Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыLesson plan "I can" for the 2 grade

Lesson plan "I can" for the 2 grade

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Lesson plan


Long-term plan unit: Unit 1: All about me

School: Uspenourevka secondary school


Teacher name: Shalubdova Viktoria Pavlovna

 Grade: 2

Number present: 10


Theme of the lesson: I can


Learning objectives

2.S4  respond  to  basic  supported questions giving personal and factual information 

2.UE13 use  can  to  talk  about  ability and  to make  requests and offers; use

can / can’t to talk about permission

2.L2 recognize  with  considerable support  an  increasing  range  of  common personal questions 

2.S2 ask questions in order to satisfy basic  needs  and  find  information  on

familiar  topics  and  classroom routines 

2.S4  respond  to  basic  supported questions giving personal and factual


2.L1  understand  a  range  of  short basic  supported  classroom instructions  

 2.S8 give simple instructions for others to follow 

 2.S4  respond  to  basic  supported questions giving personal and factual



Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

-          Identify and respond the teacher`s questions using can and can`t with limited support

-           use the modal verbs can/can`t when the learners speak about their abilities, using the new words, for example: I can run, a can`t sing


Most  learners will be able to:

-          Answer the 5 questions on theme “I can” with limited support during the dialog

-          Describe the pictures using the modal verbs can

Some learners will be able to:

give simple instructions for others to follow 

 Identify speech from the video and give the short answers


Most  learners will be able to:

-          Answer the 5 questions on theme “I can” with limited support during the dialog

Some learners will be able to:

-          give simple instructions for others to follow 

-          identify speech from the video and give the short answers


Assessment criteria

learners have met this learning objective (2.UE13 use  can  to  talk  about  ability and  to make  requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission) if  they  understand the modal verbs “can/can`t”.

Value links

Respect others view

ICT skills

Using SMART board, pictures and videos

Previous learning

Hello again, parts of body.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)






5 min

Organizational moment

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places

Warming up

teacher to make a speech warm-up (every part of the body and the verb corresponds to its motion) * Eyes - displayed on the eye and e.g

We have got eyes and we can see.
We have got ears and we can hear. 
We have got legs and we can walk. 
We have got mouths and we can talk.







interactive board



5 min






5 min





































10 min






5 min


5 min






10 min

Activity 1. [D]  Teacher asks the questions and shows the pictures e.g What can this person/ they do? They can dance. They can play basketball. T-S

Skill: Listening

Activity 2.[I]The learners watch the video (questions about some abilities) and filling the table 1 what they can/can`t do. S-T

Give weaker learners table and pictures with images of different abilities (common verbs – ride a bike, swim, sing etc.) Learners write yes or no

Table 1

















Ride a bike




Play football




Play the piano











Skill: Speaking

Activity 2. [P]Learners take turns to ask their partner if can say what the image  requires them to: Can you sing? Yes, I can. The pupils filing the table 1. S-S

Who wants to tell me about your classmate? What can she/he do? Look at the table and speak.

Physical activities

[W] The teacher asks the students to listen to a song and repeat the movement

Skill: Speaking

Activity 3. [W] Basketball question. The learnersstand in a circle and asks to each other what they can/can`t do, using ball. S-S

Skill: Listening

Activity 4 .[I][F]Learners to watch  the video 2 times and do the task on the understanding of listening (filling table - Yes/No)

Texts :


Hi, I'm Nurlan. I am nine.

I like sports. I can play football and I can play basketball.

I can jump and I can run very fast. I can swim very well.

But I can't draw and I can't sing.


Hello! My name is Marina. I am nine.

I like music. I can sing and I can dance very well.

I can draw pictures of cats. I like cats!

I can ride a bike and I can run but I can't jump very well.

Table 2

1. Nurlan




Play football



Play basketball


















2. Marina













Ride a bike










1. Nurlan plays football: yes

Nurlan plays basketball: yes

Nurlan can jump: yes

Nurlan can run: yes

Nurlan can swim: yes

Nurlan can draw: no

Nurlan can sing: no

2. Marina can sing: yes

Marina can dance: yes

Marina can draw: yes

Marina can ride a bike: yes

Marina can run: yes

Marina can jump: no








 table, active board


































interactive board and flashcards








Learners orally answer the questions:

Can you use the modal verbs “can/can`t” when you say about your abilities?



Additional information




Cross curricular links

More support will be given to weaker learners. Give themtable and pictures with images of different abilities (common verbs – ride a bike, swim, sing etc.) Learners write yes or no

-          Through  asking question in the plenary stage

-          Though formative assessment

-          White board is used no more than 10 min

-          Health promoting techniques

-          Breaks and physical activities





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