Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольно-оценочные средства для студентов 1, 2 курсов СПО

Контрольно-оценочные средства для студентов 1, 2 курсов СПО

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Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия



Контрольная работа №1

Вариант 1

1. Поставить вопросы а) общий, b) разделительный, c) специальный d) к подлежащему e) альтернативный.

1.John visited me in the hospital yesterday.

2 I. was taken by surprise.

2. Поставить глаголы данные в скобках в нужную форму.

I just (tell) you the answer/

I (tell) you the answer yesterday.

Jack (do) his home work when his father (come) home from work/

3. Вставить to be в нужной форме

1.There… a telegram on the table.

2. … there …a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there … … .

3…. there any lectures yesterday? No, there …

4. Поставить вопросы.

1. There are some new pupils in our group.

2. There were many old houses in our street.

3. There will be a conference next week.

4. The was nobody in the room

5. Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге.

1. Я рассказал – мне рассказали

2. Я показал – мне показали

3. Мы спросили – нас спросили

6.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1.If I …………..(not to take) a taxi, I……………(to miss) the train .

2. if it …………(to be) sunny tomorrow, we ………..(to go) to get a tan.

3. If I …………(to have) time tonight, I ….(to finish) reading this book.

4. If you…………..(to work) at the weekend, I…..(to pay) you well.

7.Выбрать правильный предлог.

I can wait (till, to) next Wednesday.

We clean our teeth (by with) a tooth brush.

He has been absent (since for)a week.

They spoke (for about) this problem.


Вариант 2

1. Поставить вопросы а) общий, b) разделительный, c) специальный d) к подлежащему e) альтернативный.

1. I have been cheated by the best friend.

2. The clock stopped an hour ago.

2. Поставить глаголы данные в скобках в нужную форму.

1. She all ready (answer) the letter.

2. She (answer) it on Tuesday,

3. The pupils still (write) their compositions when the bell (ring)

3. Вставить to be в нужной форме

1. Soon there …………………a new film on..

2…. There any lectures yesterday? No, there …

3. … there …a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there … …

4. Поставить вопросы

1. The was nobody in the room

2. There was much work last week.

3. There is little milk in the bottle.

5. Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге.

1. они дали – им дали

2. он помог-ему помогли

3. он забыл – его забыли.

6 .Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1.If my brother…………….(to came) to visit me on Sunday we ……(to go) for a picnic.

2. If you…………..(to work) at the weekend, I…..(to pay) you well

3..if I …..( to be) in your shoes….(to spend) all the time in a gym.

4. if it …………(to be) sunny tomorrow, we ………..(to go) to get a tan

7.Выбрать правильный предлог.

You have sold your car (for, at) good price.

T)hey sold their house (at, for) one hundred. Thousand dollars..

They have been ill (from, since) last Tuesday.

I expect to return (after, in) a month.

Вариант 3

1. Поставить вопросы а) общий, b) разделительный, c) специальный d) к подлежащему e) альтернативный.

1. I like tea in the evening.

2. TV was launched by the BBC in 1936.

2. Поставить глаголы в нужную форму

1. They (to listen) to the news on the radio when the telephone  (to ring)

2. I (to look) for a nice pair of gloves.

3. My train (to leave) in half an hour. – Ok, I (to drive) you to the station in my car.

3. Вставить to be в нужной форме.

1.… there …a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there … … .

2. There… a telegram on the table.

3. Soon there …………………a new film on..

4. Поставить вопросы.

1. There is a little milk in the bottle.

2. The was nobody in the room

3. There was some soup in the plate.

4.There will be a party next week.

5. Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге.

он забыл – его забыли

мы спросили – нас спросили.

он помог - ему помогли.

6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. If it …………(to be) sunny tomorrow, we ………..(to go) to get a tan.

2. If my brother…………….(to came) to visit me on Sunday we ……(to go) for a picnic.

3. If you…………..(to work) at the weekend, I…..(to pay) you well.

4. If I …..( to be) in your shoes….(to spend) all the time in a gym.

7. Выбрать правильный предлог.

1. They have been ill (from, since) last Tuesday.

2. I expect to return (after, in) a month.

3. They spoke (for about) this problem.

4. I can wait (till, to) next Wednesday.


Вариант 4

1. Поставить вопросы а) общий, b) разделительный, c) специальный d) к подлежащему e) альтернативный.

1. The clock stopped an hour ago.

2. I have been cheated by the best friend.

2.Поставить глаголы в нужную форму.

1. This man (is) a writer.

2. He (to write) many books.

3. He (to write) books since he (to be ) a young man.

3. Вставить to be в нужной форме.

1. There… a telegram on the table.

2. … there …a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there … …

3. Soon there …………………a new film on..

4. Поставить вопросы

1. The was nobody in the room

2. There will be a party next week.

3. There is a map on the wall.

4. There were many boys in the gym.

5.Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в действительном и страдательном залоге.

он помог- ему помогли.

он забыл – его забыли.

я рассказал – мне рассказали.

6 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. If I …..( to be) in your shoes….(to spend) all the time in a gym.

2. If you…………..(to work) at the weekend, I…..(to pay) you well.

3. If my brother…………….(to came) to visit me on Sunday we ……(to go) for a picnic.

4. If it …………(to be) sunny tomorrow, we ………..(to go) to get a tan

7. Выбрать правильный предлог.

I can wait (till, to) next Wednesday.

They spoke (for about) this problem.

They have been ill (from, since) last Tuesday.

I expect to return (after, in) a month.

Эталон ответов 
Вариант 1

1..Did john visit me in the hospital yesterday ?

John visited me in the hospital yesterday ,didn`t he?

. . When did john visit you?

. Who visited you in the hospital?

.Did John visit me in the hospital or at home?

2. Was I taken by surprise?

Was I taken by surprise or by horror?

I was taken by surprise .wasn`t i?

What I was taken by?

Who was taken by surprise?

2.1. have told. 2 told. Was doing, came.

3.1.is .2 are 3.are,aren`t

4 1Are there…?

2.Were there…?

3. Will there…?

4. Was there…?

5.I told I was told

showed I was shown.

I asked I was asked.

6.don`t take ,will miss,

Is will go

Have will finish

Work will pay

7.1 till 2 with 3 for 4about.

Вариант 2

1.Have you been cheated by the best friend?

Have you been cheated by the best friend or by the teacher?

Who have you been cheated by?

I have been cheated be the friend ,have not I?

Who has been cheated by the friend?

Did the clock stopped an hour ago?

Did the clock stopped an hour ago or two one`s/

When did the clock stopped?

What stopped an hour ago?

2.1has answered. 2answered. 3 are writing, rang.

3.1is,2 are ,aren`t 3 are, are.

4 1Are there…?

2.Were there…?

3. Will there…?

4. Was there…?

5.they gave they were given

He helped, he was helped

He forgot ,he was forgotten.

6.comes will go,

Work ,will pay

Am , will spend

Is, will go

7.1.at, 2.for, 3.since,4.in

Вариант 3

1Do you like tea?

Do you like tea, or coffee?

When do you like tea?

Who likes tea?

Do you like tea or coffee?

Was TV launched by BBC?

Was TV launched by BBC or CIi?

TV was launched by BBC or in1936 or in 1939?

When was tv launched?

What was launched by BBC?

1 were listening rang 2am looking 3leaves will drive

,1is is 2is 3 will be

4 1is there 2was there 3was there 4will there

5He forgot, he was forgotten

We asked we were asked

He helped , he was helped

6is will go

Comes ,will go

Work, will pay

71since,2in,3about 4till


1.Did the clock stopped an hour ago?

Did the clock stopped an hour ago or two one`s?

When did the clock stopped?

What stopped an hour ago

1Have you been cheated by the best friend?

Have you been cheated by the best friend or by the teacher?

Who have you been cheated by?

I have been cheated be the friend have not I?

Who has been cheated by the friend?

2 1is 2wrote 3 is writing

41was there 2 will there 3is there 4were there

3. 1is ,2is,is 3 will be .

5 he helped he was helped.

He forgot he was forgotten

I told I was told

6.am ,will spend

work ,will pay

comes will go.

71 till 2about 3since 4in.


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