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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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Контрольная работа для студентов 1 курса колледжа

(учебник “Planet of English”)

I вариант

I.                   Прочитайте текст с пропусками и выбери верный вариант ответа.


Alexander's working day  1_____  at 6:00.  He does his 2_____  exercises every morning. He is in the habit of having a  3 ____  breakfast.

The classes start at 8.30. Alexander's favourite  4_____  is Maths.  In the middle of the day the students go to  the canteen.

At 3 o’clock when the classes are over, Alexander stays at college. He likes 5_____ play football with his groupmates.  In the evenings he goes for a walk with his friends.


1. a)  start   b) starts c) started  d) finishes

2. a) morning   b) evening   c) afternoon   d) night

3. a) big  b) great   c) large  d) light

4. a)     book  b)  subject  c) film   d) thing

5. a) on   b) in   c) to   d)  till


II.                Выберите  правильный вариант ответа


1. He ….. a doctor.  a) am  b) has got  c) is

2. Kate’s family ….. a house.  a) is  b) has got  c) are

3. Kate ….. from London.  a) hasn’t got  b) is not  c) have got

4. His uncle ….. a car.  a) is  b) have got  c) has got

5. ….. your sister  a teacher?  a) has got  b) is  c) are


III.             Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в форме Present Simple


1. Jim’s wife ….. videos  in the middle of the night. (watch)

2. Casey and Vince …. Football every day (play)

3. I …. to college on Sunday (not go)

4. When ….. he …..? (go to bed)

5. He ….. at 8 o’clock. (get up)


IV.              Выберите  правильный вариант ответа


1.  …..   two lakes on the map.  a) there are   b) there is c) are there

2.  ……  a living room in my flat.   a) there are   b) there is c) is there

3.   ……   a disk in the disk drive.  a) there are   b) there is c) there aren’t

4. ……  three bedrooms  in the house?  a) are  there   b) is  there c) there is

5.  ……   a  castle in  our town.   a) there are   b) there is c) there aren’t 


V.   Преобразуйте количественные числительные в порядковые






5. two thousand and nine


VI. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. Напишите указанные в скобках даты и время словами

  1. My granddad was born …… (23.06.1910).
  2. My friend was born ……April of (1999).
  3. I get up….. (6.15) every day.
  4. We go to the pool…. Sunday…..(7.00)….(8.00)
  5. I go to bed ….. (10.55) p.m.


VII. Образуйте множественное число существительных        

a chief

a brush

a star

a toy

a sheep


a tooth

a child

a man

a tomato

a city



VIII.  Распределите следующие существительные на две группы:

1)      Исчисляемые                                                         2)  Неисчисляемые:

– honey - metal – child – yoghurt – rice – spaghetti – water – air – spoon – mustard - egg – chair – shampoo – raincoat – flower – floor – bread – soap – toy – food

IX.  Поставьте How many? или How much?

  1. … juice is there in the fridge?
  2. … money did they spend?
  3. … tomatoes are there in the bag?
  4. … kilos of potatoes did you buy?
  5. … slices of cheese are left on the plate?

X. Выберите нужное местоимение

1. We don't have ..... CDs.

a) some  b) any c) no


2. ...... can answer this question. It is very simple.

a) anyone   b) someone   c) no one


3.  Is there ..... in the corner of the room? – No, I can see nothing there.

a) something  b) anything   c) nothing


4.  There isn’t ..... , who wants to speak to you.

a) anybody   b) nobody  c) somebody


 5. Would you like ..... tea?

a) some  b) any  c)  no


     II вариант

I.  Прочитайте текст с пропусками и выбери верный вариант ответа.

If you see    1 _____town or city in Britain from the air, it 2 _____very big.

 Generally people in Britain  3 _______ in the centre of a town. Most people live in the suburbs. And most people don’t live in flats. They 4 _____  live in a house with a garden.

Most of  the  buildings in town centre are shops and offices. Big shops are usually in the town centre – furniture shops, clothes shops, shoe shops. But most suburbs 5 _____ a few small shops, too. There is usually a newsagent’s, a supermarket, a hairdresser’s, a post office and a chemist’s. There is often a pub, too.


1. a)  any   b) popular c) large  d) pretty

2. a) to see   b) looks   c) looking   d) saw

3. a) doesn’t live   b) didn’t live   c) don’t live  d) live no

4. a)     usually b)  are  c) like  d)never

5. a) has   b) had   c) haven’t   d) have


II.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа

1. She ….. got  two eyesa) has  b) have  c) hasn’t

2. We ….. got many friends.  a) have  b) hasn’t  c) has

3. The teacher ….. got a book  a) have b)  has c) haven’t

4. Ann’s brother ….. got a car.  a) have  b) is  c) has

5. Kamala’s sister ….. got many dolls  a) has  b) have  c) is


III.  Вставьте  в предложения глаголы в скобках в  форме Present Simple

1.Jim’s wife …..in Hatfield. (work)

2. Vince ….football every day (  not play)

3. Sue …. to college on Sunday ( not go)

4. Where ….. you …..? (study)

5. I  ….. at 6 o’clock. (get up)


IV.  Выберите  правильный вариант ответа


1.  …..   two bridges   on the map.  a) there are  b) there is c) there isn’t

2.  ……  two bedrooms  in  his house.   a) there isn’t   b) there is c) there are

3.   ……   a DVD on the computer.  a) there aren’t   b) there are c) there is

4. ……  two  bathrooms  in the house?  a) is there   b) are there c) there is

5.  ……   a  church  in the city.   a) there are   b) there aren’t c) there is


V. Преобразуйте количественные числительные в порядковые

  1. two
  2. eighty-three
  3. seven hundred and sixteen
  4. twenty
  5. eleven



VI. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. Напишите указанные в скобках даты и   время словами

  1. My son was born  .… (02.12.1988).
  2. Our dog was born ….   October of (2008).
  3. I get up …. (5.30) every day.
  4. I go to bed ….  (9.45) p.m.
  5. My son go to the musical school ….Monday….(5.00)….(7.00) p.m.


VII. Образуйте множественное число существительных        

  1. a baby              
  2. a shelf
  3. a box
  4. a vide
  5. a book
  1. a woman
  2. a piano
  3. a plant
  4. a lemon
  5. a boy



VIII.  Распределите следующие существительные на две группы:

1)Исчисляемые                                                         2)  Неисчисляемые:

paper – bottle – porridge – happiness - pencil - coffee – girl – work – job – plate – dog – meat - news – apricot – toothpaste – time - bedroom – money -  magazine – information

IX.  Поставьте How many? или How much?

  1. … salt do you usually put in the soup?
  2. … cups of tea shall I bring?
  3. … films did you see?
  4. … friends has he got?
  5. … free time do we have?

X. Выберите нужное местоимение

1. Do you have ..... children?

a) some  b) any


2. He knows ..... about computers. He is a good computer programmer.

a) something  b) everything   c) nothing


 3. Jack doesn't have ..... money.

a) some  b) any с) no


4.  I don’t want ..... to help me.

a) anybody   b) nobody  c) somebody


5. . ...... can answer this question. It is very simple.

a) anyone   b) someone   c) no one



Критерии оценок для зачета 1 курс 1 семестр

Оценка «5» ставится за 70-63 правильных ответа

Оценка «4» ставится за 62-49 правильных ответов

Оценка «3» ставится за 48--35 правильных ответов

Оценка «2» ставится менее, чем за 34 правильных ответа



I вариант

  1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c
  2. 1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b
  3. 1-watches, 2- play,3-don’t go, 4-does…go, 5-gets up
  4. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b
  5. 1-the twenty-fifth, 2- the ninety-sixth, 3- the thirty-eighth, 4-the third, 5-the two thousand and ninth
  6. 1-on the twenty third of nineteen ten, 2-in April of nineteen ninety nine, 3-at a quarter past six, 4-on Sunday from seven to eight, 5-at five to eleven














  1. Исчисляемые:  child –spoon - egg – chair –raincoat – flower – floоr– toy

           Неисчисляемые: – honey - metal –yoghurt – rice – spaghetti – water – air –mustard - shampoo –bread – soap –food

  1. 1. How much   2. How much   3.  How many   4.  How many   5. How many
  2. 1. -b   2.- b  3.-b  4.- a   5.- b




II вариант

      1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-d


      1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a


      1. 1-works, 2-doesn’t play, 3-doesn’t go, 4-do you study, 5- get up


      1. 1-a, 2-c, 3-c, 4-b, 5-c


      1. 1- the second   2-the eighty-third  3- the seven hundred and sixteenth  4-the twentieth  5-the eleventh


      1. 1-on the second of December nineteen 2 - in October two thousand and eight  3-at half past five  4- at a quarter to ten  5- on Monday from five to seven




  1.  babies              
  2.  shelves
  3.  boxes
  4.  vides
  5.  books
  1.  women
  2. pianos
  3.  plants
  4.  lemons
  5.  boys



      1. Исчисляемые: bottle - pencil - girl –plate – dog– apricot - bedroom –magazine                                    

 Неисчисляемые: paper – porridge – happiness – coffee – work – job –meat - news– toothpaste – time– money– information

      1. 1-How much  2- How many  3- How many   4- How many  5- How much


      1. 1-b, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b



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