: 5 minutes

Materials: Flashcards, handout. (red card, yellow card, white card, green card).

Interaction: individual, the whole class


  • Look and point. Teach or elicit the words: winter, spring, autumn, summer using the flashcards. Show each flashcard and say the word clearly. Pupils repeat.

  • Display the flashcards on the blackboard. Point to each one in turn. Elicit the word. Pupils say the words in chorus.

  • Ask pupils to look at the activity one. Go to several pupils’ desks point to the animals and ask the pupils to say the names of the seasons.

  • Divide pupils in two groups and ask them to stay in a row near the blackboard

  • Explain them when you say one of the season’s names the first pupils from the rows must run to the blackboard and point to the picture. Demonstrate the game. Say “winter” and point to the picture of the winter.

  • Show the pictures on the blackboard and say; “a spring.” Which group’s pupils point the pictures correctly and show more pictures they are the winners.

Activity 2. Count and say.

Objectives: Developing pupils reading skills

Time: 5 minutes

Materials: Handout

Interaction: individual work, pair works.


  • Count and say. Practise with the whole class the numbers from 1 to ten. Say the pupils they should work individually.

  • Ask the pupils to count the seasons. Give the pupils more thinking time but don’t elicit the answers.

  • Make new pairs. Tell pupils to sit facing one another, holding their handouts. Pupils work in pairs and take it in turns to ask about seasons. Pupils check together their answers.

Activity 3. Match the season and colours.

Objectives: Practising revising the previous materials

Time: 4 minutes

Materials: Handout

Interaction: individual work, pair works.


  • Match the seasons and the colours. Revise the colours with the pupils. Ask pupils:

What colour is the winter?” Check comprehension by asking “What colour is the summer?”

  • Demonstrate the game. Match one season and the colour.

  • Ask pupils to work individually and match the seasons and colours.

  • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils check their answers in pairs. Check around the class.

IV. Post activity.

Activity 4. Match the seasons and the pictures which they are connected with.

Objectives: Developing pupils reading skills.

Time: 5 minutes.

Materials: Handout 5.

Interaction: individual work, pair works.


  • Match. Demonstrate the game. Match one season and the picture.

  • Ask pupils to work individually and match the seasons and pictures.

  • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils check their answers in pairs. Check around the class.

  • Encourage your students with scores or cards for their giving right answer.

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V. Giving homework. (1 minute)

Ask the pupils to colour and draw the seasons. (Winter, spring, summer, autumn)

VI. Conclusion.

Do you like our lesson? The lesson is over good bye!

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