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Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение

 «Политехнический колледж городского хозяйства»




Рассмотрено                                                                                                                                                УТВЕРЖДАЮ

предметной (цикловой) комиссией                                                                                                          Заместитель директора

Протокол № 2 от «31» октября 2016г.                                                                                                     по учебной работе

                                                                                                                                                                      ____________Т.М. Челей

Председатель П(Ц)К                                                                                                                                  «___»_____________2016г.






Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Специальность: 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)


(ФИО студента)



Вариант 1










№ п/п

Задание (вопрос)



Professional English. Choose the right answer.



1. The … of the meeting is to discuss the next stages of the project.

A. purpose                               B. chairperson                           C. agenda


2. I attach a list of …, so you know who will be at the meeting.

A. main points                         B. participants                           C. minutes


3. Human Resources ….

A. recruits new staff                B. sells products                        C. pays the salary 


4. You have to be …, especially if one person is having problems.

A. positive                               B. supportive                             C. successful


5. The desktop shows a number of … on a background picture or colour.

A. pictures                               B. letters                                    C. icons


6. This editing command deletes any highlighted text or image.

A. Cut                                      B. Undo                                     C. Paste


7. When you copy text, it stays on the … until you want to paste it.

A. toolbar                                B. clipboard                               C. menu bar


8. Windows has a … called My Documents to help you organize your files.

A. folder                                  B. file                                         C. program


9. Tim Berners-Lee invented the world’s first ….

A. Web page                            B. computer                               C. browser


10. Good Internet behavior is called ….

A. Culture                                 B. Netiquette                             C. Etiquette


11. If you use a lot of animations, your Web page will take a long time ….

A. to download                        B. to navigate                            C.  to run


12. If you want to learn computing, you must … a lot.

A. read                                     B. practise                                 C. think


13. A … is a person who has passed a university degree.

A. trainee                                 B. post-graduate                        C. graduate


14. In addition, it looked at the kind of programmes watched by male and female students to find out if there was any … in their preferences.

A. problem                              B. difference                              C. purpose


15. A … is a short description of something, with no detail.

A. statement                            B. definition                               C. summary



Vocabulary. Read the text and choose the appropriate answer.



The Internet

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve  1) _______ on all sorts of topics in a wide variety of areas including the arts, business, government, humanities, news, politics and recreation. People 2) ______ through e-mail, chats and other means of information exchange. They 3) ______ information and make commercial and business transactions. All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are connected to the Internet and exchange information in the same basic ways.

The WWW is a part of 4) ______. But it’s not a collection of network. Rather, it’s information that is connected or linked together like a web. You access this information through one interface or tool called a Web browser. 

You move from place to place, from site to site on the Web by using a mouse to click on the text, icon or region of a map. These items are called hyperlinks or links. Each link you select represents a document, an image, a video clip or an audio file somewhere on the Internet. The 5) ______ doesn’t need to know where it is, the browser follows the link.



1.          A. information                  B. news                                C. figures 


2.          A. communicate               B. go                                     C. run


3.          A. cancel                          B. share                                 C. copy


4.          A. the Internet                  B. a task                                C. a computer


5.          A. people                          B. friend                                C. user



Всего баллов


Преподаватель: ____________

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение

 «Политехнический колледж городского хозяйства»



Рассмотрено                                                                                                                                                УТВЕРЖДАЮ

предметной (цикловой) комиссией                                                                                                          Заместитель директора

Протокол № 2 от «31» октября 2016г.                                                                                                     по учебной работе

                                                                                                                                                                      ____________Т.М. Челей

Председатель П(Ц)К                                                                                                                                  «___»_____________2016г.






Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Специальность: 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)



(ФИО студента)



Вариант 2









№ п/п

Задание (вопрос)



Professional English. Choose the right answer.



1. The people who take part in a meeting are ….

A. participants                         B. chairpersons                          C. businessmen


2. I attach an …. with the main points for discussion.

A. agenda                                 B. main points                           C. minutes


3. Customer services ….

A. sell the products                  B. processes orders from customers C. makes the products


4. Sometimes things go wrong and you have … the problem.

A. to find                                  B. to make                                  C. to solve


5. If you remove a file by mistake, you can find it in the ….

A. Recycle Bin                         B. My Computer                        C. Control Panel


6. This tool opens a thesaurus to help you find synonyms and antonyms (similar and opposite words).

A. Symbol                                 B. Language                              C. Spelling and Grammar


7. If the … you want is not on the keyboard, look in the Symbol command.

A. letter                                     B. character                                C. font


8. Saving files on your hard disk without any order makes them … to find.

A. difficult                                 B. easy                                       C. impossible


9. People use the Internet to … information from one place to another.

A. navigate                                B. create                                     C. transfer


10. This is an invasion of their privacy and it … the Golden Rule.

A. creates                                   B. breaks                                   C. supports


11. These animations are good if they download ...., but please make them relevant to the website.

A. suddenly                               B. slowly                                    C. quickly


12. A videoconference lets people in different places see and hear each other ….

A. at the same time                   B. from time to time                   C. in time


13. List your education and work experience in … order – start with your most resent job.

A. usual                                     B. reverse                                  C. exact


14. A phrase used to add information is ….

A. in addition                            B. in order to                             C. according to


15. … means very important or necessary.

A. Unique                                   B. Formal                                 C. Essential



Vocabulary. Read the text and choose the appropriate answer.



Mass Media

The mass media 1) _____ an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also 2) ________the way we see the world and shape our views.

Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmers report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable 3) _________.

 It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural   4) _________, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies.   The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because the can see everything with their own eyes.  The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things 5) _______ in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.



1.          A. play                        B. give                       C. take


2           A. go                           B. influence               C. run


3.          A.  information           B. sounds                   C. books


4.          A.  fire                        B. disaster                  C. water


5.          A. take                        B. create                     C .happen



Всего баллов


Преподаватель: ____________ И.В. Аксенова 

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение

 «Политехнический колледж городского хозяйства»


Рассмотрено                                                                                                                                                УТВЕРЖДАЮ

предметной (цикловой) комиссией                                                                                                          Заместитель директора

Протокол № 2 от «31» октября 2016г.                                                                                                     по учебной работе

                                                                                                                                                                      ____________Т.М. Челей

Председатель П(Ц)К                                                                                                                                  «___»_____________2016г.






Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Специальность: 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)



(ФИО студента)



Вариант 3










№ п/п

Задание (вопрос)



Professional English. Choose the right answer.



1. Make sure everyone knows the time and … of the meeting.

A. date                                 B. data                                            C. information


2. The person who keeps control of a meeting is a ….

A. participant                      B. chairperson                                 C. director


3. This department pays the salaries.

A. Finance department        B. R & D                                         C. Distribution


4. It’s sometimes difficult to be … when you are tired and stressed.

A. angry                               B. selfish                                         C. unselfish


5. The … appears when you don’t use the mouse or keyboard.

A. folder                              B. screen saver                                C. file


6. Saves the open file or document.

A. Save                                B. Open                                           C. Save as


7. Saves the file to another location, with another name or in a different format.

A. Save                                B. Save as                                       C. Copy


8. Clicking the minus (-) sign … the folder.

A. closes                              B. opens                                          C. copy


9. Some people surf the Internet at … just to see what they can find.

A. office                               B. random                                       C. home


10. People on the Internet are always complaining about … e-mail.

A. unsolicited                      B. desired                                        C. unwanted



11. Web surfers will go somewhere else if the page doesn’t appear ….

A. suddenly                          B. slowly                                        C. quickly


12. Videoconferencing needs a Web … and videoconferencing software.

A. master                              B. camera                                       C. design


13. … a lot of detail - a good CV is long.

A. Include                            B.  Don’t include                            C. Exclude


14. A word used to add information is ….

A. also                                 B. however                                      C. whereas


15. … is a short description of something, with no detail.

A. Statement                        B. Definition                                   C. Summary



Vocabulary. Read the text and choose the appropriate answer.



The British Press

Probably in no other 1) __________ are there such great differences between the various national daily newspapers - in the type of 2) ______ they report and the way they report it.

      On the one hand, there are the “quality” newspapers:  “The Times”, “The Independent”, “The Guardian”, “The Financial Times” and “The Daily Telegraph”. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international   3) ________, with the world of politics and a business and with the art and sport.

       On the other hand, there are the “populars” and “tabloids”, so-called because of their smaller size. The tabloids – the most widely 4) _________ of which are “The Daily Mail”, “The Daily Express”, “Daily Mirror”- concentrate e on more emotive reporting of stories often featuring violence, the Royal Family, film and pop stars.

      In addition to the 12 national daily newspapers there are nine national papers which are published on Sundays.  Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday lunch, is an important 5) _________in many British households.

       The British are one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world.


1.    A. country                 B. world             C. house


2.    A. news                     B. books             C. language


3.    A. events                   B. people            C. fashion


4.    A. break                     B. read               C. build


5.    A. occasion                B. possibility     C. tradition


Всего баллов



Преподаватель: ____________ И.В. Аксенова

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