Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыЛексические задания на тему: "Кино"

Лексические задания на тему: "Кино"

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1. Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making.

Who are these people? Match the name of the profession and what they do.

camera operator          actor    costume designer   make-up artist   boom operator   sound mixer      director

stuntman/-woman       editor    director of photography    producer             scriptwriter


·         has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors

·         is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular

·         looks through the camera, and operates the equipment

·         decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction

·         writes scripts for films, shows

·         holds the microphone

·         does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors

·         chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together

·         operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming

·         pretends to be another person and acts in a film

·         prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films

·         can make a new face for an actor


1. A boom operator is a man who holds the microphone.    

2................. a person..............

3.................a woman..................


2. Here is a short review of the achievements of Australian cinematography.

Fill in the gaps in the story using the words from the box and read it. What new facts about Australian films have you learnt?

adventures              The Piano           shot     prize    Crocodile Dundee   dancers                        film industry  directors     directed   the government                films                Hollywood

Australian film industry is as old as _____________. Australians make a lot of good ___________. They are proud of their _________ and _____ ______________ gives money to the film companies.

Australian films are known all over the world. There are some big interna­tional successes such as the ________________film, about the    ___________ in Australia and Strictly Ballroom - a wonderful story about young _________.       __________ which is ________        by Jane Campion, won the main __________ at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993. One of the most famous Australian ___________                              is Peter Weir. He        _______ Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is a story about a group of schoolgirls who disappeared after a picnic.


3.Match the information.


Relative clause

Paramount Pictures'* is a large corporation which consists of several studios.

Mary Pickford* is an American film star who took part in silent films in the 1920s.


Warner Brothers*       L. Gaidai*      Sergei Eisenstein*             Leonardo DiCaprio*                  Titanic*                                   Arrival of a Train                             E. Ryazanov*

American producer     to  be                WB Company

Russian director         to   create        the first film in the  world

American actor           to  found         Romeo and Juliet

American film            to  shoot          11 Oscars

Russian director         to  shoot          The Battleship ‘Potemkin’

Russian director         to   star            a  lot of comedies

French film                  to  win            The Caucasian Prisoner

Arrival of a Train’ is a French film which was the first film in the world. 




4. You can evaluate in this way:

astonishing awful bad boring dreadful excellent extraordinary fantastic frightful good great horrible impressive lousy magnificent marvellous not bad nothing special nothing to write home about outstanding reasonable rotten sensational splendid superb wonderful

Which words can be used to describe negative, positive, neither negative i positive attitude? Put the words into 3 columns.

   Terrible                                                 Terrific                                         Not very good

_____________                                  _____________                           ___________________

_____________                                  _____________                           ___________________


5.Match the films with their film directors.

1.      Steven Spielberg                   a) “Titanic”

2.      James Cameron                    b) “The Godfather”

3.      Guy Hamilton                       c) “Dianna Jones”

4.      Francis Ford Coppola           d) “A Hard Day’s Night”

5.      Andrei Tarkowski                 e) “Andrei Roublyov”

6.      Richard Lester                      f) “Goldfinger”

7.      Sergio Leone                         g) “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’


6. Crossword

1. A part of a broadcast serial
5. Make a film or photograph of something
7. Light and humorous drama with a happy ending
8. A written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
9. A theatrical performer
10. A female actor

2. Someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a show.
3. The person who directs the making of a film.
4. A photographer who operates a movie camera.
6. A star who plays leading roles in the cinema.



1. A part of a broadcast serial (
5. Make a film or photograph of something (
7. Light and humorous drama
with a happy ending (комедия)
8. A written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance (
9. A theatrical performer (
10. A female actor (


2. Someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a show (
3. The person who directs the making of a film (
4. A photographer who operates a movie camera (
6. A star who plays leading roles in the cinema (






Key: lc; 2a; 3f; 4b; 5e; 6d; 7g.




1. Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making.


Who are these people? Match the name of the profession and what they do.


camera operator          actor    costume designer make-up artist   boom operator   sound mixer        director

stuntman/-woman       editor    director of photography    producer scriptwriter


              has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors

              is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular

              looks through the camera, and operates the equipment

              decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction

              writes scripts for films, shows

              holds the microphone

              does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors

              chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together

              operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who make noises during the filming

              pretends to be another person and acts in a film

              prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films

              can make a new face for an actor


1.A boom operator is a man who holds the microphone.     

2................. a person..............

3.................a woman..................



2. Here is a short review of the achievements of Australian cinematography.


Fill in the gaps in the story using the words from the box and read it. What new facts about Australian films have you learnt?


adventures              The Piano           shot     prize    Crocodile Dundee   dancers                         film industry  directors     directed    the government            films             Hollywood



Australian film industry is as old as _____________. Australians make a lot of good ___________. They are proud of their _________ and _______________________

_____________gives money to the film companies.

Australian films are known all over the world. There are some big interna­tional successes such as the ________________film, about the    ___________ in Australia and Strictly Ballroom - a wonderful story about young _________.       __________ which is ________        by Jane Campion, won the main __________ at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993. One of the most famous Australian ___________      is Peter Weir. He            _______ Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is a story about a group of schoolgirls who disappeared after a picnic.


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