Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «Средства массовой информации» 9 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «Средства массовой информации» 9 класс

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

по теме «Средства массовой информации»

Unit1 (Rainbow English 9)

1. Writing.   Translate into English

1) снимать фильм

 2) средства массовой информации

 3) текущие новости

 4) радиотрансляция

5) рекламировать одежду

6) прекрасное обслуживание

7) угроза войны

Max: 7/_____________

2. Vocabulary.    Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. The music sounds too loud. Could you, please, turn (up/down) the radio? 2. Don`t be afraid to keep your money in this bank. (It/They) will be safe here. 3. They are showing a new (serial/series) of programmes about the animal world. 4. Mass media (is/are) very important in the life of every social community. 5. Jim ‘s knowledge of biology (is/are) surprisingly deep. 6. I felt I was being spied (on/for) and I became frightened. 7. The news you’ve sent me (have/has) been very helpful. 8.When I turned the picture (into/over), I saw the painter’s name on the back. 9. You will never be able to turn this metal (over/into) gold. 10. The advice (was/were) of great help.

Max: 10/_____________

3. Reading.   Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.

The Internet changed our life a lot and the (1)... of this medium is quite clear. To spend a part of the day on the Internet is for many people quite typical. They (2)... use this medium to get (3)... about all kinds of things. (4)... some of them like surfing the Net (5)..., others would like to have some Internet (6)...s, for example, they may prefer to do online shopping.       



3.inform, 4.probable

5.stop,6. Serve


Max: 6/____

4. Grammar.        Use the verbs in the appropriate passive forms.

1.        An interesting serial (show) on TV now.

2.        The computer program (create) at 10 pm yesterday.

3.        "Your drinks (bring) in a minute," the manager said.

4.        Rice (grow) in China and some other Asian countries.

5.        They said that all the documents (sign) by 5 pm last Tuesday.

Max: 5/_____________

Total: 28/___________




1)    Shoot a film

2)    Mass media

3)    Current news

4)    Radio broadcast

5)    Advertise  clothes

6)    Fine service

7)    A threat of war

№ 2

1.     Down

2.     It

3.     Series

4.     Is

5.     Is

6.     On

7.     Has

8.     Over

9.     Into

10.  Was

№ 3

1)    Importance

2)    Usually

3)    Information

4)    Probably

5)    Non-stop

6)    Services

№ 4

1.     An interesting serial is being shown on TV now.

2.     The computer program was being created at 10 pm yesterday.

3.     "Your drinks will be brought  in a minute," the manager said.

4.     Rice is grown in China and some other Asian countries.

5.     They said that all the documents  had been signed by 5 pm last Tuesday.















7*. Make up different types of questions.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

… My dad bought me a laptop yesterday. It’s cool! Now I can play computer games everywhere! But it drives my mum crazy. She says that all computer shooting games are stupid.            What do teenagers in your country do in their free time? Do you like or dislike computer games and why? What do you use computers for?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

2. Listen to five people speaking about the ways they learn news and get information. Match the speakers (1-5) with the statements (a-f). There is one extra statement.

1.     The speaker explains that he uses only the Internet to find the necessary information.    

2.     The speaker prefers to listen to the radio to know the latest news.

3.     The speaker says that the news is of no great importance to him.

4.     The speaker says that not all the data on the Internet is correct.

5.     The speaker prefers to watch television to know what`s going on.

6.     The speaker explains he tries to get the current news from all the media possible.

3. Read the text and complete it with phrases (a-f).

1.     to surf through the net

2.     which is going to be the main medium of the future

3.     or meet people online

4.     are active users of the Net

5.     to live in the real world

6.     put their children in front of a computer

Children and Computers

Nowadays it has become clear that the Internet may have a bad influence on our daily life because it changes people`s social behavior, especially the social behavior of children.

In our times, when a lot of families have computers and (1)......, children should certainly learn how to do it. They should know how to get information, how they can buy something (2)...... .If they don`t learn to use the Internet when they are young, they will have great difficulties later. The reason is that the Internet is a very powerful medium (3)...... .

Meanwhile, there is a certain danger in the Internet. Children easily become its competent users, but they don`t know how (4)......any longer. The Internet will never replace real life, real friends, real communication and children should be told about it. Parents should not just (5)...... and say "Oh well, that`s the Internet, go on, have some fun and be quiet." The Internet was not made for children and so it should not be used as a babysitter. There is so much harmful material on the Internet, that children should not be allowed (6)...... all by themselves.


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