Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонтрольная работа по учебнику Information Technology, book 3 (темы 1-5)

Контрольная работа по учебнику Information Technology, book 3

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Final Test (7 term)

1. Read the text and choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-G from the list below. Two headings are extra.

Seeing The Future in With Video Conferencing Reading Answers

A.  Video-conferencing (or Video teleconferencing-VTC) as a means of communication intra and inter- Business has essentially been possible since the dawn of television. But the early systems, first demonstrated in 1968, were in fact so prohibitively expensive and of such poor picture quality that they were not viable applications for general public use.

B.   However, in the 1980s, digital telephone networks like ISDN began to proliferate, so that by the 1990s the decrease in cost brought the equipment necessary for video-conferencing within the reach of the masses. The I990s also saw the arrival of IP (Internet Protocol) based video-conferencing with more efficient video compression technologies being introduced, thus permitting desktop, or personal computer (PC)-based video conferencing. VTC had come on the scene in a big way as free services, web plugins and software, such as NetMeeting, and MSN Messenger, Skype, and others brought cheap, albeit low quality, VTC to the public at large.

C.   Video-conferencing has been disparaged for the lack of eye-contact that can affect the efficacy of the medium and for the fact that participants can be camera conscious. But these obstacles are not insurmountable. The size of modern televisions along with the vast improvement in picture quality as a result of the arrival of the digital age has enhanced the potential of the latest video-conferencing equipment, going somewhat towards solving the former problem. Early studies by Alphonse Chapanis found that the addition of video hindered rather than improved communication. However, as with video and sound recording of meetings, interviews etc, awareness of the presence of the technology diminishes with time to the point that its presence is not felt. A further drawback common to all technology is the ever-present possibility of technical hitches. But in the end, video-conferencing is no different from any electronic device like a PC or a telephone and so in time, any problems will be ironed out.

D.  Conferencing by video has enhanced the performance of different organizations through its efficiency and effectiveness, saving both time and money for businesses and, in this carbon-conscious age, by the reduction in the environmental cost of business travel from one corner of the world to another. These apart, video-conferencing has an immediacy that is difficult to challenge. It is now essential in any work situation where organizations with employees on different sites or in different parts of the globe can contact each other rapidly. Like a telephone line permanently connected it is easy to dial up a colleague in seconds anywhere in the world.

E.  And what about the equipment? The equipment for video-conferencing is relatively straightforward to use. It has, in fact, been commonplace in the news media for a number of years as corporations have broadcast live from the back of a truck or van in news hotspots around the world. Two ISDN lines are needed at each location: one for video output and the other for video input; a high-quality camera with omnidirectional microphones or microphones which can be hand-held, clipped on, or central is required; and for data transfer, a LAN is also needed. And, of course, a television screen at each end is essential.

F.   The potential use of video-conferencing in the educational field has yet to be fully exploited. In this day and age when academic institutions are supposed to be more revenue-conscious and much more flexible, video-conferencing could be employed to bring business into the educational field and vice versa. The system can also be used to take expertise anywhere in the world. It is no longer necessary for experts to travel vast distances for conferences or to teach. In certain areas, say remote islands like the Outer Hebrides in Scotland or the Cape Verde Islands off West Africa, where it may be difficult to find teachers in specialist subjects like languages, video conferencing is a perfect way to bring education within the reach of everyone. Video-conferencing is certainly not a panacea for every problem, not an end in itself, but a useful tool that can complement rather than supplant existing teaching methods.

G.  Like the electronic or smart whiteboard, whose introduction in the classroom has met with resistance, video-conferencing may take some time to become mainstream, if ever. But, perhaps with the mounting concern about our carbon footprint, the environment will ultimately be the biggest spur. A sobering thought is whether classrooms and offices of the future will consist solely of TV screens.

          List of Headings

1. Some criticisms of video-conferencing

2. The future of conferencing by video

3. The transmission of education to remote areas

4. The first stages of video-conferencing

5. The necessity of having two TVs

6. How video-conferencing can benefit organizations

7. How video-conferencing became more accessible to the general public

8. The various pieces of equipment needed

9. The lack of exploitation of video-conferencing in education

2. Vocabulary. Choose the correct answer

1. A real time text conversation is

A. instant messaging

B. spam

C. attachment

2. Unwanted email is



C. spam

3. A file sent with an email

A. attachment

B. scan

C. text

4. A code that identifies individual items




5. Equipment that codes and reads signals

A. video bridge

B. monitor

C. codec

6. A camera that broadcast sound and video on Internet

A. codec

B. webcam

C. dedicated system

7. A videoconference among people in different locations

A. multipoint

B. mediapoint

C. unipoint

8. A feature that eliminates unwanted sound during a videoconference

A. document sharing

B. dedicated system

C. echo-cancellation

9. The amount of space an MP3 player has to store files

A. calibration

B. capacity

C. catalog

10. It is stored electronically as a series of ones and zeros

A. digital

B. autonomous

C. feed

11. A device that connects an MP3 player to a computer


B. digital camera

C. dock

12. A wireless network that connects your phone with other devices

A. broadband

B. Bluetooth

C. Assembler

13. A feature of some cell phones that lets you dial a number by voice instead of by hand

A. voicemail

B. wayponts

C. voice activation

14. A feature of some cell phones that alerts you someone is calling while you are on the line with someone else

A. caller ID

B. call waiting

C. cartography

15. A power source in cell phones

A. lithium-ion battery


C. Bluetooth

16. A malicious software on my old computer

A. Malware

B. Spyware

C. Trojan horse

17. A malicious virus that seems beneficial

A. worm

B. Trojan horse

C. spyware

18. Using a legitimate-looking website to trick people

A. phishing

B. pharming

C. card scanning

19. Capturing information stored on cards

A. pharming

B. phishing

C. card scanning

20. A word or phrase or image that is used as a link

A. anchor

B. Flash

C. applet

21. A list of common questions and their answers




22. Using a computer to design products




23. Using a computer to train employees




24. A shared file used to spread information

A. media player

B. Flash

C. electronic bulletin board

25. A media format that can be used to add videos, animations and other media to a website

A. Flash




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