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Конспект урока по английскому языку " My Tatarstan"

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в 8 классе

по теме «My Tatarstan»



























Выполнила : учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Гимназия №26»

Г. Набережные Челны

Мансурова Е.В.







Цели урока: 

  • образовательные:

совершенствование речевых навыков и умений монологической речи, чтения и аудирования;

            формирование базы для развития письменной речи

введение и закрепление новых лексических единиц по теме «My Tatarstan»

закрепление грамматического материала: употребление Present Simple, Present Progressive

  • развивающие:

      развитие логического мышления, умения сопоставлять, анализировать;

            развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся;

            расширение кругозора учащихся;

      развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

развитие интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащихся.


  • воспитательные:

повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

осуществление эстетического воспитания обучающихся;

воспитание любви, уважения и чувства гордости к Родине


Задачи урока: 

углубить и систематизировать знания учащихся о своей стране;

  практиковать учащихся во всех видах учебной деятельности    (аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме) на базе знакомого и нового лексического материала


учебник, компьютер, проектор.

I.     Организационный момент

Звучит гимн РТ (композитор С. Сайдашев)

Приветствие     - Good morning, boys and girls.

-          Good morning teacher.

-          I’m very glad to see you.

-          We are glad to see you, too

-          Seat down please, let’s begin our lesson. Who is away?

-          All are present/


II.      Постановка целей

T:  Let's start our lesson from the wise words –

   «The wisdom of a nation lies in its deeds, creative activities with a view to the future, and certainly in the preservation and development of the finest traditions of the past»

                                                                                                            By M.S.Shaimiev

«Мудрость страны кроется в ее делах, творческой активности, в планах на будущее, и конечно в сохранении и развитии самых прекрасных традиций прошлого»

T:  How do you think? Whom do these words belong to?

P:  They belong to the ex-president of Tatarstan M.S.Shaimiev

T:  Yes, you are quite right. Today we’ll speak about Tatarstan.

III.             Основной этап урока

1  T: прослушайте. обобщите или завершите …

-animals, birds, rivers, fields, forests -------- nature

Kulaevo, Karpovka, Kazan, Tatarstan ------ homeland

many people ----- population

welcome, relax, meet ------ hospitality

I have 5 in English. My mother is ---- mу marks-------- to be proud of

M. Shaimiev., I. Menshin., Sh. Nasibullin. They are … ------- to be famous

Russian, Tatar, English, ------- nationality

Kazan plays …. an important role

Planes, helicopters are produced by … ------- enterprises

2)T: Tell me, please, where is our republic situated?

- (показывая на карте) the republic of Tatarstan is located at the central part of Russia. It borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari- El, Udmurtia and on the regions of Russia: Samara, Ulyanovsk, Kirov and Orenburg.

- What is the main Rivers of Tatarstan?

- (показывая на карте) there are a lot of long and small Rivers in our republic: the Volga, the Kama, the Vyatka, the Belaya, the Myosha….


2        Чтение

Т: Read the text «The Republic of Tatarstan»  

 The Republic of Tatarstan is a subject of the Russian Federation. The official languages are Tatar and Russian.

  Tatarstan is one of the largest socio-economic, scientific and political centres of the Volga Region. It is located at the centre of the Russian Federation. It connects East and West, North and South of the country. Tatarstan borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari-El, Udmurtia and on the regions of Russia: Samara, Ulianovsk, Kirov and Orenburg. Tatarstan has no borders with foreign states.

Its area is more than 67 thousand square kilometres. It is as big as Ireland, Sri-Lanka and Lithuania. The territory of the republic is a plain. It lies in a forest and forest-steppe zone witl small hills on the right bank of the Volga.The republic has rich natural resources and a developed industry. The industrial complex is very important in the republic. 


  T:  Pupils, answer my question about the text, please.

1.       What are the main languages of Tatarstan?

2.       Where is the Republic of Tatarstan located?

3.       How many nationalaties live in the republic?

       ( ученики отвечают на вопросы по тексту)

  T: Good. That’s right.


3        Введение новых лексических единиц

To be surprised…

To be excited…


To be lucky…



4        T: Answer my questitions (Карта Республики Татарстан)

1)      Is the republic of Tatarstan a subject of the Russian Federation ?

2)      When was the Declaration of the Sovereignty signed?

3)      What are the official languages of Tatarstan?

4)      Where is Tatarstan located?

5        Аудирование

a)Listen to the «People in Tatarstan» and find out what nationalities there are in Tatarstan and how many people live in Tatarstan.

Tatarstan is a multireligious republic. During its history Tatarstan has accumulated the richest experience of peoples of various nationalities, ethnic and religious groups. More than 100 nationalities live friendly in the republic. The important national values are tolerance, consensus and compromise.The population of the Republic of Tatarstan is around 3.8 million people. 2.7 million people live in towns and cities. One million people live in the countryside. There are 19 cities and towns and more than 3000 settlements in Tatarstan. The largest cities are: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Zelenodolsk and Bugulma. It is a multicultural society and people of all nationalities live in peace and harmony.

Tatarstan is a multinational republic. People of 115 nationalities live there. The two main nationalities are the Tatars and the Russians. The third place is taken by the Chuvashes. There are some nationalities in Tatarstan, the population of which is over 10 thousand people. Among them are the Udmurts, Ukrainians, Maris, Mordvinians, Bashkirs and others.

B) answer the following questions:

1)      Is Tatarstan a multireligious republic?

2)      How do people live in Tatarstan? Why?


T: Students, I am sure that you understood the plot of the topic. And the next tack is as follows. You will to underline the spare word from the list.

1)       Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari-El, Udmurtia, Samara

3)       Samara, Ulianovsk, Kirov,  Orenburg, England

4 ) Развитие коммуникативной компетенции.

1)      Student,work  in groups of four. Discuss your associations with Tatarstan. Please use the following phrases

The land and the people…

To play an important role in….

Hospitality …

The heart of the Republic…

Report us the results of your discussions.

2) Make a dialogue about our republic.

IV.             Подведение итогов

Т:  Well done! You worked hard. Now, let’s sum up. What was new for you? What would you like to now more about our republic?

Home task: Please write down a short essay about Tatartan.




1. Л.Ф. Иванова и др. Английский язык “Welcome to Tatarstan”

2. Л.А. Яруллина  «Открой себе Татарстан»



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