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Контрольная работа по английскому языку (10 класс)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе

Контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из 3-х разделов:

1)Аудирование;  2) Чтение; 3) Лексика и грамматика.

Форма контроля - тест.

УМК:  «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight")

Продолжительность теста составляет 45 минут. Работа проводится в конце первой четверти и содержит грамматический и лексический  материал 3,4 разделов учебника (Schooldays & Work; Earth Alert!).

Тестовая работа имеет критерии оценивания результатов и ключ.

Тест содержит  28 заданий. Из них задания на:

Аудирование. Задания 1-7-  выбор правильного ответа (понимание запрашиваемой информации)

Чтение. Задания 8-14- соотнесение заголовков. (понимание в тексте основного содержания) 

Лексика и грамматика. Задания 15-19 – заполнение пропусков подходящими по смыслу словами (употребление слова в коммуникативно-значимом контексте). 13-18- заполнение пропусков подходящими по смыслу словами (употребление слова в коммуникативно-значимом контексте). 20-24-распознавание грамматических времен и модальных глаголов .

 *25-28-заполнение пропуска путем образования родственного слова от предложенного опорного слова.

За каждый правильный ответ в заданиях 1-24, обучающийся получает 1 балл.

Каждый правильный ответ в заданиях 25-28 оценивается в 2 балла.

Максимальное количество баллов- 32.

Успешность выполнения теста определяется из следующего соответствия:

27 – 32 баллов       “5” (отлично)

21 – 26  баллов      “4” (хорошо)

15– 20 баллов        “3” (удовлетворительно)

менее 15 баллов    “2” (неудовлетворительно)

Ключи к тестам:

Вариант 1


A     B    C     A     B     A     A


D   A   B   H    E  F  C

Vocabulary and Grammar

 15. freelancer    16. applied    17. congest    18. floods   19. experience

20. I'll   21. I'm meeting   22. will have been    23. can’t      24.  must

*25. Irresponsible   26. uninformed/misinformed    27. unusual     28. inadvisable


Вариант 2


A     B    C     A     B     A     A


A    B   D   H   F   C  E

Vocabulary and Grammar

15.  applied   16. freelancer  17. experience  18. congest 19. floods

20.  I'm meeting  21. I'll    22. must    23. will have been    24.  can’t

*25. inadvisable   26. Irresponsible    27. unusual    28. uninformed/misinformed   
























                 10 (2)

Variant 1


1.       Listening

You will hear a conversation between two friends. Decide whether the answer to the questions is A (true), B (false) or C (not stated).

1. Liz was pleased with how the interview went.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

2. Liz chose what to wear to the interview two weeks before the interview.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

3. Liz doesn’t like wearing skirts.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

4. Liz coped well with the coffee incident.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

5. Liz asked lots of questions at the interview.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

6.Liz and Anna are both students.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

 7. Liz hopes to get the job.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

2. Reading

Match texts 1- 7 with headings A – H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

A.      ELIMINATE WASTE                                                            E.  AWARENESS DAY

B.       CLIMATE CHANGE                                                             F. CITY BAN PROPOSAL

C.       IS BIGGER BETTER?                                                          G. CONSERVATION PROGRAMME

D.      ON THE RISE                                                                        H. A NATURAL TREASURE

1.___ A study by a group of Australian researchers suggests that global sea levels could go up by as much as 50 cm over the course of this century, should current trends continue. This is particularly worrying for island nations like the United Kingdom who already lose hundreds of square miles of land each year due to erosion. The research is based on data from locations around the globe and covers a 130-year period.

2.____How can we live less wastefully and support the environment so that it may be healthy for generations to come? It may seem like an overwhelming task but it takes just three steps to make a real difference: we must reduce, reuse and recycle! Before we throw anything away, we must think if there is any way we can use it for another purpose. It is good for your finances too!

3.___The Earth has warmed by three quarters of a degree centigrade over the last hundred years. Alarmingly, more than half of this warming has occurred since the 1970s. We can no longer question whether human activity has contributed to this rise. The emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide has affected our climate dramatically. Depending on our emissions, the average global temperature could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees by the end of the century.

4._____Declared a World Heritage area in 1981, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure built by living organisms. It is the only living organic collective that is visible from the Earth’s orbit. Covering a territory of more than 300,000 square kilometres, it is made up of beautiful islands and idyllic coral cays. It contains the world’s largest collection of coral reefs. No wonder the Australians are so proud!

5._____Birkback College is open to the public on the 23rd of May from 11 am to 5.30 pm to get us thinking on a wide variety of topics. Join in the many workshops and you will get the opportunity to find out how your lifestyle affects the environment, the dos and don’ts of recycling and much, much more! You can even bring in your heating bills and get expert advice on how you can save energy at home!

6._____Want to live and/or work in a pleasant environment, a laidback city? Then private cars must go! The only permitted motor vehicles would be buses, small taxis and vehicles for essential services. This would solve the current problems of congestion and parking and improve the quality of the air. Who wants to drive at 6 miles per hour, pollute the atmosphere and fight with pedestrians? We can beautify the city and improve the quality of life for people who live in the centre if so desire!

7.____Genetic modification has made it possible for farmers to grow crops that previously seemed impossible: huge plants bursting with natural pesticides and vitamins. Such crops mean that people in third-world countries won’t have to go hungry every day because there will be enough to feed the whole of the world’s population. On the other hand, some people fear that GM crops could pose more risks than benefits to humans.

3.Grammar and Vocabulary

  Fill in: floods , freelancer, experience, applied, congest.

15.My mum works from home. She is a _________.

16.He has __________ for the position  of secretary.

17.Modern transport________our city centres.

18.They say that global warming will cause climate change and _______

19.Do you have any________as a waitress?

 Choose the correct form.

20. A: The phone's ringing!   B: It's OK. I'll/'m going to answer it.

21. A: What are you doing this afternoon, Kate?    B: I'm meeting/'m going to meet some friends in town.

22. A: How long are you staying in London?    В: I am going to/will have been in London for 2 months by the time I leave.

23.That mustn’t/can’t be true. I’m sure it’s a lie.

24. You must/can respect the environment.

*Form negative adjectives from the words in bold.

25. My younger sister is very___________. She doesn`t believe in recycling                                         RESPONSIBLE

26. People who believe that there is no global warming are_______________                       INFORMED

27. She thought it was ________ that the winter was so warm.                                                   USUAL

28. Because we need to cut down trees to make paper, it is____________ to waste paper.      ADVISE

10 (2)

Variant 2

1.       Listening

You will hear a conversation between two friends. Decide whether the answer to the questions is A (true), B (false) or C (not stated).

1. Liz was pleased with how the interview went.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

2. Liz chose what to wear to the interview two weeks before the interview.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

3. Liz doesn’t like wearing skirts.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

4. Liz coped well with the coffee incident.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

5. Liz asked lots of questions at the interview.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

6.Liz and Anna are both students.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

 7. Liz hopes to get the job.

A. True      B. False     C. Not stated

2. Reading

Match texts 1- 7 with headings A – H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

A. ON THE RISE                                                                       E. IS BIGGER BETTER?                                                           B. ELIMINATE WASTE                                                          F.  AWARENESS DAY

C.  CITY BAN PROPOSAL                                                     G. CONSERVATION PROGRAMME

D. CLIMATE CHANGE                                                          H. A NATURAL TREASURE

1.___ A study by a group of Australian researchers suggests that global sea levels could go up by as much as 50 cm over the course of this century, should current trends continue. This is particularly worrying for island nations like the United Kingdom who already lose hundreds of square miles of land each year due to erosion. The research is based on data from locations around the globe and covers a 130-year period.

2.____How can we live less wastefully and support the environment so that it may be healthy for generations to come? It may seem like an overwhelming task but it takes just three steps to make a real difference: we must reduce, reuse and recycle! Before we throw anything away, we must think if there is any way we can use it for another purpose. It is good for your finances too!

3.___The Earth has warmed by three quarters of a degree centigrade over the last hundred years. Alarmingly, more than half of this warming has occurred since the 1970s. We can no longer question whether human activity has contributed to this rise. The emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide has affected our climate dramatically. Depending on our emissions, the average global temperature could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees by the end of the century.

4._____Declared a World Heritage area in 1981, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure built by living organisms. It is the only living organic collective that is visible from the Earth’s orbit. Covering a territory of more than 300,000 square kilometres, it is made up of beautiful islands and idyllic coral cays. It contains the world’s largest collection of coral reefs. No wonder the Australians are so proud!

5._____Birkback College is open to the public on the 23rd of May from 11 am to 5.30 pm to get us thinking on a wide variety of topics. Join in the many workshops and you will get the opportunity to find out how your lifestyle affects the environment, the dos and don’ts of recycling and much, much more! You can even bring in your heating bills and get expert advice on how you can save energy at home!

6._____Want to live and/or work in a pleasant environment, a laidback city? Then private cars must go! The only permitted motor vehicles would be buses, small taxis and vehicles for essential services. This would solve the current problems of congestion and parking and improve the quality of the air. Who wants to drive at 6 miles per hour, pollute the atmosphere and fight with pedestrians? We can beautify the city and improve the quality of life for people who live in the centre if so desire!

7.____Genetic modification has made it possible for farmers to grow crops that previously seemed impossible: huge plants bursting with natural pesticides and vitamins. Such crops mean that people in third-world countries won’t have to go hungry every day because there will be enough to feed the whole of the world’s population. On the other hand, some people fear that GM crops could pose more risks than benefits to humans.

                                                                              3.Grammar and Vocabulary

Fill in: applied, congest, freelancer, floods, experience.

15.He has __________ for the position  of secretary.

16.My mum works from home. She is a _________.

17.Do you have any________as a waitress?

18.Modern transport________our city centres.

19.They say that global warming will cause climate change and _______

Choose the correct form.

20. A: What are you doing this afternoon, Kate?    B: I'm meeting/'m going to meet some friends in town.

21. A: The phone's ringing!   B: It's OK. I'll/'m going to answer it.

22. You must/can respect the environment.

23. A: How long are you staying in London?    В: I am going to/will have been in London for 2 months by the time I leave.

24.That mustn’t/can’t be true. I’m sure it’s a lie.

* Form negative adjectives from the words in bold.

25. Because we need to cut down trees to make paper, it is____________ to waste paper.  ADVISE

26. My younger sister is very___________. She doesn`t believe in recycling                      RESPONSIBLE

27. She thought it was ________ that the winter was so warm.                                              USUAL

28. People who believe that there is no global warming are_______________                      INFORMED

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