Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку"Особенности одежды шотландцев"

Презентация по английскому языку"Особенности одежды шотландцев"

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  • Features of the clothing of the Scots.Surely those who saw the clothes of Sco...

    1 слайд

    Features of the clothing of the Scots.
    Surely those who saw the clothes of Scots, was
    wondering what the name of Scottish national

  • Surely those who saw the clothes of Scots, was wondering what the na...

    2 слайд

    Surely those who saw the clothes of Scots, was wondering what the name of the Scottish national costume? The main element is the kilt, which is a cloth wrapped around the waist. This element of male dress was gathered pleats and back were fastened several buckles and straps. Since he had no pockets, kilt was a small bag of things. It originates from a great plaid, and lately is only its lower part. Scottish women's national costume is the perfect complement creative style mens costume. In other words, it is made in the same colors with the use of stripes and cells. A significant difference is softness, femininity and coziness style.

  • The history of women's national costumeIn the period from XII to XV century...

    3 слайд

    The history of women's national costume

    In the period from XII to XV century
    women's the outfit consisted of several
    Elements clothes is lower dress, upper
    dress, apron, belt, Cape, headpiece and
    Scottish shoes. The bottom of the dress
    was enough simple and reaches to the
    level of the ankle. The top dress was
    just above knee length and decorated with
    patterns and braid. Apron in mostly made
    of wool fabric and adorned with
    embroidery and border on the edge. Zone
    stressed the waist, and the headpiece was
    worn exclusively by married women.

  • Men's Scottish costume.Prior to the beginning of the XVII
century, tartan was...

    4 слайд

    Men's Scottish costume.
    Prior to the beginning of the XVII
    century, tartan was worn like a mantle
    over his left shoulder carefully draped
    Selected at the level of the waist with a
    belt, richly adorned with tassels. The
    lower part capes have formed something
    similar to the skirt and the upper part
    was fixed on the shoulder and
    decorative safety pin and freely fell
    down the back. In such clothes it was
    awkward to work with and the Director
    one of the smelting workshops  invited
    its workers to cut the part  traditional
    long capes. And clothes will be better
    maintained, and work it was easier. So
    there was a world famous Scottish
    Men pleated skirt – off the kilt.

  • The national dress of the ScotsSince the second half of the XVI and early...

    5 слайд

    The national dress of the Scots

    Since the second half of the XVI and early XVII
    century  the costume evolved a bit. The basis was taken
    model European costumes of the sixteenth century. So,
    like the men's kilts, ladies skirts made of tartan, which
    is made of multicolored threads so what happened to
    plaid or striped pattern. Have each clan had its own
    pattern and colors that define social position. All models
    of women's.Skirts have a wide and free pleats at the
    waist. Length strictly determined and not above or
    below the knee. Though today, there are short patterns
    costumes. As top in the Scottish national dress used
    white blouses, the wearing of which differed from
    different places of residence. So, in the valleys tucked in
    her skirt, and in he mountains wore worn outside. The
    blouse was worn a corset on top who snatched the shawl
    from the clan composition. Looks very nice in the front
    Scottish national dress for women. Such an outfit
    consists of voluminous skirts from tartan, a white
    blouse with .Wide sleeves, corset with bright lace-up
    closure and plaid. The plaid was Fastened
    beautiful  brooch. This outfit is simple and grandeur.

  • 6 слайд

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